Men, women & the secrets of skin colour (2024)

Men, women & the secrets of skin colour (1)

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The fair maiden of myth appears to have a basis in scientific reality, according to new research. Scientists looking into attractiveness in men and women suggest that men of all races are subconsciously attracted to fairer-skinned women, while women are more drawn to dark-complexioned men.

The researchers, whose study shows that across different races, lighter-skinned women are seen as the ideal, say the attraction is driven by preferences based on moral assumptions.

Men are subconsciously attracted to fairer skin because of its association with innocence, purity, modesty, virginity, vulnerability and goodness, according to researchers at the University of Toronto. Women are attracted to men with darker complexions because these are associated with sex, virility, mystery, villainy and danger.

From Desdemona to Nicole Kidman, fair-skinned beauties have been celebrated by artists and poets for centuries. Meanwhile, millions of women have been drawn to dark, brooding males, from Heathcliff to actor Javier Bardem.

In an analysis of more than 2,000 advertising photographs of men and women, the researchers found that the skin of white women was 15.2 per cent lighter than the skin of white males, and the skin of black women 11.1 per cent lighter than the skin of black men.

Advertising photographs were chosen because almost invariably the models were considered to be among the most attractive people of the races and genders.

"What the research shows is that our aesthetic preferences operate to reflect moral preferences. Within our cultures we have a set of ideals about how women should look and behave. Lightness and darkness have particular meanings attached to them and we subconsciously relate those moral preferences to women," said Dr Shyon Baumann, a sociologist at the University of Toronto. In effect, a preference for Colin Farrell over Daniel Craig or Monica Bellucci over Michelle Pfieffer expresses a preference for danger.

The researchers say many judgements about beauty are made at a conscious level, such as about height, weight, leg length, and the shape of the nose and the mouth. "In contrast, other physical attractiveness ideals, including complexion... are made at the subconscious level," they say.

When they analysed adverts featuring white women only, they found that women with the darkest complexions were more likely to be in an advanced state of undress. They were also more likely to have a bared midriff, and only they are shown with bared feet or are implied to be totally nude.

The darkest-complexioned women in this group were also likely to be provocatively dressed, wearing underwear or similar clothing. Women with the lightest complexion are more likely to be conservatively dressed and portrayed as friendly, happy and honest.

The researchers say the scale of the differences between male and female skin colour selected for their attractiveness is too big to be explained by pure biology. "I contend the complexion findings should be understood as a product of deeply rooted and enduring cultural values," says Dr Baumann.

"My argument to explain the findings has two key features. First, it is based on the meanings that lightness and darkness have in our culture. Second, it highlights the links between moral and aesthetic judgements.

"Physical lightness and darkness are aesthetic characteristics that... exemplify the link between aesthetic and moral judgements. On average, fair complexions in women are the dominant aesthetic ideal because sexual modesty and conventional femininity are the dominant behavioural ideal for women. However, there also exists an appreciation for a darker complexion in women, though less common, and this less-common aesthetic preference appears to coexist with a view of such women as more overtly sexual... darker women are seen as more promiscuous."

Monica Bellucci

Men who favour darker-hued beauties such as the Italian model-turned-actress supposedly have a subconscious urge for danger

Nicole Kidman

It's one-nil for Kidman versus her darker-complexioned sisters because men just can't help preferring fairer-skinned women

Colin Farrell

No wonder the Irish star of 'Phone Booth' and 'Miami Vice' hit the big time: women are drawn to Heathcliff types who symbolise sex and virility

Daniel Craig

The latest 007 may not measure up to the subliminal female ideal of the dark, brooding hero but that doesn't seem to have hampered his career

Thandie Newton

No matter the race, it's the fairer the better when it comes to female sex symbols for the world's men

Marianne Jean-Baptiste

Men see the 'Secrets and Lies' star as dangerous and sexy because of her darker complexion, research shows

Gary Dourdan

The forensic investigator Warrick Brown from 'CSI' cuts an attractive figure with his fair skin and green eyes

Djimon Hounsou

The 'Blood Diamond' actor was snapped up by Calvin Klein to model underwear. Research shows he oozes sex appeal

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Men, women & the secrets of skin colour (2024)


How do we get our skin color biointeractive answers? ›

A person's skin color is determined primarily by the proportion of eumelanin to pheomelanin, the overall amount of melanin produced, and the number and size of melanosomes and how they are distributed.

What is the secret of skin color? ›

Melanin is a molecule that gives your skin its color. This molecule can also block out the harmful UV radiation from damaging your cell's DNA by lining up around the nucleus and acting as a shield.

Which skin color is most attractive for males? ›

(i) Skin colour: blood oxygenation and carotenoids

Further studies have indicated that yellower and redder skin is also more attractive in male faces [37,38]. Skin yellowness and redness are probably linked to health and attractiveness because these colour properties vary with current health [39].

Which skin color is most attractive on a woman? ›

According to a study called “Shades of beauty,” light brown skin tones are often the most physically attractive skin color (Frisby et al., 2006). They used four models for that study. They did not change the skin tone, but they imaged each model to three different skin tones: light, medium, and dark.

How do you change your skin color in real life? ›

It is impossible to change your constitutional skin tone.

How do we get our skin color? ›

Skin color is determined by the type of melanin produced, the amount of melanin, and how many melanosomes (which are organelles, not skin cells) are distributed to skin cells.

How do we get our natural skin color? ›

Melanocytes make these little things called melanosomes. These are little melanin producing factories that get transferred from the melanocyte to surrounding keratinocytes. There, the melanin provides protection from UV radiation and determines the color of our skin.

How is skin color determined genetically? ›

Differences in skin and hair color are principally genetically determined and are due to variation in the amount, type, and packaging of melanin polymers produced by melanocytes secreted into keratinocytes.

How do you get skin tone color? ›

Mixing Skin tones

Here is one way to mix skin tones using a limited palette: Begin by mixing together equal parts of cadmium red, yellow ochre, and titanium white to create a basic peach tone. Adjust the color by adding more red to create warmer skin tones, or more yellow to create cooler skin tones.

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