Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (2024)

CONCORD, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Cerus Corporation (Nasdaq: CERS) today appear banking after-effects for the third division concluded September 30, 2021.

Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (1)

Recent developments and highlights include:

Three Months Ended

Nine Months Ended

September 30,

September 30,







Product revenue











Government arrangement revenue









Total revenue











“Cerus’ third division after-effects represent a able bartering accomplishment for the Company, in accurate with attention to the U.S. platelet business. With anniversary artefact acquirement of $36.1 actor and sales drive that continues into the fourth quarter, I am admiring that accepting of the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for platelets is establishing a new accepted of care,” said William ‘Obi’ Greenman, Cerus’ admiral and arch controlling officer. “With solid afterimage to connected appeal for the antithesis of the year, we are adopting our artefact acquirement advice and attending advanced to finishing this blemish year for Cerus on a able note.”


Product acquirement during the third division of 2021 was $36.1 million, compared to $23.6 actor during the aforementioned aeon in 2020. Artefact acquirement beforehand during the division was apprenticed by added sales of INTERCEPT platelet articles to claret centermost barter beyond the U.S.

Third division government arrangement acquirement was $6.0 million, compared to $5.6 actor during the aforementioned aeon in 2020. Third division government arrangement acquirement was comprised of allotment associated with analysis and development (R&D) activities accompanying to the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for Red Cells as able-bodied as sponsored efforts accompanying to the development of abutting bearing antibody abridgement technology to amusem*nt accomplished blood.

Product Gross Accumulation & Margin

Product gross accumulation for the third division 2021 was $18.5 actor and was the accomplished in aggregation history, absorption a about $6 actor admission over the aforementioned aeon in 2020. Artefact gross allowance for the third division 2021 was 51.3% compared to 53.6% for the third division of 2020 and collapsed compared to the added division of 2021. The advancing abatement in artefact gross allowance compared to the third division of 2020 was angry to college sales to U.S. barter during the quarter, who at present, primarily use the Company’s distinct dosage platelet kits, which accommodate a lower artefact gross allowance allotment compared to our bifold dosage kits that are added frequently acclimated internationally.

Operating Expenses

Total operating costs for the third division of 2021 were $35.6 actor compared to $32.2 actor for the aforementioned aeon of the above-mentioned year. In general, the admission in operating costs compared to the above-mentioned year aeon were apprenticed by college bartering expenses, due to sales allurement advantage and partially account by lower R&D expenses.

Selling, general, and authoritative (SG&A) costs for the third division of 2021 totaled $20.4 million, compared to $16.3 actor for the third division of 2020. The year-over-year admission in SG&A costs was angry to added sales costs and connected investments in our analysis business unit.

R&D costs for the third division of 2021 were $15.3 million, compared to $15.9 actor for the third division of 2020. Connected investments in a array of R&D activity projects connected during the quarter, including those accompanying to the Company’s LED illuminator, but were account by lower R&D costs against the above-mentioned year aeon associated with complete projects that accept been completed.

Net Accident Attributable to Cerus Corporation

Net accident attributable to Cerus Corporation for the third division of 2021 was $12.4 million, or $0.07 per basal and adulterated share, compared to a net accident attributable to Cerus Corporation of $14.1 million, or $0.08 per basal and adulterated share, for the third division of 2020.

Balance Sheet

At September 30, 2021, the Aggregation had cash, banknote equivalents and concise investments of $120.0 million, compared to $122.8 actor at June 30, 2021 and $133.6 actor at December 31, 2020. Despite connected investments in account to accommodated the advancing beforehand in demand, banknote acclimated from operations connected to abatement as the Aggregation accomplished added acquirement accession and cogent advantage in SG&A spend.

As of September 30, 2021, the Aggregation agitated $55 actor of addendum due and a antithesis on its revolving band of acclaim of $10 million. The Aggregation continues to accept admission to accession $15 actor beneath its appellation adeptness and accommodation for an added $10 actor beneath its revolving band of credit.

Increasing 2021 Artefact Acquirement Guidance

Based on the able artefact acquirement year to date and adapted appeal estimates branch into the butt of the Company’s fourth quarter, the Aggregation now expects 2021 artefact acquirement to be in the ambit of $127 actor to $129 million, compared to the above-mentioned ambit of $118 actor to $122 million. The revised advice ambit represents about 38% to 40% beforehand over 2020 appear artefact revenue.

Quarterly Appointment Call

The Aggregation will host a appointment alarm at 4:30 P.M. EDT this afternoon, during which administration will altercate the Company’s banking after-effects and accommodate a accepted business overview and outlook. To accept to the alive webcast, amuse appointment the Investor Relations folio of the Cerus website at Alternatively, you may admission the alive appointment alarm by dialing (866) 235-9006 (U.S.) or (631) 291-4549 (international).

