Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (2024)

Do you want to advance in your career? Or earn some extra money? The best way to progress in your career and earn more money is to enrich your skills. Having a well-developed skill set makes your resume stand out from the others. It also increases the chances of promotion and gives you more bargaining power in compensation negotiations. We have compiled a list of the most profitable skills to learn in 2023.

Read about the most profitable skills to learn and choose the ones best suited for you. You can also find resources to help you learn the skills.

Table of Contents

Most Profitable Skills to Learn in 2023

Make the most out of 2023 and fill your pockets at the same time by learning these skills. Pick the one that is most suitable for you and work on developing your skillset.

Here is the list of the most profitable skills to learn in 2023

    1. 1. Digital marketing
    2. 2. Copywriting
    3. 3. Tech skills
    4. 4. Sales
    5. 5. Design – UX, graphic, or visual
    6. 6. Video Filming & Editing
    7. 7. Project Management
    8. 8. Foreign Language
    9. 9. Foreign Currency Exchange Trading (FOREX)
    10. 10. Trade skills

All the skills are discussed below to give you an idea of what to expect. Also, this will help you understand why and how they are the most profitable skills to learn.

1. Digital Marketing

If you are tech-savvy, creative, and have an aptitude for advertising, go for digital marketing. Digital marketing is a component of marketing. It uses electronic devices and digital media platforms to promote products and services. Depending on the position, you can earn up to six digits a year.

Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (1)

Digital marketing is a field with a lot of potentials. With the rise of digital platforms and increased usage, the need for digital marketing is also growing. Overall, digital marketing offers a very diverse career path. Hence, the need to choose your specialisation. Here are some areas of digital marketing for your consideration –

  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Content marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • Content automation
  • Campaign marketing
  • Data-driven marketing
  • E-commerce marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Email direct marketing

Also, e-books and games have become commonplace for digital marketing. Digital marketing also happens offline on non-Internet channels. Because they also provide digital media. For example – mobile phones through SMS, callback, on-hold mobile ringtones and TV. Choose your specialisation and improve related skills for more profit.

In essence, you don’t need any extra qualifications for digital marketing. But you should take courses on digital marketing to increase your chances of landing a job. Check out our courses on Digital Marketing designed to help you become an excellent digital marketer.

Explore the world of digital marketing and enjoy the perks that come along with it. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll see that it’s a pretty exciting and profitable career option. While digital marketing is excellent and all, it might not be your cup of tea. But that’s cool too. Look at the other skills below and choose what’s best for you.

2. Copywriting

You have undoubtedly been click baited a few times, right? Where a very intriguing headline made you click and read it, or maybe even buy a product. Well, that’s just a side of great copywriting.

Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (3)

You might have heard – writing doesn’t pay for bills. That’s very much wrong in sales copywriting. If you are great at creative writing, copywriting might just be the money-making path you need to take. Furthermore, you only need a laptop, a good Wi-Fi connection and your creative thinking ability to have a successful copywriting career.

Usually, you can work as a freelance copywriter. It is also possible to get a job as a copywriter in marketing departments, copywriting agencies, advertising agencies, or public relations firms. Moreover, copywriting skills come in handy in many marketing areas, like content management, editor, SEO specialist etc.

Great copywriters are very hard to find in today’s industry. Thus, improving your copywriting skills will give you an advantage over others. Moreover, people will pay a good price for well-written content. Well written content has an intriguing headline, addresses people’s inquisitions very clearly and engagingly. In addition, a good copywriting must grab the reader’s attention and encourage them to take action. For example, buy a product, visit a page, subscribe to a newsletter and so on.

If you are not a natural at writing, you can try these courses to improve your copywriting skills. Many clients don’t require formal qualifications. But copywriting courses will increase your credibility and chance to get the job

Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (4)

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3. Tech Skills

In this era of the internet, tech skills are always sought after. More and more companies are going online and switching to cloud-based operations. That is why tech skills are more in demand nowadays.

Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (6)

Some of the most profitable skills to learn in the Information Technology field are the following –

a. IT Automation:

IT automation is also referred to as infrastructure automation. It is essentially using software to create repeatable instructions and processes. It aims to replace or cut back human interaction with Information Technology systems.

AI machine learning is mainly based on the concept that machines can learn and adapt through experience. On the other hand, AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, refers to a broader idea. That is, machines can carry out tasks smartly. Examples of AI and machine learning includes Siri & Cortana.

c. Software Development Methodologies (DevOps):

DevOps refers to a set of practices that combines software development with IT operations. It focuses on shortening the development life cycle of systems. Additionally, it provides continuous delivery with high-quality software.

d. Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand availability of computer system resources. It does not require direct or active management by the user. It generally describes data centres available to all the users over the Internet.

e. Proactive Security:

Proactive security refers to an approach whereby major incidents can be prevented before they even occur. In other words, it aims at prevention rather than detecting and responding.

f. Fintech:

Fintech is a combination of finance and technology. It refers to businesses that use technology to enhance or automate financial products, services and processes.

g. Connected Technologies:

Connected technology is also known as Smart Connected Technology. It refers to products with built-in technology that allow it to connect with its environment and maybe other products. This type of technology generally comprises sensors and processors. Examples of connected technologies include health monitors, smart home products, connected cars, etc.

h. Parallel Computing:

Parallel computing is a type of computation. Whereby many calculations or execution of processes are carried out concurrently. For example, parallel computing is used in –

1. Agriculture estimates

2. Financial risk management

3. Video colour correction

4. Medical imaging

5. Drug discovery

i. Quantum Computing:

Quantum computing is an area of computing that is focused on developing computer technology. These technologies are based on the principles of quantum theory. It explains the behaviour of energy and material on the atomic or subatomic levels.

More operations are shifting to the cloud, which opens the door for more tech-related jobs. Besides, employers nowadays prefer transferable tech skills over qualifications.

4. Sales

Sales is one of the most profitable skills to learn and not just in 2023. Sales jobs have a huge commission earning potential along with a good starting salary. With some necessary sales skills and industry-specific knowledge, you can become a successful salesperson.

There are many sales job opportunities across various industries. For instance,

  • Pharmaceutical or medical sales
  • IT sales
  • Export sales
  • Fast-moving consumer goods (FMGC)
  • Direct or field sales
  • Media and advertising sales

In essence, every industry has some sales roles. Transferability makes sales skills more desirable. Some major recruiters of sales in the UK are Amazon, Bloomberg, Coca-Cola, Ford UK, Fujitsu, Microsoft, Samsung and Unilever. But they are not the only ones. Even small companies have sales positions. Also, sales do not go out of season. Companies are continuously in need of sales representatives to reach their bottom line goal.

For a sales job, you need to be good at communication and understand customer needs. Good personality and aptitude for sales also come in handy. In addition to your qualifications, we recommend taking sales training courses for sales excellence.

5. Design - UX, Graphic, or Visual

As a designer, you can bring out your creative side with eye-catching visuals and graphics. There isn’t much of a limit to what a designer can illustrate. Design is an excellent skill to have if you want to be self-employed and work as a freelancer. You can charge more money when you have gathered enough skills and experience.

Generally speaking, a visual designer is all about visualisation. On the other hand, a graphic designer can use typefaces, colours, images and many more. Graphic designers communicate information. In contrast, visual designers focus more on the product and brand identity aspects. Besides that, another distinguishing factor is money. Even with similar qualifications, the rate for visual designers is a bit higher than for graphic designers.

User experience designers (UX) are focused on interaction. More specifically, designing of interaction between users and the site or elements of the user interface. It includes things like site navigation, design and functionality, among other things. Even though this is relatively new, the pay range is pretty good. Besides, user experience designer’s need is supposed to grow over the years due to technological advances. This is why it’s one of the most profitable skills to learn.

