Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (2024)


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This article contains scientific references. The numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, 3) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific papers.

Written by Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (1) Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC onMarch 4, 2021

Written by Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (2) Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC on March 4, 2021 Reviewed by Heidi Turner

Your Guide To Mold Toxicity Test Options, and What To Do Before This

  • What Are Mycotoxins|
  • Who Should Consider Testing|
  • Is Mycotoxin Testing Worth It|
  • Testing Options|
  • Diet and Gut Health|
  • Mold Remediation|
  • Recommended Products|

If you have been struggling with unexplained symptoms like fatigue, difficulty concentrating, or allergy-like symptoms, you may be wondering if mold and mycotoxin testing can help you find answers.

Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (3)

Testing for mold or mycotoxins (toxins produced by mold and other fungi) may be helpful in some contexts, but it’s definitely not a recommended starting point in your health journey. Mycotoxin research is still in its infancy and testing is not well validated. Misinterpreting or putting too much weight on test results may distract from identifying other important health issues.

Before considering mycotoxin testing, it’s essential to explore other factors that may be responsible for your symptoms. Poor gut health is often the reason for unexplained, mysterious symptoms.

In this article, we will break down all of the important points to consider before testing for mold or mycotoxins. Next, we will discuss the most common types of mold tests that are available, including the pros and cons for each and who they’re most suitable for.

First, let’s take a quick look at what mycotoxins are.

What Are Mycotoxins?

Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (5)

Mycotoxins are certain toxins that are naturally produced by mold and other kinds of fungi. Humans may be exposed to mycotoxins through the air in mold-affected buildings or homes and through certain kinds of foods.

Mycotoxin exposure can lead to illness, the symptoms and severity of which vary significantly from person to person [1, 2].

Possible Symptoms of Mold Toxicity

  • Sinusitis or other sinus issues
  • Shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing
  • Development or worsening of asthma or allergic reactions
  • Memory impairments or brain fog
  • Fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Slurred speech or lack of coordination
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

Who Should Consider Mold or Mycotoxin Testing?

First, let’s distinguish between mold and mycotoxin testing.

Mold testing generally refers to environmental testing (for the presence of mold in a home or building), while mycotoxin testing refers to tests that look at the presence or effects of mycotoxins in the body.

You might want to consider mycotoxin testing if:

  • You have already taken care of foundational health steps, including modifying diet and lifestyle and healing your gut, but you are still not feeling well;
  • You are experiencing symptoms or health effects consistent with mold toxicity, and;
  • You have access to an experienced, trusted, and rational practitioner who can help to interpret your results.

Is Mycotoxin Testing Worth It?

Mycotoxin testing can be helpful in some cases, but there are a number of points to consider before jumping in.

  • Mycotoxicity is not well defined. Research on mycotoxin testing is still in its infancy. This means that even those who study mycotoxins or mold for a living don’t know exactly how to interpret mycotoxin test results. This doesn’t necessarily mean that test results can’t be useful — they should always be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Choosing the best test is challenging. There are many different kinds of mycotoxin and mold tests available, using not only different methods but different reference ranges, and even looking at different kinds of mold species and mycotoxins. This makes an area that is already lacking in research even more confusing.
  • Mold can be a red herring. Mold or mycotoxins may show up in small quantities on tests, even if the levels are likely not problematic. This can be a distraction from true underlying health issues that need to be addressed.
  • Mold-related illnesses are complex. Even as we begin to untangle the nuances in testing, there is a lack of consensus when it comes to the treatment of mold-related illnesses and mycotoxicity. In other words, mycotoxin testing might provide clues to treatments, but it does not provide a road map.

Ultimately, whether or not mycotoxin testing is worth it really depends on the case. But either way, it’s essential to keep the bigger picture in mind and to remember that mycotoxin testing is only one piece of the puzzle.

Mold and Mycotoxin Testing Options

Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (6)

There are many different kinds of tests available, and they each have their own benefits and challenges.

Some tests look at levels of mold exposure or the burden of mycotoxins on the body, while others analyze how the immune system is reacting to mold and mycotoxins.

