Models of Practice and Frames of Reference (2024)

Model of Practice

The terms model of practice, conceptual model, practice model, and frame of reference have been used interchangeably. In this text, we distinguish between model of practice and frame of reference. However, this is just one way to organize the content.

A model of practice takes the philosophical base of the profession and organizes the concepts for practice. As such, occupational therapy models of practice help OT practi- tioners organize their thinking around occupation,13 which is the central unifying feature of the occupational therapy profession. A model of practice provides practitioners with terms to describe practice, an overall view of the profession, tools for evaluation, and a guide for intervention.8,13,15

By reading and critically analyzing current literature, practitioners who use a model of practice to guide their practice find a depth of information, which allows them to better understand practice and intervention to the benefit of clients. Using a model of practice ensures a systematic examination of the client and is an important step in providing evidence-based practice.

The Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)9 is the best-researched model of practice in occupational therapy. Kielhofner and colleagues have published extensively on all aspects of this model, and thus this model provides well-supported evidence to support its use in practice. The Model of Human Occupation views occupational performance in terms of volition, habituation, performance, and environment. Volition refers to the person’s motivation, interests, values, and belief in skill. Habituation refers to one’s daily patterns of behaviors, one’s roles (the rules and expectations of those positions), and one’s everyday routine. Performance refers to the motor, cognitive, and emotional aspects required to act upon the environment.9 Environment refers to the physical, social, and societal surroundings in which the person is involved. Each system is divided into components with many well-researched instruments to operationalize the terms for practice.9 Working with the assessment tools designed to operationalize the concepts of the model helps practitioners understand the concepts more fully for practice.

The Canadian Model of Occupational Performance (CMOP)10,22 has also generated a wealth of research to support its design. The core of this model is spirituality, which is defined broadly as anything that motivates or inspires a person.10,22 Person, environment (which includes institutions), and occupations are the other parts of the model. This model emphasizes client-centered care,10,22 which refers to understanding the client’s desires and wishes for intervention and outcome. Getting to know the client is crucial to this model. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure11 is a semistructured interview based on this model and provides practitioners with a tool to organize their thoughts.

The Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance (PEOP) model6 developed by Christiansen and Baum provides definitions for each term and describes the interactive nature of the human being. This model provides generic, broad terms for each area (e.g., person, environment, occupation, performance). Person includes the physical, social, and psychological aspects of the individual. Environment includes the physical and social supports, and those things that interfere with the individual’s performance. Occupation refers to the everyday things people do and in which they find meaning. Performance refers to the actions of occupations.6

Occupational Adaptation, articulated by Schkade and Schultz, proposes that OT practitioners examine how they may change the person, environment, or task so the client may engage in occupations. In this model, occupation is viewed as the primary means for the individual to achieve adaptation. Individual adaptation is seen as both a state of being and a process that can be examined at a given time, over a specified time period, or over a lifetime.20 This model focuses on the person, the occupational environment, and the interaction. It supports compensatory techniques if necessary.

Other models of practice exist in occupational therapy practice, such as the Ecological model by Dunn and Spatiotemporal Adaptation by Gilfoyle and Grady.

Models of Practice and Frames of Reference (2024)


Models of Practice and Frames of Reference? ›

A model of practice helps organize one's thinking, where-as a frame of reference is a tool to guide one's intervention. A frame of reference tells you what to do and how to evaluate and intervene with clients. Furthermore, frames of reference have research to support the principles guiding evaluation and intervention.

What is the frames of reference model? ›

The cognitive-behavioral frame of reference (FOR) emphasizes five aspects of life experience: thoughts, behaviors, emotion/mood, physiological responses, and the environment. These aspects are interrelated, meaning that changes in one factor can lead to improvement or deterioration in other(s).

What are the models of practice? ›

Models of practice refers to the application of theory to occupational therapy practice. They can be thought of as “mental maps” that assist clinicians in understanding their practice.

What are the frames of references in occupational therapy? ›

A frame of reference is the mechanism for linking theory to practice. It may be the most practical and important tool a professional uses. As the practice of occupational therapy has evolved, so has the basis of information, or theories, on which it is grounded.

What are models of practice used for? ›

Practice models provide social workers with a blueprint of how to help others based on the underlying social work theory. While a theory explains why something happens, a practice model shows how to use a theory to create change.

What are the four basic elements of a frame of reference? ›

For example, Aarts and Woerkum (1994) distinguish values and norms, convictions, experiences, and interests as separate elements of a frame of reference.

