JAPANESE PEOPLE, RACE, EAR WAX TYPES AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1) Conservative notions about ethnic purity remain strong in Japan. Theodore Bestor, a professor of Japanese Studies at Harvard, told the New York Times: “Japanese tend to have a fairly strong kind of inherent belief that genetics and biology really matter in terms of people’s behavior. So I think Japanese might be much more predisposed to thinking about a kind of genetic basis for personality than most Americans would.”

In 2005, future Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso called Japan “one nation, one civilization, one language , one culture and one race.” A senior official quoted in the Washington Post said, “This isn’t America. When you go to the hospital to have a baby, we know what we’ll get: black hair, dark eyes, skin more or less the color of mine.”

In a 2010 television show called “ Anata wa Doko Made Nihonjin “ (“How Japanese Are You?”), a survey of 1,000 Japanese was conducted to find out what defined the modern Japanese individual. A list of 20 characteristics was derived. Among them were Japanese love hot springs (number 20); many Japanese wear glasses (19); Japanese are not good at English ( 3); they are no longer good at studying (2); and Japanese are overly impressed by titles and ranks (1). It also found that Japanese love curry (18), gossip (16), brand-name goods (15), saving money (13), uniforms (12), and manga (4) and revealed that Japanese hate to say “I love you”(7); are too gullible and trusting (17), poor talkers (8), love to work (10), like to stand in lines (11), are not interested in politics and keen on cleanliness. The evidence for some of the claims was persuasive; others not so. [Source: Wm. Penn, Daily Yomiuri]

See Separate Article ASIAN PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS factsanddetails.com Links in this Website: JAPANESE PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER Factsanddetails.com/Japan ; JAPANESE POLITENESS AND INDIRECTNESS Factsanddetails.com/Japan ; JAPANESE SOCIAL LIFE Factsanddetails.com/Japan ; JAPANESE SOCIETY Factsanddetails.com/Japan ; JAPANESE REGIONAL DIFFERENCES Factsanddetails.com/Japan ;POPULATION OF JAPAN Factsanddetails.com/Japan ; BIRTH CONTROL IN JAPAN Factsanddetails.com/Japan ; JAPANESE PEOPLE, RACE, AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Factsanddetails.com/Japan

Books: “The Chrysanthemum and the Sword” is Ruth Benedict’s “flawed but masterful analysis of Japanese culture.” It was written during World War II on commission for the U.S. government. “The Japanese” by Edwin O. Reischauer (Belknap Press at Harvard University, 1982) is also recommended. Good Websites and Sources: Wikipedia article on Japanese People Wikipedia ; What Japan Thinks, a blog with info on demographics and statistics whatjapanthinks.com ; Social Science Japan Newsletter newslet.iss.u-tokyo.ac ; Nipponia, Quarterly Web magazine on Japanese Culture and Life nipponia/archives

People, Race and Views on People and Race : Difference Between Chinese and Japanese, a Blog Report socyberty.com ; Portrayal of Race in Manga and Anime focusanthro.org ; Origins of the Japanese People nakasendoway.com ;Opinion on Asian Fetish colorq.org ;Physical Characteristics, Thais and Japanese ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ; Wikipedia article on the Mongoloid Race Wikipedia

Japanese View of Japanese

Japan is regarded as one of the world’s most insular countries. Law enforcement officials and scholars sometimes begin their explanations of Japan's low crime figures with statements like "we are a hom*ogeneous race" or Japan is a "monoracial society." Hundreds of studies and books have been published and read voraciously by Japanese on the attributes of collective Japanese culture and what makes the Japanese different from everyone else in the world.

In Japanese newspapers, renowned scholars write things like: "The Japanese are Mongoloid... Mongoloid children should be raised slowly and carefully in large families and be exposed to complex social relations. This kind of environment is essential in raising Japanese children to ensure their frontal lobe develops properly." The scholar that wrote this also wrote that the traditional Japanese fish- and rice-based diet is "most suited for the brains of the Japanese."

An extremist bureaucrat once explained to a an American audience that Japanese couldn't eat foreign rice because they had longer intestines than other people.