A epitomize will be accessible on Cerus’ website, or by dialing (855) 859-2056 (U.S.) or (404) 537-3406 (international) and entering appointment ID cardinal 3970817. The epitomize will be accessible about three hours afterwards the alarm through November 16, 2021.


Cerus Corporation is committed alone to attention the world’s claret accumulation and aims to become the basic all-around claret articles company. Headquartered in Concord, California, the aggregation develops and food basic technologies and pathogen-protected claret apparatus to claret centers, hospitals, and ultimately patients who await on safe blood. The INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for platelets and claret is accessible globally and charcoal the alone antibody abridgement arrangement with both CE Mark and FDA approval for these two claret components. The INTERCEPT red claret corpuscle arrangement is beneath authoritative analysis in Europe, and in late-stage analytic development in the US. Additionally in the US, the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for Cryoprecipitation is accustomed for the assembly of INTERCEPT Fibrinogen Complex, a ameliorative artefact for the analysis and ascendancy of bleeding, including massive hemorrhage, associated with fibrinogen deficiency. For added advice about Cerus, appointment and chase us on LinkedIn.

INTERCEPT and the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement are trademarks of Cerus Corporation.

Forward Looking Statements

Except for the actual statements independent herein, this columnist absolution contains advanced statements apropos Cerus’ products, affairs and accepted results, including statements apropos to Cerus’ adapted 2021 anniversary artefact acquirement guidance, including Cerus’ apprehension of connected appeal for the antithesis of 2021; Cerus establishing the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement as a accepted of care; Cerus’ adeptness to admission added allotment beneath its appellation accommodation adeptness and revolving band of credit; and added statements that are not actual fact. Actual after-effects could alter materially from these advanced statements as a aftereffect of assertive factors, including, after limitation: risks associated with the commercialization and bazaar accepting of, and chump appeal for, the INTERCEPT Claret System, including the risks that Cerus may not (a) accommodated its adapted 2021 anniversary artefact acquirement guidance, (b) finer barrage and commercialize the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for Cryoprecipitation, (c) abound sales globally, including in its U.S. and European markets, and/or apprehend accepted acquirement accession consistent from its U.S. and European bazaar agreements, (d) apprehend allusive and/or accretion acquirement contributions from U.S. barter in the abreast appellation or at all, decidedly back Cerus cannot acceding the aggregate or timing of bartering purchases, if any, that its U.S. barter may accomplish beneath Cerus’ bartering agreements with these customers, (e) finer aggrandize its commercialization activities into added geographies and/or (f) apprehend any acquirement accession from its activity artefact candidates, whether due to Cerus’ disability to admission authoritative approval of its activity programs, or otherwise; risks associated with the ultimate continuance and severity of the COVID-19 communicable and consistent all-around bread-and-butter and banking disruptions, and the accepted and abeyant approaching abrogating impacts to Cerus’ business operations and banking after-effects such as the accepted and abeyant added disruptions to the U.S. and EMEA claret accumulation consistent from the evolving furnishings of the COVID-19 pandemic; risks associated with Cerus’ abridgement of commercialization acquaintance with the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for Cryoprecipitation and in the United States generally, and its adeptness to beforehand and beforehand an able and able U.S.-based bartering organization, as able-bodied as the consistent ambiguity of its adeptness to accomplish bazaar accepting of and contrarily auspiciously commercialize the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement in the United States, including as a aftereffect of licensure requirements that charge be annoyed by U.S. barter above-mentioned to their agreeable in artery carriage of claret apparatus candy application the INTERCEPT Claret System; risks accompanying to Fresenius Kabi’s efforts to assure an ceaseless accumulation of platelet accretion band-aid (PAS); risks accompanying to how any approaching PAS accumulation disruption could affect INTERCEPT’s accepting in the marketplace; risks accompanying to how any approaching PAS accumulation disruption adeptness affect accepted bartering contracts; risks accompanying to Cerus’ adeptness to authenticate to the admixture anesthetic association and added bloom affliction constituencies that antibody reduction, including INTERCEPT Fibrinogen Complex for the analysis and ascendancy of bleeding, and the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement is safe, able and economical; risks accompanying to the ambiguous and time- arresting development and authoritative process, including the risks that (a) Cerus may be clumsy to accede with the FDA’s post-approval requirements for the INTERCEPT Claret System, including by auspiciously commutual appropriate post-approval studies, which could aftereffect in a accident of U.S. business approval(s) for the INTERCEPT Claret System, (b) accomplishment armpit Biologics License Applications all-important for Cerus to administer the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for Cryoprecipitation may not be acquired in a appropriate address or at all, and (c) Cerus may be clumsy to admission the requisite authoritative approvals to beforehand its activity programs and accompany them to bazaar in a appropriate address or at all; risks associated with the ambiguous attributes of BARDA’s allotment over which Cerus has no ascendancy as able-bodied as accomplishments of Congress and authoritative agencies that may abnormally affect the availability of allotment beneath Cerus’ BARDA acceding and/or BARDA’s exercise of any abeyant consecutive advantage periods, including in affiliation with the accepted bread-and-butter ambiance and ambiguity associated with the evolving furnishings of the COVID-19 pandemic, such that the advancing activities that Cerus expects to conduct with the funds accessible from BARDA may be added delayed or apoplectic and that Cerus may not contrarily apprehend the absolute abeyant amount beneath its acceding with BARDA; risks accompanying to artefact safety, including the accident that the catchbasin platelet transfusions may not be accidental with the INTERCEPT Claret System; risks accompanying to adverse bazaar and bread-and-butter conditions, including connected or added astringent adverse fluctuations in adopted barter ante and/or connected or added astringent abrasion in bread-and-butter altitude consistent from the evolving furnishings of the COVID-19 communicable or contrarily in the markets area Cerus currently sells and is advancing to advertise its products; Cerus’ assurance on third parties to market, sell, administer and beforehand its products; Cerus’ adeptness to beforehand an effective, defended accomplishment accumulation chain, including the risks that (a) Cerus’ accumulation alternation could be abnormally impacted as a aftereffect of the evolving furnishings of the COVID-19 pandemic, (b) Cerus’ manufacturers could be clumsy to accede with all-encompassing FDA and adopted authoritative bureau requirements, and (c) Cerus may be clumsy to beforehand its primary kit accomplishment acceding and its added accumulation agreements with its third affair suppliers; Cerus’ adeptness to analyze and admission added ally to accomplish the INTERCEPT Claret Arrangement for Cryoprecipitation; risks associated with Cerus’ adeptness to admission added funds beneath its appellation accommodation adeptness and revolving band of acclaim and to accommodated its debt account obligations, and its charge for added funding; the appulse of aldermanic or authoritative healthcare reforms that may accomplish it added difficult and cher for Cerus to produce, bazaar and administer its products; risks accompanying to approaching opportunities and plans, including the ambiguity of Cerus’ approaching basic requirements and its approaching revenues and added banking achievement and results, as able-bodied as added risks abundant in Cerus’ filings with the Securities and Barter Commission, including beneath the branch “Risk Factors” in Cerus’ Anniversary Report on Form 10-Q, filed with the SEC on August 3, 2021, and approaching filings and letters by Cerus. In addition, to the admeasurement that the COVID-19 communicable abnormally affects Cerus’ business and banking results, it may additionally accept the aftereffect of deepening abounding of the added risks and uncertainties declared above. Cerus disclaims any obligation or adventure to amend or alter any advanced statements independent in this columnist release.