What is frame of reference in simple terms? ›

: a set of ideas, conditions, or assumptions that determine how something will be approached, perceived, or understood.

What is a framework of practice? ›

A practice framework 'integrates empirical research, practice theories, ethical principles and experiential knowledge in a compact and convenient format that helps practitioners to use the knowledge and principles to inform their everyday work' (Connolly and Healy 2009, p32).

What are best practice models? ›

Best practice is the description of the best way of working based on the situation in hand. Such a description can be used by (future) professionals. The term 'good practice' is also in use. A model is the presentation in schematic form, often in a simplified way, of an existing or future state or situation.

What are models of practice in nursing? ›

A professional practice model is defined as the total system in which nurses provide care. It's made up of the care delivery model (structure and processes), teamwork (relationships), and values that facilitate nurses' contributions to both patient outcomes and the environment.

What are the three frames of reference? ›

They are: the relative frame of reference, the intrinsic frame of reference, and the absolute frame of reference.

What are the two main types frames of reference? ›

There are two types of observational reference frame: inertial and non-inertial.

Is Moho a model or frame of reference? ›

The Model of Human Occupations (MOHO) is a model that describes how humans generate and modify their occupations in interaction with environment, which presents a dynamic open cycle system of human actions.

What are the benefits of using a model of practice occupational therapy? ›

They enable the holistic identification of the client's occupational needs as an alternative to reductionist approaches and provide a crucial evidence base for occupational therapy which demonstrates the value of the profession (Seymour et al 2011).

What is the purpose of models in occupational therapy? ›

Within the Occupational Therapy profession, models are utilised to support all aspects of the therapy process including assessment, goal setting, intervention and evaluation. Models provide a framework to support a therapist in organising, interpreting and utilising data in a holistic manner.

Why do we use models in occupational therapy? ›

The use of models provides structure and assists occupational therapists to produce proper, profession-specific, scientifically-based intervention. Models taught during undergraduate studies need to be relevant to address clients' needs in their specific context.

What is the most common frame of reference? ›

The Earth is the most common frame of reference. Whenever the frame of reference is not listed, assume that the motion is related to earth.

What is a frame of reference and what is its purpose? ›

A frame of reference is a set of coordinates that can be used to determine positions and velocities of objects in that frame; different frames of reference move relative to one another.

Why is a frame of reference important? ›

Frames of Reference serve a valuable purpose, because they enable us to take in a wide variety of information, and process it based on our past experience and values. In fact, an individual's Frame of Reference promotes life-stability and quicker decision making.

What is the best example of frame of reference? ›

Example of Frames of Reference

Suppose a train is moving and a person is sitting inside the train watching a tree pass by. In this case, the train is the frame of reference and the tree appears to be moving. If we consider the opposite of it, a person on the platform will look at the tree as a stationary object.

What is a synonym for frame of reference? ›

On this page you'll find 19 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to frame of reference, such as: context, coordinate system, framework, reference frame, reference system, and standpoint.

What are the four 4 framework approach? ›

The four frames they proposed were; Structural, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic. The idea here is to keep your approach to leadership open, don't restrict yourself with one frame. As leader, make your own judgement call on the most appropriate behaviour in that moment or organisation.

What are the 5 stages of the framework? ›

In this Page
  • Familiarisation.
  • Identifying a thematic framework.
  • Indexing.
  • Charting.
  • Mapping and interpretation.

What are the elements of a practice framework? ›

The Practice Standards bring together the elements of the Framework – systems, principles, approaches and capabilities.

What are the key issues in the best practice model? ›

The model focuses on five key success factors thought to be the drivers for successful change: commitment, social and cultural issues, communication, tools and methodology and interactions.

What is a practice model in healthcare? ›

What is a professional practice model (PPM)? A professional practice model describes how registered nurses practice, collaborate, communicate, and develop professionally to provide the highest-quality care for those served by the organization.

What are any three 3 models of evidence-based practice? ›

Models and Frameworks for Implementing Evidence- Based Practice: Linking Evidence to Action
  • Johns Hopkins Model. ...
  • Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice: Revisions and Validation. ...
  • Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice: Revisions and Validation. ...
  • Caledonian Development Model (Tolson, Booth, & Lowndes, 2008)
Apr 28, 2023

What are four popular nursing care models? ›

There are four nursing work methods identified: functional nursing, individual, team nursing, and primary nursing.

