MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (2024)

Table of Contents
Why Should You Move to Japan? Table of Contents Cost Of Living in Japan Quick Facts: Our Personal Costs of Living in Japan: Table of expenses Breakdown 2024 Estimated Monthly Cost of Living in Japan Summary Cost Of Rent, Groceries, Transportation, Healthcare: $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month Cost of Living in Japan: Table of Expenses in 2024 Cost of Rent In Japan In-Depth Summary Monthly Rent in Japan: Table of Expenses in 2024 Cost Of Transportation In Japan Summary and Table of expenses Cost of Food In Japan Explained: Table Of Expenses 2024 Cost of Utilities in Japan: Table of Expenses 2024 Healthcare Costs in Japan Cost of Taxes in Japan by Percentage Individual Income Taxin Japan Consumption Taxin Japan Corporate Taxin Japan Property Taxin Japan Customs Dutyin Japan Table of Tax Rates in Japan Main FAQS Section About Japan: What is the monthly cost of living in Japan? What is the Cost of Accommodation in Japan? What is the best time of year to visit Japan? How Much does it cost to live in Japan? What is the Cost of Utilities in Japan? What is the Cost Of Living in Japan Vs the USA? What is the Cost of Food in Japan vs the USA? What is the Cost Of Rent in Japan VS USA? What is the Cost Of Accommodation in Japan vs the USA? What is the Food Expenses In Japan? What is the Rental Expenses In Japan? What is the Expenses for a Single Person in Japan? What is the average cost of Rent In Japan? What is the average Cost of Transportation In Japan? What is the Cost of Mobile Phone SIM and Internet Data In Japan? What is the Cost of Food in Japan? Is Japan a good place to live? What is the average salary in Japan? What is a good salary to live in Japan? Cost Of Living in Japan Conclusion Travel Resources and Reliable Sources For Japan
MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (1)

Why Should You Move to Japan?

Hey Friends! The Cost Of Living In Japan, makes it possible to Live For Around $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month.

In this article, we’ll go deep with all the tables of expenses, videos, and more of what you’ll need to consider when living in Japan. We will take you from 0 knowledge of Japan and the cost of living to a Knowledgable understanding of what you should expect before moving to Japan.

If you’re considering a move to Japan, here are 10 reasons why you should make the leap:

  1. The cost of living is affordable. Housing, food, and transportation costs are significantly lower in Japan compared to other major cities. This means you can live comfortably on a monthly budget of $1,120 – $3,156 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month.
  2. The affordable cost of living In Japan, With a monthly income from $2000 to $4000, it is possible to live for even as low as $1,100, which we will discuss later in this article. Still, we don’t recommend that because it is stressful. The monthly food budget, housing expenses, and transportation options in Japan are determined by your budget and spending habits, depending on how much you spend.
  3. The cost of living in Japan, $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month, is much lower than in many other popular destinations worldwide but it is still expensive if you live in Tokyo but it is still a lot cheaper than living in New York City.
  4. Japan is a unique and fascinating country with a rich culture, cutting-edge technology, and friendly people. From exploring ancient temples and castles to trying out new and delicious foods, there’s always something to discover in Japan.
  5. Rich Culture: Japan is a country with a long and storied history, and its culture reflects this. From traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and kabuki theater to modern manga and anime, there’s always something new and exciting to discover.
  6. High Quality of Life: Japan consistently ranks as one of the countries with the highest quality of life in the world. The country has a low crime rate, excellent public healthcare system, and efficient public transportation.
  7. Friendly People: The people of Japan are known for their politeness and hospitality, and you’ll feel welcomed and at home in this beautiful country.
  8. Cutting-Edge Technology: Japan is known for its advanced technology, and you’ll find everything from high-speed trains and robots to cutting-edge gadgets and appliances.
  9. Excellent Education: Japan’s education system is highly regarded, and the country has a high literacy rate. Whether you have children or are looking to further your own education, you’ll find plenty of opportunities in Japan.
  10. So why should you move to Japan? The answer is simple: it’s a unique and fascinating country with a rich culture, cutting-edge technology, and friendly people. The cost of living may be higher than in some other countries, but with careful budgeting and by choosing affordable options, it’s possible to live comfortably in Japan without breaking the bank. If you’re ready to experience all that Japan has to offer, it’s time to start planning your move and we are here to help you with this in this article!

Table of Contents

Cost Of Living in Japan Quick Facts:

MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (2)

Here are some quick facts about the cost of living in Japan:

  • Here’s a breakdown of some key expenses: Total Monthly Living Costs in Japan, Is $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY). For all expenses, and if you budget smartly, you can expect to spend $1500 to $2800 per month for all expenses.
  • Japan is 3 times cheaper than New York City, United States.
  • With a monthly income of less than $2200 is possible to live well, and sometimes even as low as $1200 per month if you are on a tight, extreme budget, which we will discuss later in this article. The monthly rent in Japan, food budget, housing expenses, and transportation options in Japan is determined by your budget.
  • You would need around 4,000$ (528,000 JPY) in Japan to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 10,000.00$ in New York City, NY.
  • On average, the cost of living in Japan is 35% lower than in New York City, United States.
  • On average, Rent In Japan is 35% less than in New York City, New York, USA.
  • The costs range from $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month + per month, depending on your budget.
  • A budget food and grocery plan in Japan will cost around $250 to $600 per month, although this will vary depending on your location and budget.
  • A family of four estimated monthly costs in Japan is $4200.
  • A single person estimated monthly costs in Japan are 1100 to $2500.
  • Transportation costs in Japan expect to spend an estimated $70 to $200 monthly on transportation.
  • The average monthly cost of living in Japan is around $2000 For the Local Natives. Expats and Digital Nomads will spend more to keep up with their living standards of around $1100 to $2000 per month while Living in Japan.

