Jacqueline Kennedy's pink hat is a missing piece of history (2024)

Reporting from College Park, Md.—

In the nation’s collective memory, the assassination of John F. Kennedy is a clash of images and mysteries that may never be sorted out to the satisfaction of everyone.

But if there is a lasting emblem that sums up Nov. 22, 1963, the day America tumbled from youthful idealism to hollow despair, it is Jacqueline Kennedy’s rose-pink suit and pillbox hat.

An expanded collection of Kennedy treasures and trivia was unveiled this month on exhibit and online to coincide with the 50th anniversary of JFK’s inauguration; it includes the fabric of his top hat (beaver fur) down to his shoe size (10C).


But missing and hardly mentioned are what could be the two most famous remnants of Kennedy’s last day. The pink suit, blood-stained and perfectly preserved in a vault in Maryland, is banned from public display for 100 years. The pillbox hat — removed at Parkland Hospital while Mrs. Kennedy waited for doctors to confirm what she already knew — is lost, last known to be in the hands of her personal secretary, who won’t discuss its whereabouts.

Does it matter? Should it? It’s said that history takes a generation to decant, and great chapters are defined by the trappings of everyday life: a stovepipe hat, a pair of polio braces. Mrs. Kennedy could not have imagined the outfit she put on that morning would come to epitomize the essence of Camelot and the death of it.

“The single symbol of that event and of her as a persona is that pink suit,” said Carl Sferrazza Anthony, a first ladies historian. “It’s all anyone need see and, in an instant, people know what it is in reference to.”

This is the story of how an otherwise ordinary pink suit and hat came to be treasured by a nation, only to slip from its reach.

Few public figures understood the power of fashion the way Jacqueline Kennedy did, and when she packed for Dallas, she chose nothing she hadn’t worn before. The goal was not to upstage the president as she had to his delight on a recent trip to Paris, but to exquisitely accentuate him as the 1964 election season kicked off. She took along two suits, one of them the pink Chanel knockoff created by a New York dress shop so she could indulge her French tastes and still buy American.

The pink was unforgettable — the color of roses, azaleas, watermelon. Kennedy himself asked her to wear it. It was trimmed in navy blue, with a blue blouse, blue pumps and handbag, and the trademark pillbox hat, secured with a pin.

Looking back now at the grainy footage of the first couple as the dark limousine, top down, rounded the turn from Houston to Elm, it’s hard not to hope for a different outcome. As long as she is wearing that hat, the world is still intact. Then, inevitably, comes the lurch of his body, the unforgettable flash of pink scrambling in panic across the trunk. All that day, her clothing bore witness to history.

Lady Bird Johnson, wife of Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was riding in the motorcade’s third car, recalled for investigators her memory of Secret Service agents frantic to get the president inside Parkland Hospital while his wife bent over him, refusing to let go: “I cast one last look over my shoulder and saw, in the president’s car, a bundle of pink, just like a drift of blossoms, lying on the back seat.”

Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent assigned to protect the first lady, remembered resting his hands on the suit’s trembling shoulders, the left side of the skirt wet with blood where she was cradling her husband’s head.

Somewhere inside the hospital, the hat came off. “While standing there I was handed Jackie’s pillbox hat and couldn’t help noticing the strands of her hair beneath the hat pin. I could almost visualize her yanking it from her head,” Mary Gallagher, the first lady’s personal secretary who accompanied her to Dallas, later wrote in her memoir.

Despite urgings from staff and handlers to “clean up her appearance,” Mrs. Kennedy refused to get out of her bloodied clothes, according to biographer William Manchester’s detailed account of the assassination, “The Death of a President.”

“Why not change?” one aide prompted.

“Another dress?” the president’s personal physician suggested.

Mrs. Kennedy shook her head hard. “No, let them see what they’ve done.”

The suit was never cleaned and never will be. It sits today, unfolded and shielded from light, in an acid-free container in a windowless room somewhere inside the National Archives and Records Administration’s complex in Maryland; the precise location is kept secret. The temperature hovers between 65 and 68 degrees, the humidity is 40%, the air is changed six times an hour.

