Leo, God Of The Sun (2024)

Supreme God Leo (a.k.a. God Of The Sun)

Leo also known as the Golden Lion is the Zodiac God of the Sun & the King Of The Gods. He is one of the 12 Zodiac Gods of the Zodiac Pantheon and leads the entire Pantheon. He is a brave & passionate god who cares for his siblings and mortals alike forging his system for the betterment of both. He is the patron god of Solar Celestials who uphold the standard of the sun.

Divine Domains

Leo as a God Of The Sun has dominion over Suns specifically stars that provide life to planets, this means that he is empowered by the life that is nurtured by the sun. He also has dominion over courage & passion making him stronger when his followers didn't falter to fear & have unwavering zeal for their work. Leo possesses dominion over his siblings as the king of the gods balancing them all gaining veneration from each of them.


  • The Sun Seed: A golden seed coming from the sun itself once planted it can give rise to sacred plant life currently used on the island of Alea.
  • The Solar Core: A piece of the sun enchanted to have an unlimited amount of energy burning hot to the touch meant to give the miracle of shine to those Leo chooses. The Solar Core when exposed to sunlight will glow brightly and explode in a 300ft. radius those who are caught in it are unaffected or given shine.
  • Crown Of The Sun: An ornate crown made from nemean steel enchanted to allow the wearer to sense the thoughts and fears of everyone in 300ft. This crown has been passed down from ruler of the sun church to the next going from Hyperion to Helios. Both have used it to address the concerns of their people and work towards a brighter tomorrow for the sun church.
  • Mane Of The Sun: A sacred artifact made during the Sun War, a golden heavy pauldron once placed onto the warriors physical and magical abilities increase dramatically. The user was filled with such pride that there was nothing they feared and all would crumble under them. Their pride burned so brightly that their souls would eventually burn away into nothing. The Mane Of The Sun was sealed away in the Sun Spire.
  • Prominence & Corona: An 8ft. Golden blade & large golden parma shield acting as the sacred treasure for any Leo ascendant. Through the sun Prominence & Corona would be wreathed in scorching golden sun fire burning foes with light & heat even unleashing waves of sunfire in a large area.
  • Sun Crystal: A small golden gemstone meant to house enough energy to act as the key and lock to the Sun Spire. This crystal like the other key crystals was shattered into three pieces that took centuries to find and return.
  • Eversun: A golden ornate lantern holding a miniature sun. The Eversun could illuminate large areas with it's light no one could hide from it illusions would be instantly dispelled, and those born of darkness would be obliterated. The Eversun could also project a scorching beam of sunfire setting the area as well as the target on fire.

Holy Books & Codes

  • Tablets Of Radiance: 5 Tablets made from Nemean Steel, the text written in Celestial showing ancient Solar rituals only known by the high ranking members of the Church.
  • The Book Of The Sun: The books detailing the religious practices & origin of the Church Of The Sun written by hyperion and given to each leonian.
  • Sun Garden's Tome: An ancient book, written by Rosaria now held by Circe detailing the varied but exotic and bountiful plants that can grow under sacred light.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Lions & Cats
  • Swords, Shield, Knights
  • Suns

Tenets of Faith

  1. We warm all in the light of the sun, the area will blossom with lush vegetation, the weak will be protected by the sun while the wicked are reduced to ash.
  2. We as a Pride must remain united & not fight amongst ourselves.
  3. We use the sun and only the sun to liberate the world.


Sol Festival: A festival in the summer to celebrate all Leo does for his Clergy and the world as a whole.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Leo's form was a collosal lion that was composed of golden divine essence, his body was as hot as the sun and he shined bright enough to blind all.

Special abilities


As the god of the Sun Leo's unique power allows him to use immensely powerful & divine Heliokinesis. He has used the essence of the Sun to give courage, bravery, hope, & vigor to mortals to enable them to find the Spires. He can send forth beams of solar energy down to strike others, send solar flares, solar winds, and even caused the Radiance once Leo used his power to claim the sun as his own. The Radiance allowed various plants to grow, made the land fertile, and gifted some mortals with the Miracle called Radiance.

Solar Ascension

Leo can make mortals dead or alive ascend to the ranks of Celestials, giving them significance as Solar Angels.