More Quick Facts on the Cost of living in Japan:

  • Housing and accommodation in Japan:
    • Cost: Approximately $800 to $5000 USD for a one-bedroom apartment and luxury apartment in the city center
  • Food and groceries:
    • Cost: 250 – $600 per month
  • Transportation:
    • Cost: Varies depending on the mode of transportation used. For example, a monthly subway pass in Tokyo costs around $30 – 100 USD depending on the distance.
  • Utilities:
    • Cost: Varies depending on the location and size of the home. For example, the average monthly cost of utilities (including electricity, gas, and water) for a one-bedroom apartment is around $100 – $250 USD.
  • Activities and leisure:
    • Cost: $50 – 150 per month
  • Overall, the cost of living in Japan is relatively affordable for $1,120 – $3,156 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) per month.

Our Personal Costs of Living in Japan: Table of expenses Breakdown 2024

This Is a table of expenses of what we spent living as digital nomads every month in Japan. Sometimes, we spent less or more.

Our Average Monthly Costs In Japan went as follows:

  1. Our Rent and accommodation costs in Japan:
  • Cost: 700 per month for a studio apartment condo near local food markets and gyms
  1. Our Food and groceries in Japan:
  • Cost: $300 – $600 per month
  • Eating local and street food and weekly grocery shopping at local supermarkets to save money.
  1. Our cost of Utilities:
  • Cost: $120 per month for combined electricity, water, wifi, and phone data
  1. Gym:
  • Cost: $70 – $150 per month
  1. Transportation:
  • Cost: $55 – $112 per month for a scooter rental and train rides
  1. Activities and things to do:
  • Cost: $80 – $150 per month
  1. Total monthly cost: $1,125 – $1,798 (95,277 JPY – 152,531 JPY)

Here is a table of Expenses for what we personally spent in Japan:

Our Monthly Cost of living in Japan ExpensesCost in USDCost in JPY
Our Monthly Cost of Rent and Accommodation in Japan$70058,650
Our Monthly Cost of Utilities (water, electricity, Internet etc) in Japan$12010,116
Gym in Japan$705,923.20
Our Monthly Cost of Food and Groceries in Japan$300 – $60025,325 – 50,650
Our Monthly Cost of Transportation in Japan$55 – $1124,686.60 – 9,373.20
Our Monthly Cost of Activities and things to do in Japan$80 – $1506,734.40 – 12,585
Our Monthly Cost of Health Insurance$20 – $761,667.20 – 6,297.60
Our Monthly Cost of living in Japan total expenses$1,125 – $1,79895,277 – 152,531

Estimated Monthly Cost of Living in Japan Summary Cost Of Rent, Groceries, Transportation, Healthcare: $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month

MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (3)

You can live in Japan for around $1120 a month for all expenses on a tight budget or $3,150 a month if you want to live much more luxuriously. $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY)

Regardless, you can still maintain a low monthly budget and enjoy all the beautiful things Japan offers.

  • Housing and accommodation in Japan: Average monthly cost: $500 – $3,000 (JPY 70,000 – 300,000)
  • Food and groceries in Japan: Average monthly cost: $250 – $560 (JPY 25,000 – 56,000)
  • Eating out at local restaurants: $1 – $12 per meal (JPY 100 – 1,200)
  • Utilities in Japan: Average monthly cost: $50 – $100 (JPY 5,000 – 10,000)
  • Public transportation in Japan: Average monthly cost: $50 – $100 (JPY 5,000 – 10,000)
  • Private transportation: varies
  • Renting a scooter: $100 – $300 per month (JPY 10,000 – 30,000)
  • Healthcare: Varies, health insurance is recommended to cover unexpected medical expenses
  • Overall monthly cost: $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month

A great monthly budget for a single person living in Japan is around 1100 to $3000 a month. You can also do it for cheaper.

The costs of living in Japan, Depending on various factors and spending habits, the price may change. Others spend $4000 or more each month for an extravagant, next-level lifestyle or $1100 monthly on a strict budget, ensuring they make it work no matter what!

  • Expect to spend $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month per Month for a single person or a family living in Japan. $800 per Month is sufficient to live on, but you’ll have to make sacrifices if you choose this option and stay in the country side. Renting and food costs will be cut in half if you split the money with families, friends, and couples.
  • Local Japan markets, food shops, and supermarkets are the most cost-effective and knowledgeable ways to shop and eat in Japan. The 7/11 Convenience markets in Japan are incredible!

