Klaus and Hayley (2024)

In Always and Forever, Elijah met Hayley in New Orleans and used his vampiric powers to show her visions of his memories of his family's life when they were humans. After Elijah revealed that once Klaus had fed and killed for the first time as a vampire, which activated his werewolf curse, Hayley replied, "Your dad was a dick", after learning he bound Klaus to a wooden cross and forced their mother to cast a spell to suppress his werewolf side. She also informed him that their family is legendary in New Orleans, and that Klaus seems like a "notorious psycho," who she admitted to sleeping with on a one-night-stand.

Some time later, Klaus still hadn't come to terms with his impending fatherhood and denied its existence, seeming to not care whether Hayley and the baby lived or died.

In House of the Rising Son, three months later, Rebekah abruptly arrived in New Orleans and immediately confused Hayley with a maid. She argued with Klaus before telling Hayley to help her search for the missing Elijah. Rebekah showed her the basem*nt, where Klaus kept their coffins on "stand-by," in case he felt like daggering his siblings if they wronged him in any way. Hayley was appalled to hear of Klaus' habits and admitted that she felt sick upon hearing this fact. Rebekah replied that she should have left New Orleans as soon as she realized Elijah was missing, as Klaus would likely have a coffin ready for her once their baby is born.

Hayley later heads to Jardin Gris and acquired some wolfsbane, in order to abort their child, knowing that she couldn't leave town while she was still pregnant due to the spell Jane-Anne cast on her. However, before she could take the poison, she was attacked by Marcel's vampires. She splashes the cup in one vampire's face before attempting to flee, and was eventually saved by Rebekah. After returning to their home, Klaus berated Hayley over her leaving the house and heading into the Quarter (which was off-limits to werewolves), demanding to know what she was doing. Hayley snapped that she was about to abort the child so as to put it out of it's misery, which infuriated Klaus. He stepped forward and began to choke her, but Rebekah, appalled at his reaction toward the woman carrying his child, managed to pull him off of her. She proceeded to tell Klaus that there is nothing wrong with caring and wanting something, which ultimately calmed Klaus down.

The next morning, Klaus wandered into Hayley's room while she was sleeping, and found an empty bottle of wolfsbane in her bag. Hayley woke up and saw him sniff the bottle and assured him she didn't use it. When Klaus asked her why, as she could have been free from him and their situation, Hayley confessed that because of her past background (being abandoned by her biological parents and kicked out by her adoptive ones), she had never had a real family. It was when her baby was threatened that she finally knew that she wouldn't let anybody hurt their baby. Klaus listened for a moment before commenting that the both of them are alike, as it seems they both are "cast-offs" who have learned to fight when backed into a corner. Hayley retorted that they are backed into a corner now. Klaus moved forward and gently placed a hand on her shoulder before informing her that it was time to fight, affectionately referring to her as "little wolf."

In Tangled Up In Blue, Rebekah and Klaus are discussing the vampire attack the night before, and that Klaus had burned them before Rebekah had the chance to, as she "loves to burn things". Klaus comments that it was his duty, considering they attacked the "helpless pregnant girl who's carrying his child". Rebekah snorts that she is shocked by his new sense of fatherly duty. Hayley, stalking into the room, quickly demands to know what the plan is in order to get Elijah back. Klaus reveals that the plan is simply to ask Marcel, and Hayley stands dumbfounded at the plan before asking if there is a Plan B, to which Klaus responds "war".

Hayley is walking beside the pool some time later, when she stops suddenly, seeing a wolf standing ahead of her. Sabine appears behind her, telling her that the wolf is drawn to her as she and Klaus "made something special", before asking whether she would like to know the gender of their child.

When Klaus returns to the house after the Masquerade Gala, he stops in the doorway of the room Hayley is in and tells her that Elijah would soon be returning to them. This is because he gained Marcel's trust, who now essentially owes him one. Hayley seems relieved at this and congratulates him, as being diabolical has it's perks. Klaus stops for a moment, pondering something before asking quietly what it is about Elijah that warrants immediate admiration, and seems to take in her words as she reveals it was as simple as, because he was kind to her. As Klaus stops then turns around to leave, he pauses at her words; "I learned something today. I think it's a girl". Klaus smiles at the news, unseen to Hayley and walks back out the door.

