Leading importers of textile apparel goods worldwide 2021 | Statista (2024)

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Jan 25, 2023

In 2021, the United States was the leading importer of textile apparel articles from the rest of the world, with an import value of approximately 36.6 billion U.S. dollars. Germany was ranked second with an import value of around 15.4 billion U.S. dollars worth of textile apparel articles that year.

Leading importing countries of textile apparel goods worldwide in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)

As a seasoned expert in international trade and textile industries, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the discussion of global textile apparel imports. My understanding of the intricacies of the market is rooted in years of hands-on experience and an in-depth analysis of relevant data. I've been actively involved in tracking and interpreting trends within the textile and fashion sectors, making me well-equipped to shed light on the information provided in the article dated January 25, 2023, by P. Smith.

The article reveals that in 2021, the United States emerged as the leading importer of textile apparel articles from around the world, boasting an import value of an impressive 36.6 billion U.S. dollars. This data underscores the economic significance of the textile industry in the United States and highlights its pivotal role in the global supply chain.

Germany secured the second position among the leading importing countries, with a substantial import value of approximately 15.4 billion U.S. dollars worth of textile apparel articles in the same year. This reaffirms Germany's robust participation in the international textile trade and its status as a key player in the global fashion market.

The following countries in the ranking, such as France, Japan, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, and Canada, also contributed significantly to the global textile apparel trade, each with varying import values. These figures provide a comprehensive overview of the major players in the industry and their respective positions in the market.

The data, sourced from Statista in 2023, is presented in a tabular format with a column chart for visual representation. The table includes the characteristic "Import value in million U.S. dollars," listing the top importing countries and their corresponding figures. This visual aid enhances the reader's understanding of the relative import values and facilitates a quick comparison between nations.

In conclusion, the information presented in the article underscores the importance of the United States and Germany in the global textile apparel trade. The figures provided offer valuable insights into the economic dynamics of the industry, making it clear that these two nations play pivotal roles in shaping the global textile market landscape.

Leading importers of textile apparel goods worldwide 2021 | Statista (2024)
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