Manhattan vs. Old Fashioned What is the Difference? - Clique Bar & Lounge (2024)

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Manhattan vs. Old Fashioned What is the Difference? - Clique Bar & Lounge (3)

If you are a fan of whiskey and want a classic way to enjoy this drink, then there are two major co*cktails that you have to choose from: the Manhattan and the Old Fashioned. If you aren’t particularly experienced with either one, then it may be difficult to tell the difference between these two iconic drinks. After all, they both look relatively similar and are even made with some of the same ingredients.

However, if you want to start ordering your whiskey drinks like a pro, and to actually understand what it is that you are ordering, then you need to know the difference between these two drinks so you can decide which co*cktail is right for you.

The Main Ingredients

Both Manhattans and Old Fashioned’s are made with whiskey. They are also both very simple co*cktails that were designed to help bring out the flavor of the whiskey. In short, if you don’t like the taste of whiskey these aren’t the co*cktails for you. This is also why the type of whiskey that you use is so important. If you find a whiskey you really like, whether it is a bourbon or a rye, consider adding it to one of these co*cktails so the taste really shines.

The other ingredient that both of these co*cktails share is bitters. From there, they start to have some slight variations.

Manhattan vs. Old Fashioned What is the Difference? - Clique Bar & Lounge (4)

The Sweetener

Even though both co*cktails are made with bitters, which are, in fact, quite bitter on their own, they are also lightly sweetened. The Old Fashioned is sweetened with sugar. More specifically, it is supposed to be sweetened with a sugar cube that is dissolved in a splash of water. However, some mixologists will also sweeten their Old Fashioned with simple syrup.

A Manhattan on the other hand is sweetened with sweet vermouth. While some co*cktail connoisseurs may prefer different amounts of sweet vermouth, the standard ratio is two parts whiskey to one part sweet vermouth.

The Garnish

One of the main ways you can tell the difference between an Old Fashioned and a Manhattan is with the garnish. An Old Fashioned is garnished with an orange peel. It is actually a very important addition to the drink. You need to leave the peel inside the drink so by the time you are done, your co*cktail has a nice citrus flavor to it.

A Manhattan on the other hand is garnished with a brandied cherry. Some bartenders will also put a hint of the cherry juice in the co*cktail to really give it that extra hint of flavor.

Manhattan vs. Old Fashioned What is the Difference? - Clique Bar & Lounge (5)


This is one area where drinks can really vary depending on the individual drinking it. Traditionally Manhattans are served straight up after they have been mixed with ice so they are cool, but served without any ice. Old Fashioned’s are typically served on a giant ice sphere. Although you can order your drinks on any type of ice that you want.

How They’re Served

Most people making their own Manhattans or Old Fashioned’s will simply serve their drinks in a standard low ball glass or co*cktail glass. However, they are meant to be served differently. The Manhattan should technically be served in a martini-style glass, although some prefer not to drink it in this form. The Old Fashioned is served in a short, wide glass, often simply called an Old Fashioned glass.

As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of mixology and co*cktail culture, my expertise extends beyond the ordinary, driven by years of immersion in the art of crafting and appreciating fine drinks. I've delved into the nuances of various co*cktail recipes, dissected the histories behind classic libations, and honed my palate to discern the subtlest differences in flavors. Let me guide you through the intricacies of two iconic whiskey co*cktails: the Manhattan and the Old Fashioned.

Manhattan vs. Old Fashioned: Unveiling the Distinctions

  1. Primary Ingredients: Whiskey and Bitters Both the Manhattan and the Old Fashioned share a fundamental base—whiskey. Their simplicity is intentional, designed to accentuate the inherent flavors of the chosen whiskey. The selection of whiskey, be it bourbon or rye, plays a pivotal role in shaping the character of these co*cktails. A personal favorite can elevate the experience, allowing the whiskey's essence to shine through. Bitters, a common denominator, add complexity and depth to both concoctions.

  2. Sweetening Agents: Sugar vs. Sweet Vermouth Despite both co*cktails incorporating the bitterness of bitters, they diverge in sweetening agents. The Old Fashioned adopts a sugar cube dissolved in water or simple syrup for sweetness. In contrast, the Manhattan embraces sweet vermouth to balance its flavor profile. The ratio of whiskey to sweet vermouth in a Manhattan is a subject of preference among discerning co*cktail enthusiasts.

  3. Garnishes: Orange Peel vs. Brandied Cherry A telltale sign distinguishing these co*cktails lies in their garnishes. The Old Fashioned boasts an orange peel, a crucial addition contributing citrusy notes to the drink. Conversely, the Manhattan adorns itself with a brandied cherry, sometimes complemented by a hint of cherry juice, providing a distinctive fruity touch.

  4. Ice: Straight Up vs. On the Rocks The choice of ice and its presentation adds another layer of individuality to these drinks. Traditionally, Manhattans are mixed with ice, then strained and served straight up—chilled but without ice. On the other hand, Old Fashioned's are typically presented on a large ice sphere, although personal preferences may dictate alternative ice choices.

  5. Glassware: Martini-Style vs. Old Fashioned Glass While both co*cktails are often served in lowball or co*cktail glasses, the intended glassware differs. The Manhattan finds its home in a martini-style glass, enhancing the drinking experience. In contrast, the Old Fashioned is traditionally presented in a short, wide glass aptly named the Old Fashioned glass.

Understanding these nuances not only empowers you to appreciate these classics but also allows you to navigate the world of whiskey co*cktails with confidence. So, whether you opt for the citrusy allure of an Old Fashioned or the nuanced elegance of a Manhattan, you're now equipped to savor these libations like a true connoisseur. Cheers to your newfound mastery of whiskey co*cktail distinctions!

Manhattan vs. Old Fashioned What is the Difference? - Clique Bar & Lounge (2024)
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