MAF Training and why it will make you run faster (2024)

MAF Training and why it will make you run faster (1)

MAF Training stands forMaximumAerobicFunction Training. You my have heard the phrase " Run slow to run fast", well that is where MAF training comes in.

If any of the following resonates with you, MAF training might be perfect for you:

  • You are a new runner.
  • You are an older runner.
  • You often have running related injuries.
  • You want to reducing your running injury risk.
  • You are less enthusiastic about running than you used to be.
  • You dread speed work.
  • Your race times have slowed or you are just not improving.
  • You lead a stressful lifestyle.
  • You want to improve your overall health.
  • You are gaining weight in spite of extra exercise.

The Basics of MAF Training

MAF training is a philosophy invented by Dr Phil Maffetone and along with it, he wrote the hugely popular book,The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing.

It is actually a coincidence that his surname beings with the letters MAF.

The theory behind MAF training, is to build up your aerobic base so that your body can learn to run faster and faster at a lower HR. This delays the time when your body needs to use the anaerobic system, which means you can run longer and faster before your body begins to tire.

With MAF Training, you run by HEART RATE as opposed to speed and pace.

Many people don't realise, but all races from 800 m upwards use a combination of aerobic and anaerobic energy. Within that there is also a comfort zone and a critical zone. The critical zone is usually where races are won or lost.

The longer the race the more you rely on your aerobic system, so it makes sense to develop it using MAF training. However for shorter races, strengthening your aerobic system, means you can rely on it more and so you delay moving into your critical zone. This is why developing a strong aerobic base is so important.

MAF Training and why it will make you run faster (2)Aerobic vs Anaerobic Energy Contribution

Confused about aerobic and anaerobic?

MAF training not only results in you running faster at a lower heart rate, but it also helps develop lots of other systems in the body. These include:

  • Your heart muscle gets stronger.
  • Your mitochondria (the parts of cells that turn the sugars, fats and proteins that we eat, into forms of usablechemical energy) increase,which means more energy for your muscles.
  • Your physical stress levels decrease.
  • You mostly burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates, so it is a great way of training if you need to lose a few pounds or that flabby belly.
  • Since there is less stress on your body, you can run for longer. This is great if you are training for a semi marathon or longer endurance event.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic - why they are important

We have 2 systems in our body for providing energy. The aerobic system and the anaerobic system.

What people don't realise, is that research shows that doing most of your running in your aerobic zone (around 80%), is the safest and most efficient way of training your body.

Aerobic system:

The aerobic ("with oxygen") system, uses oxygen to convert fat to energy in order to power your muscles. This system relies on an abundant supply of mitochondria (the part of the cell which converts nutrients to energy). Our body has a huge fat store (even skinny people), so with a well developed aerobic system, you can keep on running for a very long time.

Anaerobic system:

The anaerobic ("without oxygen") system comes into play when there is not enough oxygen for your needs. For example, when you are running hard and fast, you are using up oxygen faster than you are taking it in. In order to create the energy that you need, your muscles start to break down their supply of sugar (glucose). The anaerobic system tires quickly and your body glucose levels are in limited supply, so you cannot run very long using your anaerobic system.

Calculating your MAF Heart Rate

MAF training is centered around your MAF heart rate. Using a specific formula based on age and current health, you calculate your MAF heart rate and then you doALLyour training runs (to begin with) based on your HR. Your HR and time on your feet are the most important aspects. Forget pace and speed.

As a general rule your MAF heart rate is 180 minus your age.

So if for example, you are aged 50 and are in good health, then your MAF heart rate will be 180-50 = 130. Your MAF range for training will thus be 120-130 beats per minute.

Here's how to properly calculate your HR using the MAF formula.

My MAF Training Experience

Before I started MAF training I had been running for about 3 years. I trained like most other people around me. Train hard, train fast and push yourself as much as you can. At first, I improved and got faster and was regularly placed in the top 3 for my age group during races. However, my improvement and physical health soon started to crumble.

I seemed to be getting frequent injuries whether it was myAchillesor myIT bandor something else and my race times were not improving. In fact, they were regressing with having to take time off on a regular basis.

Gradually my runs became less and less enjoyable and I started to dread the faster workouts or my long runs. I knew then it was time to change my training method, as after all I did really want to enjoy running again.