“It looks like it’s brand-new, except for the blood,” said senior archivist Steven Tilley, one of a handful of people to lay eyes on the suit since that day in Dallas.

Half a dozen members of the Assassination Records Review Board, created by Congress in 1992 to preserve all available records for public scrutiny, were admitted to the vault for a rare glimpse, but did not consider it relevant to the crime. No other requests to see it have been granted.

Yet the suit’s stamp on history is indelible for a nation that anguished at every sight of its disheveled first lady: climbing the stairs onto Air Force One to accompany her husband’s coffin back to Washington, standing beside Lyndon Johnson as he took the oath of office — an iconic photo of an unexpected transfer of power fully explained by a stricken expression and a stained sleeve.

“Somehow, that was one of the most poignant sights,” Mrs. Johnson later wrote in her diaries, “that immaculate woman exquisitely dressed, and caked in blood.”

Despite the chaos, aides managed to secure virtually all of the Kennedys’ belongings back at the White House by nightfall. The pink hat seemed to hopscotch from Dallas to Washington, according to Manchester’s account. There it was in a heavy paper sack, cradled in the arms of one of the president’s baggage handlers aboard Air Force One. While Mrs. Kennedy accompanied the coffin to Bethesda Naval Hospital for the autopsy, the hat made its way to the executive mansion.

A White House policeman was instructed to give it to Agent Hill, but handed it by mistake to Robert Foster, the agent assigned to protect the Kennedy children. Foster, who died in 2008, told Manchester he took the bag to the Map Room and opened it, immediately recognizing the contents.

Mrs. Kennedy returned to her private quarters of the White House in the early morning hours of Nov. 23. She took off the suit and bathed. Her maid, Providencia Paredes, told Manchester that she put the clothing in a bag and hid it.

What became of it after that speaks to the confusion and numbness of the time. A president had not been assassinated in 62 years; no one knew what to do. The Kennedy children had to be brought from their grandmother’s Georgetown home to the White House and told. It wasn’t even clear who should prosecute the murder — shooting the president was not then a federal crime. The first lady’s attire was not exactly top priority as President Johnson figured out how to take the helm of a grieving nation.

But sometime in the next six months, a box arrived at the National Archives’ downtown headquarters, where such treasures as the Constitution and Bill of Rights are kept. In it was the suit, blouse, handbag and shoes, even her stockings, along with an unsigned note on the letterhead stationery of Janet Auchincloss, Mrs. Kennedy’s mother: “Jackie’s suit and bag worn Nov. 22, 1963.”

No hat.

The box was the one originally sent by the dressmaker, addressed to “Mrs. John F. Kennedy, The White House,” but wrapped now in brown paper. Archivists put all of it in a climate-controlled vault in stack area 6W3, where it remained for more than 30 years.

“It was sort of a secret that we had it,” Tilley said. Sticklers for protocol, archives officials knew it still legally belonged to Mrs. Kennedy. So it was more than a little awkward when Parade Magazine called in 1996 with a question from a reader asking what became of the pink suit.

Tilley, then head of the JFK collection, tried to reconstruct how it fell into archivists’ hands. Mrs. Kennedy had been dead for two years, her mother for seven. He called everyone he could find in a position to know. No one could recall the box arriving. The single-digit postal code on the address was the only clue that it had been mailed sometime before July 1964, when the nation switched to five-digit ZIP Codes.

“It’s one of the mysteries,” Tilley said. “And there is nobody around anymore who can ever fill that in.”

He suspects Mrs. Kennedy’s mother sent it. The first lady herself exchanged letters with the head archivist in the weeks after the assassination, but there was never any mention of her suit.

“She kept it on that day, but once that moment passed, then perhaps she didn’t want anything to do with it after that,” Tilley said.