Here is a table of expenses for a couple living in Japan per month:

Average Monthly Expenses in JapanCost in USDCost in JPY
Rent (1 bedroom apartment) In Japan$560 – $1,20062,400 JPY – 132,000 JPY
Rent (2 bedroom apartment) In Japan$800 – $1,60088,000 JPY – 176,000 JPY
Rent (3 bedroom apartment) In Japan$1,040 – $2,000114,400 JPY – 220,000 JPY
Utilities (electricity, water) In Japan$50 – $1005,500 JPY – 11,000 JPY
Mobile phone (unlimited data plan, Sim Card) In Japan$50 – $1005,500 JPY – 11,000 JPY
Internet (wifi) In Japan$30 – $503,300 JPY – 5,500 JPY
Food (groceries, dining out, Partying, nightlife) In Japan$200 – $60022,000 JPY – 66,000 JPY
Transportation (train, metro) In Japan$15016,500 JPY
Healthy activities (gym, martial arts, yoga, massages) In Japan$10011,000 JPY
Health insurance (SafetyWing, World Nomads)$10011,000 JPY
Cost of Living In Japan Per Month Total Expenses$1,120 – $3,150123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY

Cost of Living in Japan: Table of Expenses in 2024

This table of expenses will help you plan your budget.

The Cost of living table below An extensive poll of Digital Nomads, Expats, travelers, our personal experience, and Numbeo users was used to put this together.

$1 USD equals 132 JPY as of the posting of this article. This estimate is based on a Strict Budget Vs. A luxury Budget in Japan per Month! The Cost Of Living Per Month In Japan, is $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY Per Month) or more, depending on your spending habits!

Here is the Table of the monthly budget for two people living in Japan:

Cost of living in Japan per personCost in USDCost in JPY
Cost of living for a single person in Japan$1,152 – $2,160¥115,200 – ¥216,000
Cost of living for a couple in Japan$1,872 – $3,600¥187,200 – ¥360,000
Cost of living for a family of four in Japan$2,880 – $5,760¥288,000 – ¥576,000
Average Monthly Expenses in JapanCost in USDCost in JPY
Average monthly rent for a studio in Japan$500 – $1,500¥50,000 – ¥150,000
Average monthly cost for food and groceries in Japan$300 – $700¥30,000 – ¥70,000
Average monthly cost for dining out in Japan$200 – $500¥20,000 – ¥50,000
Average monthly cost for miscellaneous items$100 – $300¥10,000 – ¥30,000
Average monthly cost for utilities$100 – $200¥10,000 – ¥20,000
Average monthly cost for transportation$100 – $200¥10,000 – ¥20,000
Total average monthly cost of living in Japan$1,200 – $3,200¥120,000 – ¥320,000
Cost of living in Japan ExpensesCost (Monthly) in USDCost (Monthly) in JPY
Cost of rent and accommodation in Japan$500 – $3,000¥50,000 – ¥300,000
Cost of food and groceries in Japan$300 – $700¥30,000 – ¥70,000
Cost of utilities in Japan$100 – $200¥10,000 – ¥20,000
Cost of public transportation in Japan$100 – $200¥10,000 – ¥20,000
Cost of private transportation$200 – $500¥20,000 – ¥50,000
Cost of healthcare$100 – $300¥10,000 – ¥30,000
Cost of entertainment$100 – $300¥10,000 – ¥30,000
Cost of clothing and personal items$100 – $300¥10,000 – ¥30,000
Cost of activities and excursions$100 – $300¥10,000 – ¥30,000

Cost of Rent In Japan In-Depth Summary

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The cost of accommodation in Japan is important for many expats, retirees, and digital nomads. It can vary depending on the type of apartment or room one is looking for.

The cost of studio and one-bedroom apartments in Japan:

  • The cost of a studio apartment in the city: On average, a studio apartment in a major city such as Tokyo or Yokohama can cost between JPY 70,000 and 150,000 per month, or between $700 and $1,500 in US dollars.
  • Cost of a studio outside of the city: On average, a studio apartment in a suburban or rural area in Japan can cost between JPY 50,000 and 100,000 per month, or between $500 and $1,000 in US dollars.
  • Cost of a one bedroom apartment in the city: On average, a one bedroom apartment in a major city such as Tokyo or Yokohama can cost between JPY 100,000 and 200,000 per month, or between $1,000 and $2,000 in US dollars.
  • Cost of a one bedroom outside of the city, the cost of a one bedroom apartment may be slightly lower, with an average cost of between JPY 80,000 and 150,000 per month, or between $800 and $1,500 in US dollars.
Cost of a Studio and One Bedroom Apartment in JapanLocationAverage Cost per Month (JPY)Average Cost per Month (USD)
Cost of a studio apartment in the cityCity¥70,000 – ¥150,000$700 – $1,500
Cost of a studio apartment outside the cityOutside City¥50,000 – ¥100,000$500 – $1,000
Cost of a 1 bedroom apartment in the cityCity¥100,000 – ¥200,000$1,000 – $2,000
Cost of a 1 bedroom apartment outside the cityOutside City¥80,000 – ¥150,000$800 – $1,500

The Cost of 2 Bedroom Apartment in Japan:

Two bedroom apartments In The City: On average, a two bedroom apartment in a major city such as Tokyo or Yokohama can cost between JPY 120,000 and 240,000 per month, or between $1,200 and $2,400 in US dollars.