While excellent drawing skills come in handy in design jobs, you need to be adept at using software as well. Most designers have to be expert in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDraw and so on. Also, you can learn from free software like Canva. Proficiency in these design software is essential for working both online and offline. Learn the basics or brush up your skills with these graphic design and UX design courses. These courses will help you sharpen your designer skills and earn some big bucks.

6. Video Filming & Editing

Have you noticed that lately, so many people are vlogging everywhere? Five hundred hours worth of video is being uploaded to YouTube every single minute worldwide. And thousands of hours of video will be uploaded as you finish reading this blog. That’s why video filming and editing is one of the most profitable skills to learn in 2023.

Storytelling is a big thing in content creation. And videos are much better at storytelling than pictures. Hence, so many people are making video contents. Have you thought about how content creators develop video ideas, plan, film, and edit them by themselves? Well, most of them don’t do it by themselves to save time or for efficiency.

Moreover, video content creation is a very demanding job. For instance – scriptwriting, scheduling, logistics, filming and other activities. They need people to help them throughout the entire process. This is where you can help them out by sharing your expertise and earn money at the same time.

You can either go in video filming or video editing. Or maybe both if you want, as they are a bit interrelated. Either way, it is necessary to have enough knowledge and expertise in video filming and editing.

1. Video Filming

Video filming is a part of video production. Once you become an expert in video filming, you can branch out or specialise in filming specific types. Below are some instances of which area of filming you can consider –

  • Film and TV production
  • Television commercials
  • Web commercials
  • Corporate videos
  • Product videos
  • Marketing videos
  • Event videos
  • Wedding videos.

Aside from these, you have YouTube and other video hosting platforms. Besides, you can always make your own video content. You can become a vlogger yourself if you are ambitious and confident enough.

2. Video Editing

Video editing takes content creation to a new level. It is part of the post-production process in video creation. Video editing is also an excellent skill to have if you want to work as a freelancer. You could work on short term projects to make amazing content. To work in video filming and editing, you should learn about industry-standard software and other skills. For example –

1. Adobe Premiere Pro CC

2. Adobe Photoshop CS3

3. Secrets of Video Creation

Gather as much skill and experience as possible and create a contemporary portfolio. As an experienced video editor, you could earn up to £500 per day.

7. Project Management

Project management is one of the most profitable skills to learn. Because the demand for project managers is growing more compared to other jobs. The nature of work is getting more complex every day, which requires project work.

Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (10)

Project management is the process of leading a team to achieve goals successfully within a specified time. It works with three constraints; namely, scope, time, and budget. Some project management steps include –

  • Initiation
  • Planning
  • Executing
  • Monitoring/controlling
  • Project close

Every project needs a steady leader with a particular set of skills for successful completion of the project. With the help of vastly available project management software, you can easily manage project tasks, collaborate and meet goals within timeframe while managing resources and cost.

Project management might just be the path for you if you have essential skills. Practice and improve your skills and enrich your resume with our project management courses. These courses are carefully designed to prepare you for a fantastic career in project management. Becoming certified in project management will give you better job opportunities, including a lucrative salary and increased efficiency with global recognition.

8. Foreign Language

With the emergence of globalisation, international business is booming. But sometimes, there are communication barriers because not everyone speaks English. You can takeEnglish classes, learn English and translate for yourself. In fact, knowing English helps you land jobs in the global market. Fortunately, translators can help remove that barrier and make business transactions easier. With the expansion of international businesses, the demand for translators has also increased. If you play your cards right, learning a new language might prove to be the most profitable skills to learn.

Being a translator doesn’t mean that you’ll only have to be present and translate a conversation between two parties. It encompasses more than that, but the basic concept is similar. A translator primarily converts one language into another. It can be just verbal translation or include written aspect as well. For example, proofreading, translating documents, editing and so on.

You can decide to work in more than one type of content. In contrast, you can also specialise in a specific content type. The following are some areas that you can work in as a translator.