Japanese strongly desire the praise of foreigners. Television commercial feature foreigners complementing Japanese over their kindness and expressing admiration for Japanese technology. The media runs stories about what foreign textbooks and newspaper say about the Japanese.

hom*ogenous Japan

The Japanese have traditionally prided themselves on the racial harmony of their people and sometimes describe Japan as a "monoracial" society with one language and one set of commonly held beliefs. This means there are not many non-Japanese ethnic groups in Japan and very few of the non-Japanese are Japanese citizens.

According to DNA studies Japan has remained in remarkable genetic isolation. The mutations are strikingly different from those of surrounding populations and account by themselves for a special haplogroup.

See Minorities.

Rising Sense of Individualism in Japan

Young Japanese are much more individualistic than older Japanese. They have been called the "bean sprout generation." Bean sprouts grow fast but grow best in the dark and thus have no strength.

Many scholars believe that traditional Japanese group society is collapsing and being replaced by a more individualistic one. "Japan," wrote author Jonathan Rauch, "is being 'set free' not from state tyranny, but from a complex network of social constraints that produce repression and self-control in equal measure. Sometimes it's hard to tell where liberation ends and social decay begins, and every time I go to Japan I feel I see more of both."

As old ways of doing things break down many Japanese are not sure what they are going to be replaced with. And what many see is not encouraging. The Nobel-Prize-winning novelist Kenzaburo Oe wrote “Our identity as Japanese has withered away...Now we have nothing but the reflection of ourselves we see in the eyes of the West. We are confused and lost. The response to that lostness is nationalism.”

But some see the rise of individualism and rejection of the status quo as a driving force behind creativity and entrepreneurship and find more hope in that than doing things in old, stodgy Japanese way.

Japanese has its share of eccentrics. Hiroshi Nohara won some notoriety after spending four months living Terminal 1 of the international airport in Mexico City, somewhat like the character in 2004 Steven Spielberg movie “The Terminal”. The only difference was that Nohara had a valid visa and a ticket home.

Japanese Physical Characteristics

In 2008, based on data collected from 7,000 people, geneticist determined that Japanese fall into two basic genetic types: people native to Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands and those native to other parts of Japan. The biggest difference between the two groups is hair thickness and ear wax texture with those from the Ryukyu Islands having harder hair and drier ear wax.

About 95 percent of all Japanese are lactase deficient. This means they have problems digesting milk products.

Almost all Japanese are born with a Mongolian birthmark, a small patch of brown pigment located on their butt and/or lower back. The mark disappears when they are one or two years old. Korean, Mongolians, some Chinese, Hungarians and Bushmen or the Kalahari have a similar mark.

Fat accumulates differently on the European sumo wrestlers than its does on the Japanese ones. Mongolians have wider cheekbones than Japanese. Japanese have the same percentages of A, AB, B, O blood types as Estonians.

Ear Wax Types and Japanese Get Taller

Asians on average are also generally thinner and shorter than Westerners but they are getting taller and fatter. Some believe that at least some of the difference can be explained by diet.

Japanese today are around three inches taller than Japanese who grew up around World War II. Most scientist attribute the increase to nutritional changes, such as more milk and meat in their diets. Others have proposed more far-fetched theories. One researcher suggested that the switch from sitting on the floor to sitting Western-style in chairs has straightened some Japanese out and made them taller.

The are two main ear wax types found in Japan: wet an dry. Students at Nagasaki High School were able to isolate the gene that determines ear wax type and with that knowledge collected samples ear wax from all over Japan and put together an ear wax map and found that dry ear wax is more common in western Japan. Studies have found that people living in Japan in the Jomon period (10,000 B.C. to 300 B.C.) carried the gene for wet ear wax while the gene for dry earwax was introduced into Japan by people that came from the Asian continent in the Yayoi period (300 B.C. to A.D. 300).

Study of Japan and Japanese

For a long time the study of Japan in particular and Asia in general was the domain of a few specialists but all that began to change in the 1970s as Japan emerged as an economic powerhouse and the people in the West began seeking cultural secrets behind its success.