Two Bedroom Apartments Outside the City: On average, a two bedroom apartment in a suburban or rural area in Japan can cost between JPY 96,000 and 200,000 per month, or between $960 and $2,000 in US dollars.

Cost of a 2 Bedroom Apartment in JapanLocationAverage Cost per Month (JPY)Average Cost per Month (USD)
Cost of a 2 bedroom apartment in the cityCity¥120,000 – ¥240,000$1,200 – $2,400
Cost of a 2 bedroom apartment outside the cityOutside City¥96,000 – ¥200,000$960 – $2,000

The Cost of a 3 bedroom apartment in Japan:

  • Three Bedroom Apartments in the City: On average, a three bedroom apartment in a major city such as Tokyo or Yokohama can cost between $2,000 and $4,000 per month in US dollars, or between JPY 200,000 and 400,000 in Japanese yen.
  • Three Bedroom Apartments outside the city: On average, a three bedroom apartment in a suburban or rural area in Japan can cost between $1,500 and $3,000 per month in US dollars, or between JPY 150,000 and 300,000 in Japanese yen.
Cost of a Three Bedroom Apartment in JapanLocationAverage Cost per Month (USD)Average Cost per Month (JPY)
Cost of a 3 bedroom apartment in the cityCity$2,000 – $4,000¥200,000 – ¥400,000
Cost of a 3 bedroom apartment outside the cityOutside City$1,500 – $3,000¥150,000 – ¥300,000

The Cost of a Luxury Apartment in Japan per month:

  • Luxury apartments in the city: The cost of a luxury apartment in the city can vary greatly depending on the location and amenities offered. On average, a luxury apartment in a major city such as Tokyo or Yokohama can cost between JPY 320,000 and 640,000 per month or between $3,200 and $6,400 in US dollars. This price range may include utilities, but it is always best to check with the landlord to confirm.
  • Luxury apartments outside the city: The cost of a luxury apartment outside the city can vary depending on the location and amenities offered. On average, a luxury apartment in a suburban or rural area in Japan may cost between JPY 240,000 and 480,000 per month, or between $2,400 and $4,800 in US dollars.
Cost of a Luxury Apartment in JapanLocationAverage Cost per Month (JPY)Average Cost per Month (USD)
Cost of a luxury apartment in the cityCity¥320,000 – ¥640,000$3,200 – $6,400
Cost of a luxury apartment outside the cityOutside City¥240,000 – ¥480,000$2,400 – $4,800

If you’re considering renting an apartment in Japan, your best bet is to opt for a monthly rental in person or through Airbnb.

While an apartment on Airbnb average costs ranges from $570 to $3,000 per month, you may find a cheaper option by searching locally. However, remember that you may need to pay a deposit upfront when renting an apartment locally, while Airbnb rentals usually do not require a deposit.

  • To save money on your rental and daily expenses, consider looking for an apartment located in a neighborhood with access to local markets, gyms, and restaurants.
  • You can also join Facebook groups such as “Digital Nomads in Japan” or “Expats in Japan” to connect with others and potentially find affordable rental options.
  • Alternatively, consider staying at a lodge, homestay, guesthouse, or bed and breakfast for more affordable rates rather than a costly hotel or tourist location.

Monthly Rent in Japan: Table of Expenses in 2024

Here is a table of expenses for the Cost of rent and Accommodation in Japan per month:

Cost of Rent in JapanCost in USDCost in JPY
Studio apartment in Japan$700 – $1,500¥70,000 – ¥150,000
2+ bedroom apartment in Japan$1,500 – $3,000¥150,000 – ¥300,000
Insane luxury apartment in Japan$4,000 – $8,000¥400,000 – ¥800,000
Average Monthly Rent Expense in JapanAverage Monthly Rent in USDAverage Monthly Rent in JPY
Average monthly rent for a studio in Japan$630 – $1,350¥63,000 – ¥135,000
Average monthly rent for a 1 bedroom in Japan$900 – $1,800¥90,000 – ¥180,000
Average monthly rent for a 2 bedrooms in Japan$1,350 – $2,700¥135,000 – ¥270,000
Average monthly rent for a 3 bedrooms in Japan$1,800 – $3,600¥180,000 – ¥360,000

Here is a table of estimated costs for rent and accommodation in Japan:

Accommodation Type in JapanUSD $JPY
1 bedroom apartment in city center in Japan$1,200 – $2,400¥120,000 – ¥240,000
1 bedroom apartment outside city center in Japan$800 – $1,600¥80,000 – ¥160,000
Studio apartment in city center in Japan$1,200 – $2,400¥120,000 – ¥240,000
Studio apartment outside city center in Japan$560 – $1,200¥56,000 – ¥120,000
Shared room in city center in Japan$560 – $800¥56,000 – ¥80,000
Shared room outside city center in Japan$480 – $720¥48,000 – ¥72,000
Hotel room (3-star)$80 – $160¥8,000 – ¥16,000
Hotel room (5-star)$160 – $320¥16,000 – ¥32,000

Cost Of Transportation In Japan Summary and Table of expenses

MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (5)

The average cost a traveler spends a day on transportation while in Japan is $1 to $5 a day USD or $20 – $500 per month.

