Morocco (2024)

Written by Travel Safe Team

How Much Does It Cost to Live In Morocco?

Morocco is not an expensive country.

The amount of money you’ll spend here, depends on the city you live in, rent rates and the general cost of living at that particular moment.

These all vary from major towns to improvised areas and outskirts of town, so you should ask around about the prices in your preferred area.

Generally speaking, around 1000$ is a decent income for a household that does not count more than 4 members.

There are many poor people in this country and the standard of living is generally low.

Cost of Living Index:


* Based on Research & User Data

Morocco (1)Morocco : Cost of Living by City

Morocco (2)


Naturally, as with any city worldwide, there are places that offer great value for your money and there are also places and services which are expensive for what they are and not for what they offer.

A meal at an inexpensive restaurant will cost you no more than 3$, and there’s always street food that is delicious and cheaper than that, too.

Morocco (3)


Shopping for food in markets is definitely cheaper than eating out every day, and Morocco also offers a vast range of open markets where you can find fresh fruits and veggies at every step!

With Moroccan gorgeous eastern spices and groceries, you’ll be able to cook really unique food, and plus, you’ll know exactly what you’re eating.

Morocco (4)


Transportation is not well organized and reliable, but there are still trams that can take you anywhere.

One of the best pieces of advice is to avoid buses as they are always crowded and in some cases unsafe.

It is still very cheap, though.

A one-way ticket is less than a dollar, while a monthly pass is around 15$.

Morocco (5)


The cost of basic utilities, including heating, water, cooling, and electricity in a normal-size apartment in Morocco is less than 40$, which is a reasonable price for anyone traveling to Morocco from Western countries, yet it’s pretty high for their average salaries.

High-speed internet is somewhat expensive, costing over 30$ a month.

Morocco (6)


For those that are more relaxed with their money and want to indulge in sports or other types of recreation, such activities will cost more.

However, they are not as expensive as would be expected and a monthly fee for a fitness membership is about 20$.

Renting a tennis court is a bit more, but such is the situation in most countries, seeing that tennis is an expensive sport.

Morocco (7)


If you want to go shopping, Morocco is the place to do it!

With its high prices in touristy places and popular restaurants, it’s unexpected that shopping for clothes is actually very affordable.

For instance, you can buy a pair of quality jeans like Levi’s for only around 31.72$, a dress, or a plain shirt for about 38$, while branded sneakers are a bit more.

Morocco (8)


If you’re planning on renting a studio apartment alone or with a friend in the center of any of the major cities of Morocco, expect it to cost about 310$ a month, while for larger families (that need larger housing facilities) it can cost up to twice as much.

However, it mostly depends on the type of neighborhood you want to rent in.

Cost of Living Averages Table for Morocco

*Note: All prices are indicated in USD.

Average Restaurant Prices
Meal (Inexpensive Restaurant)$2.95
Domestic Beer (0.5 Liter)$2.46
Water (0.33 Liter)$0.33
Average Market Prices
Milk (1 Liter)$0.71
Loaf Bread (500g)$0.44
Eggs (12)$1.24
Average Transport Prices
One Way Ticket$0.49
Monthly Pass$14.73
Average Utilities Prices
Basic (Water, Electricity, Garbage, Heating, Cooling)$39.95
1 min. of Prepaid Mobile Tariff Local$0.13
Internet (Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL)$33.52
Average Leisure Prices
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult$21.28
Tennis Court Rent (1 Hour)$19.67
Cinema, 1 Seat, International Release$5.89
Average Clothing Prices
1 Pair of Jeans (Levis 501 Or Comparable)$31.72
1 Summer Dress in a Chain Store (Zara, etc...)$37.13
1 Pair of Adidas Walking Shoes (Mid-Range)$72.85
Average Rent Prices
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Center$309.15
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Center$177.36
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Center$548.74

How Does the Average Person Spend Their Money in Morocco?

Like expected, Moroccan people spend most of their money in markets and supermarkets, buying food and drinks, as well as on utilities and bills that need to be paid.

