LEICA vs Canon vs Nikon sharpness (2024)

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Canon vs Leica vs Nikon
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LEICA vs Canon vs Nikon sharpness (1)

LEICA vs Canon vs Nikon sharpness (2)

Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 L II, LEICA ELMARIT-M 28mm f/2.8, and Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8, all the same price. enlarge. It helps me keep adding to this site when you use these links to Adorama, Amazon, B&H, Calumet, Ritz, J&R and eBay to get your goodies. Thanks! Ken.

October 2009Canon ReviewsLeica Reviews Nikon Reviews

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Introduction top

LEICA vs Canon vs Nikon sharpness (3)

I can't vouch for ads below.

Let's compare the three top new cameras and lenses as used by the majority of outdoor, nature and landscape photographers. The oldest of this gear was announced in 2007.

Let's compare Canon, Nikon and Leica's top digital cameras, and compare each with a similar lens, each at the same price.

For camera bodies, we'll use the top body made by each that sells for under $7,000 USD.

For lenses, I got lucky when I realized that the most popular lens for each just happen to be the same price! Each lens sells new between $1,500 and $1,800 USD, all as of October 2009. Actually, the Nikon costs $5 more than the Leica.

I got lucky. There are a zillion ways to do a comparison like this.

I was going crazy trying to find three lenses similar in some way to make a meaningful comparison.

I realized that I had three ways to make 28mm and f/2.8, but when I realized the Leica, Nikon and Canon lenses each cost the same, it was a slam-dunk that this would be the most meaningful comparison.

Last week I compared three 50mm f/1.4 lenses, but the Leica lens was 45 years old. All that did was show that the old Leica lens still creamed the newest from Canon and Nikon wide-open.

We have three contenders, all the same price, and all available new today. This time, Leica will compete for the very same dollars.

Canon 5D Mark II (1Ds Mark III)

I shot the 21MP Canon 5D Mark II with the 16-35mm f/2.8 L II, an extremely popular combination. The 16-35mm f/2.8 L II sells in October 2009 for $1,549.

The 5D Mark II is Canon's best, edging out the 1Ds Mark III slightly in image quality, per Canon's PR on the 5D Mark II. The 1Ds Mk II may or may not have made it under our $7,000 practical body limit. The results should be the same; the 5D Mark II is superior for possibly for noise and highlight and shadow handling; this is a sharpness test where they should be identical.


I shot a LEICA ELMARIT-M 28mm f/2.8 ASPH on an 18MP LEICA M9.

The 28mm lens sells for $1,795. Most Leica shooters would use the more expensive and even better LEICA SUMMICRON-M 28mm f/2 ASPH, but we're keeping this comparison at the same price.

Nikon D3 (D700)

I shot the NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8 AF-S on the Nikon D3.

The Nikon D700 is less expensive and more popular, and gives results indistinguishable from the D3. I just happened to have a D3 lying around; otherwise the D700 is far more popular with outdoor shooters.

The D3X is nice, but it's neither popular, nor under $7,000, nor did I have any rich neighbors to loan me one. As we'll see, even if I did use one, the D3X is still limited by Nikon's optics.

Teknik top

I shot everything on a tripod at a special optical test range under controlled conditions. There was no wind and no heat shimmer.

Each camera was shot at ISO 200.

I shot raw and opened all the images in Adobe Camera Raw in Adobe Photoshop CS4. Each was opened at default settings, with "as shot" white balance. Each camera was set to DAYLIGHT WB.

I got really lucky: ACR had a 25MP option for opening each camera, so each image was exactly 6,144 pixels wide. I didn't have to do any resampling among these cameras for this comparison.

(I tried opening these in Photoshop CS2, but ACR in CS2 can't be upgraded to read the Nikon or Canon files; only the Leica used the standard DNG format and would open. The Leica files looked even better in CS2.)

I shot with manual exposure: 1/2,000 at f/2.8 and 1/250 at f/8.

Another reason I love the LEICA: it took me only about two clicks to get it to default settings so the images looked the same as the other cameras. On the Canon and the Nikon, it takes like five minutes screwing around in seven menus to get all the image settings back to normal.


These are crops from much, much larger images. On most computer monitors, the cropped images below are about 9.3" (24cm) wide. If so, then the full images would print at 5 feet (1.5m) wide.

This is an extreme test. Only geeks would look at 5-foot wide prints as close as you're looking at your monitor.

f/2.8, lower left corner top

The Canon still looks awful because the 16-35mm f/2.8 L II is relatively awful looked at this close. The 16-35 L II is an extraordinary journalism lens, but not great for printing this huge and looking this close.

The Leica is the best, with what looks like twice as much fine detail as Nikon or Canon.