In Girl in New Orleans, Klaus appears in Dr. Paige's surgery after a message from Rebekah, about her and Hayley's recent actions. He is worried about Hayley's whereabouts after her and Rebekah were ambushed and attacked by warlocks. Klaus and Rebekah hear wolves howling and they head outside, to see Hayley stumbling towards them, dazed and exhausted looking with her clothes tattered and dirty. Klaus and Rebekah rush towards her, with Klaus checking her over for wounds, seeming shocked that she doesn't have any. Hayley says it's her "werewolf healing" although Klaus doesn't believe her wounds could've healed that quickly. Rebekah intervenes and takes Hayley from Klaus, telling them both that their child healed her. Klaus smiles at the thought before watching the two as they sit down on the front step.

Klaus demands to know what happened and promises to slaughter Sophie Deveraux, believing she was behind the attack along with Agnes. Rebekah interrupts, saying "not before Elijah gets there first" and looks at Hayley, adding "he asks we take care of you". Klaus seems upset when Hayley questions Rebekah about Elijah. Hayley then stands up, attempting to leave, but stumbles. Klaus rushes to catch her and carries her back to their home.

In Bloodletting, Hayley is kidnapped by Tyler who came to New Orleans looking for revenge on Klaus. Meanwhile, Klaus and Elijah use the help of the witch Sabine to find Hayley. Sabine takes some of Klaus' blood in order to locate Hayley and the baby. In the woods, Klaus and Elijah have an argument over Elijah looking determined to find "the little wolf". Klaus believes that Elijah is trying to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch. Continuing the argument, Klaus claims that he has "sampled what she has to offer" and refers to her as being "exquisite".

In a later scene, Elijah and Hayley find Klaus at the cabin in the bayou where Hayley was held hostage by Tyler before she escaped. Elijah and Hayley falsely accuse Klaus of wanting to use his child's blood once born in order to create hybrids. Klaus looks hurt by the fact that his half-siblings and now Hayley consider him to be a liar, a manipulator and a bastard. Klaus snorts that he'll play the role he has been given and bites Elijah, leaving Hayley shocked. He leaves both of them in the bayou, but not before sharing a meaningful glance with Hayley.

In The River in Reverse, Klaus and Hayley share a brief scene at the very end of the episode after Klaus has had yet another feud with his half-siblings. He has argued with Rebekah for betraying him and siding with the man she loves, the man who plotted against Klaus, Marcel. He argued with Elijah and accused him of taking his child away from him with every fawning moment of tenderness he shows to Hayley. Elijah tells him that it has nothing to do with Hayley, but Klaus protests by saying that it has everything to do with her. Klaus chooses to dagger neither of his half-siblings, but forbids them to come live with him in his new home. Klaus tells Hayley that she is to come with him, as the child she is carrying is the "only thing on this earth that matters" to him, and that she shouldn't bother fighting him on this. Hayley chooses to get in the car with Klaus, partly because he threatened to drag her to The Abattoir by force, if she did not come willingly, he also tells her, that she can try to fight him on this, but she will lose, as will Elijah and Rebekah, if they get in his way or try to stop her from getting in his car, their relationship becomes strained after Hayley chose to believe Tyler's lies over Klaus, when she should have known that Tyler was lying, as he wanted revenge on Klaus for killing his mother, and would say anything to justify his actions, and she falsely accused Klaus of only caring about there unborn child, so he can used her to sire more hybrids, Klaus completely loses trust in Hayley, believing she would try to run away with his child, before she is born, to try and keep him out of his child's life.

In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, the episode begins with a feast held by Klaus at his mansion now that he has control over New Orleans and invites the vampires, including Marcel. Hayley has also attended the banquet. Klaus tells the vampires that they should show the mother of his child respect, as he strolls over to where she is sitting. He then tries to reassure the people who believe that he intends on using the blood of his child to create hybrids, that he does not intend on doing such a thing. As he says that, Klaus touches Hayley's shoulder affectionately. Hayley mocks him in front of his vampires by calling him "father of the year". Klaus shows a look of discomfort as he goes back to his chair, saying that it appears he will have to earn their trust. He then orders the vampires to kill the werewolves in the bayou, as he can't make hybrids if there aren't any werewolves. Hayley meets Davina afterwards and Davina calls her "Klaus' wife". To which Hayley responds with a "Ew! No! Never"!

