Is Pisco Sour Safe to Drink? What You Need to Know (2024)

Pisco sour is one of the many popular co*cktails that are made with raw egg whites as a featured ingredient. However, most of us have been advised to avoid eating raw eggs because of concerns that they can make us sick with Salmonella.

At the same time, co*cktails have been made with raw egg for years, so, naturally, people feel unsure about how risky it actually is and why.

While consuming raw egg whites in Pisco Sour can never be guaranteed to be completely safe, the risk of salmonella infection is minimal if you use fresh, safely-handled eggs and prepare the co*cktail following safety guidelines. People who are susceptible to salmonella infection are advised to avoid consuming raw eggs.

Below, we’ll go through the details of what Salmonella is and why it can cause problems, along with some of the ways to protect yourself when making drinks that contain raw eggs.

We will also look at the question of why you would want to put eggs in a co*cktail in the first place.

Finally, we have collected several suggestions for alternative ingredients if you prefer to make your fizz or sour co*cktail without egg.

Why is There Raw Egg in co*cktails?

Egg whites have a long history as a co*cktail ingredient but can be rather unexpected for those encountering an egg white drink for the first time.

Classic drinks like Pisco Sour, Pink Lady, and Whiskey Sour are the best-known examples of co*cktails containing frothy egg whites, while a few drinks like eggnog and flips use both egg whites and yolks for a creamy, rich result.

Although eggs seem to be an unlikely beverage component at first glance, egg whites play an essential role in both the texture and flavor of co*cktails.

The proteins in egg whites create a creamy, foamy consistency when shaken, and help to balance out the acidic flavors in sour drinks.

In a Pisco Sour, the egg white is shaken together with the other ingredients to create a silky foam that floats on the drink.

The foam can’t easily be replicated by using other ingredients.

The flavor of a Pisco Sour depends on the balance between the herb flavors of the aromatic pisco, the tart lime juice, creamy egg white, and a bit of bitters.

Removing egg white without a suitable replacement will give you an unbalanced result that lacks the subtleness of the original pisco sour recipe.

Given that background, it’s easy to understand why some people think it is worth the minor risk of Salmonella infection to enjoy their favorite drinks containing raw egg.

What is Salmonella, and is it Dangerous?

Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) is the result of ingesting salmonella bacteria, most often from raw or undercooked foods. The bacteria can cause an infection in the intestines.

The most common symptoms of salmonellosis are abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

Most infected people will recover from salmonellosis within a few days without receiving medical treatment, but it can become more severe in some cases.

Infection is more likely to occur in the elderly, children, pregnant women, and people with otherwise compromised immune systems, and is more dangerous to these groups as well.

Although it is rarely this serious, salmonella infection does kill about 420 people in the US each year.

It’s hard to pinpoint the food that caused salmonellosis in most cases, so we can’t estimate how often eggs are the culprit, compared with other undercooked foods or other causes.

Even though serious illness leading to hospitalization or death is relatively uncommon—as with any type of food poisoning—salmonellosis is an unpleasant experience that’s best avoided whenever possible.

Reducing the Risk of Salmonellosis in a Pisco Sour

There’s no doubt that co*cktails made with raw eggs are safer now than they used to be. That’s because, in recent years, there have been advances in the regulations on how foods that carry salmonella bacteria—including eggs—are cleaned, stored, and shipped.

In general, consuming raw eggs is no longer as dangerous as it was even twenty or thirty years ago.

A vaccine against Salmonella for chickens was developed in the late 90s, and most laying chickens raised in the United States are treated with it at a young age.

However, the vaccine does not address all strains of Salmonella.

Additionally, although the vaccine protects against the development of Salmonella inside the egg, it does not affect bacteria growing on the outside of the eggshells.

Most salmonella bacteria are transmitted from the shell, not the egg white or yolk.

Even with the regulations in place to ensure eggs are safer than before, it can be challenging to know the provenance of the eggs being used in the co*cktail.

