Leasing News - information, news, education and entertainment for the commercial bank, finance and leasing industry (2024)

Leasing News - information, news, education and entertainment for the commercial bank, finance and leasing industry (1)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

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Today's Leasing News Headlines

New York Attorney General's Office Wins Major Case
Against Northern Light Systems Leasing and Affiliates
162% of Quota
Sales Makes it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Letters! We get eMail---
Protests/Major Disease Eradication/Dr. Fauci
Certified Lease and Finance Professional 2020 V.2 Circular
Pres. Message, Spotlight New CLFP's, Why I Became a CLFP
Was the Latest Jobs Report Too Good to be True
Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Rate in the U.S.
SFNet CEO Announces Live Online Annual Convention
By Richard Gumbrecht, CEO, Secured Finance Network
German Shepherd
Houston, Texas Adopt-a-Dog
us.whatjobs.com Joins
Classified Ads ---Employment Web SitesNews Briefs---
Anthony Fauci warns that ‘nightmare’ pandemic
isn’t close to over
U.S. Q3 Employment Outlook Hits 10 Year Low
Though Early Signs of Optimism Emerge
Hedge funds in Hong Kong are considering pulling out over
fears that China's new security law could ruin their operations
Cristobal destroys protective sand dunes in Grand Isle, La.
a troubling omen in what could be a rough hurricane season
Video evidence increasingly disproves police narratives
Police departments deny lying but acknowledge making mistakes
Trump Falsely Targets Buffalo Protester, 75,
as ‘Antifa Provocateur’

You May have Missed---
Young whites awaken to American racism
By Willie Brown

Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months

www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device

Sports Brief----
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----

######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

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New York Attorney General's Office Wins Major Case
Against Northern Light Systems Leasing and Affiliates

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Former Leasing News Legal Editor Tom McCurnin has written many stories about Northern Leasing Systems and their card processing leases. Too bad he has retired as he sure would have loved to cap
the story with this news: the New York Attorney General Letitia James has won a major lawsuit, vacating nearly "30,000 Fraudulently Obtained Default Judgments and Permanently Bans Northern Leasing from Engaging in Business Practice of Equipment Leasing.”

In a press release, the attorney general's office writes, "In April 2016, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) filed a lawsuit against the New York company Northern Leasing Systems and several of its affiliated companies, as well as principal Jay Cohen a/k/a Ari Jay Cohen and others involved in Northern Leasing’s operations. The lawsuit alleged that Northern Leasing targeted small, family-owned businesses, such as flower shops, hair salons, automotive repair shops, bodegas, delis, restaurants, and bars, and trapped them into overpriced, never-ending lease agreements for credit card processing equipment. The lawsuit further alleged that Northern Leasing abused the judicial process by suing to collect on these leases in the Civil Court of the City of New York. Deputy Chief Administrative Judge George J. Silver — as a co-petitioner in the proceeding — sought to vacate default judgments obtained by fraud, deception, or other improper means.

"Since 2010, Northern Leasing and its related entities have filed tens of thousands of actions in New York County Civil Court and obtained over 29,000 default judgments. Over 95 percent of the small business owners sued by Northern Leasing do not reside in New York State and could not afford to physically appear in New York or hire an attorney to represent them. Over 5,600 complaints have been filed by small business owners with the OAG since 2010 — one of the highest volume of complaints against any entity filed with the OAG.

"This ruling found that the OAG proved that Northern Leasing engaged in fraudulent and illegal conduct. In particular, the court found that Northern Leasing’s method of procuring its lease agreements was deceptive and “created an enterprise conducive to fraud.” The court also found that Northern Leasing’s requirement that small business owners across the country defend lawsuits in New York County Civil Court, combined with ineffective service provisions allowing service to obsolete addresses, thwarted the merchants’ ability to defend themselves in court and that the 29,617 default judgments be vacated and dismissed with prejudice, meaning that Northern Leasing cannot refile actions in another court to collect sums purportedly owed. Additionally, the court ordered a permanent injunction against respondents from conducting the business of equipment finance leasing or the collection of debts under equipment finance leases, and blocked them all from purchasing, financing, transferring, servicing, or enforcing equipment finance leases. Defrauded small businesses from April 1, 2013 through the present will receive restitution and their contracts covering the same dates will be null and void. Further, respondents must disgorge unlawful profits and Northern Leasing must dissolve 60 days after the implementation of the previously mentioned relief.

In addition to Northern Leasing Systems, the court’s order and judgment applies to several other affiliated companies named in the OAG’s lawsuit, including Leasing Finance Group LLC; MBF Leasing LLC; Lease Source-LSI; LLC a/k/a Lease Source, Inc.; Golden Eagle Leasing LLC; and Pushpin Holdings LLC. Finally, the court also held Jay Cohen, CEO of Northern Leasing, and Neil Hertzman, Northern Leasing’s vice president of customer service and collections, personally liable, and found Joseph I. Sussman, P.C., the company’s collection attorney, liable for participating in this fraudulent scheme. The firm and two of its attorneys are ordered to disgorge any attorney’s fees they collected from defendants in these cases since April 11, 2013.

"The court will set restitution amounts at a later date. Small business merchants do not need to take any action at this time in order to receive restitution or other relief.

"This matter was handled by Special Counsel Mary Alestra and Assistant Attorney General Mark Ladov, under the supervision of Deputy Bureau Chief Laura J. Levine and Bureau Chief Jane M. Azia — all of the Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau. The Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau is a part of the Division for Economic Justice, overseen by Chief Deputy Attorney General Christopher D’Angelo and First Deputy Attorney General Jennifer Levy."

Ruling (55 pages)


162% of Quota

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Sales Makes it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP

During an economic shutdown, a sales professional is 162% of budget through May 2020.