An aspect of Leo that makes him so sure of himself, his laws, & power giving him unbreakable drive and ambition.


Leo has the power to command Solar Celestials from any range and could beguile his siblings but he refuses to use it on his siblings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leo was born with the rest of his siblings after the God Of Order lost his fight against Salem, becoming the 12 which imprisoned Salem leading to the 12 being placed in stasis for eons.Once he emerged he claimed the sun as his domain causing the Radiance which bestowed the legendary miracle Radiance onto some mortals, and worked with his siblings to aid mortals from being under the thumb of Salem's son. He forged the Zodiac Pantheon and made the Spire Of The Sun to beckon the one who would lead his Clergy, ultimately leading to the noble Solar Celestial Warrior Hyperion getting to the Spire and being Crowned the leader of the Church Of The Sun. Leo had a Clergy made in his honor to defeat the Black Templars in the Sun War ending it with the event called "The Sun's Wrath" and built the Sun Kingdom on the continent Leonis.During the Sun War Paladins and other warriors of Leo who perished in the name of the sun, order, & prosperity for all were ascended into angels of the sun as a reward for their service becoming immensely powerful entities that continued their duty though now in the cosmos rather than on Zodia. Some of these ascendants were Rhitta one of the rare female Templars of Leo, the previous Leo Ascendant, & one of the holders of Radiance another was the founder of the Church Of The Sun Hyperion leaving his son Helios to lead the Clergy.After the Sun War & the Clergys of his siblings were freed from tyranny Leo went into a deep slumber where he would be possessed by the spirit of Arceus sparking the Zodiac War with the end goal being to subsume his siblings to become whole again. Leo's Clergy waged war on the world; the sheer pressure of the Sun caused discord among the neighboring nations making them fight amongst each other. The Church Of The Sun dominated the war depictions of battles immortalized in history showcasing the sheer brutality and cruelty of the sun. Leo's rampage stopped during the Great Eclipse when his sister Cancer conducted Divine Synergy becoming Eclipse going through the mind of her brother freeing him from his control, Scorpio used his divinity to lock away any chance of Leo or the rest being beguiled by the God Of Order. Leo was returned to normal being a benevolent god and allowing his siblings to continue their own ways of life although all of their Clergys decided to form the Zodiac Empire with the Church Of The Sun acting as the absolute leadership in the Empire.Leo, like the rest of his siblings aided in the recreation of Arceus through giving the mortal Paladin Sellfur Olgrim a spark of his divinity, this in turn kept Salem locked away in her black hole prison. From then on he continued living as he had been sleeping and keeping his siblings from fighting.

Morality & Philosophy

Leo is a deity of good & justice and believes that all must be unified and the weak must be protected to preserve order and prosperity.


Using dark power like necromancy, illusion, & enchantment is not recommended as it's not part of the Sun's grace. Those who are visibly weak & fragile are not supposed to fight and just be protected. Lions are the friends and allies of the Sun God & Sun Kingdom to use them without their consent is underhanded & scummy.

Personality Characteristics


Leo is motivated by the love he has for his siblings and mortals as a whole and will push back & even destroy those who threaten it if it means peace and prosperity.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Lions & Cats
  • Fire & Light
  • Sleeping
  • His siblings
  • Sun Angels & The Sun
  • Grasslands & Plains
  • Combat & Chivalry


  • Darkness & Undead
  • Cruelty
  • Necromancy, Illusion, & Enchantment

Virtues & Personality perks

Leo is warm-hearted and generous sparing angels to aid those who aren't even his followers just to spare them fear & despair. He is brave & courageous, never faltering regardless of power disparity as he fought Salem with his siblings regardless of how much power she had. He is Creative thinking about new ways to use the sun to aid his Clergy, using Sunlight to power the Sun Kingdom, using the essence of the sun to stimulate the growth of the Sun Kingdom's denizens and vegetation, & using other stars as a means of maneuvering Solar Rays to any point on the planet.

Vices & Personality flaws

Leo is lazy and will often fall asleep for months on end being most awake during the summer. Leo's wish to protect others leads him to underestimate the strength of those who seem visibly weak, leading to his initial ruling of the weak being unable to be Templars & warriors.


