Meet The Myanmar Woman Who Claims To Have The Smallest Waist In The World  (2024)

Women with the world’s tiniest waist

Attaining a small waist might be the dream shape many people work hard for. However, this woman from Myanmar claimed to have been born with a naturally tiny waist and has just proposed herself to win the world record for the world’s smallest waist.

Has a 13.7 inch waist

Meet The Myanmar Woman Who Claims To Have The Smallest Waist In The World (1)Image credit: @sumohnaing

There are some women who have won the tiniest waist record, but not without the help of corsets or even plastic surgery such as rib removal. But it’s different for this woman from Myanmar named Su Naing.

The 23-year-old says that she was born with a super thin waist without needing any surgeries. Her waist measures only 13.7 inches or around 35 centimetres.

Meet The Myanmar Woman Who Claims To Have The Smallest Waist In The World (2)Image credit: @sumohnaing

But this hasn’t been all well-received. She’s gotten tons of negative comments from netizens saying that her pictures are altered, even going so far to say that she’s gotten her ribs removed. However, Su Niang insists that it’s completely natural and that might have inherited it from someone in her family.

She added that she eats nutritious food and always exercises in order to keep her waist in shape and stay healthy.

Wants to win Guinness World Record

Meet The Myanmar Woman Who Claims To Have The Smallest Waist In The World (3)
Images adapted from:

Su Niang has just proposed to the Guinness World Record to consider her for the world’s smallest waist without surgery.

Meet The Myanmar Woman Who Claims To Have The Smallest Waist In The World (4)
Image credit: Ethel Granger

The person who currently holds the world’s record for the smallest waist is an English woman named Ethel Granger, who had only a 13 inch waist. Su Niang might not beat the old champion, but it’s worth noting that Ethel’s waist was the result of wearing a corset 24/7.

Meet The Myanmar Woman Who Claims To Have The Smallest Waist In The World (5)Image credit: @sumohnaing

We’ll leave it up to you to decide, but you can follow Su Niang on Instagram at @sumohnaing and check out whether or not she’s deserving of the record.

Having a particular body shape is a personal preference at the end of the day, but it’s not worth ever hurting your bodies for.Everybody can be beautiful in their own way regardless of beauty standards, and attaining a “dream body” shouldn’t compromise your physical or mental health.

Images adapted from: @sumohnaing

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Meet The Myanmar Woman Who Claims To Have The Smallest Waist In The World  (2024)


Who has the world's smallest waist Myanmar? ›

But it's different for this woman from Myanmar named Su Naing. The 23-year-old says that she was born with a super thin waist without needing any surgeries. Her waist measures only 13.7 inches or around 35 centimetres.

Which woman has the smallest waist in the world? ›

Cathie Jung (born 1937) is an American Victorian dress and corset enthusiast residing in Manteo, NC, United States. She has held the Guinness World Record for the smallest waist on a living person since 1999. Jung, who is 1.72 meters (5 ft 8 in) tall, has a waist that measures 38.1 centimeters (15.0 in).

Who is the woman with 13 inch waist? ›

The Guinness world record for the slimmest waist is held by British woman Ethel Granger who has a 13 inch circumference.

What is considered a small waist? ›

What should your waist measurement be? For men, a waist circumference below 94cm (37in) is 'low risk', 94–102cm (37-40in) is 'high risk' and more than 102cm (40in) is 'very high'. For women, below 80cm (31.5in) is low risk, 80–88cm (31.5-34.6in) is high risk and more than 88cm (34.6in) is very high.

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One of our most iconic Guinness World Records title holders is Jyoti Amge, from India. She became a part of the GWR family in 2009, when she was confirmed as the world's shortest teenager living (female) at 61.95 cm (2 ft).

Where is shortest woman in the world? ›

Jyoti Amge (India) is a Guinness World Records star. Now 28 and originally from Nagpur, central India, Jyoti has a larger-than-life personality, a flourishing career as an actress and two Guinness World Records titles: shortest female living (mobile)

How to make your waist smaller? ›

How To Get a Smaller Waist With Food
  1. Plan Ahead For The Week.
  2. Eat In Balance.
  3. Turn Down Unexpected Treats.
  4. Find A Form Of Cardio For Weight Loss.
  5. Try High-Intensity Interval Training.
  6. Lift Weights for a Slim Waist.
  7. Work Your Core.
  8. Pilates 100.

Is it OK to have a small waist? ›

A thin waist has been proven to be an indicator of good health. This is simply because so many vital organs are found in this area of the body, and storing fat there dramatically increases your risk of health problems.