When many are falling behind, some are moving forward. I had the opportunity to speak with an originator who continues to find success and is significantly outperforming his internal peers. Below are just a few of his suggestions:

  • Do not participate in negative gatherings. At the onset of the lockdown, he found that many of his internal peers were spending significant time on the phone talking to other originators, sharing negative anticipation of "what was going to happen next." He quickly removed himself from these negative, time consuming, demotivating conversations.
  • Prospect more, not less. This originator explained how, from the very beginning of the pandemic, he was committed to reaching out to new potential clients. He admitted that often the calls were lackluster with plenty of voice mails. However, every day he continued to find a few new opportunities and new contacts that were willing to share ideas and positive outlooks. He found others, like him, who were trying to move forward in more difficult times with a positive attitude. Like-minded professionals seem to find one another. There is plenty of activity for the best to survive.
  • Do not deny the difficulties that others are facing. However, he believes he is providing solutions and encouragement to his vendors and end-users to help them move forward and to proactively move through the economic recovery. He understands that the recovery pace will be different for different companies and industries. He has found new customers who are ready for his services today and he is letting others know that he is available when they are ready.
  • Take extra steps to thoroughly pre-qualify every opportunity and set realistic expectations. This originator's credit requirements have increased significantly; the vetting process has additional steps. Be a beacon of hope. Smile and embrace the small successes that others are having.

Survive - Thrive - Lead

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Order via Amazon:https://www.createspace.com/5355516

Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
1314 Marquis Ct.
Fallston, Maryland 21047
Phone: 410 877 0428
Fax: 410 877 8161

Sales Makes it Happen articles:


Letters! We get eMail---
Protests/Major Disease Eradication/Dr. Fauci

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"As a Minneapolis resident and an ally-in-process to my fellow PoC citizens, I simply want offer my appreciation to you for including the several items in your publication that speak to our current scene.

"Thanks for the photos of the labs, and the young girl with poignant sign, and the article by Mr. Richards. By offering these images and words you will move the discussion. It is so important to include these ideas into our work lives – to have a brief but important interruption beyond what we normally are asked to focus on. "

Keep going!

Best, Fred
Fred Kuhnen


"Just want to send you some positive feedback about your support for racial equality in your newsletter today. Thank you for speaking out (choosing links) and braving what will probably be some harsh criticism from some more selfish (for lack of a better word) people in our industry.

“After 15 years of attending conferences and trade shows in commercial equipment leasing, I can count the number of black people I have met on two hands. Institutionalized racism is real and pervasive in equipment leasing. It may not be intentional, but we all could benefit from taking some real steps to be more inclusive of diversity.

“I think the toughest part of fight for equality is that the people in power have to buy in to fixing the problem from the top down, and most folks in power don’t want to change the status quo. I commend your using your voice for promoting positive change!

“Thank you again,”

Mae Philpott, CLFP


"I’ve appreciated your news over the past decade."

Best regards,


"Thank you for including in your latest edition the chart showing how vaccines have helped eradicate major diseases. As I child, my grandmother would tell me stories about the miseries of diseases like pertussis (whooping cough) but younger generations haven't heard these stories."

Carla Young Harrington


"Thank you for showing the photos of Skye & Riley, both rescues.

"Thanks, I am. And Gratitude is the path to happiness😊"

Jeff Rudin


"Thank you for acknowledging Dr. Anthony S. Fauci! I agree he is one of the key leaders who is helping to guide us through!

"We hope you are making the best of this very difficult situation we all find ourselves in 2020!"

Paul Bosley


"I am happy for you that your subscriber base has grown! It is a testimony to the good job you do!"

(Name Withheld)


"I am truly blessed to partner with great people that most have been with me for many years. I am also fortunate to finally be with a great funding partner that values and appreciates the team."


David Normandin

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Certified Lease and Finance Professional 2020 V.2 Circular
Message from Pres., Spotlight New CLFP's, Why I Became a CLFP

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Screenshot from the First Day of the First Online Academy for Lease
and Finance Professional hosted by U.S. Bank Equipment Finance

Full CLFP V.2 Circular


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If something sounds too good to be true, more often than not it isn’t. This seemed to be the case for the latest U.S. jobs report, which saw the unemployment rate unexpectedly drop on a surprise jobs gain in May. After people discovered a note in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ official release, acknowledging a “misclassification error” that resulted in the reported unemployment rate being lower than it actually is, the hashtag #misclassificationerror started popping up on Twitter, with many people accusing the Trump administration of manipulating the numbers to paint a rosy picture of a bleak reality.

And while it’s true that the BLS acknowledged that the actual unemployment rate was likely 3 percentage points higher than the reported rate of 13.3 percent in May, the same error occurred in March and April, when the accurate unemployment rate was estimated to be 0.9 and 4.8 percentage points higher than the reported one. So yes, the actual unemployment rate may be worse than Friday’s headlines suggest, but the trend remains positive, as our chart illustrates. Based on the BLS’s estimates adjusted for the misclassification error, the unemployment rate dropped from 19.5 percent in April to 16.4 percent in May.

Considering how transparent the BLS handled the misclassification error from the start, it seems highly unlikely that any data was intentionally misrepresented. In its latest press release, the BLS explained the mistake as follows:

"In the household survey, individuals are classified as employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force based on their answers to a series of questions about their activities during the survey reference week (May 10th through May 16th). Workers who indicate they were not working during the entire survey reference week and expect to be recalled to their jobs should be classified as unemployed on temporary layoff. In May, a large number of persons were classified as unemployed on temporary layoff. However, there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work. As was the case in March and April, household survey interviewers were instructed to classify employed persons absent from work due to coronavirus-related business closures as unemployed on temporary layoff. However, it is apparent that not all such workers were so classified."

Leasing News - information, news, education and entertainment for the commercial bank, finance and leasing industry (12)
By Felix Richter, Statista


##### Press Release ############################

SFNet CEO Announces Live Online Annual Convention
By Richard Gumbrecht, CEO, Secured Finance Network

Leasing News - information, news, education and entertainment for the commercial bank, finance and leasing industry (13)

As you may have heard, SFNet and our Management Committee have made the difficult decision to shift our Annual Convention this November 17th-19th from our planned venue in New Orleans to a live, online event. While we are thankfully seeing parts of our economy begin to re-open, large gatherings in New Orleans are currently illegal and even if that should change, it is impossible to adequately ensure the well-being of our attendees, staff and volunteers. Focus groups have reinforced that the majority of firms and individuals would not support an in-person Convention this year.

