Luxury Fashion Consumer & Their Favorite Fashion Brands Trend Report - Unity Marketing (2024)

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Affluent Fashion Consumers Rate Their Favorite Brands —

A new trend report reveals ways fashion brands can connect more effectively with their affluent consumers

No longer is high quality and good value for the price what it takes to be a top fashion brand, according to a new survey among 1,245 affluent fashion consumers. Today the most important measure of excellence in a fashion brand is that it be a good investment.

“This gives the phrase ‘investment dressing’ a whole new meaning,” says Pam Danziger, president of Unity Marketing and lead researcher in the new fashion brand study. “The concept of investment implies that the purchaser gets a return on what they spend. Luxury consumers expect their fashion brands to deliver a return on their investment in the form of timelessness, sophistication, and distinction, according to the survey results.”

Unity Marketing has just released a new trend report entitled “The Luxury Fashion Consumer & their Favorite Fashion Brands” that examines fashion shopping behavior and the top fashion brands among luxury consumers. The survey also included questions about fashion shopping and purchases in the past year.

Each fashion customer was asked to rate their favorite brand out of the 11 most widely purchased fashion brands among all affluents in Unity Marketing’s 2009 luxury tracking surveys. The fashion brands included in the study were:

  • Ann Taylor
  • Anne Klein
  • Armani
  • Brooks Brothers
  • Calvin Klein
  • Coach
  • Gucci
  • Liz Claiborne
  • Michael Kors
  • Ralph Lauren
  • Talbots

Danziger explains, “We took a totally new look at the fashion brand preferences of highly affluent shoppers (avg income $331,500). Of note, this wasn’t a survey of luxury fashion brands, but of the fashion brands that are most often purchased by luxury consumers.

“We asked each fashion shopper who bought and were loyal to one of these brands to rate them according to 17 measures of brand connection and 38 core brand values. The findings give fashion brands a totally new yardstick to measure success based upon the preferences of brand loyalists. For example, investment is more important than price/value in a fashion brand. Honesty and integrity is more important than high quality and being able to astonish and surprise their customers is more important than that the brand allows them to express their personality.”

Danziger notes there are quite a few surprises revealed in the new study, such as:

  • Talbots tops the list of fashion brands — Talbots’ brand loyalists rate their brand tops in connecting with the consumer. It rates highest of all brands in investment and being better than the competition. It also gets top marks in honesty and integrity. “Obviously Talbots is doing a whole lot of things right when it comes to serving their core customer. Among the brand values that Talbots delivers are timeless fashion, credibility, high quality, sophistication and trustworthiness. Other brands can learn a lesson from Talbots’ ability to connect,” notes Danziger.
  • Armani is rated a very close second — Armani rates first as the most luxurious brand among its brand loyalists. It also gets high rating as a brand that other people believe is strong and appealing. Armani is among the coolest brands included in the survey and one that is distinctive and first class. “Armani didn’t rate as highly as other brands on investment, but makes up by being high in artistic dimension, being true to its values and paying attention to its clients,” Danziger says.
  • Coach is the third most highly rated fashion brand — Coach tops the list as a fashion brand that pays attention to its clients and understands their needs. Coach is valued by its affluent customers for being well-known, high quality, recognizable and visible. Coach is a brand that gives its customers confidence in always being in fashion and one that is different from other brands.

In conclusion, Danziger says, “We limited this study to the top 11 most purchased fashion brands among luxury consumers throughout 2009. The findings are a wake-up call to fashion marketers about the new post-recession realities of the luxury consumer market. With a few exceptions, the most purchased fashion brands among these highly affluent consumers are not considered ‘true luxury,’ but ‘accessible luxury’ or even premium mass brands. The reality of the fashion market is that very respectable, though not true ‘luxury’ brands like Talbots, Liz Claiborne and Ann Taylor are delivering an investment in fashion that is most highly regarded by affluent customers loyal to these brands.”

About The Luxury Fashion Consumer & their Favorite Fashion Brands Trend Report

This trend report reflects a survey among 1,245 affluent luxury consumers (avg. income $331,500; age 45.6 years; 42 percent male/58 percent female), conducted in association with Unity Marketing’s Luxury Tracking Survey 1Q2010 fielded April 6-10, 2010.