Research on all mold and mycotoxin testing is limited, and there is no perfect test [3]. There are currently no FDA-approved laboratory tests for mycotoxins.

Keep in mind that two people may have similar levels of exposure to toxins but very different capacities to detoxify from them.

When selecting a test, ideally with the help of a practitioner, consider your main question. Is it “Have I been exposed to mold?” or is it “How is my body handling a known mold exposure?”

Urine Mycotoxin Testing

How it works: Urine mycotoxin testing is a broad category that includes several different tests from different labs. These tests measure levels of various different mycotoxins, which may include ochratoxin a, citrinin, aflatoxin b1, fumonisin, and zearalenone. Many of these mycotoxins are produced by the common mold species aspergillus. All urine mycotoxin tests measure the levels of mold metabolites that you are eliminating through a urine sample. Some also measure markers related to immune response.

Pros: Urine testing provides direct measurements of the toxins being excreted, and you use the test to check your levels throughout treatment. Some studies have found that, compared to healthy individuals, people who have been exposed to mold and have symptoms of toxicity show elevated mycotoxin levels in their urine [3, 4].

Cons: Certain factors, including diet, supplements, and chronic illness, may affect how many toxins you excrete in your urine. Additionally, some research reviews have suggested that the presence of mycotoxins in many common foods means that some people might be flagged on urine tests even if they are healthy [5, 6]. Finally, a urine mycotoxin analysis doesn’t necessarily help to determine whether mold is a current problem for your body or in your environment. That’s because you could be excreting mycotoxins from an older exposure.

Who it’s best for: Urine mycotoxin testing may be best if your symptoms are puzzling and frustrating but not severe and you have already taken the necessary steps to improve your diet and lifestyle.

Serum (Blood) Mycotoxin Testing

How it works: Blood tests for mycotoxins measure anti-mold antibodies, which have been shown to be elevated among people who have been exposed to mold [7].

Pros: Blood tests can tell you how your body is currently reacting to mycotoxins by measuring markers of immune system reactivity.

Cons: Research is limited when it comes to the accuracy or relevance of serum mycotoxin testing. Serum testing also can’t show you how much you’re excreting or eliminating.

Who it’s best for: Blood testing may be best for those who are less likely to be able to excrete mycotoxins through urine. This may include those who are more severely ill or who have a hypersensitivity to food and supplements.

Visual Contrast Sensitivity Testing (VCS)

How it works: Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) testing aims to measure a component of neurological function that may be affected by exposure to mycotoxins and other biotoxins. This method looks at your ability to see details in varying contrasts of black, white, and grey on a computer screen.

Pros: VCS testing is inexpensive, fast, and simple. It can also be easily repeated throughout treatment. One study found that VCS scores were lower among employees of a school that had been exposed to water damage than employees at an unaffected school [8].

Cons: VCS testing is limited in the sense that it can’t tell you how much mold you’ve been exposed to, how much you are excreting, or how exposure may be affecting other areas beyond neurological function.

Who it’s best for: VCS testing may be best for those who suspect or know they’ve been exposed to mold or mycotoxins, have neurological symptoms, and are on a budget.

Environmental Mold Testing

How it works: Do-it-yourself kits and inspection services are available to test for mold and other toxins in your home if you suspect that they may be problems.

Pros: Environmental testing can help you to identify and measure the presence of mold in your home. Limited research has shown that the popular ERMI (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index) test can detect environmental mold that correlates with asthma [9, 10].

Cons: Of course, while environmental testing can tell you that there is a mold problem in your environment, it can’t tell you anything about how your body is reacting to that mold. Mold may also show up on environmental tests even when levels are likely not high enough to be harmful, which can lead to unnecessary panic.

Who it’s best for: Environmental testing might be a good idea if you suspect that mold exposure is a current problem in your home and want to know the degree of the problem. Try to work with a general environmental testing service as opposed to a mold-specific service so that other possible environmental toxins are not overlooked.

Start With Diet, Lifestyle, and Gut Health

Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (7)

Sometimes, symptoms that are associated with mold illness might actually be caused by poor gut health or inflammation. Making changes to diet and lifestyle can resolve some or all symptoms, potentially eliminating the need for mycotoxin testing.