Here are different methods of public transport you can do in Japan:

  • Trains: Japan has an extensive and efficient train network, including high-speed bullet trains (Shinkansen) and local trains. Prices for train travel vary depending on the distance traveled and type of train, but a one-way trip on a local train in a major city can cost around JPY 140-400 (USD 1.30-3.70).
  • High-speed bullet train (Shinkansen) in Japan and the Green Car (first class) option:
  • Tokyo to Osaka: One-way fares for the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka start at JPY 13,080 (USD 122) for a regular seat and JPY 22,620 (USD 211) for a Green Car seat. Round-trip fares are also available.
  • Tokyo to Kyoto: One-way fares for the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto start at JPY 13,320 (USD 125) for a regular seat and JPY 23,370 (USD 218) for a Green Car seat. Round-trip fares are also available.
  • Tokyo to Nagoya: One-way fares for the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Nagoya start at JPY 8,670 (USD 81) for a regular seat and JPY 14,850 (USD 139) for a Green Car seat. Round-trip fares are also available.
  • Osaka to Kyoto: One-way fares for the Shinkansen from Osaka to Kyoto start at JPY 2,770 (USD 26) for a regular seat and JPY 4,630 (USD 43) for a Green Car seat. Round-trip fares are also available.
  • Osaka to Nagoya: One-way fares for the Shinkansen from Osaka to Nagoya start at JPY 6,040 (USD 57) for a regular seat and JPY 10,230 (USD 96) for a Green Car seat. Round-trip fares are also available.
  • You can also buy a 21 day pass for the Shinkansen for $460 per 21 days.
  • Subways: Major cities in Japan, such as Tokyo and Osaka, have extensive subway systems that are convenient for travel within the city. Prices for subway travel vary by city, but a one-way trip in Tokyo can cost around JPY 170-320 (USD 1.60-3.00).
  • Buses: Local and long-distance buses connect cities and towns in Japan and offer a more affordable option for travel. Prices for bus travel vary depending on the distance traveled, but a one-way trip on a local bus in a major city can cost around JPY 200-700 (USD 1.90-6.60).
  • Taxis: Taxis are readily available in Japan, but can be expensive, especially for long distances. Prices for taxi travel vary by city, and distance traveled, but a 10 km (6 miles) ride in Tokyo can cost around JPY 6,000-7,000 (USD 56-66).
  • Rental cars: Rental cars are a good option for travelers who want to explore more remote areas or have a flexible itinerary. Prices for car rentals vary depending on the type of car and length of rental, but a compact car for one day can cost around JPY 5,000-7,000 (USD 47-66).
  • Ferries: Ferries operate between the main islands of Japan and offer a scenic way to travel. Prices for ferry travel vary depending on the distance traveled and type of vessel, but a one-way trip on a local ferry can cost around JPY 2,000-3,000 (USD 19-28).
  • Bicycle rentals: Many cities in Japan offer bicycle rentals as a convenient and environmentally-friendly transportation option. Prices for bicycle rentals vary by city and length of rental, but a full-day rental can cost around JPY 500-1,000 (USD 5-9).
  • Cable cars: Cable cars are a popular tourist attraction in Japan and offer a scenic way to travel to mountainous areas. Prices for cable car travel vary by location, but a one-way trip can cost around JPY 800-2,000 (USD 8-19).
  • Trams: Trams, also known as streetcars or trolleys, operate in some cities in Japan and offer a convenient way to travel within the city. Prices for tram travel vary by city, but a one-way trip in Yokohama can cost around JPY 150-200 (USD 1.40-1.90).
  • Overall, Japan’s transportation system is extensive and efficient, with various options to suit different budgets and travel styles. From high-speed bullet trains to local buses and ferries, there is a transportation option to suit every traveler’s needs in Japan.

Here is a detailed table of estimated costs for public transportation in Japan:

Transportation OptionAverage Cost per Trip (USD)Average Cost per Trip (JPY)
Trains (local)$1.30 – $3.70JPY 140 – JPY 400
Trains (shinkansen)$122 – $211JPY 13,080 – JPY 22,620
Trains (shinkansen Green Car)$139 – $218JPY 14,850 – JPY 23,370
Trains Shinkansen 21 day pass$460JPY 60,720
Subways$1.60 – $3.00JPY 170 – JPY 320
Buses$1.90 – $6.60JPY 200 – JPY 700
Taxis$56 – $66JPY 6,000 – JPY 7,000
Rental Cars$47 – $66JPY 5,000 – JPY 7,000
Ferries$19 – $28JPY 2,000 – JPY 3,000
Bicycle Rentals$5 – $9JPY 500 – JPY 1,000
Cable Cars$8 – $19JPY 800 – JPY 2,000
Trams$1.40 – $1.90JPY 150 – JPY 200
Scooter rental Monthly$100 – $300JPY 13200 – JPY 39600
Monthly Cost Of Gas and Petrol For Scooter in JapanUSD $JPY
Average monthly cost for gasoline, Petrol for scooter$50JPY 6600

Ultimately we recommend that you rent a scooter or Use the Trains. This will give you the best experience, and you can explore Japan the best this way.

