Is There a Procedure for Changing My Legal Signature? (2024)

All states set out legal procedures a person can use to change her given name, including first, last or middle. However, a person's signature is a different matter. A person is free to change a signature, and most people do alter the way they write their names between childhood and adulthood. But since there is no "legal signature," you don't need to know how to change your signature legally.

Importance of a Legal Name

The name a person is given at birth is called his legal name. It is recorded shortly after birth on his birth certificate, a document that also includes the names of his mother and father, his sex/gender marker, and the place and time he was born.

A legal name is important because it identifies a person as a separate individual in the world. The birth certificate listing a place of birth in the United States or a parent who is a U.S. citizen gives the child the right to U.S. citizenship and a Social Security number. The birth certificate also serves as a link to his family for inheritance and child support purposes.

Changing a Legal Name

A person wishing to change her legal name must do so through the courts. Of course, many people named Deborah go by Debby or Deb, but these are nicknames. Even if a Deborah uses her middle name as her professional name, her legal name remains the one on her birth certificate, unless she gets it changed in court.

The procedure for a legal name change varies slightly between the states. It requires a petition for name change signed by the person, if she is an adult, or by her parents or guardians, if she is a minor. In some states, like California, an Order to Show Cause (giving notice of the name change and time and place of the hearing) must be published once a week for four weeks in a general circulation newspaper before the court hearing. That's to be sure creditors are not defrauded.

Once a court grants the petition, it issues an order changing the name of the person. A certified copy of this order can be filed with the state's Office of Vital Records to amend the birth certificate and with the Social Security administration to change Social Security records. All credit the person gets in the future will be in the new name, and all passports or other identification documents as well.

Signatures Are Not Legal Identifiers

Unlike names, signatures are not recorded as legal identifiers. Everyone's signature changes drastically and repeatedly between the time he first scrawls his name in block letters to the time he signs his last will and testament. But no government agency tracks these changes.

A person is free to sign his name one way today and another the next day. In reality, most people fall into a habitual signature, but there is no legal obligation that a person follows this norm. According to handwriting specialists, an adult with an established signature will have trouble completely changing it, and "markers" will still be identifiable. But that doesn't make the established signature a legal identifier that the government tracks.

Read More: What Is Considered a Legal Signature?

Changing a Habitual Signature

Anyone interested in changing her signature from day to day is free to do so without any notice to anyone. But if a drastic change is contemplated, it's better to think ahead as to when it might be a problem.

It's true that banks and other financial institutions claim to watch for out-of-the-ordinary signatures on credit card receipts, but whether they do or not is an open question. But a person can certainly visit the bank and notify the manager of her new signature if she wishes to do so. To change a signature on a driver's license or passport, she can simply get a new one issued bearing her new signature.

Is There a Procedure for Changing My Legal Signature? (2024)


Is There a Procedure for Changing My Legal Signature? ›

A person is free to change a signature, and most people change the way they write their names between childhood and adulthood. However, since there is no “legal signature”, you don`t need to know how to legally change your signature. You can change it every day if you wish.

Is it possible to change your signature? ›

Based on the regulations in article 1875 of the Civil Code, it is permissible to change the signature as long as the person who made it acknowledges the truth. Even if the signature has been changed, all previous documents using the old signature are still considered valid.

What are the documents required for change of signature? ›

✓ Signature change/updation will be done after proper verification and identification. For the same, one cancelled cheque, copy of PAN, Aadhar card/Passport/Election voter card of all holders, attested by banker should also be enclosed.

Where do I need to change my signature? ›

You can change your signature in Bank by visiting the nearest Home branch of your bank and there you have to fill standard signature change form which start the preliminary process of changing signature.

Does your signature have to be the same every time? ›

There's nothing legally binding you to use the same signature throughout your life. However, especially when it comes to important documents like your passport or signing a deed for a house, it makes it much easier to use the same signature so it can be more easily verified.

Can you retract your signature? ›

After it's signed

As is protocol, it must be discussed and negotiated with the signing party beforehand before making any changes to a contract. If this has not happened, then it is, first and foremost, illegal to alter a signed document.

Is it legal to have different Signatures? ›

The design of a signature is not the binding principal, the binding principal thus the legality of the signature is that it is from the person singing it. No Mather how many different signatures you use, they're equally legal.

What are the legal requirements for a signature? ›

As long as it adequately records the intent of the parties involved in a contractual agreement, it's considered a valid signature. Usually this mark is made by a pen, but not necessarily. The signature can be made by anything that marks the paper.

