League of Street (2024)

(全力疾走 meaning full strength sprint) A long distance riding competition between amateur bike crews. The first place winner receives 100 million won in prize money and a ticket to participate in an international riding competition.


  • 1 Preliminaries
    • 1.1 Round 1 Preliminaries
    • 1.2 Round 2 Preliminaries
  • 2 Finals
    • 2.1 First round
    • 2.2 Second Round
    • 2.3 Round 3 (Street Elimination Race)
      • 2.3.1 Match list
    • 2.4 Round 4 (Protect the King Race)
      • 2.4.1 Match list
    • 2.5 Round 5 (Team Death Match)
    • 2.6 Rematch 1(Race to the Death) 死生決断
    • 2.7 Rematch 2 (Collaboration Death Match)
    • 2.8 Round 6 (Street Rush)
    • 2.9 Round 7 (Ruleless Race)
      • 2.9.1 Match list
    • 2.10 Round 8 (Backstreet Attack)
      • 2.10.1 Match list
    • 2.11 Round 9 (Team Relay Attack)
    • 2.12 Special Event: Jay Jo vs. Owen Knight
    • 2.13 Round 10 (Score Battle)
      • 2.13.1 Match list
    • 2.14 Round 11 (Five Team Survival)
      • 2.14.1 Match list
  • 3 Known Participants


Round 1 Preliminaries[]

Consists of a sprinting course that races through the city.

Rules: Representatives from each team who make it to the finish line in less than 5 minutes and 30 seconds advance to the next round. The whole team would be disqualified if the representative failed to reach the finishing line within the time limit.

Rundown: The Trident representative takes the lead trying to put some distance between him and the Monster rep. The Monster rep finally builds up enough speed and is racing for the lead. The manga rep is agitated by the Ghost rep and tries to swerve and bump into the him but misses and causes an accident 3 minutes and 19 seconds in instead. He was able to recover but feels guilty for hurting so many people. Dom not seeing the accident does not break in time and crashes. With 1 minute and 45 seconds remaining in the race, Dom gets up and rejoins the race. He is able to qualify his crew for the next preliminary in the nick of time.

Score Board
LastHumming Bird23*00:05:29.97

* There was a crash in zone B 00:03:19.00 into the race. Dom crashed into them soon after. We see him finally getting his bearings straight before asking how much time is left. Dom leaves before the staff finishes his answer, "1 minute and 45 seconds remaining". Meaning Dom was down for about 26 seconds

Round 2 Preliminaries[]

Consists of a corner race on a mountain road.

Rules: Round 1 and 2 are linked with a total of 10 minutes. For instance if the team leader of round 1 finished in 4 minutes and 7seconds the team leader of round 2 continues riding at the start time of 4 minutes and 7seconds. Basically the remaining time after subtracting the time from round 1 becomes the time limit for the team leader in round 2. The time limit for each team is measured with a bracelet. After the team goes over the limit the bracelet would make a beep sound and that team would be disqualified.

Rundown: Representatives of Manga and Tarantula crew take the lead while Jay hangs back to save energy during the turns. With 2 minutes and 37.58 seconds remaining, Jay launches his attack and overtakes 3 riders in an instant by speeding up and drifting through the turns. First three to enter zone B are the two leaders from Manga and Tarantula crew as well as the rep who insulted Jay's bike, Victory crew. Jay quickly over takes the leaders and the victory crew rep follows. They both speed down the hill and Jay executes his inertia drift trick to turn the sharp corner but Victory crew can't make the turn and crashes. Jay clears the final course in just 2 minutes and 19 seconds. The Manga and Tarantula crew reps can't close the gap and Jay finishes the race with a record time of 3 minutes and 20.72 seconds.

Of his group, only Jay(no.55), no.10 of the Tarantula crew, and no.65 of the Manga crew passed.


First round[]

The race is a team battle match with construction street course.

Rules: 2 riders from each team represent their teams and form partners to compete together. Partners may use a variety of techniques to help their team win such a pulling ahead, pulling back or marking. Whichever team's rider who crosses the finishing line first wins the match.

Second Round[]

The race would be a group match stretching 7.5 miles long.

