Let's Do A Longchamp Le Pliage Bag Review! - Fashion For Lunch. (2024)

Let's Do A Longchamp Le Pliage Bag Review! - Fashion For Lunch. (1)

Let’s Do A Longchamp Le Pliage Bag Review!

Hi Friends! Today I want to share a little Longchamp Le Pliage Bag review with you all! This is a post I have been meaning to write for YEARS because I honestly got this bag about 8 years ago and I can’t believe I haven’t done a full review of it yet! I mean… it’s been a time! Anyway! Today we are going to chat about size, price, durability, quality, how to care for it, what fits inside, where to wear and SO much more! This is an iconic luxury handbag and today we are going to deep dive on it!!! My friends… are you ready for a Longchamp Le Pliage Bag review? Let’s GO!

Longchamp Collaborations

My Longchamp Le Pliage bag is a past collaboration with fashion designer, Mary Katranzou. This collection came out around 8 years ago, so it’s pretty rare now, however, Longchamp do frequent collaborations, so it’s always worth keeping an eye out for what’s new with the brand. Right now there is a collab with Pokemon which is super cute and they frequently team up with Jeremy Scott too… speaking of which, the telephone bag is on my dream wishlist! It was SO cool! I will forever wish I owned that one! Anyway, if you like the collaborations they do, keep an eye out, otherwise there is classic and seasonal colours released every year and the details don’t really change, so even if you don’t want printed bag like mine, the info is still relevant!

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Longchamp Le Pliage Price

The Longchamp Le Pliage bag is one of the most affordable luxury handbags. It’s a very functional bag and with it’s polyester canvas making up the bulk of the bag it keeps the price at a really affordable level. My size bag costs around £85, the backpack is around £75, the extra large is around £105 and the small is around £75. The small size is best for younger ladies, maybe as a first handbag or first luxury handbag. The backpack is brilliant for mums and those who want more of a simple, utilitarian look. The large is the size I have and I think this is a brilliant ‘classic’ sized tote handbag for every day and the extra large is more of a overnight bag, but it’s also favourited by the maximalist fashion crowd in the collaboration prints (like the Jeremy Scott bags) or as a man bag. If you are blind buying and simply want a classic Le Pliage bag for every day, then get the large size which I have which is around £85. It’s the perfect size! Also, keep an eye out for them on sale, the seasonal colours often get discontinued and you can pick them up for a really great price.

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Pros & cons

Pros: high quality, timeless design, lightweight, great for travel, good size options, easy to style, great for the office

Cons: less structured so can appear lumpy when you pack it badly

What fits inside theLongchamp Le Pliage?

Inside the classic ‘Large’ Longchamp Le Pliage bag you can fit basically everything you need for the day. It’s the perfect Mary Poppins bag! You can fit a laptop (with a case) and / or iPad, as well as headphones, phone, large purse, keys, make up bag, book, maybe a spare layer of clothing. It truly fits a LOT inside! The only thing you need to worry about is that if you have a lot of bumpy or odd shaped things inside, it can’t bulge in funny places as it’s not structured, but other than that, it’s a brilliant carryall bag! Also, I love this bag because no matter how much I put in it, it never gets overly heavy because the bag itself is so lightweight, so you only really feel the weight of the goods inside, not the weight of the bag itself, which if you carry heavy bags like the Chanel GST, you will know can really get weighty!

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How To Clean TheLongchamp Le Pliage?

The Longchamp Le Pliage is designed to be worn a lot and really put through its paces! It’s not a bag you have to baby and it’s designed to be used and used a lot! However, because of this, if you get a lighter colour bag, you might need to clean it once in a while. Can I machine wash my Longchamp bag? No! Just use a little soapy water on the canvas and leather cream on the leather trim and detailing to clean it up!

Is the Longchamp Le Pliage worth it?

Yes, the Longchamp Le Pliage is worth it. It’s a luxury handbag for a super affordable price and it’s a really easy to carry bag which is smart enough for work, practical enough for your groceries and fashionable enough to wear for a lunch date. It’s go anywhere, with anywhere and feel good in it kind of bag. It’s got a ‘French Girl Chic’ status as well as a utilitarian feel to it, which makes it stylish, cool and modern. It’s uncomplicated, elegant, practical and luxe. It’s an understated fashionista bag as well as being perfect for travel and modern living.

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Is Longchamp considered high end?

Yes, Longchamp is a high end brand. They are stocked in some of the best luxury stores in the world and are famed for their high quality craftsmanship. They are a heritage French Luxury bag which are used by some of the worlds most glamorous women, especially for ‘off duty’ or ‘Travel’ looks.

Does Longchamp Le Pliage have sales?

Yes, you can often pick the Longchamp Le Pliage up on sale – not in classic colours like the navy or black, but in the seasonal colours or collaborations. Just keep an eye on the website or retailers like Selfridges.

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Let's Do A Longchamp Le Pliage Bag Review! - Fashion For Lunch. (7)

Why are Longchamp bags so popular?