Contacts & Relations

Salem, Goddess Of Chaos

Salem is the elder sister of Leo & his siblings but he has no love for Salem, as her ideology breaks down peace & order to make room for chaos & pandemonium. Monuments and structures of Salem are always destroyed by Leo's Clergy to not plague the world with her influence, followers of Salem are slain by the Templars of Leo to limit her veneration and power.

Mephiles, God Of Fear

The son of Salem & nephew of Leo, he has always had hate for mephiles due to his subjugation of mortals when he emerged. Leo's Angels are tasked with the eradication of mephilies's followers off the world of Zodia.

Angels, Mortals, Followers

Hyperion Sol, The Sun Founder

Hyperion is the lone Haloin blessed with Radiance, who found the Spire Of The Sun and accepted Leo as his god through that he was ascended into a Solar Archon and tasked with building the Church Of The Sun. Hyperion was Leo's favorite mortal; he never faltered in his goals, built the Church Of The Sun, protected the weak and innocent, the first of his Ascendants.Leo was grateful for Hyperion's work & Hyperion is grateful for Leo's blessings. It was saddening when Hyperion perished at the hands of Velskud, The Black Sun but was prideful about how the battle ended the Sun War. Hyperion, while unable to return to the mortal world, was ascended into a Solar Arc Angel & had a constellation made in his honor. Hyperion now works to eradicate followers of Salem & Mephiles in the sun's fire with Rhitta.

Rhitta Sol, The Sun's Empress

The lover of Hyperion and his second in command during the Sun War, she was blessed with Radiance like Hyperion. Leo was impressed with Rhitta due to her being a female & took up arms against her oppressors not being the many damsels of the Sun Church and used her power to better her people. Once Hyperion perished Leo crowned her the next ruler of the Sun Church & allowed her to be the 2nd. Leo Ascendant. She became immortalized as an example to all female followers of Leo, as she became a Solar Arc Angel after her demise leaving rulership to her son Helios.

Helios Sol, The 3rd. Sun Sovereign

The first son of Hyperion & Rhitta and the newest ruler of the Sun Kingdom after his mother Rhitta perished in battle. Leo granted Helios a Divine Chariot with 4 Solar Steeds Aethon, Eous, Pyrois, & Phlegon, Helios would take these steeds into battle raining down bolts of solar energy to raze & scorch the enemies of the Sun Kingdom. Leo respects Helios for being able to reign in his wrath & pride, find tranquility in the sunlight and rule without the Sun's cruelty.

Regulus Sol, The Benevolent Sun

One of the sons of Hyperion & Rhitta and the younger brother of Helios and the 3rd. Leo Ascendant. Leo admired how Regulus looked up to other female Templars of Leonis, like Adafhera, Meridia, & most of all Sif. Regulus was favored by Leo for his ability to show humility and be able to be useful to others like his brother Helios & Ulvandir rather than obsessed over what use people are to him. Leo also like that despite his ability to serve under others through humility he didn't back down when tyranny was discovered in the Sun Kingdom.

Ulvandir Sol, The Disgraced Sun

One of the sons of Hyperion & Rhitta and known to be a powerful warrior who fully believed in the ways of the Old Sun. Leo saw the poison that is pride & arrogance consume Ulvandir stripping him of his power & rank after the Solar Betrayal. Leo was disappointed at the actions of one of his Haloin so much that his demise as a Seraphim warranted the destruction of his very soul.

Aurinax, The Gilded Mage

One of the few Draconic followers of Leo, he pursued knowledge of Arcane Magic, something not typically done by Leo's followers. He applauds Aurinax for pursuing the Arcane Arts despite his already immense physical and magical power as well as being willing to teach magic to the other members of the Sun Church. Aurinax is beloved for teaching Circe in the ways of Sorcery and teaching other arcane scholars of the Sun Church.

Leonidas, The Gilded General

The twin brother of Aurinax and another Draconic follower of Leo, using his shapeshifting to become a mortal form and become one of the most popular Templars in the Sun Kingdom. Leo admires Leonidas for his ability to work for more than himself, being a noble warrior who fights for the weak & innocent like a true Sun Templar.

Rosaria, Queen Of Sunfire

A beloved Druid of Wildfire who took up arms against the Order Of The Black Sun through her oath to the Sun God. Rosaria with her Druidic magic laid waste to many Templars of the Black Sun, being praised by Leo for her ferocity and strength with magic. Rosaria was Crowned leader of the Sun Kingdom's Druidic Circle and the one who would uphold nature in Leonis.