In November 2015, I discovered MAF training. I bought Dr Phil Maffetone's book, read it over and over and then began my journey of very slow training. I also invested in a chest strap heart rate monitor but have since moved on to a HR armband monitor which I find more comfortable.

At first, the average pace that I could run whilst keeping my heart rate at or below 125 (my MAF heart rate), was 15:17 minutes/mile or 9:30 minutes/km. Slow.

I could only run or shuffle on the flat and any slight incline, like stepping up a pavement or a small slope, meant I had to walk to keep my HR down. My aerobic system was obviously pretty poorly developed.

I was so embarrassed by my slow shuffle, that I would purposely find running routes where I wouldn't meet anyone that I knew and I avoided putting my runs up on Garmin.

I was also not sure if this whole MAF thing was going to work for me. I didn't know anyone who did it, as it was just something I had discovered on the internet. It was kind of an experiment that I "hoped" would work.

However, as the months went on, I suddenly realized that I was getting faster but at the same heart rate. It took a while mind you and I understood now why everyone on the forums said to give it at least 6 months.

After 6 months of "MAF-ING", the racing season started. I was pretty panicked and nearly backed out of my first race as I wasn't sure how my body was going to cope. I had done next to no traditional speed work, whilst everyone around me had been sweating their guts out doing intervals and tempo runs.

However, when my first race was over I was a total convert to MAF. Not only had my legs not forgotten how to move fast but they were faster than before and I didn't once have that feeling that my lungs were exploding or that my heart was going to jump out of my mouth. Since then I have got personal bests in 5km, 10km and half marathon distances.

Fast forward a few years and I am still a MAF convert. I have rekindled my love of running, I enjoy my runs, I have the time to appreciate my surroundings and best of all I am injury free. I also don't get home knackered and feel like I need to eat the contents of my fridge.

You may be wondering whether you have to do MAF training all the time and forever. That depends on what your goals are. If you are happy running slower, are enjoying the benefits and are feeling in good health, than perfect, stay with MAF.

For me, who likes to do races from 5 km upwards, I personally do also need to stress my body with some speed-work every now and then. This gives me a mental boost more than anything, but does also remind my muscles that they can run fast if they want to.

I currently do a base period of only MAF training during the winter months when I am not training for any races. So this could be say a 4 month block. Then when the racing season is starting, I will incorporate some speed work but not more than 20% of my total weekly running time.

To help me not overdo the 20%, I use Matt Fitzgerald's 80/20 running plans as they tie in perfectly with the MAF training method.

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Getting started with MAF Training

The best thing to do is to take your time to read up about it. Below are the 2 books that I suggest you read first.

Link to AmazonMAF Training and why it will make you run faster (4)Link to AmazonMAF Training and why it will make you run faster (6)

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MAF Running Questions asked by others

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MAF training to BQ and better
I am a 53 year old male and have been running for about 12 years. I ran my first marathon in 2016 and have run 11 so far with a best of 3:29. I have been …

The 50 min rule
HelloI read in one of the articles that keeping my heart rate at the MAF prescribed number for 50 min in a day is really good to build the strength needed …

MAF calculation for 60+ year olds
I'm an athlete, lean, fit 61 year old female. But a couple years ago, after going at it super hard with Nordic skiing (skate skiing in particular), I felt …

MAF or Garmin zones - Excited to try this out
Hi, I'm a 36 yr old Male & have always been very active with other sports. However, it's been years since I've run & now starting up again I've been plagued …

Hill Running with MAF?
Hi! Love your page, thanks for all the good advice. I am a 54 year old male, have been doing MAF since September 2022, running approx 3 times a week. Ran …

Maximum and minimum range on heart rate monitor
On my heart rate monitor I can set both low and high range.My Maf setting for max is 133 what would be the low setting?Nicole's replyHi, your MAF …

New for MAF is Heart Rate Calculation OK
I am from India, Vishwanath, I am 62 and running from last 20 years. I have run many half marathon and few marathon. I want to try MAF I have calculated …

10 Beat Range
How important is the 10 beat range for your lower limit? In Maffetone's article he doesn't mention it at all.Nicole's reply:Hi, the thing to remember …

MAF with non-MAF runs
Hi, I'm 56 and do mainly trail runs with an ave elevation of 1500ft or more. A friend recently introduced me to MAF and I've managed to bring those runs …

Recalculate my maf
Hi I’ve been running in my MAF range 115-125 for the last year based on me being 50 and having a knee issue and no medication. However I had a birthday …