If you are wondering why Longchamp bags are so popular… then let me explain! I honestly wondered the same thing until I got one! I thought they looked kind of basic and I just didn’t get it. Y’know? And then I got one and it all made sense! The LongchampLe Pliage bag is super lightweight and perfect for every day use and travel. It’s a really easy to use tote; lightweight, comfortable, roomy and the perfect mix of smart and casual. It’s also a really great price, less than £100 for a luxury tote is an absolute steal. I honestly think every woman should have a Longchamp bag because they are so easy and practical. From overnight trips, to lunch with friends, the office and shopping trips, it’s the perfect tote. It gives you an effortless ‘French girl style’ and it says luxury without saying flashy.

Longchamp Quality Review

As I mentioned, I’ve had this bag for around 8 years now, which is kind of wild as I remember getting it like it was a yea ago, but hey go!!! Anyway, on the plus side, it means I can give you a real long-time-wear-and-tear review! When I first got this bag I wore it ALL the time, like day-in-day-out. I loved and and it was a very ‘It’ bag at the time so it was something that people would stop me on the street and comment on. So in the first year I would say it was my constant bag. I loved it, then I started to wear it less and pulled it out once in a while and then eventually for the past 2 years I think I’ve worn it maybe once or twice. Not because I no longer like it, I simply forgot about it.

The first thing I want to mention is that I am pretty clumsy and careless, so this bag has seen a LOT of wear and tear, mainly because I wore it SO much and partly because I’m not careful with it. So this bag is a little grubby as I never really cleaned it, however, the pattern disguises a LOT. As for the leather, that’s still in brilliant condition, as is the hardware, which is pretty much as glossy and gold as it was when I got it. The base of the bag has seen a little more dirt as the bag doesn’t have studs at the base and I am the kind of girl who puts her bag on the floor in restaurants and on the floor on the tube. Yes… I know! However, I’m pretty confident it will clean up well and actually, it still looks fairly clean, it’s not the kind of material which feels like a grease magnet, it is pretty forgiving if I’m honest. The main wear to the bag is the corners, you can see tiny holes in the very corner, but honestly, that is probably my fault for over stuffing my bag and being careless. However, I will say this, even though there are tiny holes in the corners, the way the bag is stitched, it’s not come loose, it’s still pretty robust and as long as I’m not carrying around tiny loose diamonds or grains of sand, I won’t loose anything out the bottom. It’s ruined the integrity of the bag, it’s just a small isolated pin prick hole in the bottom of each corner. I could probably secure it with a stitch or two myself but I haven’t bothered as it’s so minimal. But for a bag that’s been used SO much and I’ve had for 8 years… I AM IMPRESSED!!! I am even more impressed that it’s a bag that cost under £100! I mean… let’s be honest, would a Topshop bag look this good and have lasted as long as this?! I think not, but price wise, it’s probably the same cost!

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Final Thoughts…

Just a few final thoughts on the classic Longchamp tote bag! First of all, I would say the XL size is amazing for travel, as soon as we can go away, I think I will buy myself one as an overnight bag. It’s easy, practical and a perfectly lightweight and chic travel bag. As a handbag, I would say the classic Large tote bag is the best. It’s the perfect size for every day and it just makes carting your laptop around SO easy!! As for the small one, I think this one is utterly pointless. I don’t think it looks that cute, nor do I think it’s that practical. Sure it’s lightweight, but no small bag is going to be that heavy anyway, personally, I’m just not that into it unless you are a young lady who wants a small, inexpensive designer handbag. However, the beauty of the Longchamp bag is that you can fit so much inside and it never feels too heavy, where as the small one doesn’t fit much inside and it will never be overly heavy because it barely fits anything inside… pointless IMO!

As for the collaborations, look out for these! There are SO many cool Longchamp collabs and if you pick the right one, you will thank yourself for years! I am still so cross at myself for not buying the aforementioned Jeremy Scott Telephone bag and it came out about 10 years ago and I’ve still not forgiven myself! Plus when it does come up on eBay, it costs SO much, I just can’t justify it – I’m talking £500-1000! No joke! Speaking of which, Longchamp bags actually hold their value surprisingly well, so if you buy a limited edition collaboration, it’s very likely it will go up in value and the classic black and navy bags hold their value surprisingly well on the resale market if you are looking for one on eBay. So if you do buy one and find you don’t use it much, you can always sell it on with a minimal loss – or maybe even a profit!

Finally, I can’t stress this enough, but whilst the Lonchamp Le Pliage bag might not look like the most exciting designer bag in the world, it’s definitely one you need to use to appreciate. It’s the perfect size for carting around all your junk, it’s a great price and it lasts incredibly well. Plus it’s so lightweight to carry, you honestly only feel the weight of the goods inside, not the weight of the bag, which makes it perfect for those of us who are bag ladies who hate a heavy bag!This is truly the most affordable luxury handbag which is the most practical and easy to carry.

Personably, I would say to look out for the collaboration bags or play it safe with a simple black tote. Design-wise it’s never going to blow your mind, but it’s not meant to, it’s intended to be a bag for life; quiet, stylish, easy, elegant and subtle. Trust me, once you have one, you will find it super useful and find yourself wearing it a lot more than you ever intended and that’s kind of the genius of the bag. Like I said, every woman should have one!

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Go Shopping!

This post contains affiliate links and a bag I bought myself!

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Let's Do A Longchamp Le Pliage Bag Review! - Fashion For Lunch. (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.