It’s also easier to test for and treat mold toxicity if results are not confounded by gut health symptoms. Some important factors to consider are:

  • Diet: Anti-inflammatory and gut-healing diets that focus on whole foods have been shown to improve symptoms like fatigue and brain fog [11, 12, 13].
  • Exercise: Getting regular exercise has been shown by many studies to have a positive impact on cognitive function, energy levels, respiratory function, and overall health [14, 15, 16, 17].
  • Sleep: Getting enough sleep can help improve gut health, brain function, memory, and fatigue [18, 19, 20].
  • Probiotics: One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve gut health is to start taking high-quality probiotics. The research-backed benefits of probiotics are numerous and include improving digestive health, fatigue, immune system function, and allergies or food sensitivities [21, 22, 23, 24, 25].

Another reason to start with your diet and lifestyle is that these factors might actually influence your mycotoxin test results. Many mycotoxin tests work by measuring the toxins that your body is eliminating. However, if diet and lifestyle components are not in place, your body may be less capable of excreting toxins.

This can mean not only worse health and symptoms but also that testing may not reflect your body’s true ability to rid itself of mycotoxins.

The Low Mold Diet

A low mold diet is sometimes recommended as a simple way to begin to heal from suspected mold illness. Low mold diets eliminate foods that feed fungal growth as well as those that may contain or be contaminated with mold.

A low mold diet is fairly similar to a general anti-inflammatory diet, like the Paleo diet, which I often recommend to my patients. Many of the foods that are eliminated, like sugar and processed foods, should be avoided across the board.

Things to avoid on a low mold diet include:

  • Sugar
  • Processed and refined foods
  • Cheese
  • Mushrooms
  • Certain kinds of nuts including peanuts and cashews
  • Wheat and rice
  • Dried fruits
  • Alcohol

Consider Gut Testing Before Mycotoxin Testing

If diet, probiotics, and lifestyle factors alone are not enough to resolve your symptoms, the next step should be to look into whether you might have a gut health problem that requires a more specific treatment approach.

Testing for imbalances or infections including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or H. pylori can help to elucidate what’s specifically going on in your gut.

Gut health imbalances, including SIBO or intestinal permeability (leaky gut), can lead to many of the symptoms and health concerns associated with mold toxicity [24, 26, 27, 28, 29]. For example:

  • Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of gut imbalances and gastrointestinal conditions including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), SIBO, and leaky gut [24, 26, 27, 29].
  • Brain fog or difficulty remembering or thinking clearly has been linked to inflammation and imbalances in the gut [28, 29].
  • Food sensitivities, which may present with allergy-like symptoms, may be connected to intestinal inflammation or leaky gut [30, 31, 32].

Gut imbalances are more common, better understood, and often more easily remedied than mold-related illnesses. By healing your gut, you may be able to avoid mycotoxin testing altogether and, more importantly, feel better.

Mold Remediation

Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (8)

If you already know that you have been exposed to toxic mold through your home or workplace, the first step is to deal with the source of the exposure to the best of your ability.

Signs of mold growth may include visible mold, dampness, leaks, and stained or moldy ceiling tiles. Mold spores can also show up in air conditioning units and on drywall. Black mold (stachybotrys chartarum) is often thought to be the most toxic kind of environmental mold, but this is not necessarily the case. All visible mold should be addressed.

There are several steps that need to be taken in order to remove mold from a water-damaged building or home, including thorough drying, cleaning, and disinfecting. A mold remediation service can help with severe conditions.

For prevention, a dehumidifier can help to reduce moisture and improve indoor air quality, and regular cleaning and disinfecting of indoor environments can help to control mold growth.

Consider Diet, Lifestyle, and Gut Health Before Mycotoxin Testing

Mycotoxin testing may be useful in some cases, but there are a number of important points and factors to consider first.

Modifying your diet and lifestyle, with an emphasis on improving your gut health, is the first step when it comes to improving any aspect of your health. Imbalances in the gut can lead to a number of symptoms that might be associated with mold toxicity.