Rules: Each team would receive a flag with their crew's symbol drawn on it. This is a relay style race where members pass the flag to each other as they go, and whichever team which gets their flag to the end first wins. A maximum of 7 per team are allowed to participate in this round.

Round 3 (Street Elimination Race)[]

This is a partner match on a 10km round course. Teams are to ride 3 laps around the course totalling a 3320m course.

Rules: Each time the participants complete one of the three laps, the last three riders to arrive at the finish line are eliminated.

Match list[]

Group A
MonsterHumming BirdGhostSubarashii

Round 4 (Protect the King Race)[]

The teams have to protect their "King" through an 18 km long course. The first three kings to cross the finish line are safe. If the king falls partway through the course, their team is eliminated.

Rundown: Jay was the crew's king. Attracting so much attention during their earlier matches, made them targets for most of the rival crew. The Fruit crew was especially out to target them. Halfway through Group C's match, it starts to rain. Group C's race continues despite the downpour but the other races have been delayed. Trident's king is in the lead followed by Hummingbird's. Jay is momentary distracted by the mention of studying when the Fruit crew tries to attack him. Luckily TJ intercepts due to an obligation to Vinny. Apple tries to attack Jay again but Jay avoids by executing a "fish and chips" move. He takes second place behind Juhwan. TJ gave up the race after protecting Jay but after seeing Fruit crew's King down, he sprints to the finish like barely beating Cooling crew.

Match list[]

Round 5 (Team Death Match)[]

Rundown: Jay and Vinny speed to the front to lead the race while June, Minu, Shelly and Dom keep pace in the back with Monster. When Gyuchan makes an attack on Jay and Vinny, The rest of team Humming bird start to put more space between Monster and Dom. Shelly goes on defence, blocking Monster and his supports while Minu, June, and Dom make head way. Jay's bike chain snapped mid race during his and Vinny's downhill attack. Jay notices his team slow down to check if he is okay but shouts for them to hustle. Dom tried his hardest to maintain his lead but was quickly overtaken by Monster. Monster holds a thumbs up in celebration with his football team back in USA.

After the race Monster over heard Ghost crew talking about how his match with Hummingbird crew was manipulated. He went to the committee to demand a fair race.

Rematch 1(Race to the Death) 死生決断[]

All teams pick 3 representatives to compete. Their crew must finish in the first 4 places.

Rundown: Dom went all out from the start and was able to maintain his place till he crossed the finish line. He was able to finish with an overwhelming lead. Following him were the Zephyrus Crew, the Manga Crew, and lastly the Zeroback Crew.

Rematch 2 (Collaboration Death Match)[]

The crew must team up in this race. The first three to cross the finish line wins the race

Hummingbird Crew x Manga Crew vs. Zephyrus Crew x Zeroback Crew

Rundown: Zephyrus x Zeroback planned to leave behind the Manga crew and attack the Humming Bird crew like a moth to a flame. TJ planned to race to the front while the others of the Zeroback crew purposely crash into Humming Bird crew. Luckily, Manga crew was there as defence and blocked the attack. Vinny and Jay take the lead again while Minu defends them against TJ. TJ makes a comment about how Minu is riding off the backs of his team mates while he and his friends got to this point by their merit. TJ's words seem to shake Minu and TJ makes his way back to the front. Mean while in the lead, Vinny notices Jay being more cautious with his riding and does not risk doing any drifts. TJ races to the front then suddenly turns around with the intent of taking down one of them. He fails to do so when Minu takes him down. The showdown for the last spot comes down to Dax and the last member of the Zeroback crew. Dax almost gives up but with the support of his friends, he makes one last effort to sprint for the finish line in the superman position, cementing Hummingbird and Manga crew's place in round 6.

Note: TJ got busted for doping. The Sabbath leader, Wooin, drugged him with a soda before the race.

Round 6 (Street Rush)[]

Round 7 (Ruleless Race)[]

5 member from each team will compete in an 18 km course. First to reach the finish line, without deviating from the course wins. By "ruleless race", they mean anything goes, even pushing another rider off their bikes, kicking you opponents, and sticking objects in an opponent's wheels (ie. what a scorpion member did to Dom).