In a later scene, Hayley confronts Klaus about how he ordered the werewolves in the bayou to be killed. She tells him that they are her family, to which Klaus replies that they only abandoned her. He then tells her that he is trying to keep her safe, not that she appreciates the effort. Hayley asks Klaus what would happen to her once the baby is born, leaving Klaus surprised and speechless. Hayley looks hurt by his unwillingness to answer her question, telling him that she has a little while until she finds out and that in the meantime, she would find a way to pay him back and that he couldn't do "a damn thing about it" as long she is carrying his child.

In Après Moi, Le Déluge, Klaus sees Hayley stacking up boxes of food and crying at the same time. He stops for a moment and goes over to her to ask what she was doing. Hayley wanted to explain that she wanted to take the food to the bayou but Klaus got enraged, saying this was not the night to be out there. Hayley surprises him when she tells him, "Some people don't have a choice". She has shown she cares for the werewolves. Klaus looks at her in a moment of comfort until he grabs the boxes of food himself and tells her to follow him. She listens to him. Later on, they walk in together in the church and give the boxes of food to Father Kieran, which he gladly accepts. Hayley notices that the people in the church were in fact werewolves and questions Klaus about it. Klaus explains to her that this is in fact his clan and that their plight has brought out the philanthropist in him, which is why he offered to keep them hidden and protected. He also told Hayley that the blood that runs in their veins runs in his and their child's.

They share a moment of silence as they look each other in the eyes, as if reconnecting all of a sudden. Hayley looks away after a while and claims that this family gets more complicated by the second. Klaus, hating to see Hayley suffer emotionally, gently offers her some advice on how to deal with Elijah, then turns away and leaves. Hayley continues to look after him, seemingly amazed of his sudden change in personality.

In The Big Uneasy, Klaus and Hayley share a brief encounter at the traditional witch feast day party.

Hayley had found out (after she pushed them into telling) from Jackson and Oliver that they had made a deal with Klaus to protect their packs, a deal which would help them survive and make werewolves superior, above any other species. Hayley shows up at the feast as the werewolves' representative, bearing a gift for the Harvest Witches, which includes Davina. Klaus grabs Hayley's arm, wanting to talk to her. He tells her that he knows that she found out about the deal he made with Jackson and Oliver, and considers Hayley bold for pushing them into telling her the truth, as well as showing up at the party as the werewolves' representative.

Hayley smirks and asks him if he really is planning on going behind Elijah's back. Klaus tells her that her pack will benefit from this plan, and that wouldn't really matter what Elijah thinks. Hayley then begins to threaten him regarding if she finds out that he had been trying to manipulate them, but Klaus stops her, chuckles and comments on how she had gone a long way. Hayley stops talking and looks at him intensely. Klaus tells her that he knew that she was tough and cunning, but he didn't know that she was a queen.

He then smiles at her and leaves. Later on, after Marcel compelled some musicians to show up at the party and slice their wrists to make the vampires thirsty, Elijah tries to stop the vampires from pouncing but didn't succeed as it resulted in the vampires attacking the human musicians and drinking their blood. The lights go out and then back on, revealing dead bodies. Hayley lays on the ground, terrified and just when Klaus was about to reach for her and help her, she calls out for Elijah, which made him stop moving. Klaus looks hurt as he watches Elijah help Hayley off the floor, and then leaves.

In An Unblinking Death, Hayley found out where Marcel is hiding. She calls Klaus and informs him about the suicide bomber in the Bayou.

Klaus is worried and asks her where she is. She tells him that she's fine and that she thinks that Marcel is behind this. She asks Klaus if he wants to help her kick Marcel's ass. Klaus promises her that once he's finished with whatever he's doing she will have is undivided attention. He asks her to please stay out of trouble in the mean time. Hayley seems a bit hurt that he doesn't want to help her right away and she tells him that he shouldn't worry since Elijah is with her, which was a fib since she was alone. She clearly said this to hurt Klaus so that he knows that Elijah is there for her when Klaus isn't. Hayley ends the phone call afterwards.