If you’re ordering your Pisco Sour in a bar, you don’t have as much control of the source, storage, and handling of the egg as if you make it at home.

If the potential for food poisoning is a concern, you can follow a few simple guidelines to reduce the possibility of bacteria getting into your drink:

  1. First, when making egg white co*cktails at home, follow the recommended precautions for egg safety. Purchase eggs from a refrigerated case, and always store your eggs at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below. In general, fresh eggs are safer. If you’re planning to consume any part of the eggs raw, be sure to use them within three weeks. It is safest to store the eggs in their original packaging.
  2. For extra safety, the FDA recommends you choose eggs that have been pasteurized to destroy Salmonella or use a pasteurized egg product instead of fresh eggs. Look for labels that indicate pasteurization on the packaging.
  3. Finally, when you are ready to mix your Pisco Sour, be extra cautious when breaking the egg and separating the yolk. You want to make sure the exterior of the eggshell doesn’t come in contact with any of the edible parts of the egg. Break the egg into a separate container than what you’re making your drink in, and don’t use the eggshell or your hands to separate the white and the yolk. Always wash your hands and any utensils that came in contact with raw eggs or eggshells.

In a bar, you can always check in with the bartender on the precautions they take to handle eggs safely.

They should be able to give you an answer that reassures you, but if they don’t, you might want to switch to a drink that doesn’t use egg whites.

If a bar promotes their egg white co*cktails as featured drinks, it’s likely that they will be mindful of safety guidelines and follow them carefully.

They will be making these drinks more frequently and, therefore, be using fresher eggs.

Be sure to watch while the bartender is preparing your Pisco Sour. Some bars store egg whites in a batch (usually inside a bottle kept in the refrigerator) instead of using a fresh egg for each order.

Although that’s clearly convenient for the staff, it also means that a single tainted egg can contaminate the whole container.

Making a Pisco Sour at home gives you more control over how your eggs are handled, but some businesses also prioritize safety practices when it comes to raw foods.

By following these steps, you should be able to significantly reduce the chance of inadvertently introducing bacteria from eggs into your co*cktail so you can enjoy it safely.

Does the Alcohol in a Pisco Sour Make it Safe to Drink?

Some people believe that egg white co*cktails are safe to consume because the alcohol content, or perhaps the lime juice, would kill any salmonella bacteria present in the drink.

Although it’s tempting to believe this simple explanation, it’s unfortunately not accurate. At least, not in the way it’s commonly understood.

The amount of alcohol content in pisco or other hard liquors used in co*cktails is simply not high enough to kill salmonella bacteria.

This fact makes sense if we consider that most hand sanitizers are as much as 60%-80% alcohol, while pisco’s alcohol content is about half that. Pisco has an alcohol content comparable to rum, whiskey, or vodka.

Does the Lime Juice in a Pisco Sour Make it Safe to Drink?

When combined with alcohol, the acidity in the lime juice in a Pisco Sour does seem to make it somewhat effective in killing salmonella bacteria in a drink.

A study performed in Brazil showed that it would take at least nine minutes for a highly contaminated co*cktail to be completely safe to drink.

Interestingly, it seemed to be the combination of alcohol and citrus juice that caused the bacteria to eventually die off since controls of each ingredient separately showed that bacteria could live longer in just alcohol or just lime juice than it did in the mixed drink.

So, should you let your Pisco Sour sit on the bar for nine minutes before you drink it? You certainly could, but this is a drink that really tastes best when consumed right away.

It will start to lose its foamy head as soon as it is made, which is the primary purpose of the egg being included as an ingredient in the first place.

Also, as a Pisco Sour gets closer to room temperature, it can start to develop a noticeable egg smell, which some people compare to the odor of a wet dog.

Most consumers find the smell unpleasant, so this is not a recommended way to avoid food poisoning from a Pisco Sour. This is a drink best consumed fresh.

Although the alcohol and lime juice in a Pisco Sour will eventually kill off any possible bacteria in the drink, it’s likely that the sacrifice in flavor would be more than most people prefer.