Sawa Kurotani, an anthropology professor a Redlands University, wrote in the Daily Yomiuri, “Japan’s ascent as a modern, capitalist nation-state never erased the more traditional image of Japan. In fact, the emphasis on the uniqueness of Japanese capitalism and business practices reinforced the Western image of Japan as fundamentally foreign.”

In the 1990s, when Japan’s star began to wane during a period of economic stagnation there and China’s star began to rise as its economy began to take off interest in Japan and Japan studies declined while interest in China and China studies rose. Now many of those interested in Japan are drawn by popular culture — namely anime and manga — rather than by economics, trade and business.

DNA studies have shown that all Asians descend from two common lineages: 1) one more common in southern Asia, particularly among Vietnamese, Malays and New Guineans; and 2) one more common in northern Asia, particularly among Tibetans, Koreans and Siberians.

Asian Physical Characteristics

People classified as Asians are physically different in some ways than people of European descent. In almost all cases Asians have straight, black hair and dark eyes. They also tend to have less body hair, less facial hair, flatter faces, smaller noses, wider cheekbones, and "shovel-shaped" incisor teeth (slightly scooped out shape of back side of the front teeth).

Asians are less likely to get some diseases than Westerners and more likely to get others. Many Asians get acne at a later age than Westerners. Fewer Asian men go bald than European men. There also appears to be less Asians with grey hair, but it is not clear whether this is because they get grey hair at a later age or dye their hair. Many Asian children find red and blonde hair and hairy arms and legs to be fascinating.

Northern Asians are generally stockier and have lighter skin and thinner eyes than southern Asians. All skin contains about the same number of melanocytes but the amount of melanin they produce varies. Dark skinned people produce more and light skin people produce less.

Some people think that difference between Asians and Europeans have existed for some times. While holding a cast made of Peking Man in the 1930s, Chinese archeologist Jia Lan told National Geographic, "This skull has some characteristic of modern Chinese people. For instance, the nose bone of Peking man was low and cheeks were flat, as in Asians today."

Individual strands of Chinese women’s hair are circular and wider and more resistant to breaking than the oval hairs of Western women. Chinese hair has higher pigment concentrations that makes it glossier and shinier than the hair of Western women and less likely to turn white. Chinese hair is less dense than Western hair with fewer hairs per square centimeter of scalp.


When stripped of its natural pigment, Asian hair has reddish undertones while European hair has yellow-orange undertones. As a result hair dyes for Asian women are made with green that cancels out red while those for European women are made with violet that cancels out the yellow-orange undertones.

Books: Human Variation, Races, Types and Ethnic Groups by Stephen Molnar (Prentice Hall, 1992); The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould (Norton, 1991); The Evolution of Racism by Pat Shipmen (Simon & Schuster, 1994); Human Biodiversity by Jonathan Marks of Yale University (Walter Gruyter).

See Separate Article ASIAN PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS factsanddetails.com

Image Sources: 1) and 2) Photosensibility Andrew Gray 3) Ray Kinnane 4) Picture Tokyo 5) Liz Dalby geisha website

Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Daily Yomiuri, Times of London, Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO), National Geographic, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, Lonely Planet Guides, Compton’s Encyclopedia and various books and other publications.

Last updated January 2017

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Wet, yellowish-brown coloured earwax is commonly found in Caucasians and Africans. The other type is the dry, grey-white coloured earwax, which is more common among East Asians like Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Native Americans.

What are the racial differences in ear wax? ›

Dry earwax, typical in East Asians and Native Americans, is light-colored and flaky, while earwax found in Caucasian and African groups is darker, wetter and, a new study shows, smellier.

What type of earwax do South Asians have? ›

In contrast, about 97% to 100% of people with European and African ancestry have the smelly-armpit version of the gene, and therefore stickier and smellier earwax. Thirty to fifty percent of South Asians, Central Asians, and Pacific Islanders have the dry type of earwax.

What race has the ABCC11 gene? ›

ABCC11: the “no body odor gene”

Genetic variants that cause a loss of function of the ABCC11 gene are very common among East Asian ethnicities (80-90% of the population). In other population groups, it is rare to have no body odor. In fact, only around 2% of Caucasians carry the 'no body odor' version of the gene.