In A Closer Walk With Thee, Klaus tells Hayley she should come back to the compound for the safety of the baby. If she doesn't come willing, she knows he'll drag her to the compound kicking and screaming. She responds by saying that one nightmare of his father all of a sudden made him a responsible daddy. She also tells him that in an attempt to plead his case he forgot that the baby is not his child, she's theirs.

After Hayley talked to Cami she starts coughing up blood and faints, thanks to a spell Monique cast. Klaus, Elijah and Genevieve take her to the compound. Elijah can't hear Hayley's heartbeat, but only that of the baby. Genevieve tries to save her by using magic. Klaus, clearly panicking, gives Hayley his blood, but it doesn't work. Klaus then tells Elijah he won't lose that baby and he wants to deliver the baby now, but Elijah stops him. Genevieve agrees with Elijah; if they deliver the baby Hayley will bleed to death. Klaus backs down, agreeing in silence with both of them.

In the mean time we see that Hayley is on the Other Side with Mikael. She doesn't understand why she can see him, but then she realizes the only reason why she can see him is because she is dead. She screams for her baby, but Mikael tells her it's too late to save the atrocity that's festering in her womb. She tells him she can't really be dead, because otherwise he wouldn't try to kill her and the baby. He tells her the baby is doomed anyway with a father like Klaus. She responds that her daughter has one advantage Klaus never had, she will never know Mikael. She then wakes up thanks to Genevieve's spell and tells Klaus and Elijah that Mikael tried to kill her.

Later, Hayley is sitting in her room in the compound when Klaus walks in. He tells her that she proved to be quite resilient; fighters, both her and the baby. She tells him that she decided to move back in. Klaus is happy to hear that, and tells her that he only wants that the child is kept safe. She asks him what will become of her once she gives birth. She fears Klaus will try to take their daughter away from her. Klaus asks her to follow him, he wants to show her something. He prepared a nursery next to Hayley's room. He tells her that whether she believes it or not, he would actually like it if she's there with him. He wants their daughter to be raised by her parents in their family home. He asks her what his father told her. She responds that Mikael told her nothing that was true. She smiles at him and after hearing her words, he smiles too and walks away.

In The Battle of New Orleans, Klaus and Hayley both have to deal with the problems that Marcel and his vampire army are making for them. Klaus intends on having the moonlight stones made for the werewolves by Genevieve so they can protect themselves. Klaus makes a deal with Francesca and had her bring over some very rare stones, since Jackson and Oliver were captured by Marcel and the stones went missing. Marcel and Diego beat Jackson and Oliver and force them to tell what Klaus is up to. Jackson finally confessed and he is left there with a bomb. Klaus and Elijah come to his rescue and to take the stones. Hayley was on the phone with Elijah when she heard the bomb go off and began to worry. Klaus, Elijah and Jackson manage to get home safely and unharmed. Hayley immediately tends to Jackson and gives him a hug while whispering a thank you to Elijah. Klaus looks hurt and annoyed that Hayley hasn't asked him how he is and responds with a moody attitude. "I'm fine too. Thanks for asking." Hayley just gives him a neutral look without saying anything. Later on in the episode, it is revealed that Francesca and Genevieve had a deal to take on The Original Vampires. Francesca received the moonlight stones and reveals herself to be an untriggered werewolf, while giving the stones to her family and to herself. Genevieve and the witches capture Hayley while she goes into labor. Klaus is weak as the newly improved werewolves were feeding on his power as the full moon was up. Hayley is taken into the church and she looks scared as the witches force her to give birth so they could sacrifice her baby. Hayley yells out in pain. Klaus is staggering weak on the streets and hears Hayley screaming. He yells out in anger as he is too weak to do anything about it.

In From a Cradle to a Grave, we see a flashback of Hayley and Klaus. She is writing a letter for her daughter when Klaus walks in and asks her to which suitor she's writing the letter to, Jackson or Elijah. She just smiled smugly as he continues to tease her with "Don't tell me it's me. I thought I was out of the running ages ago". Which makes her laugh and tell him that he has the biggest ego. Klaus laughs along with her and then comes closer to her in her room. He asks her her how their "littlest wolf" is doing. She smiles and asks him if he wants to feel her kick. Klaus hesitates for a moment but Hayley encourages him. Klaus bends over and touches Hayley's belly with his hand as Hayley studied his face carefully. Finally, the baby kicked and Klaus gasped, surprised. Hayley smiles and whispers, "You feel that?". Klaus laughs and smiles along with her as they look at each other intensely. Their moment is broken when Klaus pulls away and tells her that he will let her get back to her "secret letter".