While we understand this is disappointing, the good news is that SFNet has made a hard pivot to virtual programming since the start of the crisis and has been investing heavily in new technologies and design concepts to make these experiences increasingly rewarding and fulfilling. We are confident we can produce a live online Convention that will open up exciting new possibilities that can far exceed your expectations.

The capabilities of our new and enhanced digital platform go well beyond our Crucial Conversations Webinars, which have had well over 5,000 registrants and enjoyed the highest possible net promoter and utility scores. Many of these new features will be on display at SFNet’s Women in Secured Finance Conference, Young Professional Leadership Summit and Cross-Border Lending Summit live online events over the coming months. These experiences will include:

  • Higher profile speakers (not constrained by travel plans)
  • More diverse attendance (companies can send colleagues from different disciplines and career levels within their organizations who may not have been able to participate before)
  • Richer, broader and more highly interactive content (not restrained by the hours in a day or available space, that may be consumed in live group formats or at your leisure)
  • Greater exhibitor and sponsor accessibility (leveraging multi-media, data capture and novel formats)
  • Unique opportunities to network (artificial intelligence matching and enhanced one-on-one video may actually make it easier to target specific individuals and connect than at live events)
  • Surprises to entertain, engage and inform you in new and compelling ways

We will be sharing much more about the program including new pricing options and registration information in the weeks and months ahead. Check the Annual Convention Website for updates and get ready for SFNet’s 76th Annual Convention – This Way Forward.

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Best, Rich

### Press Release ############################

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German Shepherd
Houston, Texas Adopt-a-Dog

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10 months/three weeks
Weight: 41 lbs.
Location: Foster Home
$150 Adoption fee

Hi there! My name is Nader and I'm searching for my furrever home! I love other dogs, children, and even cats! I'm a pretty chill dude and will be happy with a moderate amount of exercise. I may be a little reserved at first, but I warm up quickly upon meeting new people. I know basic commands, learn new tricks quickly, and walk well on a leash. Apply to meet me today!

Apply for Adoption:

Houston Pets Alive
HPA! Adoption Center Address:
2800 Antoine Drive, Suite 2854
Houston, TX 77092


us.whatjobs.com Joins
Classified Ads ---Employment Web Sites

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Here is a list of top internet job web sites, several specializing in financial, money, and leasing, too.



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News Briefs----

Anthony Fauci warns that ‘nightmare’ pandemic
isn’t close to over

U.S. Q3 Employment Outlook Hits 10 Year Low
Though Early Signs of Optimism Emerge

Hedge funds in Hong Kong are considering pulling out over
fears that China's new security law could ruin their operations

Cristobal destroys protective sand dunes in Grand Isle, La.,
a troubling omen in what could be a rough hurricane season

Video evidence increasingly disproves police narratives
Police departments deny lying but acknowledge making mistakes

Trump Falsely Targets Buffalo Protester, 75,
as ‘Antifa Provocateur’

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Leasing News - information, news, education and entertainment for the commercial bank, finance and leasing industry (20)
You May Have Missed---

Young whites awaken to 400 years of American racism
By Willie Brown


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Sports Briefs---

Pro Football Hall of Fame to reopen on Wednesday

Kyle Shanahan’s remarkable press conference
And what it means going forward

Malcolm Jenkins: NFL won't be on 'right side of history
until it apologizes to Colin Kaepernick

The Conversation Around NFL Protests Has Changed.
How Will the League React This Time?

Ranking Top 7 Cornerback Duos Heading into 2020 Season


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California Nuts Briefs---

Too much, too soon? Bay Area reopening
despite recent surge in coronavirus cases

New coronavirus worry: Contact tracing scams

Uptick in Santa Clara County coronavirus hospitalizations
likely’ from easing restrictions: Dr. Sara Cody

San Diego City Council increases police funding,
after thousands lobbied for cuts

PG&E might move thousands of jobs to
downtown Oakland in HQ shift

Ten fastest Cities Growing in California


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“Gimme that Wine”