In the mid-1990s, the suit was moved to a new, second archives building here. In 2003, a deed of gift was secured from Caroline Kennedy, by then the sole surviving heir. She stipulated the suit not be displayed for the life of the deed —100 years. When it runs out in 2103, the right to display it can be renegotiated by the family, Tilley said.

And the hat? Agent Hill, 79, who famously lunged onto the back of the limousine that day to protect the first lady, had the answer.

“I know what happened to the hat,” he said in a phone interview. “I gave it to Mary Gallagher.”

Gallagher, 83, and Paredes, the maid who boxed up the clothes, together have posted for Internet auction a long list of items that once belonged to Mrs. Kennedy — a pink nightgown: $300-$400; a used tube of “Arden Pink” lipstick and some pale blue stationery: $200-$300; an unopened pack of Greek cigarettes and matchbook: $100-$200. (Mrs. Kennedy was a closet smoker.)

Reached by phone, Gallagher refused to discuss the hat.

“I don’t accept these kinds of calls. Over the years they’ve just been enough so that I’ve had to draw the line.... I’m sorry. I can’t help you any further,” she said, hanging up.

No one at the National Archives has ever searched for the hat because it legally belongs to Caroline Kennedy. Attempts to reach her were unsuccessful.

Many of the National Archives records are open for public research, and the Kennedy assassination remains one of the three most asked-about subjects, up there with the Watergate scandal and the alien invasion of Roswell, N.M.

The archives’ vast collection includes the president’s shirt as it was cut off by the medical team, the tie nicked by a bullet, his white lace-up back brace. Even the contents of Parkland Hospital’s Trauma Room One, where he was pronounced dead at 1 p.m. Texas time, are in a cave somewhere in Kansas.

But the whereabouts of the hat is a little-known mystery no one is working to solve; Kennedy historians contacted for this story were surprised to learn it’s missing. They suspect it was sold to a private collector, or stuck away in somebody’s attic, lost to the nation, a hole in history.


Jacqueline Kennedy's pink hat is a missing piece of history (2024)


What happened to Jacqueline Kennedy's pink hat? ›

Mrs. Kennedy removed the hat at Parkland Hospital and it was last seen in the hands of Mary Gallagher, her personal secretary, but in the melee of the day, Gallagher nor anyone else recalls what happened to it after that. In early 1964, a box arrived at the National Archives.

What type of hat was Jackie Kennedy known for? ›

As First Lady of the United States, Jackie Kennedy was known for her iconic fashion choices, including her love of the pillbox hat, which she popularised during her husband's presidency.

What happened to all of Jackie Kennedy's clothes? ›

"We couldn't bear the thought of walking down the street and seeing people in her clothes, so we gave them away," John told Valentino. When the designer, incredulous, asked where the dresses had gone, John told him, "We gave them to a convent in Rhode Island.

What were Jackie Kennedy's last words? ›

He had no way of knowing what was about to happen. It's been reported that Jack's final words were, “My God, I've been hit,” but physicians have said this was impossible given Jack's injuries. Well, historians have now clarified that the last words Jack spoke before the fatal shot were, “No, you certainly can't.”

Why did Jackie Kennedy climb on the car? ›

Q: Why did First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy climb onto the back of the car after the shooting? A: Jacqueline Kennedy climbed on the back of the car to retrieve fragments from the president's head, though she had no memory of it afterward.

Why did Jackie Kennedy wear scarves? ›

Peter Lamas, who was Kennedy's makeup artist after she moved to New York, told Refinery29 that Kennedy often slept on a silk pillowcase or with her hair in an elegant silk scarf to help maintain her blowouts. “She would use a silk scarf to sleep and a silk pillowcase,” Lamas said to the outlet.

Was JFK the last president to wear a top hat? ›

Kennedy and the Death of the Top Hat. In this series, we highlight pieces of formalwear involved in significant historical moments or tied (sometimes literally) to cultural icons. The last U.S. president to wear a top hat to his inauguration took the oath of office on January 20, 1961—the day the top hat died.