Hayley has been taken to St. Anne's Church by Genevieve, Monique, Abigail and a few other witches. Hayley's placenta has ruptured so she has to give birth to the baby there. She tries to fight the witches, when Klaus walks in. He kills one of the witches, but Genevieve, Monique and Abigail stop him. He watches Hayley give birth while he is held against a wall with a spell. Once the baby is born, Hayley asks if she could hold her. Genevieve hands the baby over, but Monique slits Hayley's throat only a few moments later. Klaus screams in horror. Monique breaks Klaus' neck and they leave with the baby. Later, Elijah finds Klaus crying, with a dead Hayley in his arms.

The witches have taken the baby to the cemetery, where they plan to sacrifice her. Klaus and Elijah try to find them, but they have cast a spell that creates the illusion of a maze. Elijah is heartbroken that Hayley is dead. They are unable to find the baby, when Hayley suddenly walks in. Klaus realizes that the blood of their daughter brought her back to life, she's in transition into a hybrid; he looked almost shocked that he, of all people, did not foresee this happening. Hayley can feel her daughter and she leads Klaus and Elijah to the witches. Genevieve is about to stab the baby, but Elijah stops her. Monique and Abigail try to stop them by calling upon their ancestors. Hayley fights Genevieve, but Genevieve has the upper hand. Klaus kills Abigail by throwing a pike at her. Monique takes matters in her own hands. Hayley and Klaus scream in terror. Monique is about to stab the baby when Marcel comes in and kills her. He takes the baby with him. Klaus follows him immediately.

Hayley is holding her daughter in the nursery while Elijah and Klaus discuss what to do next. Klaus thinks that his daughter will never be safe, no matter where she is. He doesn't want her to grow up in a prison. Hayley tells them there's another option. Hayley's parents thought they could protect her, but in the end they were killed and Hayley spent her childhood alone and unloved. She made a promise to herself and her baby that she would grow up differently. She thinks the only option is to send their daughter away, while they stay behind and clean up the mess that they've made. Elijah doesn't agree, she'll be hunted no matter what. Klaus tells him that won't be a problem if nobody knows that she lives. Hayley says goodbye to her little girl and drinks a bit of her blood to complete her transition. Elijah tells Klaus that nobody will be able to protect her like them. Klaus tells him there's one person who can. We see Klaus holding his daughter waiting on an abandoned road. Another car drives in and Rebekah steps out of it.

Rebekah tells him that she looks like her mother, and that maybe there's a god after all. Klaus smiles at her. He responds that there's a glimpse of the devil in her eyes and that is all him. He tells her that despite their differences there is no one that he would trust more with the life of his daughter. He tells his daughter that the people in the city would have seen her dead, but he would see her live and he'll make the city her home. He says that he would struck down anyone who would dare to wish her harm. And he tells her that she'll return to him. He then gives her a kiss on her forehead and on her cheek. He hands her over to Rebekah. Rebekah asks him what her name is. He tells her that her name is Hope. He cries as he watches Rebekah leave with Hope.

In For the Next Millennium, six months have passed, however, Klaus still has not forgiven Hayley for trying to take Hope away from him, he refuses to see her, also Klaus has refused to help find a cure for Hayley's curse.

In You Hung the Moon, Hayley and Klaus share a violent reunion. Hayley finally has her human form back to get back at Klaus for having Dahlia place the Crescent Wolf Curse upon her and her werewolf family. Klaus and Hayley violently fight in the Mikaelson Compound as the rest of the Mikaelson family are forced to watch. Hayley and Klaus stop fighting when Hope appears outside of her nursery and walking on the foyer on the second floor of the Mikaelson Compound. Klaus seems to regret his actions of placing the curse on her when Hayley picks up Hope in her arms and cries bitterly that she missed Hope's first steps. Later on, Hayley hatefully tells Klaus that she is taking Hope from him and claims that she is going to raise her with Jackson, in an apartment, across the street from the Mikaelson Compound. Klaus does not argue with Hayley and stares into space as she carries Hope out of the Mikaelson Compound

In I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, Klaus and Hayley don't interact with each other. However, Jackson takes Hayley out, while Freya Mikaelson watches Hope, to blow off some steam. Hayley is tired of the stress of the Mikaelson life, which includes Klaus and she complains about all he has done to her, them and everyone else Klaus has affected negatively. Jackson helps Hayley to let go of that stress and to get her mind off Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelson family.