Relationship between MAF pace and first threshold
Is there a clear relationship between MAF pace and the 1st threshold on a VO2max test? I've taken some V02max tests through the years, and my most recent …

MAF Method and Muscle mass
Hi!I appreciate all the information you share here...thank you for that!I've just started to train with MAF method (as good as I understood it's …

Frequency and Duration of MAF training
Sir, I am a 67 year old male marathon runner. I have been running since the last 6 years but started doing MAF training since the last 3 months. Have …

Recommend a simple reliable heart rate monitor?
I have just retired, at age 67, having walked about 9 miles each day for the last 15 years, as a postman. I last ran more than a mile about 10 years ago. …

Can’t run
Hi, I’m 43, and I have struggled with health, fitness, and weight for my entire adult life. My MAF HR max is 132. I can easily walk under this number …

How to run slowly with good technique
HiI’m trying to return to a consistent running regime purely as a way of boosting fitness, getting outside in nature and having some headspace.…

How fast can I get using MAF
Hi, I started MAF running a few months ago and want to set an ambitious goal for my 10k run.And so I was wondering, how fast can one realistically run …

MAF 180 confusion - Can't reach MAF heart rate
I am 60 years old and have regularly cycled for 3 years (3-4 times a week), my MAF HR is 120 and I had an infection earlier this year so deducted 5 then …

Do you run all runs at your MAF rate or are there different zones?
I’ve been running at my MAF rate 180-49 = 131 do I keep all my runs at this HR. I run 4 times a week and using this new method post an operation to reduce …

Is MAF right for me?
I have been running for the past 4 years. I am fairly fit though recent injury means I am taking it easy.As such, it was a good time to research why …

MAF training break
HiI have been doing MAF training for close to 9 months of base building. My HR was 137 and started at around 9.45/km and progressed to around 8.10/km. …

MAF Post Covid-19 infection
I'm 43 y.o and has been running since 2016. On early feb, i started my 3 months MAF at 137bpm. After a few weeks I can see some improvement on both of …

Racing with MAF training
Good dayI’m doing MAF-only training 5 days a week training for a 50 miler. Started MAF training postpartum to get back into running while staying …

What happens after the first X months
I am following (assiduously) a MAF plan, and staying injury-free for once! The plan is for a half-marathon and lasts 12 weeks and soon I will graduate. …

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Running too fast at MAF heart rate
When I run at my targeted MAF heart rate, I am not running easy at all. In fact, I would be running at tempo pace. What should I do?Nicole's reply: …

Nice resources about running here!It's is stated somewhere that you can follow a 80/20 plan with the MAF method. Just pick a time based plan and do …

MAF for Beginners
Hi. I am a very new runner, having started only 4 months back. I used to be obese (i have lost about 32 kgs in last 14-15 months) and had basically started …

Running too slow?
I started the MAF running method a few weeks ago. I am 53 years old. I am an avid body builder who likes to add in running. My MAF max is 128. My pace …

What to eat before and during and after long runs 1.5 - 2 hr
Hi, what do you recommend to eat and or drink before, during and after long runs 1.5 - 2 hr?Nicole's reply:Hi Bernd, thanks for the question.…

How long and often should you carry out using the MAF method
I began using the MAF method of training on Monday and usually run 3 times per week. I am an active 70 year old man. I have found however that I have to …

HR crosses MAF MAX HR zone during incline - Upto what % of run duration this is ok?
Hi, thank you for explaining MAF in very simpler way. After reading the blog, I have started MAF. When i started, my MAF Test pace was 09'30''/Km which …

Do I have to give up all other training to do MAF?
For this method to work, do I have to give up all other forms of exercise that lift my heart rate such as strength training or cycling? I'm particularly …

Average Heart Rate or Peak Heart Rate
My MAF calculation is 146. Does this mean that my average heart rate for the duration of my run needs to be 146 or below? Or does MAF training mean that …

Just checking.....
HiI have been doing MAF training for almost 2 months and my times seem to be getting worse, not better. I am very happy to keep plodding along for …

Thalassemia and heart rate
58 year old male, how do I adjust my MAF with a blood disorder? I’ve run 17 marathons and over 100 half marathons. I wanted to give this type of training …

Is walking ok?
Hi There, I've just started MAF training about 3 weeks ago. I'm 40 and only took up running about a year ago starting with the Couch to 5k program. I …