For that reason, you might want to review possible substitute ingredients instead.

Substitutes for Raw Egg in a Pisco Sour

It is clear that the best way to eliminate the risk of salmonella infection from a Pisco Sour is to remove the egg whites altogether.

But there’s no avoiding the fact that egg whites play a significant role in the composition of this co*cktail.

Luckily, there are a few options that can be used in place of egg whites to get similar (if not exactly identical) results.

Aside from salmonella-related health concerns, people may have other reasons to look for a substitute for the egg whites used in shaken co*cktails.

For bar owners, it may not be worthwhile to keep perishable eggs on hand on the off-chance they’ll have an order for an egg white co*cktail.

Consumers with egg allergies or vegan diets would also be interested in a way to partake in these co*cktails without this particular ingredient.

Unfortunately, just leaving out the egg white will significantly change the flavor of the drink. As with many recipes that call for eggs, it’s hard to get an exact match using substitutes.

There is a silky mouthfeel and long-lasting foam produced by using egg whites that results from their unique protein content.

However, professional and home bartenders have experimented extensively to come up with some alternative options.

Pasteurized Egg Whites & Powders

If the eggs themselves are not an issue, a pasteurized egg white product or egg white powder would be great options.

Since these products are pasteurized, and there is no eggshell to carry the bacteria, you can get a similar result with virtually no risk of Salmonella.

Plus, both products are relatively shelf-stable compared to fresh eggs.

As with all the substitutes on this list, purists may argue that the resulting co*cktail doesn’t measure up to one made with fresh egg, but others say the results are virtually indistinguishable.

For those who can’t or prefer not to have eggs at all, you can look into using aquafaba instead.

Vegans are probably already familiar with the many uses of aquafaba, which is the liquid in which certain beans—most frequently chickpeas—are cooked or stored.

Aquafaba is often used as an egg substitute where a creamy consistency is needed, such as in vegan mayonnaise or meringues.

In co*cktails, aquafaba foams perfectly when shaken, but may not balance sour flavors quite as much as eggs because of its low protein content.

It is also not completely flavorless and can give the drink a slightly salty taste.

Wheat Beer

Another vegan option that can add a unique flavor to your pisco sour is to use a wheat beer, as detailed in this recipe.

This version is going to be farther from the traditional taste of a Pisco Sour than some of the other options mentioned here.

Still, it did interest us since using beer as an emulsifier gets closer to replicating the protein content of the original recipe than some of the other options on this list.

If you’re otherwise a beer drinker and have the inclination to test this out, it’s certainly worth a try to see if you like it.

Specialty co*cktail Products

Finally, products like Ms. Better’s Bitters Miraculous Foamer and Fee Brothers Fee Foam are specifically made to replicate the qualities of egg whites in co*cktails.

Since they are specialty co*cktail products, they may be more of an investment than most people want to make for their home bar, but these egg white substitutes can be found in high-end restaurants and bars across the country.

They are vegan and have the added bonus of avoiding the egg smell that develops on egg white drinks if they’re not consumed quickly enough.

Other Substitutes

Clearly, there are multiple options for making a Pisco Sour without using egg whites.

In fact, several other alternatives have been used successfully that we did not mention here, such as Vegan Meringue Powder, VersaWhip, and agar powder.

These products are typically meant to mimic specific properties of eggs for various baking or cooking purposes, but they also function in the same way when used in co*cktails.

Since there are a number of choices available to co*cktail drinkers who don’t want to consume raw egg whites, it’s very likely that you can find one that suits your dietary choices and flavor preferences.


Most people who drink Pisco Sours and other drinks that contain raw egg whites will do so without ever encountering any health problems.

However, the only way to completely eliminate potential food poisoning is to avoid the foods that might contain those bacteria.

Salmonella is known to be transmitted through raw or undercooked eggs, among many other foods, so you are exposing yourself to some risk of infection by consuming them.

You can minimize the chances of salmonella infection from egg whites by following safety guidelines for food handling, or you can cut your chances to zero by using one of the egg white substitutes suggested in this article.