Foley Family Wines to buy Ferrari-Carano Vineyards
and Winery in Healdsburg

Free Wine App

Wine Prices by vintage

US/International Wine Events

Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page


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This Day in History

1670 - A Virginia slavery act decreed that slaves who had become Christians before their importation were not liable to lifelong servitude. This law reflected the moral concern felt in America over the enslavement of Christians.
1697 - The husband of Hannah Duston was awarded the sum of 25 pounds (equivalent to today dollar about $10,000) for her heroic efforts, the first public award to a woman in America. On March 16 of the same year, in an attack on Haverhill, Massachusetts, Indians captured Hannah Duston and killed her baby, killing or capturing 39 others in addition. After being taken to an Indian camp, she escaped on April 29 after killing 10 Indians with a tomahawk and scalping them as proof of her deed.
1786 - The first ice cream to be made commercially was sold by Mr. Hall of 76 Chatham Street (now Park Row), New York City, who advertised its sale.
1789 - James Madison introduced twelve proposed amendments to the Constitution in the House. By 1791, ten of them were ratified by the state legislatures and became the Bill of Rights. Another was eventually ratified in 1992 to become the 27th Amendment.
1816 - Mary Lucinda Bonney’s (d. 1900) birthday, Hamilton, NY. Educator and reformer who organized and headed a successful women's school in Philadelphia as well as the Central Indian Committee which campaigned for the U.S. to honor its Indian treaties. Under her leadership, the plan to allot land to individual Indians was developed and approved by Congress.
1851 - The "Alta" published a proposal for a citizens committee of safety following an outbreak of lawlessness and arson.
1852 - Chinese laborers on the three-story granite Parrott Building, first fireproof structure in town, went on strike in 1852, demanding more pay. Since only they could read the characters on the building's granite blocks, which had been cut, dressed, and numbered in China, they got it.
1861 - Tennessee seceded from the Union in a two to one vote in the state. (lower half of:http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/jun08.html)
1862 - At the Battle of Cross Keys, Virginia, Confederate forces under Gen. Stonewall Jackson saved the Army of Northern Virginian from a Union assault on the James Peninsula led by Gen. George McClellan.
1863 - Residents of Vicksburg flee into caves as General Ulysses S. Grant's army begins shelling the town.
1867 - The birthday of perhaps the greatest American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright (d. 1959), born at Richland Center, WI. In his autobiography, Wright wrote: "No house should ever be on any hill or on anything. It should be of the hill, belonging to it, so hill and house could live together each the happier for the other."http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/jun08.html
1869 - Ives W. McGaffey of Chicago, Illinois obtained a patent on a "sweeping machine," a light hand-powered suction device for surface cleaning. Although he did not coin the word "Vacuum Cleaner," he is credited with its invention. Melville Reuben Bissell of Grand Rapids, MI, in 1876 received a patent on a "broom action: variable pressure sweeper, responsive to different grades of floor covering. The first vacuum cleaner driven by a motor was invented by John S. Thurman of the General Compressed Air and Vacuum Machinery Company, St. Louis, MO, in 1899 for a "pneumatic carpet renovator." Vacuum Cleaner came into the American language as a shorter name of maker, it was a "Vacuum" cleaner.
1869 - Pioneer Japanese immigrants establish a tea and silk farm colony at Gold Hill, California. Americans of Japanese ancestry (Nisei) lived in this country and struggled courageously for freedom and equality. This heritage was attacked following Pearl Harbor as they were shipped off to concentration camps and their homes, businesses, and property were stolen from them.
1886 – Congress passed the first Civil Rights Act.
1892 – In the act that triggered the litigation, Homer A. Plessy refused to go to a segregated railroad car (Plessy v. Ferguson).
1893 - Birthday of Dorothy Deming (d. 1972), New Haven, CT. Author of the Penny Marsh books on nursing as a career.
1906 - Pianist Frank "Sweet" Williams, New Orleans…apparently still living in Chicago as of 2017.
1906 - Birthday of guitarist Willie Morris (d. 2002), Bolton, MS. http://www.adelphirecords.com/video/JugBand.html
1906 - Birthday of Pianist Billie Pierce (d. 1974) was born Wilhelmina Goodson in Marianna, Florida. Known best for performing with DeDe Pierce, she was a boogie-woogie piano player with a distinctive blues shouting style that was reportedly unforgettable.

