✅ Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024? | Safety Concerns (2024)

Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a bucket list destination for millions of people around the world. Every year, millions of peoplevisit Japan, and many of them pass through Tokyo.

Tokyo is an ultra-modern city, which you can see at the famous bustling Shibuya Crossing. There is plenty of eating, drinking, shopping, and entertainment to do, such as wining and dining in Izakaya Alley or shopping in the famous district of Harajuku.

Of course, the city also has plenty for history and culture lovers, such as the medieval Sensoji Temple or quirky museums such as the Ghibli Museum.

With so much to see and do, you probably want to book your tickets immediately. However, before traveling to a new city, it’s always good to research your safety first.

Many big cities around the world are dangerous, and you might be wondering if Tokyo is on that list. Keep reading to learn more about general safety concerns and any precautions you may need to take. Let us be your guide!

Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024?

✅ Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024? | Safety Concerns (1)

Guitar Photographer/Shutterstock

The good news for all lovers of Tokyo and Japan is that Tokyo is very safe to visit! The crime rate is very low, especially considering how big the city is.

Although there is some petty crime and some alcohol-related crime, with the right precautions, you will only have positive memories from your trip.

Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world, but it is also one of the safest cities in the world, even for travelers. In fact, the city was rated the 7thsafest city in the world in a survey conducted by a travel insurance company.

Female travelers ranked it the safest city in the world for their travel needs. It helps that all of Japan is a very safe country to visit. Countries such as Australia only tell citizens to take normal precautions when visiting Japan.

If the whole country is very safe, then even big cities such as Tokyo will not be dangerous at all. Of course, it still has some problems, just like any big city.

These are mostly petty in nature, such as:

  • Pickpocketing
  • Bag snatching
  • Street harassment
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Alcohol-related crime

Tourists have been victims of crime in Tokyo before, including some more violent crimes such as robbery and assault. However, tourists that experienced those crimes usually were acting a bit careless, such as getting too inebriated in notorious clubs.

The vast majority of tourists that visit Tokyo have a safe time, and a few precautions are usually enough to keep you safe from crime.

Besides crime, you should be aware of the risk of natural disasters when visiting. Japan is part of the Ring of Fire, a seismically and volcanically active zone in the Pacific Ocean. Natural disasters affect Japan frequently, including Tokyo.

Earthquakes strike frequently, including strong earthquakes. Besides earthquakes, Tokyo is also in the path of typhoons, strong summer storms that often cause heavy rain, wind, and flooding.

If you are visiting during typhoon season, make sure that you check the weather ahead of time. The Tokyo government prepared a disaster preparedness guide, including a version in English for expats and visitors.

If you are nervous about disasters, you can read the whole guide. Your hotel will also have earthquake evacuation information, so ask them for any tips once you get to Tokyo.

Crime in Tokyo

✅ Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024? | Safety Concerns (2)

TOKYO, JAPAN – JANUARY 11, 2017: Crowds pass below colorful signs in Akihabara. The historic electronics district has evolved into a shopping area for video games, anime, manga, and computer goods/Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Many people worry about the risk of crime when traveling abroad. This risk is especially present when traveling to big cities as whenever there are more people around, there are more opportunities for criminals to get away with their actions.

Luckily, the situation in Tokyo is very different. Tokyo has an absurdly low crime rate, especially when you consider that the entire metro area is home to over 37 million people.

According to Numbeo, which gathers survey data from residents to calculate a crime index, Tokyo scores a 20.8 out of 100 on the crime index, which is a low value.

People report low levels of concern about most crime and high levels of safety walking around the city, including at night. Even more comforting than the low crime statistics are the low violent crime statistics.

Japan overall has a homicide rate of 0.2 incidents per 100,000 people, and the rate for Tokyo is similarly low. The city has very low rates of gun ownership and very low rates of gun crimes, around 0.6 per 100,000 people.

That means that violent crime incidents are few and far between. In 2022, Tokyo and all of Japan experienced a slight rise in crime that made many people nervous.