Meridia, Lady Of Infinite Energy

Meridia was the estranged daughter of Rosaria due to her wanting to be a Cleric rather than a Druid. Leo applauded her desire to work alongside her Knightley brethren but was wary of the pride in her soul.Leo was impressed at Meridia's countless victories in his service growing in power and renown as she began to specialize in the destruction of Undead during her involvement in the Pale War. She was beloved and powerful but never got past her burning hate for the Undead & Necromancers causing her to disappoint Leo & her Kingdom through being an Overseer. Leo sees Meridia as just another tragic person who was blinded by the sun.

Sif Thundaheim, The Sun's Melody

A female Haloin Zeal Cleric of Leo, who faithfully served the Sun Church for all of her life, rising to become beloved and popular to her people, becoming an inspiration to the Templars to come after her. Leo at birth blessed her with an angelic voice that causes her hair to glow yellow, people to grow in power and heal their wounds.Leo, adoring her use of her gifts but saddened at her marriage with Ulvandir nominated her as one of the candidates for the Solar Storm Mergers with the input of Aquarius. When Sif wanted to live long enough to see Thor again he gave her a blessing of longevity at the cost of fertility & when she perished at the hands of Ulvandir she wasn't ascended to an Angel but had a constellation made in her honor.

Adhafera, The Platinum Sun

One of Leo's few Dragon followers and one of the Solar Storm Mergers members. She is so strong that her light still echoes from centuries old battles. Adafhera serves Leo as one of his faithful templars, something he is grateful for. Leo blessed her with Radiance as a sign of appreciation to his Templar and she uses it to continue Leo's work.

Hynivir, The Summer Archon

Hynivir was a Haloin and the 1st. Summer Sage who took up arms against the Order Of The Black Sun using her immense magic power to fight back the malevolent group. She was part of the same Pride Ulvandir lead and with an Archon had a daughter named Edelgard.Leo was intrigued by Hynivir's power as he didn't make it and it's immense power, so he offered her pardon from the Solar Betrayal and offered a place in the hierarchy of Angels. Hynivir refused to have a life with her family but it was stripped from her when her husband was killed on duty & her power was stolen by her husband's killer. Leo, saddened but respectful of her decisions, made her a constellation.

Family Ties

  • Zelgius, God Of Order (Complete)
  • Salem, Goddess Of Chaos (Sister)
  • Mephelies, God Of Fear (Nephew)
  • Gaia, Goddess Of Life (Mother)
  • Khaos, God Of Death (Uncle)
  • Aries, Goddess Of War (Sister)
  • Sagittarius, God Of Nature (Brother)
  • Cancer, Goddess Of The Moon (Sister)
  • Scorpio, God Of Death & Truth (Brother)
  • Pisces, Goddess Of The Oceans (Sister)
  • Taurus, God Of Mountains, Strength, & Endurance (Brother)
  • Virgo, Goddess Of Purity (Sister)
  • Capricorn, Goddess Of Survival (Sister)
  • Aquarius, Goddess Of The Sky's & Storms (Sister)
  • Libra, Goddess Of Justice (Sister)
  • Gemini, God Of Duality (Brother)

Social Aptitude

Leo has a deep, commanding, & gentle voice he speaks with authority and compassion making others enjoy his limited presence.


Scorpio, God Of Death & Truth

brother (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun


Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Scorpio, God Of Death & Truth



Leo is one of Scorpio's brothers and the leader of the Zodiac Pantheon. The two don't see eye to eye on many things, him being a god of complete truth & death and Leo's ideology of the sun and chivalry. The two brothers simply don't communicate with each other to avoid conflict between each other and their clergys.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Aries, Goddess Of War



Aries, Goddess Of War

sister (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun




Aries, Goddess Of War is the sister of Leo and the two are close despite the difference in their ideologies they encouraged a similar battle style for their Templars the code of a Knight. Worship of both gods in either heartland is allowed as a sign of friendship.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Sagittarius, God Of Nature




Sagittarius, God Of Nature

brother (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





Sagittarius God Of Nature is the brother of Leo and the two have respect for one another as gods with dominion over nature.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Cancer, Goddess Of The Moon