1906 – President Theodore Roosevelt signed the Antiquities Act into law, authorizing the President to restrict the use of certain parcels of public land with historical or conservation value.
1909 – Clarence “Cack” Henley of the San Francisco Seals in the Pacific Coast league threw the longest complete game shutout in professional baseball history. Henley threw 24 scoreless innings against the Oakland Oaks before finally winning, 1-0…guessing on his pitch count???!
1916 - Birthday of Canadian trumpeter and bandleader Johnny Holmes, in Montreal.
1917 – Walt Disney graduated from Benton HS.
1917 - Birthday of Byron Raymond (Whizzer) White (d. 2002) at Fort Collins, CO. Retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the US, nominated by President Kennedy Apr 3, 1962. White was an All-American halfback for the University of Colorado. He also played basketball and baseball. After graduation, he signed with the NFL’s Pittsburgh Pirates (now Steelers) after they selected him in Round 1 of the 1938 NFL Draft, and he played the 1938 season. He led the league in rushing in his rookie season and became the game's highest-paid player. He won a Rhodes scholarship to the University of Oxford and, after having deferred it for a year to play football, he decided to attend. After Oxford, White played for the Detroit Lions from 1940 to 1941. He led the league in rushing in 1938 and 1940, and he was one of the first "big money" NFL players, making $15,000 a year. His career was cut short when he entered the Navy during World War II; after the war, he elected to attend law school rather than return to football. He was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame in 1954.
1921 - Birthday of Alexis Smith (d. 1993), born Margaret Alexis Fitzsimmons Smith in Penticton, BC. After moving to southern California as a child, she attended Hollywood HS and LA City College where she was discovered. She was an actress who starred with many of Hollywood's most sought-after leading men including Cary Grant, Clark Gable, and Errol Flynn in the 1940s and 50s. She won a Tony in 1972 for her sensational performance as the cynical and aging former showgirl in “Follies.” She was the patron for U.S. novelist Rita Mae Brown. Her sole survivor was her husband of 49 years, actor Craig Stevens who played “Peter Gunn” on the TV series.
1921 – LeRoy Nieman (d. 2012) was born Leroy Leslie Runquist in St. Paul, MN. He was an artist known for his brilliantly colored, expressionist paintings and screen prints of athletes, musicians, and sporting events.
1925 - Birthday of Barbara Pierce Bush (d. 2018), former First Lady, born in NYC. She met George Herbert Walker Bush at age 16, and the two married in 1945, while he was on leave during his deployment as a naval officer in World War II. They had six children together, among them former President George H. Bush and former FL Governor Jeb Bush.
1925 – Eddie Gaedel (d. 1961) was born in Chicago with dwarfism. On August 19,1951for theSt. Louis Browns, he was called into pinch-hit against the Detroit Tigers. Standing a mere 3’ 7”, he was walked on four pitches, was replaced by a pinch-runner, and never played again. The owner of the Browns at the time was Bill Veeck. His death was gruesome. On June 18, 1961, the unemployed Gaedel, who had just turned 36, was at a bowling alley in Chicago. Gaedel was followed home and beaten. His mother discovered him lying dead in his bed.
1933 – Comedian and writer Joan Rivers (d. 2014) was born Joan Alexandra Molinsky in Brooklyn. She died of cardiac arrest in an operating room September 4, 2014; age 81.
1936 - Birthday of actor-singer James Darren was born James William Ercolani in Philadelphia, PA.
1937 - Eight-and-one-half-foot giant Calla Lily blooms, New York Botanical Gardens.
1939 - Soprano saxophone player Sidney Bechet records "Summertime," (Blue Note 6)
1940 - Birthday of singer Nancy Sinatra, was born in Jersey City, NJ. Graduate of University High School in West Los Angeles. After forming an association with producer Lee Hazelwood, she made number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1966 with "These Boots Are Made for Walkin". Nancy Sinatra also had several hit duets with Hazelwood, and one with her father, "Somethin' Stupid," in 1967.
1940 – Neptunium (Element 93, Symbol Np, Atomic weight 237) was created at the University of California at Berkeley, CA, by Edwin Mattison McMillan and Philip Hauge Abelson. Neptunium was the first element created that was heavier than uranium, the heaviest naturally occurring element.
1942 - Chuck Negron, lead vocalist for Three Dog Night, was born in New York City. Three Dog Night, formed in Los Angeles in 1968, became one of the most commercially successful American rock bands of the 1970's. Negron had been a session vocalist before he was recruited by group founder Danny Hutton. Three Dog Night's first album in 1969 yielded a million-seller, "One," and after that they were seldom absent from the charts. Among their other hits were "Easy to Be Hard," "Joy to the World" and "An Old-Fashioned Love Song." The group also had a number of best-selling albums. Three Dog Night's commercial magic had waned by 1975, and the group gradually broke up. The three original vocalists of Three Dog Night - Chuck Negron, Danny Hutton and Cory Wells - reunited in 1981.
1944 - Birthday of William Royce “Boz” Scaggs, singer, musician, songwriter (“Silk Degrees”, “Middle Man”), in Canton, OH. Following two albums with the Steve Miller Band in the late 1960's, he spent nearly a decade trying to make it as a solo act. Scaggs finally made it in 1976 with the album "Silk Degrees," which sold five-million copies. Singles from the LP, "Lowdown," made it to number three and “Lido Shuffle” to #13 on the Hot 100.
1944 - *PEREGORY, FRANK D., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Technical Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company K 116th Infantry, 29th Infantry Division. Place and date: Grandcampe France, 8 June 1944. Entered service at: Charlottesville, Va. Born. 10 April 1915, Esmont, Va. G.O. No.: 43, 30 May 1945. Citation: On 8 June 1944, the 3d Battalion of the 116th Infantry was advancing on the strongly held German defenses at Grandcampe, France, when the leading elements were suddenly halted by decimating machinegun fire from a firmly entrenched enemy force on the high ground overlooking the town. After numerous attempts to neutralize the enemy position by supporting artillery and tank fire had proved ineffective, T/Sgt. Peregory, on his own initiative, advanced up the hill under withering fire, and worked his way to the crest where he discovered an entrenchment leading to the main enemy fortifications 200 yards away. Without hesitating, he leaped into the trench and moved toward the emplacement. Encountering a squad of enemy riflemen, he fearlessly attacked them with hand grenades and bayonet, killed 8 and forced 3 to surrender. Continuing along the trench, he single-handedly forced the surrender of 32 more riflemen, captured the machine gunners, and opened the way for the leading elements of the battalion to advance and secure its objective. The extraordinary gallantry and aggressiveness displayed by T/Sgt. Peregory are exemplary of the highest tradition of the armed forces.