Cost of Food In Japan Explained: Table Of Expenses 2024

MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (6)

The average cost of food per day in Japan, is about $5 to $10 per day or $250 to $600 per month.

Another great option is to shop at the local markets In Japan for affordable fresh food and cook meals at home.

But if you eat at local food stalls around your area,you’re looking to spend only around $250 or more on food per Month.

The average monthly cost of food in Japan is as follows:

  • Local food: 500 – 1000 JPY ($3 – $10 USD) per serving
  • Mid-range restaurants: 2000 – 5000 JPY ($20 – $50 USD) per person
  • Groceries: 10,000 – 20,000 JPY ($100 – $200 USD) per week for one person
  • Local supermarkets: 100 – 500 JPY ($1 – $5 USD) per item
  • Street food: 500 – 1000 JPY ($5 – $10 USD) per person
  • Overall Monthly Cost of Food is from $250 – $600 per month

The cost of food in Japan can vary significantly depending on the location, type of food, and the individual’s consumption habits. Individuals need to evaluate their needs and budget accordingly carefully. Remember that these estimates are just rough averages, and the actual costs may be higher or lower depending on your specific circ*mstances.

  • Local Food: Eating local food is often the most affordable way to enjoy a taste of Japan. There are many street food vendors and markets where you can try local specialties such as takoyaki (octopus balls), okonomiyaki (savory pancakes), and yakiniku (grilled meat). Prices for street food can range from 500 – 1000 JPY ($5 – $10 USD) per serving.
  • Mid-Range Restaurants: If you want to enjoy a sit-down meal at a mid-range restaurant, you can expect to pay around 2000 – 5000 JPY ($20 – $50 USD) per person for dishes such as sushi, tonkatsu (breaded pork cutlets), and tempura.
  • Groceries: Purchasing groceries in Japan can be a bit more expensive than in some other countries. A week’s worth of groceries for one person can cost around 10,000 – 20,000 JPY ($100 – $200 USD), depending on the items purchased.
  • Local Supermarkets: If you want to save money on groceries, you can shop at local supermarkets, where you can find a variety of fresh produce, meats, and other items at reasonable prices. Prices at local supermarkets can range from 100-500 JPY ($1 – $5 USD) per item, depending on the type of food.
  • Street Food: Eating street food is a popular and affordable way to experience local flavors in Japan. You can find a variety of street food vendors selling items such as takoyaki (octopus balls), okonomiyaki (savory pancake), and yakiniku (grilled meat) for 500 – 1000 JPY ($3 – $10 USD) per meal.

Overall, the cost of food in Japan can vary greatly depending on the type of food you eat and where you purchase it. Local food and street food are the most affordable options, while mid-range restaurants and groceries can be more expensive. However, with some careful planning and a willingness to try new things, it is possible to enjoy the delicious food in Japan without breaking the bank.

Here is a table of expenses for the Cost of Food in Japan per month:

Average Monthly Food Costs in JapanUSD $JPY
Local Food Markets, Street food and Local Supermarkets and cheaper dining options Per month (Budget Food Costs) in Japan$200 – $400JPY 20,000 – JPY 40,000
Eating out at Mid range restaurants and expensive restaurants per month (No Budget) In Japan$600 – $1,500JPY 60,000 – JPY 150,000

Here is an example table of expenses for the average monthly food and grocery costs in Japan:

Monthly Food Expenses in JapanUSDJPY
Average monthly cost for groceries$100 – $300¥10,000 – ¥30,000
Average monthly cost for dining out$200 – $800¥20,000 – ¥80,000
Average monthly cost for miscellaneous food items$50 – $200¥5,000 – ¥20,000
Total average monthly cost for food in Japan$350 – $1300¥35,000 – ¥130,000

Here is a table of estimated costs for food in the supermarkets in Japan:

Food Items in Japan SupermarketEstimated Cost (JPY)Estimated Cost (USD)
Milk (1 liter)¥150-¥300$1.50-$3.00
Bread (500g loaf)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Rice (1kg)¥200-¥800$2.00-$8.00
Chicken (1kg)¥500-¥1500$5.00-$15.00
Apples (1kg)¥200-¥800$2.00-$8.00
Oranges (1kg)¥200-¥800$2.00-$8.00
Eggs (1 dozen)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Cheese (1kg)¥800-¥3000$8.00-$30.00
Beef (1kg)¥1000-¥3000$10.00-$30.00
Potatoes (1kg)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Tomatoes (1kg)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Onion (1kg)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Water (1.5 liter bottle)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Soft drink (1.5 liter bottle)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Beer (330ml bottle)¥100-¥400$1.00-$4.00
Wine (mid-range bottle)¥800-¥3000$8.00-$30.00
Fast food meal¥500-¥1500$5.00-$15.00
Restaurant meal (mid-range)¥1000-¥3000$10.00-$30.00
Food ItemEstimated Cost (JPY)Estimated Cost (USD)