Cancer, Goddess Of The Moon

sister (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





One of Leo's sisters and has deep love & appreciation for her due to the fusion of Eclipse to break free from Zelgius’s control. When he's awake he checks in on Cancer due to how she is the most popular Water goddess she is empathetic at the core and therefore weak-willed acts Cancer appreciates.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Pisces, Goddess Of The Seas




Pisces, Goddess Of The Seas

sister (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





Pisces is one of Leo's sisters and he has respect for Pisces due to the potential and sheer power the seas have.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Taurus, God Of Strength & Endurance




Taurus, God Of Strength & Endurance

brother (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





One of Leo's brothers and has a deep respect for his resolve, resilience, loyalty never crumbling no matter the pressure.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Virgo, Goddess Of Purity




Virgo, Goddess Of Purity

sister (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





One of Leo's sisters and bears a great respect for Virgo due to her upholding light & purity. He likes how she sees potential and value in humanity offering them a haven & room to grow under her light.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Capricorn, Goddess Of Underground & Crafts



Capricorn, Goddess Of Underground & Crafts

sister (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun




One of Leo's sisters and the two have had a rocky relationship due to their different ideologies with Leo believing that the weak should be protected while Capricorn sees the weak as something that should be left to die.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Aquarius, Goddess Of The Sky




Aquarius, Goddess Of The Sky

sister (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





One of Leo's sisters and the two have a strong bond as she is the sky that allows the sun to shine. He respects her emotional restraint while to others she seems cold & heartless but admires her power when she makes Divine Storms. Their Clergys are on great terms with each other forming an alliance that benefits both sides and the rest of Zodia.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Libra, Goddess Of Justice




Libra, Goddess Of Justice

sister (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





One of Leo's sisters who he has great respect for due to her ideology promoting law, order, & justice. Their Clergys often provide aid to each other in times of crisis.

Leo, God Of The Sun

brother (Vital)

Towards Gemini, God Of Duality




Gemini, God Of Duality

brother (Vital)

Towards Leo, God Of The Sun





One of Leo's brothers and the two have a great respect for each other with Gemini capable of making light & dark coalesce while remaining sound minded unlike Scorpio. Members of his Clergy often visit Gemini's Clergy to find inner peace.

"You are the sun, the light, the reason we draw breath on this world. We owe our existence to you Leo. - Helios""Brother I love you but you can't keep doing this you need to come back to us. - Cancer""So it seems like these people worship this sun god known for his propensity for destruction. God how I envy the zodians for their ability to look past the crimes of the divine. - Arthur"

Divine Classification

Greater God





Honorary & Occupational Titles

  • The King Of The Gods
  • God Of The Sun
  • Benevolent Light



Circ*mstances of Birth

Leo's birth along with the birth of his siblings occured after the death of Zelgius, and was planned to stop Salem.




Current Residence




Quotes & Catchphrases

  • "The sun shines for all evil is my only true enemy"
  • "You all do your duties I'm going to sleep"
  • "My cubs you are to grow as knights and protect the weak, the innocent, & the fair maidens"
  • "You seem to have shown courage, zeal, & strength I'm clearly going to have to amend my rule about the lionesses roles in society"

Other Affiliations

"All one has to do is stare at the sun to receive prophetic visions for that is the will of the sun. - Hyperion""My lord, I am grateful for all you do but we can be templars and defend our people just as much as the male templars I ask of you lift your ruling on our way of life so we can be templars without backlash from the men we love. - Sif"

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Leo, God Of The Sun (2024)


Leo, God Of The Sun? ›

In Egyptian mythology, Leo is associated with the sun god Ra, who was often depicted with the head of a lion. This majestic creature represents royalty, courage, and the power of leadership. Virgo, the maiden, is linked to the goddess of agriculture and harvest, Demeter, in Greek mythology.

What is Leos God? ›

Leo – Zeus

Zeus is the Greek god of the sky, and is quite possibly the most famous of the immortals that ruled ancient Greece. Zeus is well known for being fair, merciful, and generous, but also short tempered and easily infuriated.

What does the sun mean to a Leo? ›

Leo is ruled by the sun, the dazzling celestial body that governs life and vitality. The sun never goes retrograde, and likewise, Leos are renowned for their stability, loyalty, and consistency. They are dedicated friends and lovers who put their hearts into every relationship.