We hope these tips will help you feel secure about enjoying your Pisco Sour safely while dining on one of Peru’s 17 Best Foods.

And to learn more about other Pisco based co*cktails and other popular South American drinks check out A Bar Crawl Through South America.

Visit our online store for freshly imported products and ingredients from all over Latin America and Spain!


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Is Pisco Sour Safe to Drink? What You Need to Know (2024)


Does pisco sour have alcohol in it? ›

A pisco sour is an alcoholic co*cktail of Peruvian origin that is typical of Peruvian cuisine. The drink's name comes from pisco, which is its base liquor, and the co*cktail term sour, about sour citrus juice and sweetener components.

Can you drink pisco straight? ›

“In Ica, the cradle of pisco, people prefer drinking their pisco neat.” Indeed, a visit to the moderately scaled, traditional Lovera distillery in Ica offers such an example.

Is pisco good for you? ›

Health benefits of pisco

It has diuretic and purifying value of the organism. It can be used to fight chronic renal and cardiovascular diseases. It reduces the signs of aging on the skin. It contains antioxidants, reducing the risk of cancer, arthritis, diabetes and other diseases.

How much alcohol is in a pisco sour? ›

When prepared in the right way, the Pisco Sour has a fine balance between the quite strong Pisco (alcohol percentage of between 38% and 48%), the intense lime juice and the sweetness of the sugar syrup.

Can pisco get you drunk? ›

Pisco is a strong alcohol, usually more than 40% proof, made from grapes. It's no wine, so if you think you can sip a glass of Pisco in the afternoon and not get wasted, you are wrong.

Does pisco give you a hangover? ›

Peruvians like to say that good pisco will never give you a hangover, although after a recent night in Lima, I beg to differ. Pisco is made from a single distillation of young wine that holds the varietal qualities of one of eight different grapes from which it can be made.

How much alcohol is in pisco? ›

Pisco must not only be single distilled, it must also be distilled to proof, at between 38 to 48 percent ABV.

How strong is pisco? ›

According to the Denomination of Origin in Peru, Peruvian pisco must have an alcohol content between 38% and 48%. This makes pisco a hard liquor, like vodka, whiskey, rum and scotch (Types of Alcohol, 2019).

Is pisco an alcoholic? ›

The fermented wine is then distilled in large vessels to the allowed and desired alcohol proof. Peruvian pisco must have an alcohol content between 38% – 48%. With more than 10 different flavours provided by the different grape varieties, pisco is perfect for blending in co*cktails.

How much sugar is in a pisco sour? ›

*This co*cktail has 170 calories and 1 gram of sugar per serving compared to 210 calories and 9 grams of sugar per serving in the full-sugar version.

Why are egg whites in pisco sour? ›

Egg whites—the albumen part of the egg—won't impart any noticeable “eggy” flavor to a drink. That's why a pisco sour doesn't taste like tart custard. What it will do is enrich the texture of the drink. It's the same reason we're able to make meringues.

Why is pisco sour important? ›

There are few co*cktails that achieve a taste as perfect and balanced as Pisco sour. Its mixture of flavors, its colorful appearance and its strong aroma have made this delicious drink a tourist symbol of Peru and a product exportable to the world. No one is able to resist its incomparable freshness and aroma.

Is pisco the same as tequila? ›

Tequila is exclusively produced in Mexico and pisco is produced in Chile and Peru. The production processes are quite similar, except for a cooking step in tequila production.

Why is it called pisco? ›

The town of Santa María Magdalena, founded the century in 1572, had a port named Pisco, after the name of the valley in which it was located. This port became an important route for distribution of the aguardiente throughout Peru.

Who drinks pisco? ›

Pisco is the national spirit of both Peru and Chile and in both countries the iconic co*cktail is the pisco sour, which, understandably in such hot climes, tends to be served blended with crushed ice.