MAF to avoid injuries
Hi i'm a 46 yo Soldier (26yr vet), and have suffered so many setbacks through injury either gym or running (tendonitis mainly). I have completely revised …

Walking and hitting my MAF range, should I keep walking or walk/run?
I am 44 years old, so my MAF HR range is 126-136.However, my aerobic base seems to be very weak. I live in Taiwan and started MAF about a month ago. …

Starting MAF
Hi. Am a 53 year old from India. Been running for over 15 years and just came across this method of running. I prefer trail runs, the last one where one …

Break during MAF base building!!
I started MAF training (aerobic base building) from 1st of Jan 2021. I consistently saw improvement in my average pace from 8 min/km to 6.25 min/km. Took …

What is my MAF heart rate?
Hi,I can't seem to figure out my MAF heart rate zone. I'm 66, have been running consistently for about 35 years and am generally healthy. I'd like …

Fat burning zone
I have been running in and off since I was a teenager, my garmin watch ( I have been wearing it for 2 years) says my fat burning zone is 123 to 130 beats …

Aerobic threshold vs MAF Heart Rate
Hi, if you know your aerobic threshold, got in a stress test, could you use it as MAF heart rate ? ThanksNicole's reply:Thanks for the question …

How do I navigate off this plateau?
After 5 months of solid MAF training I've hit a plateau (I ran a MAF test yesterday, which was pretty conclusive).What happens now? I don't want to …

Feeling tired, should I reduce my runs?
Hi NicoleI started running in July 20 with a couch to 5K program after recovering from bowel cancer, I loved it and decided to aim for 10K and then a …

MAF long run recommendations for marathon
I wanted to know if we should emphasize miles or time on long runsI have run 18 marathons and a few IMs.I am used to running three 20+ runs when training …

Maf training with cancer
Hi Nicole, your articles are very interesting. I have recently had a left lower lobe removed due to a spread of bowel cancer. I have started to try …

HR very high during first mile, afterwards gets back to normal
HI. I have been doing the MAF training for 1 year, using the wrist HR monitor from my watch. Recently I started using a chest HR monitor and noticed that …

Losing all hope
Hi Nicole,I’m approaching my ninth month of Maf training and I have gone through several stages of disappointment, re-energising, depression with the …

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Same MAF rules for Elliptical, Exercise bike, walking on treadmill with elevation?
I'm 73 and workout 6 days a week on treadmill, elliptical and sometimes recumbent bike. On the treadmill I do NOT run (knees) but walk at 4.5 with elevation …

Me again! Is this normal MAF progress?
HelloI've completed 3 solid months of MAF only training, and I'm wondering what I need to tweak to get the most out of the next 6 months?I run …

MAF Plateau
After 4 months I suspect I have stopped improving. As I start my fifth month I'm trying to find out if I can introduce something different from MAF once …

How many miles a week on MAF
I am 56 and have been running regularly for 9 years my average weekly mileage is between 15 to 20 miles. However this can increase when training for races. …

Weight lifting
Can you incorporate a weight lifting routine while training according to MAF?Nicole's reply:Hi Mike, thanks for you question.Strength training …

Will doing HIIT effect my MAF Traning
Hi, I have just started doing MAF training. I run about 3 - 4 times a week and then do about 35 minutes HIIT twice a week on the non-running days. I have …

MAF cardio inbetween strength training days
I enjoy 3 day a week strength training. I'd like to incorporate some MAF cardio on my "off" days, shooting for 3 days per week. With no specific competition …

How often should I run ?
I was running for 5 years on and off, so I’m not really new to it. Usually only 2-3 times per week and then only 5-10km max. I hated it because it was …

After 6 months MAF , my pace not improve.
Hi, I'm 28 years old. Last 6 months ago, i started my MAF training. My pace during that time is 10 and average hr is 146bpm (5Km). Now my pace stand at …

When have I done enough MAF only?
I've bitten the bullet on MAF training, after years of running at a high heart rate! I've been training MAF exclusively for about 7 weeks and I've noticed …

Does your "feel good" exercise level need to match MAF180?
Hi,I do endurance exercise that includes road bicycle racing, long distance skating and running for pleasure since high school and never really stopped. …

MAF Repeats
Hi,I started my MAF training 6 weeks ago. AND, started eating better. My runs are agonizingly slow. A way I've sped up is to run until I reach my …

