Justin Bieber: My eyes changed because I know who I am now (2024)

Look deep into Justin Bieber’s eyes — can you see the change?

The troubled star, who has faced legal trouble in recent months, claims proof that he’s achanged man is inhis big brown eyes.

“You know how you can tell a person by their eyes, their intentions and where they’re at?” Bieber, 21, told USA Today when asked what his friends might say is his biggest change yet. “Well, my eyes changed, they got softer and brighter. They’re open. I have more of a grasp of who Iam at this point.”

Bieber has been trying to turn over a new leaf in recent months.

At hisComedy Central roast, Bieber apologized for his terrible behavior. “I’m looking forward to being someone who you guys can all look at and be proud of,” he said.

In2014,heegged a neighbor’s house, became intolerable during a taped deposition, got arrested for crashing his ATV into a minivan and more.

“Unless you’re stupid, I don’t think you would think it’s easy to be who I am,” he told the newspaper. “Just use your head, you’ll understand that my life is not easy.”

No matter what, Bieber’s well aware he’s got a long road ahead of him.

“We can talk and do interviews and I can say I’m in a better place, but until they see the walk, and see the transition come to life, that’s what’s really going to matter,” he added.

Justin Bieber: My eyes changed because I know who I am now (2024)
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