  • Commercial
  • Educational
  • Scientific
  • Literary
  • Technical documents
  • Legal

Mastering a language can open many doors for you. Some of the most useful and profitable languages to learn are – Chinese, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic, among others. You can learn as many languages as you want. The more you learn, the more competent you become. Consequently, increasing your chances to get your desired job position.

Here are some resources to learn and be proficient in foreign languages.

1. Learn Chinese as a Foreign Language


3. Learn Italian as a Foreign Language

4. Learning Foreign Languages

5. Learn Spanish Languages

British Sign Language (BSL) Certificate Course: Level 1 & 2

This course covers the fundamentals of British Sign Language for beginners, ideal for those who are looking for learning BSL and pursuing a career in BSL.

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British Sign Language (BSL) Certificate Course: Level 1 & 2

This course covers the fundamentals of British Sign Language for beginners, ideal for those who are looking for learning BSL and pursuing a career in BSL.

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9. Foreign Currency Exchange Trading (FOREX)

Trading is a very competitive industry, and at first glance, it might seem very complicated. But once you are able to grasp it, you will believe that it is the most profitable skill to learn. Do you see yourself running in the big business league in the future? Then you need to understand how the foreign currency exchange market works.

Foreign currency exchange trading is fundamentally the trading of the currency from two countries against each other. To make money from foreign currency exchange trading, you need to be educated in forex. You will also need to know how to manage risk. And learn about the currencies you want to trade. Being up to date and good at analysing numbers is essential for success in forex. If you go in forex without having enough data and place orders based on speculation, that’s just gambling.

Well-placed trading, backed with enough data and analytics, is essential for success in foreign currency exchange trading. If you are interested in forex trading, keep up with political and business news on a regular basis. With a start-up capital and competency in forex trading, this could be the most profitable career for you. Get a Diploma in Forex Trading before diving into the world of currency exchange.

10. Trade Skills

Yes, trade skills. They also have the potential to be high-income careers. You can even earn six figures a year by working in the trade. Some of the most profitable skills to learn in trade are – nursing, plumbing, landscape designing and so on.

If you are interested in trade skills, you can look into the following trade careers that are very profitable and in demand –

  • Electrician
  • Plumbing
  • Bricklayer
  • Carpenters and joiners
  • Licensed practical nurse
  • Landscape designer
  • Home inspector
  • Dental hygienist

To make good money in trade jobs, it is crucial to have enough competence to get the work done nicely. Most of the positions listed above have a handsome salary.

To earn more, you need to be qualified and make the right choices. This is why we are offering the following courses for you.

1. Plumbing Training Certificate Level 2

2. Level 2 Certificate in DIY: Professional Repair Expert

3. Professional Diploma in DIY

4. Electrician Online Course

Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (12)

How to Develop Profitable Skills?

If you’re looking to develop skills to go ahead in your career, here are a few helpful ways to do so –

1. Take formal classes

2. Utilise free resources

3. Invest in paid courses

4. Find a mentor

5. Look for an internship

6. Remote jobs opportunities

1. Take Formal Classes

Formal classes are structured, and it has clear and specific objectives. It takes place in a formal, planned setting like in a classroom or online platform. If you are serious about learning a particular skill, taking a formal lesson might be worth it. For example, if you want to learn trade skills, it’s worth taking formal classes.

It ensures structured knowledge sharing, improves your skills and abilities. Moreover, you will know how well you are doing in a course. It’s hard to track improvement in informal learning, which results in ineffective learning. Thus, it is an excellent choice to take classes at a school that specialises in that field.

2. Utilise Free Resources

YouTube has become a great source of information and a free resource centre. You can find videos on crocheting and sales skills to software engineering there. It is safe to say that not all of those videos are trustworthy. But you can find great content if you do enough research with the intention to learn. Do enough research and find content creators who are sharing content relevant to your desired field. With self-management skills, you can benefit a lot from free content as well.

Other than YouTube, there are many more platforms that share free content. You can find online educational content on many sites. Numerous free books are available online that provide you with everything you need to know. Industry or skill-specific e-books can enrich your knowledge base. Google is a vast information keeper, utilise google and keep on learning.