Each respondent was asked about how much they spent on fashion, including women’s and men’s clothing and women’s and men’s fashion accessories.

They were asked to rate 13 different fashion shopping destinations for fashion items as to whether each is a ‘go-to’ source and the first place they shop for fashion; only appropriate occasionally for fashion shopping; or a place where they rarely or never shop for fashion.

Three different types of fashion shoppers were profiled depending upon their patterns of shopping:

  • A shopper always on the lookout for new fashion items
  • A shopper that shops for fashion when the seasons change, then pick up other items on impulse or as needed
  • A shopper who only shops for fashion when they have to.In another surprise finding, the ‘as the seasons change’ shopper spends 31 percent more than the shopper who is always on the lookout for new fashion.

Fashion shoppers were asked about whether they were more likely to buy the designer/luxury/high-end brand or a more accessible/affordable brands when shopping for 9 different men’s and 10 women’s fashion itmes. In only one women’s fashion item in the survey (leather handbag) and one men’s item (dress shirt) did a majority of these affluent shoppers say they were likely pay more to purchase the luxury brand.

Finally the report includes detail rankings of 11 fashion brands by how strongly they connect with their core customers and which of the 38 brand attributes and values best reflect their feelings about the brand.

For media: Danziger available for interviews. Charts, tables and graphs detailing major findings in the report also are available.

Published May 2010 (70+ pages)

Price: $495


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Luxury Fashion Consumer & Their Favorite Fashion Brands Trend Report - Unity Marketing (2024)


What are the 4 types of luxury consumers? ›

Summary: There are four primary categories of luxury shoppers: window shoppers, personal stylists, occasional splurgers, and big spenders. Luxury brands often fail their customers during the “consider” phase of their journey.

What makes a popular luxury fashion brand? ›

A luxury brand is a brand that is characterized by a high level of quality, exclusivity and high price tags. Luxury brands are present in many different sectors, especially retail, hospitality and automotive.

Who is the target audience for luxury products? ›

By far, the biggest audience for luxury brands is the audience between the age of 25-44 years.

What do luxury customers want? ›

Luxury consumers expect quality and craftsmanship because they value high-end and beautifully crafted items that are often unique, timeless pieces. Quality and craftsmanship set luxury items apart from standard and mass-produced products due to the attention to detail, superior designs, and superior materials used.

What are the four main characteristics of luxury brands? ›

There are several characteristics that are often associated with luxury brands, including exclusivity, high quality, and exceptional customer service. Other common characteristics of luxury brands include a strong brand identity and image, a premium price point, and a focus on craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Who is the biggest consumers of luxury goods? ›

Many countries have seen an increase in spending on luxury items, but one country now stands out as the world's biggest spender on luxury goods per capita: South Korea. According to analysts from Morgan Stanley, South Korea's spend on luxury goods saw a 24% increase in 2022 to €15.4 billion or about €300 per capita.

Why are people attracted to luxury brands? ›

Self-Esteem May Impact a Person's Purchases

For some people, luxury goods are the ultimate retail therapy. Fortunately for luxury brands, the Internet has made them easily accessible for impulse shopping. A sense of accomplishment is another reason why some people buy luxury goods.

What are the key principles of luxury? ›

Eight principles of luxury
  • 1 Vision sets tone. ...
  • 2 Mystery heightens appeal. ...
  • 3 Obsession generates excellence. ...
  • 4 Origins become touchstones. ...
  • 5 EQ anticipates needs. ...
  • 6 Exclusivity ups the ante. ...
  • 7 Appearance conveys status. ...
  • 8 Expense is reassuring.

What are the core values of luxury brands? ›

The ten luxury brand values as defined by Danziger are superior performance, craftsmanship, exclusivity, innovation, sense of place & time, sophistication & design aesthetic, creative expression, relevance, heritage, and responsibility.