The Nikon looks worse than I expected: there are lateral color fringes. I hadn't seen it before, since the D3 and D700 automatically correct this, but at this insane level of magnification (5-foot or 1.5-meter wide prints), it's obvious. It's also obvious in the Canon shots, but I expect that since Canon's cameras don't yet correct for this as do Nikon's latest.

Hold on! Nikons do correct for this if you shoot JPG or probably use Nikon's software to open the NEFs, but I used Adobe instead. Adobe and Aperture don't have this feature of automatic lateral color correction. I won't load Nikon's buggy software on my computer, and if I gave Nikon this edge, I'd use CS2 to open the Leica file, which looks even better opened there.

I'm very impressed. I was expecting to see some lateral color in Leica, since as far as I know it doesn't correct for it, and in this case, Leica's tiny lens has proven itself far superior.

f/2.8, center top

The Canon and Leica look alike. If you did comparisons like these as often as I do, I'm astounded at how close they look .

The Nikon has fewer pixels, so at f/8 in the center where all lenses work pretty much alike, the D3 and D700 are at a disadvantage.

Analysis top

With the same money spent on lenses, the Leica easily wins.

The Leica is usually superior, or at least as good, as the best from Nikon and Canon at the same price.

When you also consider that the Leica weighs only a fraction as much as either camera or lens, it's a no-brainer to see which is the best for outdoor photography.

Even then, the Leica shot instantly, while I had to jack with menus to set the Nikon and Canon. Worse, I had to deal with foolish electronic controls to set manual aperture and shutter speeds on the Nikon and Canon, while with the Leica, all I did was turn the dedicated, click-stopped knobs. I shot the Leica in a tenth the time that it took to shoot either the Canon or Nikon.

Overall, the Leica wins because of its great sensor coupled with Leica's superior optics. Canon's 21MP sensor is about as good, but the end results only match if you could get lenses this good for the Canon — which you can't do at most focal lengths.

Even if Nikon' slightly higher-on-paper resolution D3X was relevant here, it would also be limited by Nikon's optics, just like the D700 and D3 as shown above.

The M9 sensor is made in Rochester, New York, USA. GO USA! Buy American!

What if top

The Leica used a fixed lens, as do most Leica shooters, and the SLRs used zooms, as do most SLR shooters. Each costs the same, each is a very recent design, and each is typical of what real photographers actually shoot today.

In case one still thinks fixed SLR lenses are the way to go, no. Nikon and Canon haven't updated their 28mm f/2.8 lenses in decades.

For example, here is the newest Nikon 28mm f/2.8 AF-D at f/2.8 for comparison:

The Canon has the corners sucked-out with pincushion distortion. It varies with focal length setting.

The Leica doesn't have any distortion. What you're seeing is how poorly I lined up the camera, and that this dealer's cabinets need their doors more precisely set to do more of these sorts of tests.

The Nikon has a lot of barrel distortion at the wide end. The center bulges out.

None of these lenses have any problems with falloff as shot here at medium apertures, but the cabinets certainly weren't lit evenly.

Comparison Tables top

All weights are the actual weights as I measured them, including batteries and cards. Manufacturers pad their numbers by weighing cameras without cards or batteries.



2008 Sept

2009 Sept

2007 Aug

Weight, wet

32 oz.

20.9 oz.

52.6 oz.

Weight, wet

900 g

593 g

1,492 g



LEICA vs Canon vs Nikon sharpness (4)

Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 L II, LEICA ELMARIT-M 28mm f/2.8, and Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8, all the same price. enlarge.

Which will you take to dinner for great shots along the way, and which is more likely to be left back at the hotel to get stolen?


2007 March

2006 Sept

2007 Aug

Filter Size




Weight, oz.

22.4 oz.

6.1 oz.

31.8 oz.

Weight, g.

634 g

173 g

902 g

Direct-setting aperture ring?




Focus scale

barely visible


barely visible

Depth-of-field scale





Good gosh: the Canon lens weighs almost four times as much as the Leica.

The Nikon lens weighs over five times as much as the Leica, and costs more, too!

Lens and Camera Togethertop




Image Quality Rank




Speed of Use Rank




Weight, total

54.4 oz.

27 oz.

84.4 oz.

Weight, total

1,534 g

766 g

2,394 g

Carryablity Rank








Recommendations top


See also Rangefinder versus SLR Cameras.

Travel, nature, outdoor, interior and landscape

The days of the DSLR for serious digital nature, outdoor, interior and landscape photography are numbered.

The Leica gives better results, is far more comfortable to carry, and far easier and faster to shoot. No one gives me these cameras or pays me anything to review them; these are my honest oppinions.

The Leica is as light as a point and shoot. You don't notice it around your shoulder, so you take it everywhere, and get the shots that people who leave their DSLRs back at the hotel won't get at all, and even if they do, the Leica is still sharper.

Sharpness doesn't matter.

What matters is getting the right picture with whatever camera you have with you. I have no problem printing this big from 6MP cameras.

