Modeling Agency Scams | Price County, WI (2024)

In the end, most of these would-be models receive no job assistance from the agencies, no job leads, and no modeling employment. In numerous instances, the potential models do not even receive the photographs they pay for. The companies simply pack up and leave town.

How to spot the scam
It may not be easy to a modeling scam because many of the advertising claims and practices may resemble those used by legitimate modeling agencies. Listed below are some common claims that should make you suspicious:

Could your child be a star?
Fake talent scouts love to make you think your baby or child is model material and will gladly help you set up a photo shoot or classes to help you get modeling or acting jobs for your tyke. What they do not tell you is that the market for child models and actors is very small. And because a child's looks change quickly, legitimate agents, advertising agencies, casting directors, and producers generally ask for casual snapshots, not professional photos.

What about the casting calls you hear about on the radio looking for the next child star? While they may be real in that one or two kids in the country are "discovered", the agencies holding the calls often use them as a way to get parents to enroll their kids in expensive acting classes.

How to protect yourself
The best protection against losing money to a phony modeling agency is to take precautions. The following list may help you reduce your chances of losing money.

  • Realistically assess your chances for being a model. Were you chosen by the agency because they believe you can make money for them - or just because you can afford to pay money to them?
  • Ask for the names, addresses, and phone numbers of models who currently work through the agency and clients who have used its models. Contact the models and clients to verify the information. If you cannot verify the agency's credentials and the agency is asking for money in advance, you are better off saying no.
  • Check the agency's reputation online. Try searching fro the company's name with words like "scam", "rip-off", or "complaint".
  • Contact the Bureau of Consumer Protection to find out if other complaints have been filed against the agency. You can also check their reputation with the Better Business Bureau.
  • Check out all claims made in agency advertisem*nts, sales presentations, and literature.
  • Be suspicious of agencies that require models to pay fees, including fees for agency books, by cash or money order only. This is a strong signal that they agency is interested in taking your money, not in representing your as a model.
  • Get everything in writing! Keep copies of all important papers, such as your contract and agency literature. Be sure to get all verbal promises in writing. You may need these if you have a dispute with the agency.

Where to go for help
If you have paid money to a modeling agency, and believe they are involved in a scam, first contact the company and request a refund. If you are not satisfied, file a complaint with the Bureau of Consumer Protection. Also, contact the advertising manager of the newspaper that ran the ad you answered. For ethical and practical reasons, the advertising manager may be interested to learn about any problems you have had with the agency.

Modeling Agency Scams | Price County, WI (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.