Can you get salmonella from Pisco Sour? ›

Our results demonstrated that in 3 min of exposure to pisco sour, Salmonella was present at population levels of 4.3 ± 0.1 log10 CFU/ml. This result indicated that the rapid distribution of this beverage may not be safe to the consumers if egg white is highly contaminated.

What is the strongest drinking alcohol? ›

Here are 12 of the strongest liquors in the world.
  1. Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany Vodka. Proof: 192 (96% alcohol by volume) ...
  2. Everclear 190. Proof: 190 (95% alcohol by volume) ...
  3. Golden Grain 190. ...
  4. Hapsburg Absinthe XC. ...
  5. Balkan 176 Vodka. ...
  6. Sunset Very Strong Rum. ...
  7. Stroh 160 Rum. ...
  8. Devil's Springs Vodka 160.
Jul 29, 2022

Are Pisco Sours good? ›

The pisco sour is one of the great classic co*cktails! The magic meld of pisco and lime in this Peruvian drink gives it a flavor that's like none other. There's truly no drink like it.

What is the best drink for no hangover? ›

Vodka is known to be the best alcoholic beverage for the most minimal hangover. Gin, light rum and white wine are runner-ups—with brandy and whiskey being at the bottom of the list.

Which alcohol causes most hangover? ›

Tequila, cognac, and whiskey are drinks high in congeners. Bourbon whiskey has a substantial amount of congeners, more than most other alcoholic drinks. Drinking alcoholic drinks high in congeners can give you an intense hangover.

What has the least sugar in alcohol? ›

If you're looking to go low sugar, then there are some basic approaches you can take. Your best bet is to stick with hard spirits like gin, vodka, whiskey and rum, but watch your mixer. Wine is a good option, but it's best to go for a red or a dry white. Beer might be good for low sugar, but it can be high in calories.

How long does pisco last once opened? ›

Most opened (and well-sealed) liqueurs should last for six months to a year (or even longer), depending on the alcohol content and preservatives. Once you notice sugar crystallizing on the bottom, discoloration, curdling, or other changes, throw the bottle away.

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If you don't have pisco, you can use grappa, a brandy made with grape pomace, although it has a more tangy taste, thanks to the grape skin in it.

What is pisco made off? ›

Pisco is a colorless or yellowish-to-amber colored brandy produced in winemaking regions of Peru and Chile. Made by distilling fermented grape juice into a high-proof spirit, it was developed by 16th-century Spanish settlers as an alternative to orujo, a pomace brandy that was being imported from Spain.

Is pisco legal in the US? ›

In the U.S., only a few brands, such as the Chilean Capel and Alto del Carmen and Peruvian Macchu Pisco, BarSol, Montesierpe are available, and only in select states.

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Discover the art of pairing with this attractive and delicious flavours.
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  • Sandwich of Lomo saltado with Sol y sombra.
  • Picarones with little cups of pisco Italy.
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Nov 27, 2020

What does a pisco sour taste like? ›

Made with pisco brandy, simple syrup, lime juice, egg white, and a few dashes of bitters, the pisco sour's taste is a tantalizing mix of tart, sweet, silky, and herbaceous. It's a fabulous co*cktail and an excellent excuse to explore the diverse range of piscos available.

Is pisco similar to whiskey? ›

“It was thus described by a writer who first tasted it in 1872: 'It is perfectly colorless, terribly strong and has a flavor somewhat resembling that of Scotch whiskey [sic], but much more delicate, with a marked fruity taste.” As Diego Loret de Mola, founder, director, and master distiller of Barsol Pisco points out, ...

Is pisco acidic or alkaline? ›

PH for the two piscos I tested were 4.1 (Encanto) and 3.8 (Oro), distinctly more acidic than gin or GNS.

How many carbs are in a pisco sour? ›

Only 3 net carbs for this refreshing and delicious drink!

Which pisco is best for pisco sour? ›

Non-aromatic piscos boast a complex flavor and tend not to overpower the senses. For example, to make the perfect pisco sour, most co*cktail makers will opt for a quebranta. Aromatic grapes, however, provide a more fruity taste that lingers on your tongue.