1945 - *LESTER, FRED FAULKNER, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Hospital Apprentice First Class, U.S. Navy. Born: 29 April 1926, Downers Grove, Ill. Accredited to: Illinois. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Medical Corpsman with an Assault Rifle Platoon, attached to the 1st Battalion, 22d Marines, 6th Marine Division, during action against enemy Japanese forces on Okinawa Shima in the Ryukyu Chain, 8 June 1945. Quick to spot a wounded marine lying in an open field beyond the front lines following the relentless assault against a strategic Japanese hill position, Lester unhesitatingly crawled toward the casualty under a concentrated barrage from hostile machineguns, rifles, and grenades. Torn by enemy rifle bullets as he inched forward, he stoically disregarded the mounting fury of Japanese fire and his own pain to pull the wounded man toward a covered position. Struck by enemy fire a second time before he reached cover, he exerted tremendous effort and succeeded in pulling his comrade to safety where, too seriously wounded himself to administer aid, he instructed 2 of his squad in proper medical treatment of the rescued marine. Realizing that his own wounds were fatal, he staunchly refused medical attention for himself and, gathering his fast-waning strength with calm determination, coolly and expertly directed his men in the treatment of 2 other wounded marines, succumbing shortly thereafter. Completely selfless in his concern for the welfare of his fighting comrades, Lester, by his indomitable spirit, outstanding valor, and competent direction of others, had saved the life of 1 who otherwise must have perished and had contributed to the safety of countless others. Lester's fortitude in the face of certain death sustains and enhances the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
1946 - Harmonica player, composer, band leader James Harman birthday, born Anniston, AL.
1947 - Birthday of detective writer Sara Paretskey in Ames, IA. She is best known as the author of the Chicago-based detective series featuring the opera singing, liberal feminist, V. I. Warshawski, who lacks house cleaning and cooking abilities, but is "hard boiled." “Killing Orders”, “Burn Marks”.
1948 - The first African-American officer commissioned in the Marine Corps was John Earl Rudder, a midshipman in the regular Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Purdue University, Lafayette, IN. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant and he served as an enlisted man in the Marine Corps Reserve from July 24, 1943 to June 26, 1946.
1948 - Milton Berle starred on the "Texaco Star Theatre." He soon earned the nickname "Mr. Television", and he continued to be America's top TV comedian until 1956. In 1948, only about one percent of America's homes had TV. However, by 1956, thanks in large part to Berle, the percentage was much higher. When Berle was on, theatres often closed and neighborhood taverns noted a big decrease in business.
1949 - An FBI report named as Communists celebrities Helen Keller, Dorothy Parker, Danny Kaye, Fredric March, John Garfield, Paul Muni, and Edward G. Robinson.
1949 – George Orwell’s “1984” was published. The novel is set in Airstrip One (formerly known as Great Britain), a province of the super state Oceania, in a world of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation, dictated by a political system under the control of a privileged Inner Party elite that persecutes individualism and independent thinking as "thought crimes." The tyranny is epitomized by Big Brother, the quasi-divine Party leader who enjoys an intense cult of personality but who may not even exist. The Party "seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power.”
1950 – The Boston Red Sox defeated the St. Louis Browns, 29-4. It was a one game baseball record for scoring. Al Zarilla of the Sox scored four doubles in the game.
1951 – Top Hits
“Too Young” – Nat King Cole
“On Top of Old Smokey” – The Weavers (vocal: Terry Gilkyson)
“How High the Moon” – Les Paul & Mary Ford
“I Want to Be with You Always” – Lefty Frizzell
1951 – Birthday of rock singer Bonnie Tyler, born Gaynor Hopkins in Skewen, near Swansea, South Wales. Her biggest hit is the million-selling “Total Eclipse of the Heart’’ in 1983. The single tops Billboard’s Hot 100 for four weeks.
1953 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that restaurants in the District of Columbia could not refuse to serve blacks.
1953 - A 1/2 mile wide tornado struck Flint, Michigan. 115 people were killed making it the worst tornado in the state's history. This tornado, rated F5 on the Fujita scale, was the last single tornado in the U.S. to kill over 100 people. 116 were killed, 844 injured, and 340 homes destroyed.
1954 - Record promoters officially began phasing out 78s and giving 45s to radio DJs instead. How many under the age of 50 will understand this statement?
1955 – The Brooklyn Dodgers optioned left-handed pitcher Tommy Lasorda to the minor league Montreal Royals to make room for Sandy Koufax who had been on the disabled list. In 1954, during a tryout for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Koufax's fastball broke the thumb of the team's bullpen coach. Branch Rickey, by then the GM of the Pirates, told his scout Clyde Sukeforth (of Jackie Robinson fame) that Koufax had the "greatest arm [he had] ever seen.” Dodgers scout Al Campanis heard about Koufax from a local sporting goods store owner. After seeing Koufax pitch for Lafayette High School in Brooklyn, Campanis invited him to an Ebbets Field tryout. With Dodgers manager Walter Alston and scouting director Fresco Thompson watching, Campanis assumed the hitter's stance while Koufax started throwing. Campanis later said, "There are two times in my life the hair on my arms has stood up: The first time I saw the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the second time, I saw Sandy Koufax throw a fastball." The Dodgers signed Koufax for a $6,000 ($53,000 today) salary, with a $14,000 ($123,000 today) bonus. Because Koufax's signing bonus was greater than $4,000 ($35,000 today), he was forced to remain on the roster for at least two years before he could be sent to the minors.
1957 - Birthday of Scott Adams, cartoonist, creator of "Dilbert," born Windham, NY.
1959 - Top Hits
“Dream Lover” - Bobby Darin
“Personality” - Lloyd Price
“Quiet Village” - Martin Denny
“The Battle of New Orleans” - Johnny Horton
1959 - "I Only Have Eyes for You" by the six man, Chicago vocal group, The Flamingos, enters the Billboard chart, where it will reach #11. This is a doo-wop all-timer and one that was great for submarine race-watching!
1960 - Roy Orbison released "Only the Lonely.”
1961 - A Major League Baseball record was set when four Milwaukee Braves batters – Eddie Mathews, Hank Aaron, Joe Adco*ck, and Frank Thomas - hit consecutive home runs in the game's seventh inning. They still lost to the Cincinnati Reds, 10-8.
1961 - Elvis Presley's seventh film, "Wild in the Country" premiers.
1962 - Birthday of Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran who was born Nicholas James Bates in England.
1963 - The Essex release "Easier Said Than Done," a song that will climb to #1 on both the US Pop and R&B charts. Founding members Walter Vickers (guitar) and Rodney Taylor (drums) were members of the US Marine Corps stationed in Okinawa, Japan. After being transferred to Camp LeJeune, NC, they enlisted fellow Marines Billy Hill and Rudolph Johnson as group members. Next they added a female lead singer, Anita Humes, another Marine.
1963 - The Crystals' "Da Doo Ron Ron" peaks at #3 on the Billboard Pop chart. The effort is the brain child of Phil Spector, who uses a multi-track recording system to build the song layer upon layer to achieve a result that will become known as a "wall of sound". Backing musicians include Glen Campbell on guitar, Hal Blain on drums, Leon Russell on piano and Nino Tempo on sax.