Rundown: Minu comes up with Strategy Windbreaker. Dom and Vinny distract the opponents in the first leg of the race so Jay does not get tagged too early. Meanwhile, Minu, Shelly, and Jay keep pace in the back with Minu acting as windbreaker to minimize Jay's energy loss. When they were under a bridge and in the drone's blind spot, a Scorpion member stuck a metal pipe in Dom's "Brad T1" bike, causing him to crash head first. 3 km left and trying to regain their lead back, Vinny sprints to the front again, only to be intercepted by Changbae. The Scorpion leader put his feet on Vinny's front wheels forcing him to slow down. In the last kilometre of the race, Minu over paces to get their opponents to over pace too. Then he passes the lead to Jay, who shoots to the lead crossing the finish line with a 4.76 second lead.

Monster crew sets new record of the competition. Their time beat the Humming Bird crew's time by 37 seconds!

Match list[]

Group 3: Humming Bird vs Scorpion

Round 8 (Backstreet Attack)[]

Takes place on January 22nd after a 3 months hiatus.

Rules: 5 members from each team will race in a 16 km long course that starts out wide and gets narrower as the course progresses. Whoever comes out of the last alleyway wins the race.

Rundown: Humming Bird crew was almost disqualified for being late but the Zephyrus crew, thinking they disbanded, checked in to the competition for them with intentions of taking their place in the competition. Fans of Punk Prince distracted the Humming Birds causing Dom to loose his place as pace maker as Chan takes the lead. Punk Prince's strategy is similar to Tarantula. Their team work and synchronisation is impressive and they were able to create a "web" to block the Humming Birds. Shelly was able to break through their formation from the outside giving June and Dom the opportunity to sprint to the front. Despite making it to the alleyway first, Dom's weakness is definitely sharp corners and Dom lost the lead again to Chan. Once in the alleyway, Jay starts his hunt and quickly makes his way to the front. Seeing Jay catch up, the glasses wearing member purposely bumps into Shelly to distract him but Jay manages to stabilize her and catches up again. Meanwhile in the front Chan, distracted by a hate sign that read "Chan you bastard go die," falls over a pipe and purposely takes Dom down with him. His glasses wearing team mate also crashes into an apple crate while trying to avoid them. Jay rides towards them at full speed using Chan's helmet to jump over the collision and speeds towards the finish.

Match list[]

  • Group A or B: Start vs Ghost
  • Group C: Humming Bird vs Punk Prince

Round 9 (Team Relay Attack)[]

Each crew will break into two groups to complete a 4.5 mile long course.

Rundown: Humming Bird takes the lead but Dom realize that the Manga crew were using him and Shelly as a slipstream. Instead he powers forward into an sprint thinking that he make it a physical contest from the beginning but they don't follow him. Cornering proves to be Dom's downfall once again as he is over taken by the Manga crew who started their attack after entering the alleyways. Shelly catches up to them but the girl on Manga crew, Ruby(?), bumps into her blocking her from getting ahead. Ruby falls as Dom and Shelly go forward but neither of them can catch up. Dom used up his strength at the start and Shelly was delay from launching her attack by Ruby.

Part B of Manga crew takes the lead while Jay, June and Vinny wait for their team to catch up. the Manga crew holds a 175 yrd lead by the time the Humming Birds start the second leg. June acts as the windbreaker for Jay and Vinny. When entering the alleyway, they decide to drift their way through the corners to catch up to the Manga crew. As they are approaching the last corner, Jay and Vinny launch their attack and overtake the Manga crew with half a mile left on a straight course till the finish line. In a last ditch effort to get the lead, Manga crew launches "Deadly Manda Pistol" to propel Dax to the lead. 300 yards left and Dax get into the ultimate aero posture and pulls his signature "Superman" to maximise speed downhill but Jay catches up and blocks him, allowing Vinny to take the win.

Team A: Humming Bird vs Manga

Special Event: Jay Jo vs. Owen Knight[]

A rigged event to have Owen compete against Jay. To even the playing field, Owen rides on a second hand beginner's bike. Additionally, if the participant wins, their crew gets to pick who their opponents are for the next round.

Bet: If Jay won, Owen promised to Fly back home. If Owen won, Jay had to shave his hair.

