Judge to Bitcoin: You Are Money (2024)

Trendon Shavers recently turned up in a Texas courtroom, arguing that Bitcoin is not money. Well, it may have been his lawyer making the case. But you get the idea.

The dispute started earlier this summer, when the SEC charged the 30-year-old Shavers with using the digital currency to run a Ponzi scheme that amassed the equivalent of about $5 million. But when the matter came before a court in the Eastern District of Texas, Shavers insisted that Bitcoin is not subject to regulation by the United States; that his now-defunct business, Bitcoin Savings & Trust, never saw any money change hands; and that the SEC therefore has no right to hit him with a lawsuit.

The court did not embrace this idea. On Tuesday, Judge Amos Mazzant ruled that Bitcoin is indeed money. "It can be used to purchase goods or services, and as Shavers stated, used to pay for individual living expenses," the judge wrote. And because it's money, the judge ruled, the Bitcoins pumped into Shavers' operation "meet the definition of investment contract, and as such, are securities" -- and that means the SEC can proceed.

The sky is blue. The world is round. And Bitcoin is a functional form of value exchange that is subject to regulation.

"This isn't that shocking," says Patrick Murck, legal counsel for the Bitcoin Foundation, the independent Bitcoin watchdog. "If anyone wants to run a Ponzi scheme in Bitcoin, they can expect to get busted. If you run a Ponzi scheme anywhere, you're gonna get busted -- and you should. Bitcoin isn't some sort of silver bullet that somehow ameliorates all the legal concern around your otherwise illegal activity."

>'Bitcoin isn't some sort of silver bullet that somehow ameliorates all the legal concern around your otherwise illegal activity.'

Patrick Murck

He calls it "Bitcoin Magical Thinking" -- the notion that you can do whatever you want with the open source digital currency and not pay the consequences. "Someone will say: 'I'm gonna build a stock exchange that's totally unlicensed and no registration is required, but it uses Bitcoin, so it's OK,'" Murck says. "It doesn't work that way. You're still selling securities."

The government has not laid down regulations for digital currencies, but it has begun to crack down on Bitcoin, an online system for trading system for digital currency that is not controlled by a central bank. In May, it froze two (real world) bank accounts that belonged to major Bitcoin exchanges.

Driven by open source software, the Bitcoin system is distributed across machines that span the globe, and the supply of the digital currency is controlled not by humans but by computer algorithm. Bitcoin can be used for other things -- as Murck points out, a new system lets you exchange real estate titles -- but today, it is, first and foremost, a means of trading money.

Trendon Shavers did not respond to phone calls made to what are believed to be his phone numbers, nor to emails sent to his previous addresses. It surprised some that Shavers -- or at least his lawyer; the court filings leave it unclear -- turned up in court to argue his point. Judging from court documents, Shavers is still living in McKinney, Texas, intent on fighting the SEC.

In his profile on the Bitcoin Forum, Shavers once identified himself as a pirate. There was a pirate icon, complete with a peg leg and a parrot, and the tagline read: “Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late,” a nod to a Jimmy Buffet song.

According to the SEC, Shavers collected over 700,000 Bitcoins from investors -- about $5 million, at the time -- after claiming that he could give them a one percent return on investment. But according to the SEC, money collected from some investors was used to cover withdrawals by others -- and Shavers' own expenses. He started losing Bitcoins, the SEC says, and by August of 2012, he shut down the operation, returning only about 500,000 Bitcoins to his investors.

Though he was merely stating the obvious, the ruling from Judge Mazzant does create a legal precedent that wasn't there before. Perhaps the decision will help the world realize that Bitcoin is not immune to government regulation. Perhaps we have the antidote to Bitcoin Magical Thinking.

Judge to Bitcoin: You Are Money (2024)


Does Bitcoin actually pay you? ›

Buying and holding Bitcoin as a long-term investment — or, as some crypto enthusiasts call it, HODLing — can be a low-effort way to make money in the long term, as long as its price when you finally sell it is higher than the price at which you bought it.