1965 - President Johnson authorizes commanders in Vietnam to commit U.S. ground forces to combat.
1963 - American Heart Association became the first agency to campaign against cigarettes
1965 – Major League Baseball held its first free agent draft and the Kansas City A’s chose Rick Monday as the first overall pick. Picking second, the Mets picked Les Rohr and they waited until the 10th round to choose Nolan Ryan. Johnny Bench was chosen by the Reds in the second round after they selected Bernie Carbo in the first. Other notables: Minnesota chose Graig Nettles in the 4th round, the Kansas City A’s chose Sal Bando in the 6th round, Tom Seaver was chosen by the Dodgers in the 10th round, Nolan Ryan in the 12th by the Mets.
1966 - Merle James Smith, Jr. of Baltimore, MD, part of the class of 113 cadets who were graduated this day, became the first African-American Coast Guard Academy graduate. The ceremony was held at Jones Field, New London, CT. His commission was presented to him by his father, a colonel in the regular army.
1966 - A tornado ripped right through the heart of the capitol city of Topeka, KS, killing sixteen persons and causing $100 million damage. The tornado, which struck during the evening, cut a swath of near total destruction eight miles long and four blocks wide. It was the most destructive tornado of record up until that time.
1966 - The Elvis Presley film “Paradise Hawaiian Style'' premieres.
1967 - Top Hits
“Respect” - Aretha Franklin
“Release Me (And Let Me Love Again)” - Engelbert Humperdinck
“Croquet Alley” - The Mamas & the Papas
“It's Such a Pretty World Today” - Wynn Stewart
1967 - Attack on the USS Liberty. At 2 PM local time, the unescorted US intelligence ship USS Liberty, sailing in international waters off the Egyptian coast, was attacked without warning by Israeli jet planes and three Israeli torpedo boats. She was strafed and hit repeatedly by rockets, cannon, napalm and finally a torpedo. Casualties: out of a crew of 294 Americans, there were 34 dead and 171 wounded. Israel apologized, claiming mistaken identity, but surviving crew members charged deliberate attack by Israel and cover-up by US authorities.
1968 - The Rolling Stones release "Jumpin' Jack Flash."
1968 - Don Drysdale, pitcher for LA Dodgers, lost his major league streak of scoreless innings pitched, when it was stopped at 58-2/3 by Howie Bedell, of the Philadelphia Phillies, who hit a sacrifice fly in the fifth inning. The Dodgers did beat the Phillies 5-3 that day. Until 1987, Drysdale's record stood, when it was broken by Orel Hersheiser, also of the Dodgers at that time.
1968 - During a meeting on Midway Island in the Pacific, President Richard M. Nixon and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu announce the imminent withdrawal of 25,000 US troops from Vietnam, and emphasize that all remaining US grounds troops will eventually be replaced by South Vietnamese forces. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy had sent the first large force of US military personnel to Vietnam to bolster the ineffectual autocratic regime of South Vietnam against the Communist North. Three years later, with the South Vietnamese government crumbling, President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered limited bombing raids on North Vietnam and Congress authorized the use of US troops. By 1965, North Vietnamese offensives left President Johnson with two choices: escalate US involvement or withdraw. Johnson ordered the former, and troop levels soon jumped to over 300,000 as US air forces commenced the largest bombing campaign in history. Over the next few years, the extended length of the war, the high number of US casualties, and the exposure of US involvement in war crimes such as the massacre at My Lai, helped to turn many in the United States against the Vietnam War, and created a perilous national division. In the spring of 1969, as protests in the United States against the war escalated, US troop strength in the war-torn country reached its peak at nearly 550,000. In June, Richard Nixon, the new US president, announced the beginning of US troop withdrawal, but intensified bombing in an effort to salvage the embattled war effort. Large US troop withdrawals continued in the early 1970s, but President Nixon expanded air and ground operations into Cambodia and Laos in attempts to block enemy supply routes along Vietnam's borders. This expansion of the war, which accomplished few positive results, led to new waves of protests in the United States and elsewhere. Finally, in 1973, representatives of the United States, North and South Vietnam, and the Vietcong signed a peace agreement in Paris, ending the US military involvement in the Vietnam War. By the end of 1973, the US contingent in Vietnam had shrunk to only fifty military advisors. On 30 April 1975, the last of these and other US nationals were airlifted out of Vietnam as Communist forces launched their final triumphant offensive into South Vietnam. The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular foreign war in US history, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives, many more lives of Vietnamese soldiers from both North and South, uncounted lives of Vietnamese civilians, and long-lasting damage to the environment in Vietnam.
1968 - James Earl Ray, alleged assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr., was captured.
1968 – Robert F. Kennedy’s funeral took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC. Immediately following the mass, Kennedy's body was transported by a special private train to Washington, D.C. Thousands of mourners lined the tracks and stations along the route, paying their respects as the train passed. The train departed New York at 12:30pm. The four-hour trip took more than eight hours because of the thick crowds lining the tracks on the 225 miles journey to prepare for the interment at Arlington National cemetery next to his slain brother, President John F. Kennedy.
1969 - New York Yankees honored Mickey Mantle by retiring his number 7 in a ceremony preceding a double-header against the Chicago White Sox. 60,096 fans came out to salute Mantle and to watch the Yankees sweep the Sox, 3-1 and 11-2. The Yankees have retired 22 numbers in all, more than any other baseball team. They retired #51 for Bernie Williams, #20 for Jorge Posada and #46 for Andy Pettitte in 2015. Derek Jeter’s #2 and Paul O’Neil’s #21 will likely be retired in the near future.
1969 – The last episode of “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” aired on CBS. The series was a major success, especially considering it was scheduled against the major NBC television series, “Bonanza”, with content that appealed to contemporary youth viewership with daring political satire humor and major music acts. Despite this success, continual conflicts with network executives over content led to the show being abruptly pulled from the schedule in violation of the Smothers' contract in 1969. On April 6, 1973, the Federal court ruled in favor of the Smothers and ordered CBS to pay them $766,000. Despite the Smothers' legal victory, the show never returned to the air. Despite this cancellation, the show won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy, Variety or Music Show.
1969 - Having already been fired for his worsening drug use, Brian Jones officially announced that he is leaving the Rolling Stones, saying that he "no longer see(s) eye to eye (with the group about) the discs we are cutting." In less than a month he will be found dead.