How do you target luxury buyers? ›

3 Useful Tips and Pointers for Targeting Your Ideal Luxury Audience
  1. Create Buyer Personas. A buyer persona also goes by the name customer avatar. ...
  2. Target by Income with Google Ads. Your typical target market for luxury brands includes a wide range of ages, as we said, but also income levels. ...
  3. Use Facebook Ad Targeting.

Why do the poor buy luxury items? ›

And people living in low-income neighborhoods–the ones who are relatively well-off compared to their neighbors–are nevertheless worried that they'll be misperceived as resource-poor. So they purchase expensive and conspicuous goods, to make sure their resources are visible to outsiders.

Who is the new luxury consumer? ›

Who is today's luxury consumer? A key aspect of the revolution is due to the new wave of luxury consumers, who are increasingly digital natives (younger-Millennials and Generation Z), not knowing much of life before the internet.

What is a luxury customer experience? ›

Defining a Luxury Customer Experience

It is not just about providing a high-end product or service; it is about the entire experience that the customer goes through from the moment they enter the store or website until they leave with their purchase.

What does luxury mean to people? ›

Most people define luxury as having access to the nicest things life has to offer, whether it is material possessions, experiences, or a particular level of comfort or ease. However, luxury is actually defined as something that gives pleasure or comfort to an individual but not completely necessary.

What are the six criteria of luxury? ›

While everyday goods may focus their advertising around ideas about value, use, price, and ease, an effective luxury brand marketing strategy encompasses messages of status, quality, craftsmanship, prestige, heritage, and exclusivity.

What are the three levels of luxury? ›

The analyses are realized taking into account three luxury levels (accessible, intermediate and inaccessible luxury).

What are the six dimensions of luxury? ›

In this context, the literature stresses that a single definition of luxury products must include six fundamental characteristics that is authenticity, quality, premium price, resonance, visibility and prestige (as in Godey et al., 2016;Colella et al., 2019). ... ... Furthermore, in the context of Japan, Aaker et al.

What are 5 example of luxury goods? ›

The list of luxury goods includes designer handbags, premier quality watches, high-end cars, jewelry, private jets, and haute couture clothing. Note that investment in luxury goods is directly proportional to one's income. Therefore, a significant surge in incomes automatically boosts the demand for luxury goods.

What kind of people buy luxury goods? ›

Authenticity. One of the most common reasons people buy luxury goods is because they believe that they are getting something authentic. In a world where so much is mass-produced, people increasingly crave items that are unique and special.

What are 2 examples of luxury goods? ›

Examples of Luxury Items

Accessories, such as jewelry and high-end watches. Luggage. A high-end automobile, such as a sports car. A yacht.

How do luxury brands influence consumer behavior? ›

The current research supports the idea that luxury brands have conspicuous (attractive) and prestige value that can help consumers gain acceptance within their social groups (Wiedmann et al., 2007). Therefore, it can be inferred that luxury consumer perceived social value positively affects the brand's social identity.

What are the two important factors do you consider while buying a luxury product? ›

Be aware of this when searching online to purchase or invest in luxury goods.
  • Art and Authenticity. Luxury products are not classified as such because of their high prices; they are luxury because they are art and formulated by the skilled craftsmanship of the brand. ...
  • The Trend. ...
  • And Lastly Quality of the product.
Sep 14, 2021

What is the feeling of luxury? ›

They experience emotions of trust, security, contentment, and confidence. These emotions are evoked by perceptions that their luxury brands are authentic and timeless.

What are the 7 pillars of luxury? ›

Marketing strategy in the luxury business is constructed around the dream value, the segmenting-targeting-positioning model and 7 pillars that most professionals know: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people.

What are the four concepts of luxury? ›

The concept of exclusivity, selectivity, comfort, But there are also a lot of insights so that are different.

What are the four Ps of luxury branding? ›

Luxury Marketing – The 4 P's: Patricians, Parvenus, Poseurs and the Proletarians. Is a marketing model proposed by Han, Nunes & Dreze (2010) used to define customer segmentation in the purchase of luxury goods.

What are the big five of luxury brand personality? ›

There are five main types of brand personalities with common traits. They are excitement, sincerity, ruggedness, competence, and sophistication.