What is the format of affidavit for change of signature? ›

Format Of Affidavit/declaration For Change Of Signature
  • That I, Shri/Smt ___________, having signature now to be changed as copy of specimen is attached.
  • I am residing at the abovementioned address and have not changed my address in the past three years. ...
  • That I have changed my signature.

How do I write a signature mismatch? ›

Dear Sir / Madam, I, Mr.………………………………………………………….... Designation…………..……………………, hereby would like to confirm that signatures done over the KYC & related documents are my current signatures, which may vary from my signature provided on the ….………………………….. document provided as proof of signature which is an old document .

Can I have two signatures? ›

A letter with two signatures can help you show the recipient that more people other than you support a particular idea. This can give you a sense of authority and some leverage to use. You may have a better chance of receiving approval for a proposal or otherwise achieving your goals.

Am I too old to change my signature? ›

Although it's never too late to consider a few alterations in the signature, in my experience the best time for a signature change is when you are above 16 years of age. The 16 to 25 age group is ideal for a signature correction, because this is the time when most people zero in on a particular signature style.

Can I make my signature anything I want? ›

A signature can be whatever you want it to be. People often choose to use their full legal names because it's an easy form of identification.

What is the difference between a signature and a legal signature? ›

Updated August 19, 2020: A legally binding signature makes an agreement official once all parties have placed their signatures on a contract. Signatures are the most common method of indicating that you have read over and agreed to the terms, even if a person's signature is so stylized and unique that's illegible.

Does your signature really matter? ›

Signing with an inconsistent or illegible signature may make it harder to prove the legality of a document, especially if you've used a different signature on official identification, such as a driver's license or passport. This is because signatures on important legal documents may be checked against your official ID.

What happens if your signature is different? ›

A contract becomes binding when you agree to it, a signature is merely evidence you made the agreement. If you sign a false name and claim it wasn't you who signed the contract, you have committed fraud.

Can you change your mind after signing a legal document? ›

Unless a contract contains a specific rescission clause that grants the right for a party to cancel the contract within a certain amount of time, a party cannot back out of a contract once they have agreed and signed it.

Can you have two signatures on a document? ›

A contract can have multiple signatures added to it to help strengthen the power of the contract itself. It is common for companies to do this so that all relevant parties within a company know what the company as a whole is signing up for.

How many different signatures can a person have? ›

You are free to make even 10 signatures, nobody can put any bar on you, provided you don't do for cheating or making frauds.

What is wet signature? ›

A wet signature refers to someone endorsing a physical paper document by signing their name with a pen (“wet ink”). Today, concluding contracts and agreements almost never require a wet signature, and various forms of electronic signatures have replaced them.

What is the right of signature? ›

RightSignature is the easiest, fastest way to get documents signed online. RightSignature electronic signatures give you the power to obtain legally binding signatures on documents entirely online — more quickly and securely than executing paper documents.

What should never be included in your signature? ›

What not to include in email signatures
  • Unnecessary contact information. Don't overload your signature template with every possible way to contact you. ...
  • Custom fonts. ...
  • Bullet points. ...
  • Animated GIFs. ...
  • Videos. ...
  • Quotes. ...
  • Personal information. ...
  • Multiple color fonts.

What is a signature crime? ›

noun. : any of two or more crimes that involve the use of a method, plan, or modus operandi so distinctive that it logically follows that the crimes must have been committed by the same person.

What is the meaning of affidavit signature? ›

Derived from the Latin affidare — “to make an oath” — an affidavit is a written statement in which the author (known as the affiant) swears an oath to tell the truth under the penalty of perjury. The affiant signs the document in the presence of a notary public or other officially designated officer of the court.

Can affidavit be edited? ›

Once you've sworn your affidavit, it's done. With one exception — for typos, discussed below — the only way you can fix a mistake in that affidavit or add additional information to it is to make a new affidavit.

What is an affidavit of correction of name? ›

An affidavit of correction (or statement of fact) is submitted to fix incorrect records with the government or an organization. This is common when a record has the wrong name or for spelling mistakes. The affidavit is recommended to be notarized and sent by express mail (unless electronic communication is available).

What happens if signature does not match? ›

In case of a signature mismatch on the documents, applicants need to provide a declaration stating that both signatures are his only and he or she authorizes the same. Please get in touch with the concerned account opening executives to help you out with this.