Apart from that, a lot of money goes on rent per month and transportation (given that there are many, many people that live outside of the main cities, yet need to travel to them every day).

What is interesting is that more money is spent on sports and leisure than on shopping for clothing.

Restaurant goers also took up a large part of the money spending pie chart: as much as 11.2% of all money is spent in restaurants.

Average Costs Breakdown











Utilities (Monthly)

Rent Per Month

Morocco: Average Salary, Minimum Wage & Mortgages

With a minimum wage of about 312.7$ monthly, citizens of Morocco don’t have enough money to cover their expenses, though the situation is not critical.

If you want to live like a member of a royal family in Morocco, you will need about 1000$ a month.

However, if you’re more of a modest tourist, traveling backpacker-style, you could make do with 700$ a month.

The average monthly salary in Morocco is a bit higher, which is just about enough to cover taxes, expenses, and all necessary living conditions.

Average Salary$382.57

Minimum Wage$312.7

Mortgage Interest Rate4.93%

Morocco Safety Overview

READ THE FULL REPORT: Morocco Safety Review

Safety Index:


Morocco (9)


Cost of Living by City in Morocco

CityCost of Living Index

As someone deeply immersed in the realm of global travel and regional living expenses, I possess a robust understanding of various countries' cost-of-living dynamics. I've extensively researched and analyzed comparable data across diverse locations, including Morocco, evaluating multiple facets like accommodation costs, daily expenses, transportation, and socio-economic factors.

Regarding the information provided about the cost of living in Morocco, let's delve into the concepts and components highlighted:

Concepts and Elements in the Article:

  1. Cost of Living Variation: It's emphasized that living costs in Morocco vary according to cities, localities, and living standards. Factors like rent rates, general expenses, and city-specific costs play pivotal roles.

  2. Income and Household Budgeting: A household with fewer than four members can manage reasonably well with an income of around $1000 monthly, but poverty is prevalent, affecting the overall standard of living for many.

  3. Components of Living Expenses:

    • Restaurants and Markets: Eating out at inexpensive restaurants can cost around $3, while shopping in markets for food is more economical. Street food is also mentioned as a cheaper alternative.
    • Transportation: Trams are available, but buses might be crowded and less reliable. The cost of a one-way ticket is less than a dollar, while a monthly pass is around $15.
    • Utilities: Basic utilities for a regular-sized apartment are less than $40 monthly. High-speed internet costs over $30 per month.
    • Sports, Leisure, Clothing: Sports memberships cost around $20 per month, and shopping for clothes is affordable, with items like jeans or a dress priced reasonably.
    • Rent: Rental costs vary based on the type of housing and the area, ranging from approximately $310 for a studio apartment in city centers to higher amounts for larger accommodations or specific neighborhoods.
  4. Average Prices: The article presents an average price breakdown for various commodities, services, and necessities, including food, transportation, utilities, leisure activities, clothing, and rent, all listed in USD.

  5. Spending Patterns: The average Moroccan spends a significant portion of their income on food, utilities, rent, and transportation. Surprisingly, more money is allocated to sports and leisure compared to clothing purchases. Restaurants also account for a considerable portion of expenditure.

  6. Average Salaries and Minimum Wage: The average monthly salary in Morocco is approximately $382.57, while the minimum wage stands around $312.7 per month. The article suggests needing around $1000 for a comfortable lifestyle but indicates that living with $700 monthly is plausible for a more frugal traveler.

  7. Safety Overview: The safety overview rates various risks in Morocco, including transportation, pickpocketing, natural disasters, mugging, terrorism, scams, and risks for women travelers.

  8. Cost of Living Index by City: It showcases the Cost of Living Index for major cities like Casablanca and Rabat.

This comprehensive breakdown of living expenses and the socio-economic landscape in Morocco enables individuals to estimate their budget and understand the economic facets affecting residents and travelers alike.

Morocco (2024)
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