However, by early 2023 the situation stabilized. Experts pointed outthat the rise in crime was only evident when you compared 2022 numbers to the two years prior, when all of Japan (including criminals) was under strict COVID-19 lockdown protocols, preventing crime from happening.

There are a few reasons why it has such a low crime rate. One is that the city has fewer societal factors that contribute to crime such as unemployment levels and income inequality.

Another is that the culture of the city does not tolerate any disturbances to public order, including crime. Tokyo also has strict, efficient law enforcement, which plays a role in the city’s low crime rate.

There are police boxes called koban around many major intersections and crowded areas, which act as a deterrent for crime.

Japan also has very strict legal penalties that have been criticized by human rights groups in the past. Although these penalties may not be fair, they certainly deter crime.

Tokyo certainly has its problems such as petty crime, binge drinking, and harassment of women. However, most of these problems are inconvenient but not life-threatening. A few precautions are usually enough to keep you safe.

Petty Theft

The most likely crime you might encounter in Tokyo is petty theft. This crime occurs anywhere where there is a large population, plenty of crowds, and plenty of tourists.

Although Tokyo has done a lot to limit how many petty criminals there are in the city, theft is hard to eliminate completely. The Canadian government warns about the risk of petty theft in crowded areas of Tokyo in its travel advisory for Japan.

Pickpocketing and bag snatching can occur, as well as theft of unattended items and scams. Hotspots for theft include the area around Shibuya Train Station, especially at night, popular nightlife districts, trains, and public transportation.

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Living Costs

Major tourist areas such as Akihabara are also common targets for thieves. The good news is that Tokyo pickpockets are hardly hardened criminals, and basic precautions are enough to deter them.

Make sure that your valuables are always within sight or close to your body, especially in crowded areas such as trains.

Never leave your bags or other valuables unattended, even in places that might feel safe such as restaurants or cafes. Renting a bike is a popular way to get around. However, bike theft is one of the most common petty crimes in the city.

Make sure that you always lock up your bike and ask the rental place if they have insurance in case the bike gets stolen, or if you have to replace it. Finally, be careful of common tourist scams.

The most common tourist scam is the begging “monk.” People dressed as monks walk around tourist areas such as Akihabara and Ueno offering blessings and a bracelet.

However, once you accept the gift, they force you to pay and get aggressive if you refuse. Buddhist monks are not allowed to beg for money, so rest assured that these men are just scammers.

Alcohol-Related Crime

Tokyo is a famous party destination but be careful when you go out as there are plenty of alcohol-related crimes that occur. The Australian government warns travelers to be careful in Tokyo’s nightlife districts such as Roppongi and Shinjuku.

While most bar and nightclub owners just want to make an honest living, some are looking for ways to take advantage of people, including foreigners.

Visitors have been victims of overcharging, robbery, and even assault in Tokyo’s bars and nightclubs before. Always watch your drinks and your intake when going out.

Keep a close eye on your beverages as drink spiking is common — for women and for men. Victims are incapacitated, then the robbers will run up high tabs on their credit cards or even take them to ATMs and make them withdraw money.

Make sure that you are not overdoing your limits, so criminals don’t take advantage of you when you are inebriated.

Binge-drinking is characteristic of the alcohol culture in Japan (it’s common to see businessmen just lying in the streets or around Shibuya station), but you don’t want to join in. Be careful about which clubs and nightclubs you choose to give your business.

If a place has an aggressive tout out in front, chances are that it is connected to some shady business. Trust your instincts and leave if a place feels sketchy or ask locals about which bars and clubs to avoid.

Avoiding Bad Areas

✅ Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024? | Safety Concerns (3)

TOKYO, JAPAN – APRIL 2017 : Narrow city street in Shinjuku’s Kabuki district at night in Tokyo. Red-light district full of bars and restaurants/Marchello74/Shutterstock

Tokyo doesn’t have many dangerous areas per se, but there are a few places you should be careful. As mentioned above, be careful in nightlife districts such as Shinjuku, Roppongi, Ikebukuro, and Kabukicho as there are many alcohol-related crimes.

