MEETING MADNESS: 3 Tips For When You Don't Know The Answer (2024)

MEETING MADNESS: 3 Tips For When You Don't Know The Answer (1)

Christopher Lübbers - Speaker Coach MEETING MADNESS: 3 Tips For When You Don't Know The Answer (2)

Christopher Lübbers - Speaker Coach

Female Entrepreneurs and Leaders make sure your message is heard just the way you feel it, while having a sense of calm and confidence when speaking up.

Published Feb 14, 2022


I remember my first call with Alex, a corporate leader. We spoke about what she feels is holding her back. What she would love to get rid of in her professional life.

She began by sharing this:

“I often avoid speaking up because I am afraid of the questions I might get. To be honest, this really stresses me. What if I don’t know the answer? I am now a senior leader. People expect me to have all the answers”

That really touched me... Even with two screens between us I could feel how heavy this constant struggle weighs on her shoulders.

Let me tell you, right here and right now that you are not alone. Most of my clients have already avoided speaking up for fear of being judged, looking weak or being seen as too emotional.

Here are 3 tips for when you don’t know the answer and still want to speak confidently and leave a competent impression:

  1. Focus on a solid, simple structure. HOW we say it makes up 70% of what your audience “hears”
  2. Admit you don’t know the answer and then highlight two notions/ perspectives which should be considered. You will be surprised how much you actually have to say about the topic.
  3. Give them a specific date and time by when you will get back to them with the answer.

I spontaneously shared the same tips with Alex during our call (remember?). Two days later I received a wonderful e-mail filled with words of pride and relief after a meeting with lots of questions that went “super well”.

Having the tools to know what to say and how to say it in any situation is such a confidence booster and stress minimizer.

So, if now is the right time for you to stop worrying about questions after presentations and start presenting with joy and confidence, focus on how you say it rather than having the perfect response.

I'm sure you know a lot more than your inner voice makes you believe in stressful situations.

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More Power of Speech for YOU! MEETING MADNESS: 3 Tips For When You Don't Know The Answer (3)

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MEETING MADNESS: 3 Tips For When You Don't Know The Answer (2024)


MEETING MADNESS: 3 Tips For When You Don't Know The Answer? ›

Don't fear saying you don't know.

Instead of hedging and tap dancing around your response or making something up and getting it wrong, simply say you don't know the answer. But plan your follow-up with a statement about what you do know. Examples: That's not my area, but here's what I can tell you…

How do you respond when you don't know the answer in a meeting? ›

Don't fear saying you don't know.

Instead of hedging and tap dancing around your response or making something up and getting it wrong, simply say you don't know the answer. But plan your follow-up with a statement about what you do know. Examples: That's not my area, but here's what I can tell you…

What do you say in a meeting when you don't know? ›

Be honest: “To be honest, I don't know the answer to that question, but I am interested in learning.” Clarify the question: “I don't quite understand what you're asking.

How do you get out of in person meetings? ›

Here's how to wiggle out without damaging your status as a team player.
  1. 1 Take a “fewer meetings” stance. ...
  2. 2 Determine whether your presence at the meeting is essential. ...
  3. 3 Ask for help establishing your priorities. ...
  4. 4 Push for meeting notes. ...
  5. 5 Ask to step out when the meeting no longer pertains to you.
Jun 2, 2022

What to say when you don t have answer? ›

"That's an interesting question, let me get back to you on that." "I don't have the information on hand, but I will get in touch with the expert on my team, and get back to you shortly." "I am curious about that too. I'll find out and get right back to you."

Is it OK to not speak in a meeting? ›

It is perfectly okay not to speak up, if you don't have anything to say. However, if you never have anything to say, you may give the impression of being checked out, or not fully engaged. So that's something to think about. If you are not in the habit of speaking up, make sure you use manners when speaking up.

How to keep the conversation going when you dont know what to say? ›

You can actively listen to the other person, ask open-ended questions, explore topics of mutual interest, and transition the conversation by using connecting words or phrases, asking questions, or using silence as an opportunity to think of what to say next.

What is a fun way to end a meeting? ›

Give them a fun riddle

Give your team a riddle before you say goodbye and ask them to solve it before the next team meeting. You can also rotate which person brings the riddle to the next meeting to get everyone more involved.

How do you end an icebreaker? ›

How to wrap up: Simply ask each person to reflect on how they're feeling as you close out. I like to use this prompt in partnership with this icebreaker at the start of the session, “In one word, how do you want to feel at the end of our time together?” (More on icebreaker prompts/inspo here.)

How do you stand out in a meeting? ›

Here's what they had to say:
  1. Come prepared. ...
  2. Take notes by hand and show you're focused. ...
  3. Focus on making one key contribution. ...
  4. Use research and data points to back you up. ...
  5. Ask questions that show you care about the topic at hand. ...
  6. Speak last (if possible) ...
  7. Follow up with your boss after.

How do you say you know without saying you know? ›

  1. Some examples: ...
  2. as you can see - explaining what is there in front of you.
  3. Actually - explaining what is really the truth, more to the answer.
  4. in fact - more to the answer.
  5. In other words - rewording your sentence : “'whole pargraph on life', in other words, life is fast”
  6. For example - giving examples.
Nov 12, 2023

How do you know what to say in a meeting? ›

  1. 1 Prepare in advance. Context is key to mental preparation. ...
  2. 2 Stop censoring yourself. ...
  3. 3 Ask questions. ...
  4. 4 Use a meeting agenda. ...
  5. 5 Believe in your answers. ...
  6. 6 Listen to what is being said. ...
  7. 7 Practice, practice, practice. ...
  8. 8 Commit quickly to speaking.
Mar 6, 2024

How do you start a meeting what to say? ›

You can start with a simple greeting, using phrases such as:
  1. “Good morning / afternoon”
  2. “Let's begin”
  3. “I'd like to welcome everyone”
  4. “Since everyone is here, let's get started”
  5. “I'd like to thank everyone for coming today”
Feb 17, 2018

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.