Movies may cause special effects on the body (2024)

Movies are often viewed as the perfect way to relax: You sit in a comfy seat, eat some popcorn and tune out for two hours.

But there's a lot more to cinema than simply entertainment. Movies affect your brain and body in ways you may not be able to detect.

"Because many films transmit ideas through emotion rather than intellect, they can neutralize the instinct to suppress feelings and trigger emotional release," said Birgit Wolz, a psychologist focusing on movies as therapy, and author of "E-motion Picture Magic." "By eliciting emotions, watching movies can open doors that otherwise might stay closed."

So before you pick your next flick, make sure you know what you can expect.


Laughter can offer you distance from your problems and enhance your sense of well-being, Wolz said. In fact, numerous studies have shown that laughter can help your immune system and decrease stress hormones, which constrict blood vessels and suppress hormone activity.

A study by researchers at the University of Maryland found that laughing while watching a comedic film causes your blood vessels to dilate by 22 percent. That's because when you laugh, the tissues forming the lining of your blood vessels expand and make room for an increase in blood flow. Translation: When you laugh at the movies, you're actually lowering your blood pressure to the same extent that you'd lower it when you do physical exercise, said Dr. Michael Miller, director of the University of Maryland's Center for Preventive Cardiology.

To get the biggest heart-healthy benefit from watching comedies, you should be watching movies that make you do a real belly laugh for at least 15 minutes, Miller said.

Know before you go: If you're worried about something and can't come to a good resolution, it's time to see a comedy. "Laughter while watching comedies can relieve anxiety, as well as reduce aggression and fear," Wolz said. "Often, clients are able to approach a solution to a problem they were worried about with less emotional involvement and a fresh and creative perspective after watching a humorous movie."

Horror films

The people who are fascinated by horror movies tend to be the same people who love to sky-dive, go rock climbing and try extreme skiing adventures.

"Riding at the edge of death is, somehow, strangely enough, what makes them feel most alive," Wolz said. And for many moviegoers, the horror genre allows them the opportunity to experience events and people who otherwise wouldn't enter their lives.

Horror films also affect your body physiologically, said Dr. George Bakris, who specializes in hypertensive diseases.

"Very intense movies do increase heart rate, and if you have coronary heart disease, (they) can increase chest pain and blood pressure," Bakris said.

Know before you go: Watching a horror movie can cause a spike in adrenaline and cortisol levels. That can trigger memories of traumatic events you have experienced, said Bruce McEwen, professor in the neuroendocrinology laboratory at The Rockefeller University in New York, and past president of the Society for Neuroscience. So if you have a bad memory that you don't want to subconsciously rehash, it would be best to avoid this genre until you're ready.

If you have a heart condition, and you feel pain or think you're having coronary problems, you should leave the movie early, Bakris said. Everyone else's heart should be able to regulate, so you don't have to worry if you feel your pulse beating faster than normal during the intense moments.

3-D movies

While most movies are still viewed in 2-D, the 3-D genre is growing. It's filling the need to get involved in the movie, to feel the action and to literally feel yourself falling when the characters take their jumps and leaps. To watch a 3-D film, you need to create two different views of the same object, and get one view into your right eye and one into your left eye to create a sense of depth, said Justin Bazan, optometrist and owner of Park Slope Eye in New York. Once you've done that, your vision brings you into the movie on a much deeper level.

Know before you go: Watching this type of movie can cause dizziness, headaches and nausea, Bazan said. That's because the depth makes you actually feel as if you're moving along with the characters. If you start to feel sick, leave the theater, and expect those feelings to subside within a few minutes. While a temporary imbalance is probably a normal response, it could also be a sign that you have a vision problem, Bazan said.

"It might signal an underlying problem, and maybe your visual system isn't performing up to an optimal level," he said. "If that's the case, talk to your optometrist to get checked for problems."

