Mares (2024)

Mares, also known as Nightmares,are evil spirits (or goblins) in Germanic folklore which ride on people's chests while they sleep, bestowing bad dreams ("nightmares"). This said phenomena is attested as early as in the Norse Ynglinga saga from the 13th century, but the belief itself is likely to be considerably older. As in English, the name appears in the word for "nightmare" in the Nordic languages (e.g. the Swedish word "mardröm" literally meaning mara-dream, the Norwegian word "mareritt" literally meaning mare-ridden or the Icelandic word "martröð" meaning mara-dreaming repeatedly). The Mare is similar to the succubi and incubi, and was likely inspired by sleep paralysis.


  • 1 Members
    • 1.1 Incubus
    • 1.2 Succubus
    • 1.3 Night Hag
    • 1.4 Alp
      • 1.4.1 Sleep Paralysis
  • 2 Trivia
  • 3 Navigation



Mares (1)

An Incubus is a male demon that shares a similiar role to his female counterpart, the Succubus, however unlike the seductive Succubus the Incubus was a more forceful spirit and was believed to invade the dreams of women at night and rape them, often producing evil offspring as a result.

Incubus attacks involved phenomena such as a shortness of breath, paralysis and nightmarish illusions - which may of been caused by the very real condition known as Sleep Paralysis: however in the superstitious and highly devout minds of the medieval world such a thing could only be registered as an unholy defilement of one's most vulnerable moments.

Another sad theory is that many "Incubus" attacks were created in order to try and explain unwanted pregnancy or even the crime of rape itself - after all it was far easier to blame such things on invisible, bestial monsters than on the very real human element.

However to those who believe in the hidden world of ghosts, demons and otherworldly beings the Incubus is simply an evil spirit and even in the modern world their are cases of people that claim to have been visited by Incubi or similiar entities - one of the most famous modern examples was in the film "The Entity".

Like many other "night spirits" the Incubus can also be explained thanks to the discovery of the medical condition known as Sleep Paralysis.


Mares (2)

A Succubus is a demon from folklore that was said to haunt the dreams of sleeping men, mating with them to produce various offspring or to simply drain them of life-force - the Succubus was almost always depicted as female and unlike the Night Hag was normally an attractive and seductive spirit.

The male version of a Succubus is known as an Incubus and delivers the same role, though Incubi are a little more violent in nature - both are deadly creatures of the night and were born from medieval legends spawned from a period of history when the idea of chastity was sacred.

The Succubus has become a staple of fiction ever since and has always retained her basic role as a seductress, though her exact nature and role has altered in every retelling.

Like many other "night spirits" the succubus can now be explained thanks to the discovery of the medical condition known as Sleep Paralysis.

Night Hag[]

Mares (3)

The Night Hag (sometimes known as Old Hag) was a kind of nightmare spirit used in folklore around the world to explain the very real phenomena known as sleep paralysis - unlike other nightmare spirits such as the Succubus. She was rarely depicted as a femme fatale and had no interest in mating with her victims.

According to legend Night Hags were a type of spirit that invaded people's dreams via entering their homes and sitting on their chest, causing them to experience horrible nightmares before they awoke in a panic - often finding it hard to breath or move: one the victim awoke however the hag's influence was said to fade away within a few minutes.

The victim was said to have been "hagridden" as a result and understandably many cultures lived in fear of this creature - when the condition known as sleep paralysis was finally discovered by science however the power of the Night Hag faded as people finally had a way to understand the frightening phenomenon.

However even in the age of science and reason some people still believe in Night Hags and to them at least she remains as frightening and real as she did in centuries past.


Mares (4)

An Alp is a malevolent creature from German folklore closely associated with the Night Hag, Incubus and other night spirits blamed for night-time attacks upon innocents during the Medievel Era as well as being a way to explain frightening dream phenomena such as nightmares, night terrors and (most recently) sleep paralysis.

The Alp was seen as an ugly little humanoid, almost always male, who would advance upon human females during the night and sit on their chest, causing them difficulty in breathing and also restraining them - the Alp would proceed to plague its victim with frightening dreams or even sexual assault in a manner similar to other night spirits, despite the Alp's small size it was said to be extremely powerful and fearsome, thus a victim was all-but-paralysed until the creature decided to leave.