If you continue to have symptoms after completing these fundamental steps and suspect that mold exposure or toxicity may be behind your symptoms, testing can be considered. Keep in mind that mycotoxin or mold testing may be able to provide some helpful information, but that given the lack of research in this field, all results should be interpreted cautiously.

Dr. Michael Ruscio is a DC, Naturopathic Practitioner, researcher, and clinician. He serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Bridgeport and has published numerous papers in scientific journals as well as the book Healthy Gut, Healthy You. He also founded the Ruscio Institute of Functional Health, where he helps patients with a wide range of GI conditions and serves as the Head of Research.

➕ References

  1. Pizzorno J. Is Mold Toxicity Really a Problem for Our Patients? Part I-Respiratory Conditions. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2016 Apr;15(2):6-10. PMID: 27330483; PMCID: PMC4898283.
  2. Pizzorno J, Shippy A. Is Mold Toxicity Really a Problem for Our Patients? Part 2-Nonrespiratory Conditions. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2016 Jun;15(3):8-14. PMID: 27547160; PMCID: PMC4982651.
  3. William J. Rea. A Large Case-series of Successful Treatment of Patients Exposed to Mold and Mycotoxin. Clinical Therapeutics. Volume 40, Issue 6, Pages 889-893. DOI:
  4. Shaw, W. and M. Pratt-Hyatt. “Biochemical Markers in the Urine Associated with Gastrointestinal Mold-Overgrowth Are Linked with Elevated Urinary Mycotoxins in Patients with Suspected Mold Illness.” (2019).
  5. Chang C, Gershwin ME. The Myth of Mycotoxins and Mold Injury. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2019 Dec;57(3):449-455. doi: 10.1007/s12016-019-08767-4. PMID: 31608429.
  6. Melody Kawamoto, Elena Page. Notes from the Field: Use of Unvalidated Urine Mycotoxin Tests for the Clinical Diagnosis of Illness — United States, 2014. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. February 20, 2015 / 64(06);157-158.
  7. Vojdani A, Campbell AW, Kashanian A, Vojdani E. Antibodies against molds and mycotoxins following exposure to toxigenic fungi in a water-damaged building. Arch Environ Health. 2003 Jun;58(6):324-36. PMID: 14992307.
  8. Thomas G, Burton NC, Mueller C, Page E, Vesper S. Comparison of work-related symptoms and visual contrast sensitivity between employees at a severely water-damaged school and a school without significant water damage. Am J Ind Med. 2012 Sep;55(9):844-54. doi: 10.1002/ajim.22059. Epub 2012 May 7. PMID: 22566108.
  9. Rea WJ. A Large Case-series of Successful Treatment of Patients Exposed to Mold and Mycotoxin. Clin Ther. 2018 Jun;40(6):889-893. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2018.05.003. Epub 2018 May 31. PMID: 29861191.
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  27. Ellen Johanne Vara, Jørgen Valeur, Trygve Hausken & Gülen Arslan Lied(2016)Extra-intestinal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: related to high total IgE levels and atopic sensitization?,Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology,51:8,908-913,DOI:10.3109/00365521.2016.1157890
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➕ Links & Resources

More on Mold and Mycotoxins:

  • Mold Toxicity
  • Deep Dive Into Mold Testing
  • NavigatingMold Toxicityand Treatment
  • Simple, But Effective, Treatment ofMold Toxicity

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Mold and Mycotoxin Testing: When Is It Worth It? (2024)


Is a mycotoxin test worth it? ›

Getting a mycotoxin test may help you determine whether you have mold toxicity in your body. This is a great way to test whether the harmful antigens in the mold are negatively impacting your health. This test may help you decide how to treat your mold exposure and allergies.

Should I get tested for mold exposure? ›

Testing for Mold Poisoning

The patient should be sure to see a doctor who is board-certified in pulmonary care in order to determine whether the signs are indeed connected to mold poisoning or to something else. The doctor will take a health assessment and health history, and will order blood testing.