When you see a 3-D movie, it also can emphasize your minor eye problems. For example, if you don't see well out of both your eyes or if you have a severe problem in one eye, you'll feel dizzy immediately.

The dizziness may indicate a problem with your vestibular system. Inside your ears, you have nerves, canals and fluids that connect with your brain and help you keep your balance. But about 40 percent of people older than 40 have some kind of vestibular issue, so nearly half of adults watching 3-D movies can expect to feel some degree of dizziness, according to the Vestibular Disorders Association.

Romantic films

Romantic movies and comedies are similar in that they can both help you cope with outside issues. But though comedies have been proven to decrease stress hormones, lower your blood pressure and so on, romantic movies simply give you a few hours of relief from your life, Wolz said.

"Mistakes the characters make are portrayed in a humorous, uplifting and forgiving manner," she said. This may give you a different perspective on your problems.

Know before you go: One of Wolz's clients was overwhelmed with work, so she saw the Adam Sandler movie "Just Go With It." "After the movie, she noticed that, somehow, the negative beliefs about herself have dissipated, and for the time being, she feels more accepting of herself," Wolz said. Check out a romantic movie if you need a little break from life.

Movies may cause special effects on the body (2024)


What are the effects of special effects in movies? ›

Special effects are techniques and technologies that create illusions or enhance visual elements in a movie. Otherwise noted as SFX, these effects can be either practical or digital, and are used to add visual interest, realism, or fantasy to a film.

What effect do movies have on the human brain? ›

A study conducted by researchers at University College London and Vue Cinema found that people who watched movies experienced improved mental focus and fixation towards the movie. This focused watching (according to the study) helps to improve cognition and memory.

Can movies affect you? ›

Movies could provide both enjoyment and stress reduction

Many people find watching movies both entertaining and a way to reduce stress. Watching movies can make us forget our problems is an alternative to anxiety loss. As previously said, watching movies can have a positive emotional impact.

How do different movies affect our feeling? ›

Watching movies encourages emotional release.

Even those who often have trouble expressing their emotions might find themselves laughing or crying during a film. This release of emotions can have a cathartic effect and also make it easier for a person to become more comfortable in expressing their emotions.

What are examples of special effect? ›

This includes the use of mechanized props, scenery, scale models, animatronics, pyrotechnics and atmospheric effects: creating physical wind, rain, fog, snow, clouds, making a car appear to drive by itself and blowing up a building, etc.

What is the cause and effect of a movie? ›

Cause and Effect is what drives the narrative forward and engages the audience. It is a series or chain of events / actions that progress the direction of the narrative. Cause and Effect often consists of character motivations.

Can movies affect your mental health? ›

Take a break if you're finding it too much, and be careful not to overdo it - bingeing on movies and TV shows has been shown to disrupt sleep, increase anxiety and induce higher levels of depression.

Why do movies make us feel things? ›

Your attention is captured and emotions elicited by the movie's story. Oxytocin is then associated with heightened feelings of empathy and compassion, further intensifying feelings of social connectedness and you pay even further attention to the social cues of the characters in the movie.

What are two negative effects of movies? ›

Viewing movies with sex, violence, drug abuse, adult themes, and offensive language can have a negative effect on children and adolescents. Many movies are not appropriate for children. Older children and adolescents may copy risky and possibly dangerous things they see in movies.

What are the side effects of watching too much movies? ›

Physical strain to your eyes and body. Spending long hours staring at a screen definitely takes a toll on your body, especially your eyes. Excessive screen time not only strains your eyes and leaves them feeling dry, but can also lead to retina damage and blurred vision.

What is the effect of watching too much movies? ›

Psychologists reveal that too much entertainment creates a bad impact on your mind by slowing your brainwaves and turning you into a passive person. Watching too many movies waste time and keeps you unfocused on vital tasks to advance your career.

Why movies can change your life? ›

Films have the ability to change our lives. With stories that open up other experiences to us, and characters who navigate the forces that we also face in our own lives, the right film at the right time can be transformative.