MAF running and cycling
Hi,I am Dirk from Spain and doing MAF for running and cycling(6months)I am 58 and set my MAF after a year of injury free training at 127I am nearly …

MAF training for early 20s
I have run maff for the last 2 years with great success, my son has now started running at age 23 but he is really struggling to run at maffetone as he …

Running at 55 years old
Is MAF training can improve my run experience as i'm 55 years old ?Nicole's reply:Hi Hanafi, thank you for your question.To reassure you, MAF …

MAF training vs Vo2 max
I’ve been running more than 6 months without look rule MAF, always running at HR and pace above the MAF but VO2max result of around 43., now I’m trying …

Spiked heart rate, never settled at my MAF
Hi Nicola,I have just started my journey on watching my heart rate, using MAF method. I have been running for two years and was able to comfortably …

73 year old marathoner
Is this beneficial for real old marathoners?Nicole' replyHi, MAF training can certainly benefit older runners. However Phil Maffetone does suggest …

Moving to running from walking
I have just began using MAF method 2 weeks ago for running but can only walk at my heart rate of 110. I am nearly 70 years old and have ran several half …

Is getting slower normal?
I have been running around my MAF HR only for 5 sessions, but I am already noticing that the times are slower?The first time I tried this, I was averaging …

Removing the MAF correction factor
Hello I have been running for about 3 years and I did cycle to work most days so I would say that I was reasonably fit. Since lockdown I have not done …

How much time to spend running per week
At Maffetone heart rate, to see improvements for an example, you should run two hours and 30 minutes a week in order to see it benefits.Nicole's reply: …

Quick running events - regularity
Can I undertake a weekly running event, say, a ParkRun, at flat out speed to break my PB? Or is that a bad idea? How often is a good idea or how often …

Fasted running
Can I train whilst practicing fasted running? Ie I’m going out early morning, and I’m going straight for a run. I’ll eat when I’m home. What should I then …

Garmin connect wanting me to add in some high aerobic and anaerobic work
Hello! My wife and I have been trying MAF running for just over a month. We are loving it since your excellent advice to get chest HRM’s! Much more accurate …

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3 questions
1. Is the 180-age formula the actual HR I should try to achieve or is it 80% of that figure?2. Using the above formula is very one size fits all. I …

When to Resume Running (from walk)
I am just starting MAF training and I'm over 50 and male. I had been running for about 7 years and hit a plateau in my training progress when I read about …

MAF Training PLan
Hello,I am a new runner. I started to run with MAF method. It is a great method and It makes me liked the run more and more.I have two Q:1. How …

Number of MAF runs
How regularly should you complete MAF runs?Nicole's reply:Hi Nic, how often you should do MAF runs depends on what time you have available and …

Frustrating early heart rate highs MAF training
Hi Nicole,I am really confused and frustrated (early days) after this morning’s MAF run. We ran 10k and spent the whole time stopping to walk every 20/30 …

Is MAF training suitable for a 11 years old boy?
Is the 180 formula still applicable for an 11 years old boy? Can MAF training help such a young kid?Nicole's Reply:Hi Jason, thanks for your question. …

MAF Training schedule
I am currently running a 15k series culminating in a 50k in 5 months. How many miles per week should I be running or how is that determined?Nicole's …

How soon to add faster work MAF Training
Hi, my wife and I have recently begun our MAF journey, so currently in the highly frustrating stage of doing more walking than running to keep our heart …

Undertraining when MAF Training
Hi. I have been running short distance 5 -10km for about 3 years and recently increase to 21km. When i read about MAF, i m kind of reverting my running …

MAF Warm up Question
I am about 4 weeks into MAF training and am still doing lots of walking to keep under my MAF H/R which I have calculated to be 136 ( I am 49 and no injuries …

Average MAF HR
Hi, I've been training with MAF for about 2 months now. Seeing significant improvements recently around pace. I run at 126 BPM. My question is whether …

MAF and Cadence
Hi! Thank you for answering questions! I am learning more about MAF and have tried a few runs controlling my heart rate - roughly a 10:45 min mile pace. …

Do we have to do zone 5 first if beginner?
Do we have to do zone 5 first if beginner? Then up to 4 3 2 1 like that?Nicole's reply:Hi Fathi,Running zones are usually used when you are …

HR exceeding the MAF MAX HR once MAF MAX HR is reached.
I have never been much of a runner except in my early years, opting instead for other forms of fitness but have always admired the stamina, endurance, …