Like many spirits the Alp could change shape and thus tales vary on its exact size, appearance or nature but in general it would be male and usually small, ugly or demonic - the Alp was also vampiric and would often bite at the nipples of its female victims to drink her blood or breast milk.

The Alp's cruelty also extended to children, animals and its general surroundings as it liked to sour milk, re-diaper infants (the act of putting soiled diapers back on a sleeping baby) and make cows sick as well as agigate livestock in general.

Thankfully the Alp had a weakness in the form of his Tarnkappe, a magic hat which the wicked elf required to perfom his misdeeds, indeed tales have told of an Alp offering great rewards to have his hat returned.

Sleep Paralysis[]

like all night spirits the Alp has been explained by modern science with the discovery of Sleep Paralysis, which causes victims to experience frightening hallucinations which often include the feeling of being set upon by ugly monsters or demons.


  • The word "mare" became another name for horses, especially for she horses.
  • the phenomena of the "Mare" is now explained via the medical condition known as Sleep Paralysis.


Mares (5)

Notable Legends
Ape Men |Beldams |Bogeyman |Bunyip |Centaurs | Chupacabra |Cyclops |Dragons |Dullahan |Fairies |Ghosts |Ghost Pirates |Giants |Goblins |Golems |Gremlins |Grim Reaper |Hags |Headless Horseman |Kraken |Lake Monsters |Loch Ness Monster |Mad Scientists |Medusa |Minotaur |Monsters |Mothman |Mummies |Ogres |Revenants |Sea Monsters |Sirens |Skeletons |Spiders |Swamp Monsters |Trolls |Umibōzu |Undead |Vampires |Wendigo |Werewolves |Wyverns |Yeti |Zombies

Gods & Spirits
Main Articles
Gods & Goddesses:
Balor |Bres

Gods of Canaan
Anat |Baal |El |Mot |Yam

Gods of Egypt
Apep |Ammit |Geb |Nun |Set

Gods of Mesopotamia
Enlil |Ereshkigal |Inanna |Nergal |Qingu |Tiamat

Gods of Olympus
Ares |Atë |Chaos |Eris |Hades |Hera |Héraclès |Hermes |Limos |Phobos |Poseidon |Uranus |Zeus

Atlas |Kronos |Prometheus

Ymir |Loki |Hela |Sköll and Hati |Fenrir |Jormungandr |Surtr |Hræsvelgr |Utgard-Loki |Þjazi

Other deities
Bila |Camazotz |Damballa |Kali |Kumarbi |Loviatar |Marmoo |Perkūnas |Veles |Xolotl

Humans & Humanoids
Abhartach |Absalom |Aigamuxa |Ajax the Lesser |Amata |Ame-onna |Amaron |Amnon |Amulius |Amazons Andvari |Antaeus |Atreus |Aos Si |Astral Vampires |Bandits |Baobhan Siths |Baron Samedi |Bean Clan |Black Rock Witch |Blair Witch |Blunderbore |Bolster |Busiris |Cacus |Cain |Cassiopeia |Cercyon |Circe |Christie Cleek |Christman Genipperteinga |Cleek's Clan |Creon |Cycnus |Danaides |Danaus|Davy Jones |Delilah |Draug |Doppelgangers |The Faceless Phantom of Venice |General Jan Smuts | Giddianhi | Goblins |Goliath |Gomorrahites |Green Knight |Green Man of Knowledge |Green Witch |Hags |Haman the Agagite |Hanako-San |Herod the Great |Herodias |Horsem*n of the Apocalypse |Humanity |Iemon |Ixion |Jezebel |Judas Iscariot |Jure Grando |King Ahab |King Arthur |King Oenomaus |King Vortigern |Kuchisake-onna |Laius |La Tunda |Lilith |Lord William de Soulis |Louhi |Lucius Tiberius |Lycaon |Marry-san |Meg of Meldon |Morag |Morgan le Fay |Nanny Rutt |Nessus |Orang Minyak |Otus and Ephialtes |Pandarus |Paris |Phaedra |The Pharisees |Polyphemus |Procrustes |Rich Man |Romans |Saci |Saul |Sawney Bean |Simeon |Sciron |Shechem |Sinis |Sko-Ella |Sodomites |Soumaoro Kanté |Tadodaho |Tamamo no Mae |Tantalus |Tereus |Thyestes |Turnus |Tydeus |Xenu |Yakub |Yallery Brown |Ysbaddaden |Zahhak

Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings
Afanc |Ahuizotl |Akhlut |Akkorokamui |Amarok |Amemasu |A-mi’-kuk |Ao Ao |Averasboro Gallinipper |Bakeneko |Basilisk |Boneless |Chaneques |Chimera |Cirein-cròin |Clurichaun |co*ckatrice |Count Dracula|Cuegle |Cuélebre/Culebre |Devil Monkeys |Dip |Dragon |Dry Body |El Comelenguas |Erymanthian Boar |Escornau |Fouke Monster |Giants of Voronezh |Goblins |Golden Cicada |Grendel |Grendel's Mother |Groundhogs |Harpies |Herensuge |Hydra |Ijiraq |Jackalopes |Jasy Jatere |J'ba Fofi |Jiangshi |Kappa |Kigatilik |Kinie Ger |Kurupi |Liches |La Cegua |Lambton Worm |Leviathan |Manticores |Michigan Dogman |Mikari Baba |Monster of Mount Bandai |Morag |Mordred |Morgan le Fay |Mungoon-Gali |Nekomata |Ojáncanu |Onamazu |Orcs |Otesánek |Paparrasolla |Pesanta |Pombero |Qallupilluk |Redcaps (Robin Redcap) |River Mumma |Scylla |Sphinx |Stymphalian Birds |Tailypo |Tarasque |Te Wheke-a-Muturangi |Tikbalang |Tizheruk |Thardid Jimbo |Thinan-malkia |Tokoloshe |Trolls |Trauco |Tupilaq |Typhon |Undead |Whowie |Will O' The Wisp

Beast of Bladenboro |Beast of Bray Road |Beast of Gévaudan |Black Eyed Children |Black Stick Men |Blue Devil |Cherufe |Devil Monkeys |Dog-headed Men |Emela-Ntouka |Enfield Horror |Fear Liath |Flatwoods Monster |Ghosts |Goatman |Grafton Monster |Greys |Hoop Snake |Indrid Cold |Jackalopes |Jersey Devil |Kelpie of Loch Ness |Kongamato |Malawi Terror Beast |Mamlambo |Manananggal |Maricoxi |Mngwa |Momonjii |Morag |Nobusuma |Ogua |Pope Lick Monster |Popobawa |Pukwudgies |Reptoids |Roc |Ropen |Salawa |Sea Serpents |Shadow People |Sheepsquatch |Slide-Rock Bolter |Snallygaster |Spring Heeled Jack |Tanuki |Thunderbird |Two-Toed Tom |Water Horses |White-Eyed Children |Yowie

Urban Legends
Aliens (AC) |Amanda the Doll |Black Goo |Bloody Mary |Bunnyman |Charlie |China Doll |Clown Doll |Crisis |Crying Boy |Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) |Ghost Trains |Hairy-Armed Woman |Hatman |Homey the Clown |Hook Killer |John and Susan Buckley |Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll |Kankandara |Kidney Thieves |Kunekune |La Tunda |Licking Maniac |The Man Upstairs |Martinez Dog Demon |Melon Heads |Men in Black |Momo |Mystery Killer |Nain Rouge |Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square |Orie Chef |Paimon |Patasola |Rain Man |Robert the Doll |The Seeker |Skinned Tom |The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water |Teke Teke

Possessed Objects
Amanda the Doll |China Doll |Clown Doll |Coffin on Wheels |Curse Jar |Ghost Trains |Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll |Painting of the French War |Robert the Doll

See Also
Theology Villains |Creepypasta Villains |SCP Foundation Villains |Trevor Henderson Villains

Mares (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.