What is the difference between model and frame of reference? ›

A model of practice helps organize one's thinking, where-as a frame of reference is a tool to guide one's intervention. A frame of reference tells you what to do and how to evaluate and intervene with clients.

How many types of frames are there? ›

There are three basic frame types; full frame, semi-rimless and rimless.

What are models of practice MOHO? ›

The Model of Human Occupations (MOHO) is a practice model of human occupation that explores an individual's motivation for choosing an occupation, how these occupations are modified, the patterning of occupational behavior, and the influence of the environment on these actions.

What is the difference between MOHO and PEO model? ›

Much of MOHO is focused on understanding occupation identity (who a person is as an occupational being) combined with occupational competence (the ability to fulfill routines and roles). In PEOP, occupation is at the center of the model.

What is the difference between PEO and MOHO model? ›

MOHO was developed from 1960s onwards by Dr. Gary Kielhofner, which was the first occupation- based model to explain occupation and occupational problems, while PEOP is a client- centred and top- down model, focusing on the relationship between individual, group and community since 1980s.

What is the most widely used model in occupational therapy? ›

MOHO reflects the ideas, research and practice of many people throughout the world, and it is one of the leading theories in occupational therapy practice worldwide.

What are occupational therapy conceptual models of practice? ›

A conceptual practice model refers to a framework for explaining something of importance to occupational therapy practice and for providing resources such as assessments and intervention procedures to guide clinical practice.

Why use MOHO with children? ›

MOHO is occupation focused because its concepts are focused on understanding the extent to which children or adolescents are able to participate in the occupations of taking care of self, playing, learning, and working.

What are the two purposes of models? ›

Models use familiar objects to represent unfamiliar things. Models can help you visualize, or picture in your mind, something that is difficult to see or understand. Models can help scientists communicate their ideas, understand processes, and make predictions.

Why is Moho a good model? ›

The Model of Human Occupation (or MOHO) is a very important occupation-based framework and is woven into the fabric of occupational therapy. It utilizes a top-down holistic approach to looking at the individual, their meaningful activities or occupations, and relationship with their environment.

What theoretical models of OT practice include the role of the person? ›

The Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) model is a model that emphasizes occupational performance shaped by the interaction between person, environment, and occupation. The person domain includes role, self-concept, cultural background, personality, health, cognition, physical performance, and sensory capabilities.

What type of OT practice models help us to understand the effect of the activity itself and the environment context in which it is performed on activity performance? ›

Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance Model (PEOP)

Highlights the complexity of the interaction between the person and their environment and how this influences their participation and occupational performance.

What is the definition of frame of reference in psychology? ›

in social psychology, the set of assumptions or criteria by which a person or group judges ideas, actions, and experiences. A frame of reference can often limit or distort perception, as in the case of prejudice and stereotypes.

How do you determine frame of reference? ›

For n dimensions, n + 1 reference points are sufficient to fully define a reference frame. Using rectangular Cartesian coordinates, a reference frame may be defined with a reference point at the origin and a reference point at one unit distance along each of the n coordinate axes.

What are frames of reference used for? ›

Frames of reference provide a perspective through which to view a client and their therapeutic needs and guide occupational therapists throughout the process of providing therapy services from evaluation to discharge.

What are frames of reference in the workplace? ›

These ideologies and frames of reference are packages of values and assumptions pertaining to the interests of the parties to the employment relationship—that is, the needs, wants, and aspirations of employees, employers, and the state—and the degree to which these interests are compatible.

What does frame of reference mean in research example? ›

A frame of reference comprises a set of meaning schemes that encompass a habit of mind, a mind-set, and a way of understanding and interpreting one's knowledge system. It is the problematic frames of reference that are transformed when one experiences a perspective transformation.

What is an example of a frame of reference in communication? ›

Reference frames ground spatial communication by mapping ambiguous language (for example, navigation: “to the left”) to properties of the speaker (using a Relative reference frame: “to my left”) or the world (Absolute reference frame: “to the north”).

What depends on frame of reference? ›

The work done by a force is dependent on the frame of reference. The reasoning for this assertion is as follows: The force that acts on an object is invariant which means that the force that acts on a body is the same in all references of frames.

What is an example of a frame of reference in psychology? ›

For example, a client who has been told throughout their lives that they are stupid and worthless. The counsellor acts as a 'companion' to the client by entering their frame of reference and seeing the world as they do. The theory states that slowly the client starts to build self-acceptance and internal trusting.

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