Be careful in crowded areas such as Shibuya Station or popular tourist attractions due to the risk of petty theft. Kamagasaki is a slum area on the outskirts of Tokyo which has high levels of petty theft.

Things to Consider

Here are a few additional safety tips for Tokyo:

  • Women should take extra care when walking around at night. Although Tokyo is generally a safe city for women, there are some exceptions. The atmosphere in nightlife districts can get rowdy due to binge-drinking, and women are often harassed when they pass through. Avoid those areas, especially if you are alone.
  • Research earthquake preparedness. They are frequent and unpredictable in Tokyo. If you are inside, take shelter under a sturdy object such as a table or doorframe. If you are outside when one hits, head to an open space so you can avoid falling debris.
  • Don’t do any drugs. Japan has strict sentences for all crimes, including things that may not be crimes elsewhere such as smoking marijuana. Foreigners have been affected before, so don’t risk it.
  • Research which ATMs you can use. Japanese people still pay for items mostly with cash. Foreign cards don’t work on all ATMS, just ones in Japan Post offices and convenience stores, so make sure that you get enough cash out when you visit those areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

✅ Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024? | Safety Concerns (4)

TOKYO, JAPAN – MARCH 29, 2014: Spring cherry blossoms at Sensoji Temple’s Hozomon Gate in the Asakusa District. Senso-ji was founded in 628 AD and is one of the most well known temples in the country/ESB Professional/Shutterstock

Here are some common questions you might want to ask before visiting Tokyo:

Is Tokyo safe for tourists?

Yes, Tokyo is very safe for tourists. Most visitors have a completely positive time here, and never experience anything remotely dangerous. The crime rate is very low and very little crime is directed at foreigners.

Is Tokyo safe at night?

Tokyo is one of the few big cities that feels just as safe at night as during the day. Busy areas such as Shibuya have plenty of people at all hours so you can feel safe in the crowd.

The only places where you should be a bit more cautious at night, especially if you are a woman traveling alone, is in the nightlife and red light districts.

Is Tokyo safe from tsunamis?

Tokyo is on the Tokyo Bay, a protected area that doesn’t receive many tsunamis. However, the only exception is after a strong earthquake such as the 2011 f*ckushima earthquake, which caused a tsunami that even affected Tokyo.

Is Tokyo worth visiting?

Tokyo is a destination that is absolutely worth visiting. It has so much to do, from quirky museums to shopping for everything you can think of to eating delicious food.

Is Tokyo expensive?

All that safety comes at a cost — literally. Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world for both living and visiting. You can go on a moderate budget if you save a little, but it is not the best destination for shoestring budgets.

So, Should You Travel to Tokyo?

Tokyo is one of the safest big cities in the world! Thanks to the low crime rate, you’re practically guaranteed to have a safe time as long as you take the right precautions.

So, with so much to see and do, what are you waiting for — book your trip to experience for yourself all that this picturesque city has to offer. Happy travels!

✅ Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024? | Safety Concerns (2024)


✅ Is Tokyo Safe to Visit in 2024? | Safety Concerns? ›


Is Tokyo safe to visit now? ›

With so many people living here, is Tokyo safe to visit and spend time exploring places like the Tokyo Skytree and Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden? The simple answer is yes. In fact, in November 2022, Japan had 934, 500 International visitors, with many of them passing through Tokyo.

What are the safety concerns traveling to Japan? ›

There's a constant risk of earthquakes and tsunamis. The Japan Meteorological Agency provides information in English about earthquakes and tsunamis. Know the dangers of a major earthquake and the emergency plan information in your area. Know where your local shelter is.

What is Tokyo's crime rate? ›

The overall crime rate in Tokyo is 16.74%. The level of crime in Tokyo is considered low (22.22). Crime increasing in the past 3 years amounts to 38.95 in Tokyo. Worries about home broken and things stolen is 15.92%.

