Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (2024)

Chanel’s logo is undeniably one of the most successful stories in the history of fashion branding.

Women, from adolescents to the sophisticated, long to wear anything with those interlocking Cs while men of all ages try to impress with gifts bearing that instantly recognisable symbol.

And while many think those two Cs stand for the initials of the brand’s founder Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel (Coco being the pet name given by her father), that’s not quite the whole truth.

So just how did these Cs come about? Believe it or not, it may have to do with either a sacred place or a love story.

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Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (1)

According to the French marque, Chanel designed the interlocking Cs in 1925 as a homage to a monastery in Aubazine, France, where she spent most of her childhood. The French designer was said to have been inspired by the geometric patterns of stained glass windows in the chapel at the monastery.

There is, however, an unofficial version of the origins of those interlocking Cs that tugs at Chanel’s heartstring. Theexceedingly romantic talehas to do with a completely different phase in Chanel’s long and colourful life – specifically, her romance with English aristocrat Arthur “Boy” Capel.

Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (2)

Chanel’s love affair with Capel lasted a total of nine years. He shared her equine passion and is believed to be Chanel’s one true love. Her handsome and wealthy lover funded her first millinery on Rue Cambon in Paris (the store opened in 1910) and a ready-to-wear boutique in Deauville three years later.

Having found her footing in the glamorous world of fashion, she then went on to register a Couture house in Rue Cambon, before opening a “pour le sport” (for sports) boutique in Biarritz.

Capel died tragically in a traffic accident in 1919. His sudden departure devastated his fashionable French lover. Chanel later confided in her friend Paul Morand, “His death was a terrible blow to me. In losing Capel, I lost everything.”

This admission led some to believe that the interlocking Cs developed six years after his death was a nod to their heart-wrenching love affair.

Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (3)

Chanel was certainly not the only influential woman then to use the emblem of interlocking Cs as her symbol. French royals including Queen Claude of France and Catherine de Medici’s royal insignias were made up of double Cs. But it was Chanel who would go on to become a worldwide sensation.

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Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (4)

Her logo of interlocking Cs became symbolic of the changing times. On the style front, she famously freed women from wearing corsets – in the 1920s, she introduced the Little Black Dress to the fashion world, solidifying her status as one of the foremost French fashion designer.

Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (5)

Chanel continued to push boundaries with her iconic brand of avant garde garcon style. Blurring gender lines, she turned the rules of womenswear on its head by incorporating elements of menswear.

Through her deft designs, she offered women a taste of wearing pants, stiff white collar and starched cuffs. She appropriated tweed that was once considered a very masculine fabric, and turned it into a chic and accessible women’s jacket. She moved hemlines up to flaunt skin.

What’s noteworthy is that, as experimental as each of her moves were back then, she rewrote the rules without compromising the dignity of women. There was an undeniable air of elegance that accompanied every ballsy step she took.

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Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (6)

Rebels with a cause identified with her refreshingly different aesthetics. The design revolution she championed had nothing to do with shock value – instead it was aimed at freeing women from traditional sartorial shackles. Chanel was the catalyst for changing the way women dressed, championing the concept of getting dressed for comfort and practicality.

Years after her death – she died in 1971, at age 88, in her bed at the very swanky Hotel Ritz – those mesmerising interlocking Cs continueto stand for the very same fundamentalsChanel held dear –confident and current. And you wonder why women and the men continue to be spellbound by this hypnotic logo?

As a seasoned fashion enthusiast with a profound understanding of the history of iconic fashion brands, I can delve into the intriguing story behind Chanel's timeless logo. My knowledge spans the intricate details of Chanel's design philosophy, the evolution of her brand, and the cultural impact of her creations.

Now, let's dissect the article on Chanel's logo to provide a comprehensive overview of the concepts used:

  1. Chanel's Logo Origins:

    • The interlocking Cs of Chanel's logo were designed in 1925 as a tribute to a monastery in Aubazine, France, where Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel spent much of her childhood.
    • The inspiration for the design came from the geometric patterns of stained glass windows in the chapel of the monastery.
  2. Alternative Origin:

    • There is an unofficial version suggesting a romantic connection to Chanel's relationship with English aristocrat Arthur "Boy" Capel.
    • Chanel and Capel's love affair lasted nine years, and he played a crucial role in funding her early ventures in the fashion world.
    • Some speculate that the interlocking Cs, created six years after Capel's tragic death in 1919, may symbolize their poignant love story.
  3. Chanel's Impact on Fashion:

    • Chanel's influence extends beyond her logo, encompassing revolutionary contributions to the fashion industry.
    • She freed women from corsets and introduced the iconic Little Black Dress in the 1920s, solidifying her status as a leading French fashion designer.
    • Chanel's avant-garde garcon style challenged traditional gender norms, incorporating menswear elements into womenswear.
    • She redefined elegance, pushing boundaries without compromising the dignity of women.
  4. Symbolism and Legacy:

    • The interlocking Cs became symbolic of changing times and a worldwide sensation, representing Chanel's fearless approach to fashion.
    • Chanel's logo continues to stand for the fundamentals she held dear – confidence and contemporaneity – even after her death in 1971.
  5. Cultural Influence:

    • The article highlights that other influential women, including French royals, used the double Cs in their insignias, but it was Chanel who achieved global recognition.
    • Chanel's design revolution aimed at freeing women from traditional sartorial shackles and emphasized comfort and practicality in dressing.

In conclusion, Chanel's logo is not merely a symbol; it encapsulates a rich narrative of inspiration, romance, and the transformative impact of a visionary designer on the world of fashion. The interlocking Cs continue to captivate both women and men, representing the enduring legacy of Coco Chanel.

Know your fashion: The unofficial love story behind Chanel’s famous logo (2024)
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