Why was it called a pillbox hat? ›

A pill-hat is a small, low brimless female hat with a round or oval cylindrical crown. Its English name pillbox hat is dictated by the resemblance to the small boxes in which pills were once sold.

What is Jackie Kennedy's hat called? ›

Jacqueline Kennedy, First Lady of the United States from 1961 to 1963, was well known for her "signature pillbox hats", designed for her by Halston, and was wearing a pink one to match her outfit on the day of her husband United States President John F.

What happened to Jackie Kennedy's jewelry? ›

After Jackie had her ring redesigned, she continued her pattern of wearing it discreetly. Today, the jewel is among the former First Lady's possessions kept at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston. Occasionally, the piece is put on display.

Where is Jackie Kennedy buried? ›

After a funeral at St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Church on Park Avenue, she was buried in Arlington National Cemetery beside John F. Kennedy and the two children who had predeceased them.

What handbags did Jackie Kennedy wear? ›

Rebag take a look at the first lady's favorite handbags.
  • Chanel 2.55. Jackie Kennedy was known for her Chanel ensembles, especially the tweed suits. ...
  • Hermès Trim. Initially released in 1958, the Hermès Trim was one of Jackie Kennedy's go-to bags. ...
  • Gucci Jackie 1961. ...
  • Chanel 2.55. ...
  • Hermès Trim.
Jul 28, 2022

What did Marilyn Monroe say to Jackie Kennedy? ›

Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe called Jackie Kennedy to confess to an affair with John F Kennedy and was told "that's great, I'll move out and you have all the problems", a new book has revealed.

Did Jackie Kennedy like her wedding dress? ›

Did Jackie Kennedy like her wedding dress? Later, when a journalist asked Kennedy Onassis—who reportedly didn't like the gown—the name of the designer, she responded, “a colored dressmaker.” And Lowe's name was lost in history for decades.

What famous words did JFK say? ›

"Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." "Inaugural Address (1)," January 20, 1961, Public Papers of the Presidents: John F. Kennedy, 1961.

How old was Jackie Kennedy when she died? ›

She spent her final years with her long-time partner, Maurice Tempelsman. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis died on May 19, 1994, at the age of sixty-four. She is buried next to President Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery.

Who drove the car Kennedy was assassinated in? ›

William Robert Greer (September 22, 1909 – February 23, 1985) was an agent of the U.S. Secret Service, best known as being the driver of President John F. Kennedy's presidential limousine in the motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas on November 22, 1963, when the president was assassinated.

Did JFK have children? ›

What color lipstick did Jackie Kennedy wear? ›

Despite her otherwise minimal makeup, Kennedy never shied away from bright lipstick, and often matched her pout to the exact shade of red or pink that she was wearing. Try pairing a classic red dress with Chanel's Rouge Coco Lipstick in 'Gabrielle' to give the trend a try.

Did Jackie Kennedy wear makeup? ›

New York makeup artist Pablo Manzoni told Vanity Fair in 1995 that Onassis often used the iconic Elizabeth Arden's Flawless Foundation. The foundation covered up the sunspots she had gotten from her many summers in Rhode Island, France, and Greece and made the former first lady's skin look fresh.

What was Jackie Kennedy wearing when her husband died? ›

Immediately, comparisons were drawn to another infamous political pink suit, worn by Jackie Kennedy the day her husband, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated. On the fateful day of November 22, 1963, Jackie famously wore a pink Chanel suit—at the time, it was imperative that First Ladies wore clothing made in America.

Which president did not wear a hat? ›

William Henry Harrison's inaugural address lasted nearly two hours, but in the days before electronic media, oratory of such duration was common. During the address, the new president wore no coat or hat.

Which presidents favorite food was ice cream? ›

You know how the old saying(Opens in new window) goes: “First in war, first in peace, first to absolutely lose his mind over ice cream.” George Washington loved ice cream so much that he even brought a bunch of ice cream-making and -serving supplies to the White House(Opens in new window) with him.

What hat did Thomas Jefferson wear? ›

Tricorner hats and cravats were worn by many of the early presidents of the United States including John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison.