Hi. Both myself and my husband are 54, so roughly speaking we should run at 126HR. However, historically speaking (we’ve both done a lot of running since …

Will MAF training work for cycling as well?
Will this work for cycling as well?Nicole's reply:Hi Denis, I am not a cyclist so can't give you my personal experience. However having said that, …

Training Plan Recommendation
Hello,Im on my third month following the maf method. I would really appreciate if there is a training plan you can suggest as its helpful following …

How often to Run at MAF
After a 56 years of hating running I am starting to us MAF training. How often and how long should I be running for?Nicole's response:Hi Janet, …

Maximum running hours in a day
I have just started running with MAF method and enjoying my runs. Before maf I use to run 4 days a week with one long run between 2hrs to 3hrs. My weekly …

Maf Training and Medication
Hi I am starting the Maf training after running for a year normally at max HR which i should not have done really but why do we have to subtract 10 for …

What to do when MAF HR goes too high?
For example, if I run up a hill and realise my HR has increased.... should I stop and get it down as quick as possible, or run slowly and let it gradually …

Other activities whilst MAF training
Hi, I am looking to race 5km in a few months time and I have been doing the MAF running in preparation for the races. But I also do boxing circuits 3 times …

Slow improvement
I have done 10 runs in the maf method. I am 49 years old and I am supposed to stay at 126My pace is 9:40 per km and sometimes slowerIs this …

MAF running after one year?
Hi Nicole,I just hit my one year mark MAF running and I need advice. 1) I still have to jog/walk at 14/15 minute miles even though I have improved. I …

Only starting. Four months to marathon.
Only starting. Four months to marathon. Will I have enough time to stick with programme and compete?Nicole's reply:Hi Paddy, thanks for the …

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Heart rate too low?
My heart rate at 8 min miles is 130, I am 35 so is should run at 145 in theory. That would mean about 7:30/7:20 for me. My coach says this is too fast …

New to MAF
Hi Nicole,I am 46 years old. I just started using MAF method during my runs. It is painfully slow. It is around 11.36 per km. I am trying to maintain …

Is 12 weeks too short to use MAF for a 50km ultra
Hi, I have just done the Tarawera 54k ultra & have the UTA50 coming up in May. That gives me 12 weeks. Can I incorporate MAF in such a short time with …

MAF Training Diet
Hi Nicole,Do I have to watch my carbs intake with MAF training method? I started MAF training method a couple of months ago for 5 training sessions …

Taking gels during marathons for MAF converts ?
Hi, thanks for creating a wonderful page.I was wondering, after you build up a good base doing MAF and have good fat burning ability, does taking gels …

Best Distance MAF For Daily Training?
Hi there, im a new in MAF Training Programs, i have been 2 days in MAF Training, this 2 days i have been running about 11 km in average pace 6.45-6.50 …

How does the MAF run/walk works?
HiMy age is 40yo.Using the formula 180-40= 140 max aerobic heart rate.Training range is 130-140 bpm.I would like to know what's the right way …

Walk faster than run!
Hello,I used to run by feelings.. on race(5K or10K)as fast as i can...and my HR is 180bpm at 6-6:30 min/km.I do MAF for 1 month now (54 female)... …

Heart rate zones using the 80/20 Plans
When you are using the 80/20 training plans how do you setup your heart rate zones especially for the speed work? My understanding is that 80/20 uses …

Running a marathon at maf
I am running the London Marathon in April. I’m just wondering if I should run the marathon at my MAF or maybe slightly lower?Nicole's Reply:Hi Wes, …

Slowing speed
I’m into the second week of MAF & my speed is going down continuously though I have stabilised more into my heart rate of 132. During initial run my heart …

Improvements period, 10km race , marathon race and hills training.
How long does it take on average to see improvements on MAF training method2. Can I race a 10km after 4months in this training only.3. Can I run …

Heart Rate During Race
I have been on MAF training for 3 months now, and my average weekly mileage is 30 - 50 km. Based on the monthly MAF test in the past 3 months, I could …

Heart rate goes over MAF when hiking
Thanks for your info. I can’t seem to hike without my heart rate getting over the max, the trails can be steep here. Will the hiking over max HR impede …

MAF training
Just started the MAF training. In your experience, how long did it take you before you could run consistently without walking? I need some encouragement! …

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MAF Training and why it will make you run faster (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.