Rundown: Jay starts the race strong but Owen "reads the wind" and is able to "change the flow" and take the lead easily. Jay changes he position and overtakes Owen again. The gap widens as Jay speeds through the curves with half a mile remaining. Owen notices the strain on his bike, the gear ratio was too low and the chain is unstable, but he persists with only 2000 feet remaining. He zigzags catching different currents to speed up eventually catching up to Jay. They speed up at the L turn but as Jay executes his inertia drift, Owen uses the curb to smoothly follow the curve and take the lead. 900 feet remaining and Jay surprise the audience by speeding up once more. The turn creates a fracture in Owen's bike frame but he continues to race down the track. 400ft remaining and Owen's bike fractures even further. Just as before he crosses the line, the bike gives out and sends Owen flying. Owen wins the race in a dramatic fashion.

Round 10 (Score Battle)[]

4 from each team get to participate on a 3.6km track.

rules: 1st to finish earns 5 points towards their team's over all score. 2nd receives 4 points, 3rd receives 3 points, 4th receives 2 points, and 5th place receives 1 point. The points of each races is totalled in the end and which ever team earns the most points wins.

Rundown: In group 1, Sabbath plays dirty and take down all of Trident's members, except the long haired dude. In the end, the Grim Reaper was suspended from the next race. In group 2, there was a big crash that took down Dom, June, and one of Asura's member. Jay pulls Vinny and during the last leg he sprint for the lead earning his team 5 points. He was followed closely by Soolim, the Asura leader, and a second Asura member. Jay got 4th place resulting in a tie. Despite the injuries from the earlier crash, Dom was able to finish the race before Asura's last member, breaking the tie and solidifying the Windbreaker's win.

Match list[]

  • Group 1: Trident vs Sabbath (0-15)
  • Group 2: Humming Bird vs Asura (8-7)
  • Group 3: Monster vs Double Wing
  • Group 4: Ghost vs Ace of Spades
  • Group 5: Iron Star vs Red Skull
    • Seems like Iron Star was in the lead the last panel we heard of their race. It was a neck to neck battle but June mentions that Iron Star's tactics were "sophisticated".

Round 11 (Five Team Survival)[]

2 riders from each team participates on a 3.2 km course.

Rules: Each team must get at least one of their riders in the top 5 position. The last team who fails to do so will be eliminated.

Rundown: Right off the bat, Jay takes the lead. He is running on instincts and isn't listing to anyone. Vinny slip streams behind him while the rest of the competition contemplate whether or not to go full force from the get go. Noah is quick to catch up saying she won't be so easy to beat because she is in full gear now. Jay eventually falls when he gets distracted by a Shelly like figure in the crowd and Noah and the Iron Star team mate crashes with him. Vinny and Kyuuchan fight for the lead while Monster keeps team Sabbath in check. Hwangyeon slips by them riding into third position. Noah's identity is revealed when she takes her helmet off to question Jay. Jay picks up his bike and continues riding. He surprises everyone when he gets back to the lead. Vinny once again slips behind Jay but he quickly realises that Jay is running out of steam. He tells Jay to leave the race and let him handle it from there. Jay thanks Vinny before turning around and exiting the track, leaving the audience and their competition dumbfounded.

After Jay turned to exit the track, Noah yelled after him to race against her. Unfortunately, this gave the officials enough time to realise who she was, immediately disqualifying the Iron Star crew from the competition. Sabbath crew stopped when they heard the announcement and so did Monster but Vinny, Kyuchan, and Hwangyeon continued on to fight for 1st place. It was a tight race but Vinny came in 1st followed by Kyuchan, then Hwangyeon.

Match list[]

  • Sabbath: Wooin and Joker
  • Humming Bird: Jay and Vinny
  • Monster: Monster and Kyuchan
  • Ghost: Hwangyeon and his friend
  • Iron Star: Noah and an Iron Star member

*Iron Star was disqualified for cheating after it was revealed that Noah, of Light Cavaliers, was riding for them in the race. It's against the rules for a professional to participate in the amateur race.

Known Participants[]

Leader Board
Crew NameFinals roundPre elimination Round
Humming Bird
Iron Star *
Red Skull
Ace of Spades
Punk Prince
Zero Zone
Bownns or Bowivs??
Brown Sky
Blue Sky
Crew 1

*disqualified for cheating with a professional cyclist

League of Street (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.