What is a 50s gangster hat called? ›

A fedora is a soft felt hat that is creased lengthwise down the crown and pinched in the front on both sides. It is sometimes associated with prohibition-era gangsters and the detectives who sought to bring them to justice.

What are funeral hats called? ›

Fascinators & Hats for Funerals

A black funeral hat or black hair fascinator is a popular accessory to wear at funerals, but how we dress for a funeral is often dictated by the wishes of the deceased so it is always best to check first.

Can I wear a fascinator to a funeral? ›

You often see fascinators at joyous events, such as weddings. While they can be worn to sombre events like funerals, the more accepted etiquette would be to wear a hat as a sign of respect.

Did Jackie Kennedy wear sleeveless dresses? ›

Jackie was known for wearing classic, tailored suits and ladylike dresses in strong, solid colors—especially pink, yellow, red, and ivory. Her daywear generally consisted of simple sleeveless dresses, wrist-length gloves, and strands of pearls or a brooch.

Did JFK use a corset? ›

""The brace was a firmly bound corset, around his hips and lower back and higher up," said spinal expert Dr. Thomas Pait. "He tightly laced it and put a wide ace bandage around in a figure 8 around his trunk.

Who designed Jackie Kennedy's pink hat? ›

Fashion designer Oleg Cassini — Jackie's personal couturier who created a total of 300 looks for the former FLOTUS over the years — later insisted that accessorizing Jackie with a pillbox hat was his idea. According to Oleg, the pillbox was included in the sketches he provided Jackie ahead of the inauguration ceremony.

Who owns Jackie Kennedy's engagement ring? ›

Her family donated her 8-carat emerald cut engagement ring, as well as other personal pieces, to the Kennedy Presidential Library. There they will occasionally be on display for public viewing.

Were Jackie Kennedy pearls real? ›

She wore them when she greeted the high and mighty and when she was looking after the children. Believe me – you know those pearls! But what you may not know is that the pearls were fake. Jacqueline Bouvier purchased them at Bergdorf Goodman in the 1950s for about $35.

Did Jackie Kennedy put her wedding ring on JFK? ›

I nodded and watched as she moved close to the President's body. 'She leaned across him to reach for his left hand, removed his wedding ring and placed it on one of her fingers, and then she simply held her husband's hand in a final goodbye.

Was Jackie Kennedy embalmed in her apartment? ›

She is embalmed in her own master bathroom under the direction of the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel. Jackie is placed in the same model casket that was used for JFK.

What happened to Kennedy's first casket? ›

A bronze coffin used to transport President Kennedy's body from Dallas to Washington was dropped from a military plane into the ocean two years after he was killed, according to assassination documents. “Apparently the casket is in 9,000 feet of water in the Atlantic Ocean,” Kermit L.

Is Jackie Kennedy buried next to her husband? ›

Jacqueline Lee Kennedy Onassis is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, next to her first husband, John F. Kennedy. The two lie side-by-side within the Kennedy Monument in Section 45 of the historical landmark.

What brand sunglasses did Jackie Kennedy wear? ›

She wore custom-made clothes designed by Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy, and Chanel. Jackie was also well-known for her love of sunglasses. She owned over 300 pairs of designer glasses, including those by Ray Ban, Gucci, and Prada.

Did Jackie Kennedy wear fur? ›

Jackie was all glamour in a fur ruff and matching evening gloves on a night out at the theater.

Why did Jackie wear sunglasses? ›

Former First Lady of the United States Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis wears dark sunglasses and a kerchief to protect her privacy.

Did Marilyn Monroe have kids? ›

Does Marilyn have any children? No. Although Marilyn was married three times (first to James Dougherty, followed by baseball star Joe DiMaggio and playwright Arthur Miller), she did not have any children before her death in 1962. However, she really wanted to have a family and did have multiple documented pregnancies.