How valid is mycotoxin test? ›

Urine mycotoxin tests are not approved by FDA for accuracy or for clinical use. CDC does not recommend biologic testing of persons who work or live in water-damaged buildings nor routine environmental sampling for mold (5,6). To identify possible mold contamination, visual inspection is the first step.

How much does a mycotoxin test cost? ›

Each test result comes with a full explanation of the mycotoxins, what the results mean, and what are the recommended treatments, with over 110 references as a guide. The cost for the panel of 28 antibodies is $380. ALL INTERNATIONAL RETURN SHIPPING IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

How to tell if you have mold toxicity? ›

Although symptoms can vary, the most common symptoms seen in people exposed to mold indoors include:
  1. Nasal and sinus congestion.
  2. Eye irritation, such as itchy, red, watery eyes.
  3. Wheezing and difficulty breathing.
  4. Cough.
  5. Throat irritation.
  6. Skin irritation, such as a rash.
  7. Headache.

Can my doctor order a mycotoxin test? ›

Non-DAT patients must have a physician's order to purchase. If mold or mycotoxins are found to be present, the ordering healthcare professional can schedule a consultation with our medical team to discuss treatment options.

Can air purifiers help with mold? ›

According to the CDC : “an air purifier will help capture mold spores that enter your home before they have a chance to land on surfaces where they can grow and cause problems.

How can I test myself for mold toxicity? ›

The best way to test for mold toxicity is to look for mycotoxins in the urine. Great Plains Laboratory, and RealTime Laboratories all provide urine lab tests to screen for the presence of mold toxins within the body.

What are the symptoms of mold in the gut? ›

A: Mold can cause diarrhea because it produces toxins that irritate the intestines. The symptoms of mold poisoning include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, fever, and fatigue. If you suspect that you have been exposed to mold, contact your doctor immediately.

What are the symptoms of high mycotoxins? ›

The most commonly reported symptom of exposure to mycotoxins is respiratory problems, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. Other symptoms include skin irritation, headaches, fatigue, and nausea. If you think you may have been exposed to mycotoxins, it's important to see a doctor right away.

How to detox mold from the body? ›

Some of the richest dietary sources of glutathione are spinach, avocados, asparagus, and okra. In addition to glutathione, quercetin and N-acetylcysteine support mold detox. If you're recovering from mold exposure, you may benefit from a concentrated dose of glutathione through supplement pills, inhalation or IV.

Does all mold have mycotoxins? ›

As molds grow, some (but not all) of them may produce potentially toxic byproducts called mycotoxins under some conditions. Some of these molds are commonly found in moisture-damaged buildings. More than 200 mycotoxins from common molds have been identified, and many more remain to be identified.

Can I do a mycotoxin test at home? ›

Our DIY Mycotoxin Test will analyze the air quality in your environment for Mycotoxins. Simply swab your HVAC returns and registers throughout your home and send in the sample for analysis. Not sure if your environment is affecting your health? We have designed a free online health test to help you get some answers.

Can my doctor test me for mold exposure? ›

But your doctor may check for mold allergies by reviewing your symptoms and performing one of the following tests: Blood test. Your doctor takes a blood sample and then sends it to a laboratory to measure the number of certain antibodies, which can indicate your immune system's sensitivity to different mold species.

How do I prepare for mycotoxin test? ›

Preparation & Timing
  1. Do not collect samples while menstruating.
  2. Fasting is not required. However, fasting for 12 hours may increase the excretion of mycotoxins. Please consult your healthcare practitioner prior to fasting.
  3. Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.

Do mold tests really work? ›

At this time, it is unknown what level of mold is “safe” or how much is necessary to cause health problems. Mold tests cannot measure all the molds in an environment or how much occupants are exposed to. Such testing can also miss evidence of problems and results may mislead or be misused.

Should I be worried about mycotoxins? ›

Mycotoxins are poisonous substances produced by fungi or mold. They can be toxic for humans when they are eaten, absorbed into the skin, or inhaled. A small amount of mycotoxin can be damaging to human or animal health and even cause death.

How long does it take to get mycotoxin results? ›

While most test results usually take between 2 – 3 weeks from the date your sample is received by RN Labs, MycoTOX test results may take up to 4-5 weeks.

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