Cost of Utilities in Japan: Table of Expenses 2024

The cost of utilities in Japan can vary significantly depending on the location and the individual’s consumption habits. In this article, we will take a closer look at the cost of:

  • Electricity and water
  • Internet and mobile phone plans
  • Overall costs of utilities in Japan
  • Electricity and water costs in Japan
  • Cost of Electricity: The average monthly cost for electricity in Japan is around $100-$200 in USD, or 10,000-20,000 JPY. This can vary depending on the size of your home and your usage.
  • Cost of Water: The average monthly cost for water in Japan is around $20-$30 in USD, or 2,000-3,000 JPY. This cost is typically included in your rent or can be paid separately to the local water utility company.
  • Cost of Gas: The average monthly cost for gas in Japan is around $30-$50 in USD, or 3,000-5,000 JPY. This cost is typically paid to the local gas company and can vary based on usage.
  • Cost of Internet WIFI: The average monthly cost for internet in Japan is around $30-$50 in USD, or 3,000-5,000 JPY. There are various internet service providers, with different plans and speeds available.
  • Cost of Mobile Phone Plans: The cost of mobile phone plans in Japan can vary greatly. Prepaid plans start at around $20-$30 in USD, or 2,000-3,000 JPY per month, while postpaid plans can be upwards of $50-$100 in USD, or 5,000-10,000 JPY per month. Shopping around and comparing plans to find the best option for your needs is essential.
  • Overall, the average monthly cost for utilities in Japan is around $180-$280 in USD, or 18,000-28,000 JPY. This can vary based on your usage and the specific plans and providers you choose. By budgeting for these costs and shopping around for the best options, you can ensure a comfortable and connected stay in Japan.

Here is an example table of expenses for the average monthly utilities in Japan:

Monthly Utilities Costs in JapanUSD $JPY
Average monthly cost for electricity in Japan$50 – $150¥5,000 – ¥15,000
Average monthly cost for water in Japan$10 – $30¥1,000 – ¥3,000
Average monthly cost for gas in Japan$30 – $100¥3,000 – ¥10,000
Average monthly cost for internet in Japan$30 – $100¥3,000 – ¥10,000
Total average monthly cost for utilities in Japan$120 – $380¥12,000 – ¥38,000

Here is a table of estimated costs for utilities in Japan:

Cost of Utilities in JapanJPYUSD $
Electricity in Japan¥5,000 – ¥15,000$50 – $150
Water in Japan¥2,000 – ¥6,000$20 – $60
Gas (for cooking)¥2,000 – ¥6,000$20 – $60
Internet in Japan¥3,000 – ¥9,000$30 – $90
Mobile Cell phone data and sim card (prepaid plan)¥2,000 – ¥5,000$20 – $50

Healthcare Costs in Japan

Medical Tourism is massive in Japan. We suggest finding a great hospital for expats in Japan.

We recommend The best travel health Insurance available by SafetyWing We always have travel insurance monthly for international trips and living abroad. It covers any health or medical procedure done.

We suggest you also have it, especially if you live as an expat and digital nomad in Japan . We always use SafetyWing for international travel insurance and medical concerns. They start at $42 a month! It’s incredible and always reliable!

Cost of Taxes in Japan by Percentage

Here is in depth information for the cost of Taxes in Japan for each type of Tax and make sure to contact a local tax professional for more information:

Individual Income Taxin Japan

  • Tax Type:Individual Income Tax
  • Tax Rate:5% – 45%
  • Important Information:
    • Progressive tax rates from 5% to 45% based on taxable income levels.
    • Taxable income over ¥18 million is taxed at 45%.
    • Deductions and exemptions are available to reduce tax burden.

Consumption Taxin Japan

  • Tax Type:Consumption Tax
  • Tax Rate:10%
  • Important Information:
    • National consumption tax levied on sale of goods and services.
    • Standard rate is 10% since October 2019.
    • Food, rent and healthcare are taxed at lower 8% rate.

Corporate Taxin Japan

  • Tax Type:Corporate Tax
  • Tax Rate:23.2%
  • Important Information:
    • Standard national corporate tax rate of 23.2% since 2020.
    • Effective tax rate is often lower due to deductions and incentives.
    • Local corporate taxes also apply at lower rates.

Property Taxin Japan

  • Tax Type:Property Tax
  • Tax Rate:1.4%
  • Important Information:
    • Annual property tax levied by local governments.
    • Taxed at rate of 1.4% on assessed property value.
    • Reductions available for owner-occupied residences.

Customs Dutyin Japan

  • Tax Type:Customs Duty
  • Tax Rate:0% – 30%
  • Important Information:
    • Levied on import of goods into Japan. Rates from 0% to 30%.
    • Higher duties on alcohol, tobacco, cosmetics.
    • FTAs reduce duty rates for some countries.