3. Invest in Paid Courses

There’s an abundance of free information on the internet. While some of it is quite good, sometimes you have to pay to learn something useful. In most cases, the extra money is worth it as you get outstanding results from it.

Before you commit to a particular paid course, we recommend you to be familiar with the experts’ free content in the field. To somewhat get an idea of what you can expect to learn. After the initial research, you should enrol in a course that will be the most beneficial for you. You should choose a course by keeping some factors in mind. For example – course content, instructors teaching style, learning outcomes and so on.

Most e-learning platforms offer discounts at certain times of the year. So you can wait to take advantage of those discounts, or you may wish to pay the full price if you want. But why pay two hundred bucks when you can get it for only twenty?

4. Find a Mentor

A mentor is an experienced individual who can share his knowledge, experience, and advice with you. Mentoring is an excellent way to accelerate your learning process. It can raise your chances of success by providing you with the necessary resources and suggestions.

Starting out in any field on your own is hard. But having someone to guide you through the process can make a huge difference. A mentor can offer valuable inside information, warn you about common mistakes and offer encouragement. These small things can help gain a new skill or walk in a new direction. Having a mentor is very important to advance in a career.

5. Look for an Internship

To get your dream job, you need experience and skills. An internship provides an excellent opportunity to gain experience and learn new skills. In an internship, no one expects you to know everything. Moreover, you are basically get paid to learn.

While some companies pay their interns, other companies offer unpaid internships. If they provide a good learning experience, unpaid internships are also a good choice. It will add knowledge to your resume, and stacking skills will give a boost to your career.

6. Grab Remote Job Opportunities

One of the best ways to learn a skill is on-the-job training. Many companies offer remote job opportunities without experiences. Taking a leap of faith and accepting the offer might be the kick-start you need. With these jobs, you can improve your skills by practising them on the job.

Closing Notes

With our list of the most profitable skills to learn, you can diversify your income source and earn more money. You can also start or change up your career by mastering these skills. Check out our carefully crafted courses to develop your skills.

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Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2023 | Alpha Academy (2024)


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  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. AI and machine learning are among the most high-income skills in 2023. ...
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  3. Cloud Computing. ...
  4. Cybersecurity. ...
  5. Digital Marketing. ...
  6. UI/UX Design. ...
  7. Data Science and Analytics.

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Top 20 Skills to Learn in 2023
  1. Artificial Intelligence Research. Average salary: $130,000. ...
  2. Machine Learning. Average salary: $130,000. ...
  3. Data Analysis. Average salary: $90,000. ...
  4. Cloud Computing. Average salary: $106,000 (US) ...
  5. Translation. Average Salary: $70,000. ...
  6. Mobile Development. ...
  7. Ethical Hacking. ...
  8. Video Production.
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ENGLEWOOD, Colo., May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Exceptional communication skills are key for job seekers and those looking to advance their careers, according to LinkedIn's annual report on the most in-demand skills in 2024. Customer service is the second most sought-after skill by employers, and leadership ranks third.

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Programming and coding

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Here are the top 10 skills for 2025 for boosting one's employability and robust tech career development.
  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) ...
  2. Cloud Computing and Development. ...
  3. Full-Stack Development and DevOps. ...
  4. Data Science and Analytics. ...
  5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) ...
  6. User Experience (UX)
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These are some jobs that can pay $1,000 per week and don't require college degrees:
  1. Server. National average salary: $32,845 per year Primary duties: Servers attend to guests when they visit restaurants. ...
  2. Bartender. ...
  3. Electrician. ...
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  • Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is a versatile skill set with immense potential in the job market. ...
  • Content Writing. ...
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  • Graphic Design. ...
  • Web Development. ...
  • Video Editing. ...
  • Blogging.
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  • Data engineer.
  • Cloud engineer.
  • Psychiatric nurse.
  • Senior product manager.
  • Back-end developer.
  • Site reliability engineer.
  • Machine learning engineer.
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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.