What does special effect mean? ›

: an image or sound that is created in television, radio, or movies to represent something real (such as an explosion) or imaginary (such as a monster) a movie with spectacular special effects.

How are special effects created? ›

Special effects have also been created mechanically on the set through the use of devices such as wires, explosives, and puppets and by building miniature models to simulate epic scenes such as battles.

What is a special effects person called? ›

Also Called. SFX Artist, Practical Effects Artist, Live Production Special Effects Designer, Mechanical Effects Designer, Theatrical Effects Artist. Special effects artists draw from numerous fields of art and science to design and construct astonishing illusions that pull audiences into the world of the show.

Do movies affect people's behavior? ›

A considerable number of behavioral habits that we notice in people around are taken from the movies. People like it when the main character in a film or TV series speaks loud words does incredible things, makes sacrifices for their own purpose. Unconsciously, a person tries to imitate what they like.

What are examples of cause or effect? ›

Cause and Effect Examples
Your alarm clock makes a loud noise.You wake up in time for school.
You break your arm.The doctor gives you a cast.
You flip a light switch.The lights turn on.

How do movies affect your heart rate? ›

Although the changes were small, and not likely to be risky for normal healthy individuals, the team from UCL, King's College London and Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital found that watching an emotionally charged film clip caused a disturbance to the normal heartbeat and a significant increase in blood pressure.

Can movies cause anxiety attacks? ›

Fear and anxiety are typical reactions to horror films, but some people may experience extreme distress after seeing a scary movie. In fact, psychology researchers have described a rare phenomenon called cinematic neurosis, in which distress from watching horror films results in a need for psychological intervention.

Do movies affect your subconscious mind? ›

Movies and television put us into a hypnotic state. Within seconds of turning on the TV, our brainwaves lower to an alpha state, which is where we are most impressionable. The information we see or hear on the television — whether it's the news or a fiction film — works on our subconscious mind.

Why do shows affect my mental health? ›

TV has links to anxiety and depression as individuals can fall into a perpetual cycle of physical loneliness and increased dependence on electronic entertainment, contributing to further self-isolation. Another contributor to anxiety and depression is insomnia related to screen time.

What is it called when you feel like your in a movie? ›

Derealization symptoms

Symptoms of derealization include: Feelings of being alienated from or unfamiliar with your surroundings — for example, like you're living in a movie or a dream.

Do movies affect mood? ›

Boost mood

If you live with an anxiety disorder or depression, or you're simply anxious and stressed about work and family commitments, taking time to watch a movie could help improve your mood.

How do movies make us sad? ›

When a sad movie or a novel makes you cry, this is the work of mirror neurons. Located in the motor cortex, mirror neurons are natural-born copycats, getting anxious, shivering, or crying for the leading character, even though these events take place outside the self.

Can movies cause sensory overload? ›

Loud noises, bright lights, large groups of people, and unfamiliar textures or smells during a movie can cause sensory overload for some kids. Many theater chains (such as AMC Theatres) now offer sensory-friendly movie screenings.

What happens to your body when you watch too much TV? ›

“Researchers have found that moderate to high television viewing during midlife is associated with increased memory loss and decreased fine motor skills,” explains Manisha Parulekar, M.D., director, division of Geriatrics, and co-director, Center for Memory Loss and Brain Health at Hackensack University Medical Center.

What happens to the brain when you watch an action movie? ›

Cuts and angle shifts greatly influence viewers' eye movements, and information collected by retinal cells passes through the thalamus into the visual cortex at the back of the brain. Regions of the visual cortex have functions ranging from pattern recognition to motion perception.

What is it called when you watch a lot of movies? ›

Cinephilia (/ˌsɪnɪˈfɪliə/; also cinemaphilia or filmophilia) is the term used to refer to a passionate interest in films, film theory, and film criticism. The term is a portmanteau of the words cinema and philia, one of the four ancient Greek words for love.