In A Walk on the Wild Side, the Mikaelson family talk about who should attend the Strix ball. Klaus and Hayley bicker about their current tension and hatred towards each other as the rest of the Mikaelson family arranges for Elijah and Hayley to attend the ball with Marcel. The three ally together in order to help Marcel be inducted within the Strix's inner circle.

In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, Jackson Kenner is killed by Tristan de Martel as revenge against Hayley for torturing him, therefore Hayley can no longer keep Hope away from Klaus, as the apartment she living in was in Jackson's name. Klaus learns from Elijah or Freya (off-screen) that Hayley has been captured by the Strix, although he is still clearly angry with Hayley for trying to keep his daughter away from him, he still rescues her, despite this, Klaus still has not yet forgiven the latter for this act.

In Behind the Black Horizon, Klaus and Hayley embarked on a mission to determine the hidden agenda of Kingmaker, Lucien Castle's private company. He willingly stayed by Hayley's side as they fought Lucien's private security force and released the captive werewolves. Hayley told Klaus that she wanted to see what it was like to work alongside Klaus under a common banner and she finally got the chance, showing her appreciation to him for being there for her. However, she insisted that Klaus return to his family to take the chance of making Finn an ally. Later on, Hayley returned to the Abattoir after the Mikaelsons said their goodbyes to Finn. She relayed to them what she and Klaus learned in their time together.

In The Bloody Crown, Klaus and Hayley, along with the rest of the Mikaelson family, ally together to try and stop Marcel from destroying the family. Hayley helps around the apartment the Mikaelson family found refuge in while Klaus stands trial for his crimes against his former sireline. Before Klaus leaves to stand trial against his crimes, he apologized to Hayley for wronging her and he says goodbye to Hope in a heartfelt letter. Marcel convicts Klaus and sentences him to Lafayette Cemetery to desiccate, while under the excruciatingly painful magic of Papa Tunde's blade. Hayley supports Klaus to do this because Freya linked his life to the rest of the Mikaelson siblings. While the Mikaelson siblings rest and while Klaus is forced to endure constant pain under Papa Tunde's blade, Hayley is tasked with raising Hope by herself and finding magical cures for all the Mikaelson siblings and to ensure the survival of the Mikaelson family.

In No Quarter,

In Haunter of Ruins,

In High Water and a Devil's Daughter, Klaus confides in Hayley, telling her about how painful it was to be held in captivity for those five years.

In The Feast of All Sinners, after seeing Klaus talk to his daughter, Hayley admits to him that he is a good father and that he deserves to know the truth about the ritual. She tells him that Vincent didn't want to tell him because he didn't think that he'd go through with the ritual, but she wants to tell him because she knows that he will do anything for Hope even if it means never seeing her again.

Klaus and Hayley (2024)


What is the relationship between Klaus and Hayley? ›

Sexual (One Night Stand), Family, Both are parents to Hope Mikaelson; Frenemies/Friends, Former Enemies, Former Allies; Hayley ran off with Hope behind Klaus' back, Klaus took their daughter back and had Dahlia place the Crescent Curse on Hayley and her pack as punishment for trying to take Hope away from him, She ...

Who did Klaus love the most? ›

Definitely it's Klaroline, she is Klaus true love. He is completely different when he is with her, his smile omg ❤ The way he talks to Caroline is like Poetic man💯 but cami is a Friend who understood him when he needed someone to understand him. Klaus wants to be Caroline's lasts LOVE ,HOWEVER LONG IT'S TAKE.

How many babies does Klaus have? ›

Klaus has a Tribrid daughter with a werewolf (she becomes a hybrid later in The Originals) named Hayley. Their daughter's name is Hope and she has the genes of a witch, werewolf, and vampire, making her the one and only Tribrid.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.