Does Bitcoin qualify as money? ›

As Bitcoin has also become accepted as a medium of exchange, stores value, and is recognized as a unit of account, it is considered money.

How much is Mike Novogratz worth? ›

Net worth: $2.5 billion (returnee) | Source of wealth: Galaxy Digital Holdings, Bitcoin. An early bitcoin investor, Novogratz heads crypto investment firm and merchant bank Galaxy Digital Holdings, which trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange and has about $6 billion in assets under management.

How much will I get if I put $1 dollar in Bitcoin? ›

1 USD equals 0.000015 BTC. The current value of 1 United States Dollar is -0.69% against the exchange rate to BTC in the last 24 hours. ​ The current Bitcoin market cap is $1.32T. ​Create a free Kraken account to instantly convert USD to BTC today.

How much is $1 Bitcoin in US dollars? ›


Who gets my money when I buy Bitcoin? ›

In some cases, the purchased bitcoin will be released from escrow directly to the Bitcoin wallet of your choosing. In other cases, it will first be sent to your peer-to-peer platform account wallet (which is typically a custodial web wallet). In that case, you'd then want to withdraw it to a Bitcoin wallet you control.

Can you get cash from Bitcoin Cash? ›

Once you've sold your Bitcoin Cash into local currency, you can withdraw that currency to your bank account.

How many people own 1 Bitcoin? ›

However, some estimates can be made based on blockchain data and surveys of Bitcoin holders. According to data from Bitinfocharts, as of March 2023, there are approximately 827,000 addresses that hold 1 bitcoin or more, representing around 4.5% of all addresses on the Bitcoin network.

Has anyone become a billionaire from Bitcoin? ›

There are 16 cryptocurrency billionaires in Forbes' ranking of billionaires. Sam Bankman-Fried is still on the list as the seventeenth, but Forbes lists the ex-CEO of FTX with no wealth. 4 There are likely many more billionaires who own crypto, but most do not publicize their holdings.

Are there Bitcoin millionaires? ›

Over the course of its 15-year history, Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) has made plenty of millionaires. In fact, data from the blockchain analytics platform Glassnode shows roughly 115,000 wallet addresses with a balance of more than $1 million today.

Who made the most money on Bitcoin? ›

1. Satoshi Nakamoto. While not an investor in the traditional sense, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous Bitcoin creator, is rumored to hold the most bitcoin.

What crypto are billionaires buying? ›

Billionaires, just like the smallest retail investors, are looking for ways to boost their allocations to Bitcoin.

What family bought Bitcoin at $900? ›

In 2017, Taihuttu, his wife, and three daughters liquidated all they owned, trading a 2,500-square-foot house and virtually all their earthly possessions for bitcoin and a life on the road. This was back when the price of bitcoin was around $900. Bitcoin is currently trading around $19,200.

What person owns the most Bitcoin? ›

According to the Bitcoin research and analysis firm River Intelligence, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator behind Bitcoin, is listed as the top BTC holder as of 2024. The company notes that Satoshi Nakamoto holds about 1.1m BTC tokens in about 22,000 different addresses.

What happens if I get paid in Bitcoin? ›

Getting paid in crypto taxes in the USA

So even if you're not an employee, if you're being paid in crypto for any kind of service, you'll pay Income Tax. In most US states, US taxpayers will also need to pay state Income Tax on any income, as well as Federal Income Tax.

Can I buy $20 worth of Bitcoin? ›

The easiest way to buy 20 USD with BTC is to convert USD to BTC. To do so, visit the Bitcoin exchanges section, and then look for fiat trading pairs. You can use the search window accompanying the “BTC Pairs” section and enter USD to filter for crypto exchanges that have a BTC/USD trading pair.

What happens if I buy $1 of Bitcoin on Cash App? ›

* Your $1 worth of Bitcoin will be stored in your Cash App Bitcoin wallet. * You can view your Bitcoin balance and current price at any time in the Cash App. You can also buy, sell, or send your Bitcoin from within the app.

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