How do I fix an invalid signature? ›

The user can validate the signature if the Root CA is already installed on Microsoft Certificate Store. As an alternative, the recipient must manually add the Root Certificate of the signing certificate on Adobe Trusted Identities.

How many times can you change your signature? ›

A person is free to change a signature, and most people change the way they write their names between childhood and adulthood. However, since there is no “legal signature”, you don`t need to know how to legally change your signature. You can change it every day if you wish.

What is the 2 signature rule? ›

By requiring two signatures, the company is verifying that both signers agree that the payment is proper and reasonable. The requirement of two signatures reduces the likelihood that one will write improper checks to themselves or writing checks to a fictitious company.

Can I change my signature on my passport? ›

Passports are no longer amended. In order to change information on your passport, you must submit a new passport application. If you meet the specific criteria outlined below, you can use the no-fee passport amendment form, form DS-5504 , to apply for a new passport.

Which is the best signature in the world? ›

1. George Washington. The first president of the United States had a signature that was very precise. It appears that each stroke was done carefully and gracefully.

Can your signature just be your initials? ›

The answer is no, a signature doesn't necessarily have to be your full name. In fact, signatures can be anything as long as they are unique and identifiable. For example, some people might choose to use their initials or a symbol that has personal significance to them.

Can you have a signature that isn't your name? ›

Because your signature identifies you, it should be consistent. It doesn't have to be your full name — unless you're specifically trying to match a previous authorized signature. You can choose to use just your initials instead, as one example.

What are the 4 types of signatures? ›

There are four main categories of signature used in the business world: wet signatures, e-signatures, digital signatures, and clickwrap signatures. Depending on the circ*mstances, you may need to use one or more of these methods when you agree to a contract or sign other important documents.

What are the three types of signature? ›

What are the different types of signatures?
  • Wet signature.
  • Electronic signature (E-signature)
  • Digital signature.

Does a legal signature have to be in cursive? ›

Yes, a signature not written in cursive is just as legally binding as one written in cursive. Ideally, the signature should resemble the signer's name to make it easier to authenticate. However, as long as the intention and authenticity can be proven, a signature's style doesn't affect its legal validity.

Can I just write my name as a signature? ›

While typing your name can count as a legal signature, a business needs to have a way to prove that the individual who typed their name actually signed the document.

What makes a powerful signature? ›

Your signature should be easy to write and reproduce. It should feel good coming off of your hand, and it should be simple enough that you can dash it off in a matter of seconds. Your signature should suit your purpose and personality. If you want to show your dramatic side, use a signature with flair.

How do I prove someone forged my signature? ›

These features include the following as well as others:
  1. Shaky handwriting.
  2. Pen lifts.
  3. Signs of retouching.
  4. Letter proportions.
  5. Signature shape and dimensions.
  6. Letter slants.
  7. Speed, acceleration, and smoothness of curves.
  8. Pen pressure and pressure changes.

How to create a new signature? ›

How to write a signature
  1. Decide what you want your signature to convey. ...
  2. Analyze the letters in your name. ...
  3. Determine what parts of your name you want to include. ...
  4. Experiment with different styles. ...
  5. Think outside of the box. ...
  6. Choose your favorite signature.
Sep 30, 2022

Does your signature change as you get older? ›

By comprehensive investigating of 3540 signatures from 86 males and 23 females over a specific period, we identified that a signature's curvature and multiplication of density with time change exponentially with age, while the amplitude to wavelength ratio likely changes inversely with time.

Does it matter what your signature looks like? ›

In short, no it doesn't! A signature can be whatever you want it to be. People often choose to use their full legal names because it's an easy form of identification.

How do I write a letter to change my signature? ›

This mail seeks to inform you that I have updated my old signature. I had faced some security issues with my old signature which is why I want to update my new signature with my current account too. I request you to kindly do the needful and update the signature in my account as soon as possible. Thank you.

Can I copy and paste my own signature? ›

A copied signature isn't legally enforceable

A copy-and-pasted signature won't cut it.

What does your signature tell about you? ›

The bigger the signature, the more confidence.

If you had a huge signature that took up your whole page, you have A LOT of confidence, maybe too much to go around. If you had a tiny signature, you might need to work on claiming your space a little more, and pumping yourself up.

At what age is your signature legal? ›

In all states, the age required to sign a contract is 18 years. A child under the age of 18 is considered a minor and can only sign a contract if it is essential items. Essential goods include medicines, food and medical services.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.