1970 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: “Long and Winding Road,'' The Beatles.
1973 - After quarterbacking for the Baltimore Colts for 16 of the NFL's most exciting seasons ever, including back-to-back NFL Championships in 1958-59, Johnny Unitas signed a two-year contract to finish out his football career with the San Diego Chargers. He never did look right with bolts on his helmet instead of the horseshoes!!
1974 - Severe thunderstorms spawned at least twenty-three tornadoes in Oklahoma during the afternoon and evening hours. One of the tornadoes struck the town Drumright killing sixteen persons and injuring 150 others. A tornado struck the National Weather Service office in Oklahoma City, and two tornadoes hit the city of Tulsa. Thunderstorms in Tulsa also produced as much as ten inches of rain. Total damage from the storms was around thirty million dollars. It was the worst natural disaster of record for Tulsa.
1974 - Paul McCartney and Wings had the top spot on the Billboard singles chart with "Band on the Run," a song on which Paul played bass, guitar and drums.
1975 - Top Hits
“Thank God I'm a Country Boy” - John Denver
“Sister Golden Hair” - America
“Bad Time” - Grand Funk
“Window Up Above” - Mickey Gilley
1977 – Kiss’ debut album was certified gold.
1978 - Through the voice of its president Spencer W. Kimball, the Mormon Church reversed a 148-year-long policy of spiritual discrimination against African- American leadership within the denomination. The declaration extended priesthood and temple blessings to all worthy male members of the Church. The Mormon attitude about Black church members is little understood outside their church, but here is a site chronicling a group trying to bring "fair" information concerning the LDS.
The Official Decision as recorded by the LDSBlacks.com http://www.ldsblacks.com/declare2.html
About this site:http://www.ldsblacks.com/gordon.html
1982 - A re-united Simon & Garfunkel leave for a nine date European tour starting at the Hippodrome d'Auteuil in Paris. It ends June 19th in London.
1982 – The Ageless One, Leroy ‘Satchel’ Paige (1906-82) died.
1983 - Top Hits
“Flashdance...What a Feeling” - Irene Cara
“Overkill” - Men at Work
“Time (Clock of the Heart)” - Culture Club
“Lucille (You Won't Do Your Daddy's Will)” - Waylon Jennings
1986 - In the longest nine inning game in American League history, the Orioles beat the Yankees 18-9 in four hours and sixteen minutes.
1986 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: “On My Own,'' Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald.
1988 - Overnight thunderstorms in Iowa produced 5.20 inches of rain at Coon Rapids. Thunderstorms in the Florida Keys drenched Tavernier with 7.16 inches of rain in 24 hours. Eleven cities in the central U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date.
1989 - After the Pirates take a 10-0 lead in Philadelphia by sending 16 batters to the plate in the first inning, Pirate broadcaster Jim Rooker announces if the Bucs lose the game he'll walk back to Pittsburgh. True to his word, the radio by-by-play man organizes a charity walk from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh after the season as a result of the Phillies comeback win over the Pirates, 15-11.
1989 - Thunderstorms produced severe weather over the Central Gulf Coast Region during the day and evening. Severe thunderstorms spawned 17 tornadoes, including one which injured ten persons and caused a million dollars damage at Orange Beach, AL. Thunderstorm winds gusting to 90 mph killed three persons and injured four others at Mobile, AL. Thunderstorms also deluged Walnut Hill and Avalon Beach, FL, with eight inches of rain.
1990 - CDR Rosemary Mariner becomes first Navy woman to command a fleet jet aircraft squadron.
1991 - General Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of Allied forces in Operation "Desert Storm", leads the National Victory Parade up Pennsylvania Avenue past the reviewing stand holding President George H.W. Bush and other dignitaries in the first such military parade held in the nation's capital since the end of World War I. Among the contingents of military units are composite battalions of Air and Army Guard personnel who served in theater.
1991 - Top Hits
“More Than Words” - Extreme
“I Wanna Sex You Up” - Color Me Badd
“Rush, Rush” - Paula Abdul
“Meet in the Middle” - Diamond Rio
1991 - Paula Abdul started a two-week run at #1 on the US album chart with "Spellbound".
1991 - Bruce Springsteen married longtime girlfriend Patti Scialfa in a private ceremony at the couple's mansion in Beverly Hills, California. Bob Dylan was among the guests. It was the second marriage for Springsteen, who divorced model Julianne Phillips in 1988, and the first for Scialfa who used to sing in Springsteen's E Street Band.
1995 - The downed Air Force pilot Capt. Scott O’Grady was rescued by US Marines in Bosnia.
1998 - Former LA Laker Earvin "Magic" Johnson's new late-night talk show averaged a 3 Nielsen rating in its opening night in 40 major cities. It dropped to a 2.1 rating the next two nights and was soon cancelled.
1998 - The National Rifle Association elected Charlton Heston its president.
2001 - For the first time in Major League Baseball history, the two Texas teams play one another in the regular season. The Astros beat their interstate rivals, the Rangers, 5-4 in the first game of the Lone Star Series played in Arlington, Texas.
2003 - Billy Joel won a Tony award for the orchestration of his musical, “Movin' Out.”
2004 - Tampa Bay holds off the Flames for its First Stanley Cup: Lightning 2, Flames 1
2005 - Going yard twice in his 4-for-4 day, Alex Rodriquez becomes the 40th and youngest big leaguer to hit 400 career home runs. On the 316th day of 29th year of his life, the Yankee superstar third baseman, who surpasses Ken Griffey Jr. for the honor, connects for a solo shot off Brewers' southpaw Jorge De La Rosa in the eighth inning for the milestone marker.
2009 - New York's legendary Apollo Theatre celebrated its 75th anniversary with a concert featuring, among others, The O'Jays and Patti Labelle. During the proceedings, Labelle and Quincy Jones were inducted into the venue's Hall of Fame.
2010 - Pitcher Stephen Strasburg made the most eagerly anticipated debut in decades before a sell-out crowd in Nationals Park in Washington, DC. The recipient of the largest signing bonus in history lived up to his advance billing, striking out 14 while walking none in seven innings. The Nationals beat the Pirates, 4-2, for Strasburg's first major league win.
2010 - Old Man River, otherwise known as Tim Wakefield, rolled along to another milestone, passing Roger Clemens for most innings pitched in Red Sox team history with 2777.
2010 - The trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich began, facing corruption charges regarding his alleged attempt to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat. He would be convicted in 2012 and is now serving a 14-year prison sentence.
2013 - For only the second time in Major League history, two games went 18 innings on the same day. The Toronto Blue Jays defeated the Texas Rangers, 4-3 in 18 while the New York Mets lost to the Florida Marlins, 2-1 in 20.

Stanley Cup Champions
2004 - Tampa Bay Lightning

NBA Champions
1982 - Los Angeles Lakers, MVP: Magic Johnson, L.A.
1986 - Boston Celtics, MVP: Larry Bird, Boston.


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