What is the genetic trait of ear wax? ›

The genetic link

People who have 1 or 2 copies of the C variant in the ABCC11 gene have more fat in their earwax, making it wet and sticky. People who have two copies of the T variant have less fat in their earwax, making it dry, light-colored, and flaky.

Do Asians have different earwax? ›

East Asians usually have dry earwax, while other populations tend to have the wet type. Researchers discovered that a specific genetic variation in the ABCC11 gene determines which kind of earwax a person has. If someone has the AA genotype, they'll have dry earwax, while GA and GG genotypes lead to wet earwax.

What ethnicity has the most earwax? ›

Wet earwax: People with the dominant variant typically have wet earwax. This is most common among people of European and African descent. Dry earwax: People with the recessive variant usually have dry, flaky earwax. This is most common among people of East Asian descent.

Do Japanese have ear wax? ›

Some East Asians (including Yamato Japanese), Southeast Asians and Native Americans (including Inuit) are more likely to have the dry type of earwax (gray and flaky), while Africans, Europeans, and other East Asians (including Ainu) are more likely to have wet type earwax (honey-brown, dark orange to dark-brown and ...

Which ethnicity has the least body odor? ›

Most of the world's population has the gene that codes for the wet-type earwax and average body odor; however, East Asians are more likely to inherit the allele associated with the dry-type earwax and a reduction in body odor.

What is the Japanese gene for no body odor? ›

The 538G>A SNP predominates in Asians who have nearly complete loss of typical body odor. ABCC11 is expressed and localized in apocrine sweat glands.

Do Japanese have ABCC11? ›

Recently, genetic variants of ABCC4 (OMIM: 605250) and ABCC11 (OMIM: 607040), which are particularly common in the Japanese population, were suggested as possible genetic susceptibility factors for the development of SMON.

Who has the strongest body odor? ›

Although there is some controversy on the subject of "racial" variation in body odor, it is determined that African blacks probably produce the greatest amount of apocrine sweat, which is the known substrate for axillary odor.

Is ear wax build up hereditary? ›

Genetics can explain why you have a certain earwax type. Ancestry scientists can predict what kind of earwax you have by looking at 179 DNA markers associated with the trait. One marker in the ABCC11 gene seems to have an especially large role in determining whether you have wet or dry earwax.

How do you tell if you have the ABCC11 gene? ›

The ABCC11 gene contains instructions for a protein that specializes in moving fat into, and out of, your cells. People who have 1 or 2 copies of the C variant in the ABCC11 gene have more fat in their earwax, making it dark- colored and sticky.

What ancestry has flaky earwax? ›

For Native Americans and those descending from East Asia, flaky, light-colored earwax is more common. What's more, the gene that controls underarm odor appears to be the same gene that influences what kind of earwax we have — and how it smells.

Does the color of your earwax depend on your ethnicity? ›

The earwax from the study's East Asian donors was "consistently drier and colorless." The samples of the white donors were "yellow and sticky in nature." Also mentioned in the study: "Africans" have "wet, yellowish-brown wax," and Native Americans — similar to East Asian folks — typically have "dry, white wax."

Does different colored ear wax mean anything? ›

Earwax is normal and even healthy. Wax can be a wet or dry consistency. Yellow, orange, or brown is normal. Black, green, or red needs medical attention.

Do people have different color ear wax? ›

Ear wax comes in many different types. Your genetic background dictates what type of ear wax you have. Wet wax (honey coloured, sticky wax) is more common amongst Caucasians and Africans, while dry wax (white or grey and flaky) is more common in those of Asian descent.

What does different Coloured ear wax mean? ›

Most adults tend to have dark and hard ear wax. Dark brown ear wax that has some red is a signal for a bleeding injury. Light brown, orange and yellow ear wax is normal and common. Normally children have softer and lighter coloured ear wax. White and flaky ear wax shows you lack a body odour-producing chemical.

Why are people's ear wax different colors? ›

In general, the color has a bit to do with the age of the earwax. Newer earwax tends to be lighter in color, and it darkens as it ages and picks up more debris. The color, texture, and amount of earwax vary naturally from person to person.

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