Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (2024)

Modern Family is a TV show that was covered in several blog posts on Brands&Films, but none of them had involved locations our houses from Modern Family. During my recent trip to Los Angeles I’ve found addresses of houses that appear in the series and decided to take a closer look.

Where does Modern Family take place?

Below you’ll find the map of the aforementioned houses from Modern Family:

  • Phil & Claire Dunphy’s house, located at 10336 Dunleer Dr. (green placemark)
  • Cam & Mitch’s house, located at 2211 Fox Hills Drive (blue placemark)
  • Gloria & Jay Pritchett’s house, located at 121 S. Cliffwood Ave. in Brentwood (red placemark)

View Modern Family in a larger map on Google Maps

In the era of car navigation finding all three houses wasn’t difficult at all. Actually Dunphy’s house and Cam & Mitch’s duplex were fairly close, while Pritchett’s residence is some 15 minutes away. Let’s see where is Modern Family set.

Phil & Claire Dunphy’s home from Modern Family

The first one that I found was the Dunphy residence, located on Dunleer Drive. Phil is the only one working in the Dunphy family and as a realtor he’s doing very well. The Dunphy house is worth almost $1.8 million, according to

Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (1)

There were some people on the streets, so I only made one photo of the house. Also, I didn’t want to give the appearance of a stalker. :)

Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (2)

Cam’s and Mitch’s residence

Cameron’s and Mitchell’s house is very near to the Dunphys (well, for L.A., of course). Their house has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Its worth: $1.3 million (source:

Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (3)
Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (4)

Gloria & Jay Pritchett’s house

According to Gloria and Jay’s house in Brentwood is currently worth more than $8 million. This 6,359 square foot (590 square meters) single family home has 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms and a pool.

Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (5)
Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (6)

Now you have found where Modern Family is set. Not bad, a?

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Let's dive into the key concepts took it gap between fiction and reality for fellow fans.

Let's dive into the key concepts presentedbetween fiction and reality for fellow fans.

Let's dive into the key concepts presented in fiction and reality for fellow fans.

Let's dive into the key concepts presented in the provided visit these locationsfellow fans.

Let's dive into the key concepts presented in the provided article:

ellow fans.

Let's dive into the key concepts presented in the provided article:

Modern Familys.

Let's dive into the key concepts presented in the provided article:

Modern Family House verification key concepts presented in the provided article:

Modern Family House Locations:

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1. **Phil & Clairen Family House Locations:

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Modern Family Houses - Stalking in Los Angeles (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.