Table of Tax Rates in Japan

Tax Type In JapanTax Rate in Japan
Individual Income Tax5% – 45%
Consumption Tax10%
Corporate Tax23.2%
Property Tax1.4%
Customs Duty0% – 30%

Main FAQS Section About Japan:

What is the monthly cost of living in Japan?

The cost of living in Japan, on average, is around $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month. This includes rent, food, transportation, and other costs like utilities and phone bills.

What is the Cost of Accommodation in Japan?

The Cost of Accommodation in Japan costs around $500 to $3000 per month.

What is the best time of year to visit Japan?

The best time to visit Japan is during March to November.

How Much does it cost to live in Japan?

On average, living in Japan costs around $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month.

What is the Cost of Utilities in Japan?

The Utilities in JapanCost around $50 to $300 per month, depending on your energy consumption!

What is the Cost Of Living in Japan Vs the USA?

The Cost Of Living in Japanis around 35% less than living in New York City, USA, and the average monthly Cost of living in Japan is $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month in Japan vs $5500 to $8370 per month living in New York City, United States.

What is the Cost of Food in Japan vs the USA?

The Cost Of Food in Japan is 20% less than in the United States. Monthly Food Costs in Japan is from $250 to $600 per month.

What is the Cost Of Rent in Japan VS USA?

The Cost of Rent in Japan is 35% less Than in the United States A 1 bedroom apartment in Japan costs $450 to $1050 per month on average, and 1 bedroom Apartment in New York City, United States, Costs over $2380 per month.

What is the Cost Of Accommodation in Japan vs the USA?

The Cost of Accommodation in Japan is 35.2% less Than in the United States; a studio bedroom apartment costs $450 to $950 per month on average, and 1 bedroom Apartment in New York City, United States, Costs over $2370 per month.

What is the Food Expenses In Japan?

The Food expenses in Japan is from $250 to $600 per month. Make sure to eat the local Food to save more money!

What is the Rental Expenses In Japan?

The monthly rent for a 1-bedroom in Japan is from $450 to $1250.

What is the Expenses for a Single Person in Japan?

The Expenses for a Single Person in Japanis from $1,120 – $3,150 (123,200 JPY – 347,000 JPY) Per Month for all expenses.

What is the average cost of Rent In Japan?

The Average cost of rent in Japanis around $450 to $3000 Per Month in Japan.

What is the average Cost of Transportation In Japan?

The average cost of transportation in Japanis about $3 – $5 USD per day or $70 to $500 per month.

What is the Cost of Mobile Phone SIM and Internet Data In Japan?

The Cost of Phone Data and internet from in Japan is around $15 to $120 per month.

What is the Cost of Food in Japan?

The Cost of Food in Japan costs around $240 to $600 per month; try to eat at the local restaurants and street food for the best and cheapest food to stay on budget!

Is Japan a good place to live?

Yes, Japan is a great and safe place to Live! Japan is one of the safest countries in the world! However, take the same precautions as you would in your home country.

What is the average salary in Japan?

The Average Monthly Salary in Japan is $41,000 (4,530,000 JPY).

What is a good salary to live in Japan?

A great Salary to live on in Japan is around $4000 per month.

Cost Of Living in Japan Conclusion

We hope that you have found this blog post helpful! We have summarized the cost of living in Japan and provided a table of expenses, provided information on rent, accommodation, food costs, and more! We will be continually updating this blog post! Also, below are many excellent travel resources that will help you in your Journey around the world!

More articles related to Japan:

Travel Resources and Reliable Sources For Japan

  • Booking Flights: To score insane flight deals, search on Google Flights,Skyscanner. Money-saving tips: fly in the middle of the week, on the weekend; fly carry-on only on a budget airline, and take red-eyes or early morning flights.
  • Travel Insurance:We always have travel insurance monthly for international trips and living abroad. We STRONGLY suggest that you have it as well, just in case other digital nomads live abroad, and we always useSafetyWingfor international travel insurance and medical concerns. SafetyWing is one of the few policies covering Covid-19, and they start at $42 a month! It’s incredible and always reliable! SafetyWing is perfect for Digital Nomads and long-term travelers!
  • Japan GovernmentTourism Board: Japan Tourism Board Site
  • Japan Tourism Site: Japan National Tourism Board

If you want to keep up with our travels, go ahead and follow us on our travel page on Instagram @onelifepassport! Comment below what else you would like to know/see about our experiences traveling the world! Also, check out our YouTube Channel!

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MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (7)

Austin Pierce

About the Author: I Became A Digital Nomad in 2018 after working soul-crushing jobs in Tennessee, United States. I figured out how to make money online, and I bought a one-way ticket to Thailand in 2018, and we never looked back; I have been traveling the world with my girlfriend, Salina. We Run a YouTube Channel and this Blog; We write about the Digital Nomad Lifestyle, The Places we live, and How to Make Money Online. I am also an MMA and Muay Thai Fighter, and I am really into Fitness!

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MONTHLY COST Of Living In Japan 2024 [JAPAN Budget Guide] (2024)
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