What problems is Tokyo currently facing? ›

Tokyo is facing overpopulation as it attracts people from other areas of Japan and this is also causing a housing shortage in numerous parts of the city.

What is the warning system in Tokyo? ›

J-ALERT is a National Instant Warning System, in which the Japanese government transmits emergency information instantly to the residents of the whole country. It is usually used by the Meteorological Agency to transmit information about an earthquake, a tsunami, a volcano eruption, and any other natural disaster.

Is it safe to travel to Japan in 2024? ›

The Global Finance ratings of safest countries have Japan 22nd out of 134, right between Ireland and Israel. And finally, American travelers ranked Japan 12th overall in the 2024 Safest Places Ratings conducted by Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, after ranking 19th the previous year.

How safe is Tokyo for Americans? ›

Tokyo is the fifth safest city in the world per the Safe City Index 2021. For comparison, New York City ranks twelfth, Washington DC fourteenth, and London fifteenth. But that doesn't mean you can throw caution to the wind. It's still a city and all cities have some level of crime.

Is Tokyo safe for female tourists? ›

Tokyo is considered one of the safest cities in the world, even for solo female travelers. Petty crimes such as theft or pickpocketing are very rare. The local population is generally trustworthy and helpful to tourists. However, it is still advisable to remain cautious, especially in crowded places and at nighttime.

Is Japan friendly to American tourists? ›

One of the first things you'll notice during your Japan travel trip is how incredibly welcoming Japanese are towards foreigners (thank you Japan!). They are well known for their politeness and deep rooted traditions, so they definitely don't expect travellers to know all the social faux pas right off the bat.

Can US citizens travel to Japan now? ›

There are no COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens. Entry & Exit: You must have a valid passport and an onward/return ticket for tourist/business "visa free" stays of up to 90 days. Your passport must be valid for the entire time you are staying in Japan.

What is Japan most vulnerable to? ›

In Japan, natural disasters occur frequently. Since the archipelago is situated along the Ring of Fire, an area where several tectonic plates meet, it is vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Many people are reported missing or killed by natural disasters every year.

What is the number one crime in Japan? ›

The majority of crimes recorded in Japan are theft offenses. Among violent crimes, the most reported offenses are assaults and bodily injuries followed by rapes and homicides. Approximately 21.1 cases of assault and 0.7 cases of murder were recorded per 100,000 Japanese inhabitants in 2021.

What is the safest part of Tokyo? ›

The Top 10 Safest Wards in Tokyo:
  1. Bunkyo Ward. With a crime rate of only 0.34%, Bunkyo Ward tops our list. ...
  2. Suginami Ward. Suginami, with a crime rate of 0.35%, is a perfect mix of urban living and suburban comfort. ...
  3. Nerima Ward. ...
  4. Setagaya Ward. ...
  5. Shinagawa Ward. ...
  6. Itabashi Ward. ...
  7. Ota Ward. ...
  8. Adachi Ward.
Dec 2, 2023

How safe is Tokyo compared to New York? ›

But on the whole, crime is extremely low, public systems are well-maintained, and people tend to think of others (and not just themselves) in public. Quite a difference from New York City where crime is rampant, public services often don't work, and people with manners are in the minority.

What is the safety rank of Tokyo? ›

Is Tokyo a Safe City? Tokyo is the fifth safest city in the world per the Safe City Index 2021. For comparison, New York City ranks twelfth, Washington DC fourteenth, and London fifteenth.

Is Tokyo safe during a tsunami? ›

Conclusions. Although Tokyo Bay is generally considered to be safe against tsunamis, the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami and 2018 typhoon Jebi highlight the problems that can arise from complacency.

What are the cons of living in Tokyo? ›

  • The lack of j-walking: It is considered rude to j-walk in Japan. ...
  • The lack of fruits and veggies: I won't deny that finding fresh fruit and veggies can be difficult in Tokyo, especially if you're on a tight budget. ...
  • Always having to use cash:
Mar 13, 2019

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