Which sun sign is Leo? ›

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Passionate, loyal, and infamously dramatic, Leo is represented by the lion and these spirited fire signs are the kings and queens of the celestial jungle. They're delighted to embrace their royal status: Vivacious, theatrical, and fiery, Leos love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate…

Who is the god of the sun? ›

Greek mythology had two sun gods: Helios, the god of the sun, and Apollo, the god of light and justice, who was often conflated with Helios. Roman mythology worshipped Helios as Sol, and the later Roman Empire even crafted a cult of that god, naming him Sol Invictus.

Which God to worship for Leo? ›

The motherly goddess Parvati represents the love and protection that Cancers provide to those they love with ease. Leo - Lord Vishnu, the universe's protector, appeals to Leos because of their regal bearing and natural ability to lead. Lord Vishnu defends the universe, much like Leos defends their pride.

What are Leos powers? ›

Because they're ruled by the Sun, Leo tends to have a magnetic personality that draws people in. They're commanding, compelling, and love to be the center of attention. Alternatively, Leo's superpower might be the ability to morph into animals—specifically the majestic lion, which represents the Leo zodiac sign.

What is a Leos spirit animal? ›

​​Leo: Lion

The lion symbolizes bravery and beauty, resonating as Leo's spirit animal. Leos, like the king of the jungle, exhibit fearlessness, refusing to evade problems and showcasing power and confidence.

What is Leos soulmate? ›

Leo's best soulmates are usually Aries, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, and Sagittarius. Aries and Sag are fellow fire signs, while Libra and Gemini are clever air signs and the only earth sign is Capricorn. Leo's least likely soulmates are usually earth signs like Virgo plus water signs like Pisces and Scorpio.

Who should Leo marry? ›

Generally, the most compatible signs for Leo friendships and romantic relationships are fellow fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) as they'll match their passion and heat. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) also have dynamic, fast-paced energy and could work well for a Leo.

What is Leos weakness? ›

Weaknesses: Leo people also have weaknesses. For instance, they can be misunderstood easily, can sometimes become arrogant, and egotistical. Furthermore, they can also be very inflexible. readmore.

What is Leo energy? ›

This passionate, fun-loving energy is informed by Leo, a fire sign associated with light, love, confidence, buoyant and positive vibes and the tendency to take bold action or transform everyday life into a vibrant, colorful, drama-packed stage.

Who is a Leos love match? ›

Leos are most compatible with other Leos, Aquarians, and Scorpios. Taurus can also be a good match for a passionate fling, but maybe not for a serious relationship.

Who is the most powerful god of the sun? ›

Lord Surya

Surya, the Sun God, is revered in Hinduism. Although a number of other deities had solar characteristics throughout the Vedic period (1500–500 BCE), later Hinduism merged them all into a single god. Historically, Surya was on par with Ganesha, Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti, and he has many temples across India.

Is the sun god female or male? ›

Solar deities are often thought of as male (and lunar deities as being female) but the opposite has also been the case. In Germanic mythology, the Sun is female, and the Moon is male.

Who is the sun God's son? ›

Every morning, Helios unleashed his golden chariot, and set out across the sky. As the Sun God transformed dawn into day, he thought of his son, Phaethon, below. To prove to Phaethon that he was truly his father, Helios decided to grant him anything he wanted.

What is the Lord of Leo? ›

The Sun is the lord of Leo and it is the sign of the element of fire. Being the fifth house of Kaal Purush, this zodiac sign resides in the heart.

Who is Leo in Christianity? ›

Pope Leo I ( c. 400 – 10 November 461), also known as Leo the Great, or Leo the Apostolic, was Bishop of Rome from 29 September 440 until his death. Leo was a Roman aristocrat, and was the first pope to have been called "the Great".

What God is Leo the son of? ›

Leo Valdez is one of the main protagonists in The Heroes of Olympus series and one of the seven heroes of the Prophecy of Seven. He is a Greek demigod, the son of Hephaestus and Esperanza Valdez. Leo is currently the head counselor of the Hephaestus' Cabin. Artwork by Viktoria Ridzel licensed and used with permission.

Is Leo a sun god? ›

Leo: The Sun Goddess & Lioness Leader.

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