How small should a girls waist be? ›

For your best health, your waist should be less than 40 inches around for men, and less than 35 inches for women, although it may vary depending on race or ethnicity. If it's larger than that, you may want to talk with your doctor about what your next steps are, including losing weight.

What celebrity has a 21 inch waist? ›

Lovi Poe. This 28-year-old Kapuso actress has a 21-inch waist, which she maintains by doing Pilates regularly.

What celebrity has a 22 inch waist? ›

She certainly wasn't lying. When Cherie was done, she announced that Carman's waist measures an astoundingly slim 56 cm, or 22 inches. Netizens certainly had a lot to say about this revelation, and “Carman Lee's waist” soon became a trending topic.

How big is size 12 woman? ›

5'5"–5'9" (165–175 cm) tall, average bust, average back
1 more row

Why do guys like small waist? ›

Men consistently find women the most attractive when they have a low waist-to-hip ratio — commonly referred to as an hourglass figure. New research provides evidence that men have this preference because it is a reliable signal of physical and sexual maturity in young women who have not been pregnant.

What size is a 27 in women's? ›

Size Conversion Chart
SizeDress SizeNatural Hip
10 more rows

What's the average hip size for a woman? ›

Similarly, the waist measurement of women 18-29 years old is about 71.4 cm, the hip circumference is 88.5 cm. Women aged 30 to 49 years, waist measurement is 76.1cm, hip measurement is 90.7cm and in the final age range, waist-hip measurement is 79.2cm - 90.7cm.

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Jyoti Kishanji Amge (born 16 December 1993) is an Indian actress notable for being the world's shortest living woman according to the Guinness World Records.

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How old is the smallest person in the world 2022? ›

Twenty-year-old Afshin Esmaeil Ghaderzadeh is the world's shortest man now, with a height of 65.24 centimetres (2 feet, 1.6 inches). According to Guinness World Records, he is almost 7 centimetres (2.7 inches) shorter than the previous record holder, 36-year-old Edward "Nino" Hernandez (Colombia).

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Jyoti Amge Height, Weight, Age, Family, Biography & More
Famous ForBeing the World's Shortest Living Woman by The Guinness World Records
Physical Stats & More
Height (approx.)in centimeters- 62.8 cm in meters- 0.62 m in feet inches- 2' 06”
Weight (approx.)in kilograms- 5 kg in pounds- 11 lbs
23 more rows

How tall is the shortest girl alive? ›

2. Measured by doctors on the show, she was found to be just 61.95 cm (2 ft) tall, confirming her as the Shortest living teenager (female). Remarkably, at just 5.4 kg (12 lb), she weighed only 4 kg (9 lb) more than her birth weight.

How much did the smallest woman in the world weigh at birth? ›

Kwek Yu Xuan after her premature birth, which came at just under 25 weeks' gestation. A baby born weighing just 212 grams (7.5 ounces) – about as heavy as a softball or an apple – has left hospital after more than a year and arrived at her family home.

What foods make your waist smaller? ›

Eating a healthy, varied diet that is high in fruits and vegetables — including soluble fiber, vitamin D, and probiotics — is the best plan for losing weight from your waistline. Avoiding refined carbohydrates, sugar, and processed foods whenever possible will help you cut calories and get rid of fat more quickly.

How can I get my waist back after 50? ›

7 Ways to Shrink Your Waistline After 50, Say Dietitians
  1. Start doing strength training.
  2. Drink more water.
  3. Don't skimp on cardio.
  4. Reduce added sugar.
  5. Practice mindful eating.
  6. Avoid all sugary drinks.
  7. Increase fiber intake.
Jan 23, 2022

How to get flat stomach in 3 days? ›

3-Day Cleanse To Lose Belly Fat: Get A Flat Tummy With These Tips
  1. Step 1 – Avoid These Foods.
  2. Step 2 – Eat These Foods Instead. Colorful Fruits And Vegetables. Lean Meats And Plant Protein. Complex Carbohydrates. Healthy Fats. Water.
  3. Step 3 – Exercise Regularly!
  4. Step 4 – Reintroduce Foods & Habits Gradually.

How to get a smaller butt? ›

Try the following exercises to lose fat from the butt and to tone the muscles in the thighs and glutes:
  1. Running. Share on Pinterest. ...
  2. High-intensity interval training. Share on Pinterest. ...
  3. Step-climbing. Share on Pinterest. ...
  4. Squats. Share on Pinterest. ...
  5. Lunges. ...
  6. One-leg deadlift. ...
  7. Side-lying hip abduction. ...
  8. Lateral band walk.