How old was Marilyn Monroe when she died? ›

ollywood, Calif., Aug. 5 -- Marilyn Monroe, one of the most famous stars in Hollywood's history, was found dead early today in the bedroom of her home in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles. She was 36 years old. Beside the bed was an empty bottle that had contained sleeping pills.

Did Marilyn ever meet her father? ›

Scott Fortner, Marilyn Monroe historian and collector, also confirmed that Marilyn never met her father. "Marilyn never met her father in person, though she attempted to contact him more than once," he told Distractify.

What did Jackie Kennedy say to Queen Elizabeth? ›

Jackie told Elizabeth how tiring it was to be on display as a public figure. To which the queen reportedly responded: “One gets crafty after a while and learns how to save oneself.” However, Jackie supposedly later told Vidal: “I think the queen resented me. Philip was nice but nervous.

Why did Jackie Kennedy wear a veil to the funeral? ›

For high-profile mourners – such as those present at a state funeral – veils also helped to mask tearfulness, which might have been considered inappropriate or humiliating. See Jackie Kennedy at JFK's 1963 funeral, wearing a nearly opaque veil with her Givenchy suit.

Who picked out Jackie Kennedy's wedding dress? ›

A Black Couturier, Ann Lowe, Made Jackie Kennedy's Wedding Dress. Getting to know Ann Lowe—and giving the designer her due.

What did JFK say after Marilyn Monroe? ›

Afterwards, as a large birthday cake was presented to him, President Kennedy came on stage and joked about Monroe's version of the song, saying, "I can now retire from politics after having had Happy Birthday sung to me in such a sweet, wholesome way," alluding to Monroe's delivery, skintight dress, and image as a sex ...

What were JFK's last words? ›

I love you.” Jack Kennedy's final words to his wife of 10 years were far more mundane, of course. He had no way of knowing what was about to happen. It's been reported that Jack's final words were, “My God, I've been hit,” but physicians have said this was impossible given Jack's injuries.

What did JFK swear on? ›

The oath of office of the president was administered to Kennedy by Chief Justice Earl Warren using a closed family Bible at 12:51 (ET) although he officially became president at the stroke of noon.

Where is the pillbox hat? ›

The blood-covered suit is locked away in the National Archives, with instructions that it should hidden from public view until at least 2103. The pink hat hasn't been seen since the fateful day she last wore it.

Who made Jackie Kennedy's pillbox hat? ›

This Pillbox hat, designed by Halston for Bergdorf Goodman, was worn by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy to the Inauguration ceremony in Washington, D.C., January 20, 1961.

Where is Jacqueline Kennedy's pink suit? ›

The garment is now stored out of public view in the National Archives. It will not be seen by the public until at least 2103, according to a deed of Caroline Kennedy, Kennedy's sole surviving heir.

How does pillbox hat stay on head? ›

You can use an elastic, which goes under your hair to hold the pillbox in place when it sits straight. The elastic should be close in shade to your hair color. However, if your pillbox hat sits back, I've found that 2 combs on the side of the hat work best to hold it in place.

Why is it called pillbox hat? ›

A pill-hat is a small, low brimless female hat with a round or oval cylindrical crown. Its English name pillbox hat is dictated by the resemblance to the small boxes in which pills were once sold.

What was the dress Jackie Kennedy wore when JFK was assassinated? ›

Kennedy, was assassinated. On the fateful day of November 22, 1963, Jackie famously wore a pink Chanel suit—at the time, it was imperative that First Ladies wore clothing made in America. The ensemble was made of boucle fabric, with a navy lapel and gold buttons.

Did Jackie Kennedy wear pants? ›

She was photographed wearing trench coats on her trips to Paris in the late '60s and during outings in New York City in the '70s, she'd usually style them with dresses or in a trouser and turtleneck combo.

What designer did Jackie Kennedy wear most? ›

Oleg Cassini

Because Jackie had to wear clothing by American fashion designers while she was First Lady, she formed a close bond with the designer. Cassini crafted many of Jackie's iconic skirt suits and dresses—as well as this shearling number she wore to JFK's inauguration—that were inspired by European trends.

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