Is it okay to watch a movie repeatedly? ›

Rewatching a movie, series or single episode enhances our well-being. Repeated viewing fulfills emotional needs, gives us comfort, provides a sense of control over our lives, and connects us with our past.

Why do humans like movies so much? ›

We reflect upon what we saw and heard, in groups or in internal dialogue. The movie becomes part of our memory; sometimes we get confused about whether the stories we remember come from cinema or stories we've heard about people. We take the movie in through the sacred space of the theater and leave with its messages.

Do movies produce a good or bad effect on the character of a child? ›

Namely, they can provide educational resources, help develop character, expand vocabulary with older children, increase empathy, and promote positive social interaction.

Do movies reflect real life? ›

Historical documents, eyewitnesses accounts, and archeological objects all claim a direct connection to events or situations that historians evaluate and interpret. Film, however, offers a unique ability to reflect and resemble historical figures and events.

Is it normal to think your life is a movie? ›

Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DDD) often shows up with other mental health conditions. It happens when you feel like you're watching your life from outside your body. It can feel like you're watching a movie or a dream. This feeling is very upsetting.

What is the role of special effects? ›

A special effects (SFX) technician produces visual, pyrotechnic (explosive) or physical effects in order to create a particular impression or illusion in a film, television, stage or video production.

What is the importance of special effects in theater? ›

Special effect technique is a screen and stage element that enhances a production. It ensures that the idea under consideration is well packaged, treated and gives the right interpretation and understanding as far as the audience perception is concerned.

What are special and visual effects in film? ›

While there are further subcategories, special effects are often practical, meaning that they are artificially created on set (for example, a controlled explosion in an action scene). Visual effects, on the other hand, are created in post-production or the editing bay.

What are special effects in animation? ›

Special effects and animation technology involves using a variety of standard and digital animation techniques to achieve particular visual or auditory results. Such technology can be applied to movies, video games and other forms of media.

What are the benefits of special effects? ›

Special effects produce powerful entertainment for your audience. In fact they can be used to captivate the audience in a way that has them feeling like what they are watching is so realistic that they are “in” the movie.

What are the reasons for visual effects? ›

In filmmaking, visual effects (VFX) is the creation or manipulation of any on-screen imagery that does not physically exist in real life. VFX allows filmmakers to create environments, objects, creatures, and even people that would otherwise be impractical or impossible to film in the context of a live-action shot.

What are special effects called in theatre? ›

Special FX

Illusions used in the film, television and entertainment industries to simulate imagined events in a story are traditionally called special effects (a.k.a. SFX or SPFX).

What is another word for special effects? ›

On this page you'll find 5 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to special effects, such as: animation, fx, mechanical effects, optical effects, and process photography.

Who created special effects? ›

Early Developments. In 1857, Oscar Rejlander created the world's first "special effects" image by combining different sections of 32 negatives into a single image, making a montaged combination print. In 1895, Alfred Clark created what is commonly accepted as the first-ever motion picture special effect.

What are the benefits of using special effects in a presentation? ›

Visual aids can reinforce and clarify key points in your presentation. Engaging both the eyes and the ears of your audience members improves both their understanding and their retention. Good visual aids create a sense of consistency and balance, and inspire a greater level confidence in the legitimacy of your message.

What special effect will you use to cover an unwanted part of a film? ›

Foley can also be used to cover up unwanted sounds captured on the set of a movie during filming, such as overflying airplanes or passing traffic.

What is the difference between special effects and practical effects? ›

In the film industry, there are two types of special effects: practical and computer-generated imaging. What is this? The difference between them is that practical effects are created with physical materials such as prosthetics, puppets, or animatronics while CGI is generated by a computer.

What's the difference between special effects and animation? ›

VFX is artificial imagery used to create false images and scenes on a screen that are not shot with a raw camera lens. While the animation is the motion graphics and the movement of the graphics and pictures are used. VFX creators do not have to learn 2D and 3D animation.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.