Supplemental Tables

Three Months Ended

Nine Months Ended

September 30,

September 30,

2021 vs. 2020

2021 vs. 2020

Platelet Kit Growth










Change in Calculated Cardinal of Treatable Platelet Doses*










* Dosage treatable adding based on the cardinal of kits awash and the artefact agreement (single, double, and amateur dosage kits)



(in thousands, except percentages)

Three Months Ended

Nine Months Ended

September 30,


September 30,










North America


Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (2)
















Europe, Middle East and Africa
























Total artefact revenue



















(in thousands, except per allotment information)

Three Months Ended

Nine Months Ended

September 30,

September 30,





Product revenue









Cost of artefact revenue





Gross accumulation on artefact revenue




Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (3)


Government arrangement revenue





Operating expenses:

Research and development





Selling, accepted and administrative





Total operating expenses





Loss from operations









Total non-operating expense, net









Loss afore assets taxes









Provision for assets taxes





Net loss









Net accident attributable to noncontrolling interest

Net accident attributable to Cerus Corporation













Net accident per allotment attributable to Cerus Corporation:

Basic and diluted













Weighted boilerplate shares outstanding:

Basic and diluted





Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (4)



(in thousands)

September 30,

December 31,





Current assets:

Cash and banknote equivalents





Short-term investments



Accounts receivable



Current inventories



Prepaid and added accepted assets



Total accepted assets



Non-current assets:

Property and equipment, net






Operating charter right-of-use assets



Other assets



Total assets






Current liabilities:

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities





Debt – current



Operating charter liabilities – current



Deferred artefact acquirement – current



Total accepted liabilities



Non-current liabilities:

Debt – non-current



Operating charter liabilities – non-current



Other non-current liabilities



Total liabilities



Cerus Corporation stockholders’ equity



Noncontrolling interest


Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity





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Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (7)

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Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (16)
Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (17)
Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (18)
Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (19)
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Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (21)
Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (22)

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Line Of Credit Loan Agreement Template (2024)


Can I write my own loan agreement? ›

However, the do-it-yourself approach is perfectly acceptable and just as legally enforceable. Once you have both agreed on the terms, you may want to have the personal loan contract notarized or ask a third party to act as a witness during the signing.

Is a line of credit an agreement? ›

Lender agrees to make Advances to Borrower from time to time from the date of this Agreement to the Expiration Date, provided the aggregate amount of such Advances outstanding at any time does not exceed the Borrowing Base.

How do you write a loan agreement between two parties? ›

Include key terms of the loan, such as the lender and borrower's contact information, the reason for the loan, what is being loaned, the interest rate, the repayment plan, what would happen if the borrower can't make the payments, and more. The amount of the loan, also known as the principal amount.

Is a notarized loan agreement legally binding? ›

While without notarization a loan agreement is valid, notarization makes it legally binding and enforceable.

What is a simple loan agreement? ›

Personal loan agreements are used when individuals loan money, not when banks loan money. Your personal loan agreement should include identifying information for all parties, clear terms (including the interest rate), and a repayment schedule. Personal loan agreements are enforceable by courts.

What are the rules for line of credit? ›

Opening a personal LOC usually requires a credit history of no defaults, a credit score of 670 or higher, and reliable income. Having savings helps, as does collateral in the form of stocks or certificates of deposit (CDs), though collateral is not required for a personal LOC.

Can a promissory note be a line of credit? ›

A form of promissory note to be used to evidence advances under an uncommitted line of credit when the lender uses a line of credit confirmation letter instead of a separate line of credit agreement and the parties are not contemplating a negotiable instrument.

What is the difference between a credit agreement and a loan agreement? ›

Loans and credits are different finance mechanisms.

While a loan provides all the money requested in one go at the time it is issued, in the case of a credit, the bank provides the customer with an amount of money, which can be used as required, using the entire amount borrowed, part of it or none at all.

Does a personal loan agreement need to be notarized? ›

Does a personal loan agreement need to be notarized? No, a personal loan agreement does not need to be notarized to be legally binding — it simply needs to be signed by each party to the agreement.

What is a good loan agreement? ›

Loan agreements typically include covenants, value of collateral involved, guarantees, interest rate terms and the duration over which it must be repaid. Default terms should be clearly detailed to avoid confusion or potential legal court action.

How do I make a loan agreement legally binding? ›

There are 10 basic provisions that should be in a loan agreement.
  1. Identity of the parties. The names of the lender and borrower need to be stated. ...
  2. Date of the agreement. ...
  3. Interest rate. ...
  4. Repayment terms. ...
  5. Default provisions. ...
  6. Signatures. ...
  7. Choice of law. ...
  8. Severability.
Dec 13, 2023

How do I make a loan agreement with a friend? ›

Draw Up a Loan Agreement

Basic terms for a loan agreement with family or friends should include the following: The amount borrowed (principal) Interest rate (if applicable) Repayment terms (monthly installments over a set period or a lump sum on a specific date)

Does a promissory note need to be notarized? ›

Promissory notes don't have to be notarized in most cases. You can typically sign a legally binding promissory note that contains unconditional pledges to pay a certain sum of money. However, you can strengthen the legality of a valid promissory note by having it notarized.

Can I lend money to a friend and charge interest? ›

You can lend money at interest, provided that the interest rate falls within the appropriate legal guidelines. Most states have usury laws that limit the maximum amount of interest that a lender can charge. In addition, you should also consider the Applicable Funds Rate prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

What makes a loan agreement invalid? ›

For example, if the note's terms are unclear or there is evidence that the note's maker did not intend to repay the debt, the court may invalidate the note. It is also possible for the payee to not be able to sign a promissory note if they knew the maker could not repay the debt at the time of signing it.

Is a written loan agreement binding? ›

Yes, it's a legally binding contract between two or more parties to formalise the process of lending money and paying it back.

Do loan agreements need to be witnessed? ›

Even if it is not required, having an objective third party witness the signing of the loan agreement will be better evidence when you need to enforce the repayment of the loan.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.