What waist size is attractive? ›

However, studies show that the ideal waist size for women is less than 35 inches and that for men is less than 40 inches.

How can I trim my waist in 2 weeks? ›

22 effective ways to lose 2 inches of belly fat in 2 weeks
  1. Include tart cherries in your diet. ...
  2. Increase calcium intake. ...
  3. Include more vegetables in your diet to lose weight fast. ...
  4. Add some acidic foods to your meals. ...
  5. Include more grains in your diet. ...
  6. Consume more fish. ...
  7. Add more garlic to your food.
Mar 28, 2018

What size is the average American woman? ›

The average American woman 20 years old and up weighs 170.6 pounds and stands at 63.7 inches (almost 5 feet, 4 inches) tall. And the average waist circumference? It's 38.6 inches.

What waist size is a 14 year old? ›

Boys 11-16 yrs
age11-12 yrs13-14 yrs
waist (in)2729.5
waist (cm)6875
hip (in)3235
5 more rows

Is Myanmar big or small? ›

By area, Myanmar is the 40th largest country in the world, just slightly bigger than France. Its total area is 678,500 square kilometers, or 261,970 square miles. It is the largest country on the Indochina peninsula, larger than Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia or Singapore.

Where is the smallest waist? ›

The waist is usually measured at the smallest circumference of the natural waist, usually just above the belly button. Where the waist is convex rather than concave, as in pregnancy and obesity, the waist may be measured at a vertical level 1 inch above the navel.

Who has the biggest waist in the world? ›

Walter Hudson (June 5, 1944 – December 24, 1991) was the holder of the Guinness World Record for the largest waist. It measured 119 inches (302 cm) in 1987 when he was at his peak weight of 1,197 pounds (543 kg; 85.5 st).
Walter Hudson (1944–1991)
Walter Hudson
Known forSixth heaviest person in medical history
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He was born with a body weight of 700 g (1.5 lb) and has grown now to be almost 6.5 kg (14.3 lb). Afshin's life in Northern Iran hasn't been easy. Unable to attend school due to his size, Afshin has struggled with literacy. However, he is delighted to have recently learnt to write his name.

Is Myanmar African? ›

Myanmar is located in South East Asia bordering the People's Republic of China on the North and North East, Laos on the East, Thailand on the South East, Bangladesh on the West and India on the North West. It is also strategically located between South Asia and South East Asia.

Is Myanmar a beautiful country? ›

Myanmar is a beautiful country filled with beautiful people. See for yourself… This is the Shwedagon Pagoda, a giant, golden stupa and collection of temples in Yangon.

Is Myanmar rich or poor? ›

Economy of Myanmar
Country groupLeast developed Lower-middle income economy
Population53,798,084 (2021)
GDP$59.530 billion (nominal, 2022) $260.274 billion (PPP, 2022)
GDP rank90rd (nominal, 2022) 64th (PPP, 2022)
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Where is a woman's natural waist? ›

What is the waistline? Your natural waistline hits at the area between the top of your hip bone and the bottom of your rib cage. Your waistline may be bigger or smaller depending on your genetics, frame size, and lifestyle habits. Measuring the circumference of your waist may help clue you in to your health.

What is an average waist size for a woman? ›

The average American woman's waist size is 38.7 inches. Also, the average American woman is 63.6 inches tall and weigh 170 pounds. All of these numbers are indicators of health, but not predictors.

What girl has the biggest hips? ›

Mikel Ruffinelli (born 1972) is an American woman who currently holds the record of widest hip in the world, according to the World Record Academy. Her weight is more than 420 pounds (190 kg) and her hips measures an unusual 8 feet (2.4 m) in circumference, although her waist is only 3 feet 4 inches (102 cm).

What is the perfect waist size? ›

For your best health, your waist should be less than 40 inches around for men, and less than 35 inches for women, although it may vary depending on race or ethnicity. If it's larger than that, you may want to talk with your doctor about what your next steps are, including losing weight.

Which country has shortest people? ›

1. Timor-Leste — 155.47cm (5 feet 1.28 inches) People on the Southeast Asian island of Timor are an average 155.47cm (5 feet 1.28 inches) tall. The average Timorese man is 159.79cm (5 feet 2.90 inches) tall.

Who is the tallest woman? ›

Rumeysa Gelgi has held the record for the "world's tallest living woman" since 2021. The 25-year-old, who stands just over seven feet tall, frequently travels to share her story. But never on an airplane!

Who has the longest hair in the world? ›

The world's longest documented hair belongs to Xie Qiuping (China) at 5.627m (18 feet 5.54 in) when…

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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