What defines a luxury brand? ›

Key identifiers of luxury brands are high quality, expensive and non-essential products and services that appear to be rare, exclusive, prestigious, and authentic and offer high levels of symbolic and emotional/hedonic values through customer experiences.

What are the components of a luxury brand? ›

The Key Elements of a Luxury Brand
  • Superior craftsmanship or performance.
  • A storied heritage or tradition of high standards and exceptional quality.
  • A level of sophistication that sets it apart from other brands.
  • The highest level of customer care.
  • Exclusivity.

What is luxury strategy? ›

The Luxury strategy means making your brand really special and unique by leveraging intangible elements of singularity- i.e. time it takes, heritage, country of origin, craftsmanship, man-made, small series, prestigious clients etc. (read the 24 Anti-Laws of Marketing below).

How do luxury brands stay competitive? ›

Luxury brands built their competitive advantages on value and focus. They offer superior value to a specific niche and control a set of exploitable resources. These competitive advantages are the key drivers of their long-term business success and give direction and sharp focus to the leadership.

How do you increase luxury sales? ›

5 Suggestive selling tips for luxury retail brands
  1. It's all about your customer and their experience.
  2. Consider their budget and respect it.
  3. Accept “No”
  4. Stay in touch and build relationships.
  5. It's about being relevant and adding value.
Oct 6, 2022

What is segmentation strategy of luxury brands? ›

Segmentation of luxury brands is a great aspect of advertising planning. Most marketers use segmentation to achieve success in their business. With this segmentation, large markets are divided into smaller units to effectively and efficiently reach their product goals satisfy their customers.

How do you market luxury clothes? ›

  1. Take advantage of visual social networks. ...
  2. Build a website that combines style, user experience, and functionality. ...
  3. Use brand heritage to tell the stories behind products. ...
  4. Use Facebook Ads to reach luxury shoppers. ...
  5. Don't underestimate the value of good SEO. ...
  6. Create aspirational content to educate customers.
Mar 2, 2022

Why do people value luxury? ›

Luxury has a unique potential to fulfill that psychological longing for a sense of accomplishment. In fact, luxury purchases have been shown to oftentimes trigger the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone. People buy or desire to experience luxury for the purpose of making themselves or others feel good.

Who waste money on luxury? ›

Extravagant: A man who wastes his money on luxury.

Why are luxury clothes so expensive? ›

Luxury used to be a synonym for quality. Fashion's most storied brands built their brands on the best materials and the most skilled craftspeople, then charged customers a premium for both.

What are the 4 types of consumer or customer? ›

4 Different Types of Consumers & How to Market to Them
  • Loyal Consumers. Loyal consumers are likely to comprise a small segment of your consumer base. ...
  • Discount Consumers. Discount consumers are always on the hunt for discounts, as the name suggests. ...
  • Impulsive Consumers. ...
  • Need-Based Consumers.
Feb 19, 2015

What are the 4 types of consumers in marketing? ›

primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers or apex consumers are the different types of consumers. These types are according to the trophic level to which they belong.

What are the 4 types of consumer products? ›

There are four types of products and each is classified based on consumer habits, price, and product characteristics: convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty products, and unsought goods.

What are the three 3 major classifications of customers? ›

Understanding The 3 Main Types of Customers
  • Your Current Customers. These are the most important because they've already made a commitment to you. ...
  • Brand New Customers. These are the people who are currently purchasing products and services from your competitors. ...
  • Lost Customers.
May 21, 2009

What are the five main types of consumers? ›

There are four types of consumers: omnivores, carnivores, herbivores and decomposers. Herbivores are living things that only eat plants to get the food and energy they need.

What are 3 examples of consumer products? ›

Clothing, food products, and dishwashers are examples of common consumer goods.

What are consumer types with examples? ›

  • Primary consumers: Animals that mainly depend on plants for their food are called herbivores. ...
  • Secondary consumers: Animals that eat the flesh and meat of other living animals are called carnivores. ...
  • Tertiary consumers: There are certain carnivores that eat other carnivores. ...
  • Some animals eat both plants and animals.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.