What happens when you mix egg white and alcohol? ›

“Egg whites add a foam texture, mouthfeel and volume to a co*cktail,” says Sergio Leanza, the owner of and a bartender at Funkidory in London. “They soften the edge of sour drinks and make them feel lighter, and they also make drinks look great.”

What kind of pisco is used for pisco sour? ›

Contrary to the belief in Peru that pisco sours should be made with Quebranta pisco, we prefer a sour made with pisco Acholado. It's even better when the Acholado is blended with an aromatic grape like Italia. The floral, fruity notes of the aromatic variety pair well with the citrus in the co*cktail.

Is a Pisco Sour strong? ›

Pisco is a strong brandy that boasts a proof of 38% – 48%, making pisco sour a very potent drink! Pisco sour is made using this mean brandy, simple syrup, lime juice, Angostura bitters, and egg whites.

What is the most popular drink in Peru? ›

Pisco- The Favorite of all Peruvian Drinks

Pisco is made from pressed grapes. It is the most typical and popular alcoholic Peruvian drink. You can use it in co*cktails or drink it straight. It is a clear grape brandy- similar to the Grappa of Italy and equally as potent.

What countries drink pisco sour? ›

The national drink of both Peru and Chile and both countries lay claim to the origins of the Pisco Sour and indeed the spirit it is made from – something we explore in the Pisco Wars, but as I explain below the earliest known Pisco Sour recipe is of Peruvian origin.

What mixes good with pisco? ›

A Pisco Sour is a classic Peruvian co*cktail. Traditionally, it is made with pisco liquor, sour citrus juice, simple syrup, and an egg white. If that sounds a little too adventurous, don't worry. The 7UP Summer Pisco is an egg-white-free co*cktail inspired by the original and still perfectly delicious.

What country is pisco from? ›

The original town of Pisco is a port in southern Peru. But Chile exports much more of the spirit and has a town of its own named Pisco Elqui (though it was called La Unión until 1936). To claim the liquor as its own, in my view, a nation has to show that pisco is part of its soul.

What does pisco sour mean in English? ›

noun. : a co*cktail of Peruvian origin consisting of lime juice, pisco brandy, and sugar garnished with beaten egg white.

What does pisco mean Spanish to English? ›

masculine noun (Andes, Chile) strong grape liquor.

What does pisco mean in Spanish? ›

word “Pisco” is actually from the Quecha language and translates to. mean birds. The history of Pisco is very interesting. First produced by Spanish. settlers, this drink was originally meant to be an alternative to a brandy that.

Is there alcohol in sour? ›

Sours are mixed drinks containing a base liquor, lemon or lime juice, and a sweetener (simple syrup or orgeat syrup). Egg whites are also included in some sours.

Can you order a pisco sour at a bar? ›

Outside of the home, a traditional Pisco Sour in restaurants and bars can almost always be found on the menu, along with some more modern variations—and not just in Lima.

Is pisco like tequila? ›

Pisco is technically and unaged brandy obtained from the distillation of recently fermented Peruvian grape musts and juices. Some say its like Grappa because both are made from grapes. Others relate it to Tequila because of its similar herbal and almost earthy flavours.

Are sour drinks healthy? ›

The fermentation process gives sour foods their unique and distinct texture and flavor. This process also creates benefits for your health. These sour and fermented foods are rich in vitamins and regulate beneficial bacteria in your body.

Can you get drunk from sours? ›

It's basically equivalent of a fairly strong bottle of wine, which would indeed get you drunk after a full bottle.

How much alcohol is in a shot of sour? ›

Sourz is available in six flavours. The alcohol by volume is 15%.

What kind of person drinks a whiskey sour? ›

Dating all the way back to the 1800s, a Whisky Sour is about as classic a co*cktail as you can get. If you're a Whisky Sour sipper, it's likely that you are very complex; you tend to have many different - sometimes opposing - personality traits and are extremely adaptable in social situations.

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