The real reason to get the Leica is that you'll always have it with you, and when the time to make a photo arises, you'll be able to get your shot off with the Leica far faster than you'll ever be able to set all the menus in your DSLR. Heck, I set the apertures on my Leicas by feel with one fingertip as I'm composing. No Canon or Nikon has ever done that (they needed two fingers back in the 1970s), and today, Nikon and Canon require a button and knob and require you to look down in the finder to read the values, since their electronic knobs spin without end stops.

Game over. Buy American: the Leica's sensor is made in Rochester, New York, USA.

If you prefer film (I usually do), nothing beats a 4x5, but it takes as long as a DSLR to set up for each shot.

Sports, kids, macro and moving subjects

I'm not good enough to focus on moving subjects with the Leica, but better men are. For me, the D3 is the fastest thing out there for taking pictures of my kids, once I get it set up properly.

When I shoot in my studio, I use a 200mm macro lens, and for that, only an SLR like the D3 lets me see what I'm doing. With a rangefinder camera like a Leica, you aren't looking through the lens, and can't really see what you're doing.

Better men than I can shoot macro with a Leica, but I'm lazy. I leave my D3 locked up on a shelf where it's always set to make studio shots, like the one of the three lenses at the top.

Help me help you top

I support my growing family through this website, as crazy as it might seem.

If you find this as helpful as a book you might have had to buy or a workshop you may have had to take, feel free to help me continue helping everyone.

If you've gotten your gear through one of my links or helped otherwise, you're family. It's great people like you who allow me to keep adding to this site full-time. Thanks!

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The biggest help is when you use any of these links when you get anything. It costs you nothing, and is this site's, and thus my family's, biggest source of support. These places always have the best prices and service, which is why I've used them since before this website existed. I recommend them all personally.

Thanks for reading!


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LEICA vs Canon vs Nikon sharpness (2024)


Are Leica lenses the sharpest? ›

I read the article about the sharpest lens in the world but surprisingly, Leica Summicron 50mm F2 was the sharpest lens in the world which beats both Zeiss Otus and Sigma Art.

Is Canon sharper than Nikon? ›

Though both offer superb image quality, the Canon has more megapixels but the Nikon shoots more frames per second. The Z6 has better dynamic range, but the EOS R's autofocus is far superior.

Are Leica cameras better than Nikon? ›

The Nikon has fewer pixels, so at f/8 in the center where all lenses work pretty much alike, the D3 and D700 are at a disadvantage. With the same money spent on lenses, the Leica easily wins. The Leica is usually superior, or at least as good, as the best from Nikon and Canon at the same price.

Does Nikon or Canon have better image quality? ›

Canon not only outperforms Nikon in lens design, but also perhaps every other camera manufacturer on the market. Canon's RF lenses, which are created exclusively for mirrorless full frame cameras, have pushed the frontiers of image quality.

Why do people like Leica cameras so much? ›

The Leica M is extremely accurate and extremely rugged in nearly all conditions, thanks to the world's finest optics and precision German engineering. The Leica M is unobtrusive – it is small, lightweight and stealthy, and well suited for intimate photography. Nothing else in the world feels like a Leica.

What camera do high end photographers use? ›

The Sony a7III is the most popular camera used by professional photographers. 7% of pros use the Sony a7III mirrorless camera, with the Canon R6 mirrorless camera and Nikon D750 DSLR camera coming in joint 2nd and 3rd.

Why do people choose Canon over Nikon? ›

Canon has better build quality and dual memory card slots. Moving up to professional cameras, Nikon have a more dynamic range of camera bodies and sensor quality. Canon champions if you want video as well as stills. Nikon is the obvious choice for landscapes and Canon is the no brainer for sport photographers.

Why is Canon preferred over Nikon? ›

One of the most crucial factors in the Canon vs Nikon debate is usability. Many consider Canon DSLRs easier to handle, while Nikon takes the lead with mirrorless. It is all about what feels right to you.

What is so special about Leica lenses? ›

The great thing about these lenses is the metal build quality, small size, and light weight. Coupled with a rangefinder, they'll be wonderful as they're not too large. Give these lenses more life by using an adapter to put them on something like the Leica SL2-S. Zone focusing is key with the most popular Leica lenses.

What's special about Leica lenses? ›

Leica is famous for the beautiful texture of the unfocused regions in their pictures. The lenses also admit light with hardly any spillage, producing quality high-contrast shots even if there were strong shadows and highlights in the scene.

What is the highest quality lens? ›

5 Eyeglass Lens Brands that offer you the best quality are:
  • KODAK® Eyeglass Lenses. Kodak lenses can provide you with the richest, most vibrant colors imaginable. ...
  • DRIVEWEAR® Transitions® Lenses. ...
  • Varilux® X-Series® Progressive Lenses. ...
  • CRIZAL Prevencia® Lenses.

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