My house paint colors – House Mix (2024)

In my previous two houses I painted rooms whatever color I liked at the moment, without considering the colors overall in the house. Our first house seemed disjointed with a few different styles going on and a very random color palette.

In our third home I’m much more conscious of how the colors go together and striving to maintain consistent style and continuity. I did this with our light fixtures as well.

My house paint colors – House Mix (1)


White is by far my favorite color choice for walls. Some pops of color are wonderful, but overall, I love fresh are airy white walls! The sunshine bounces off of them and they make for the perfect backdrop.

My house paint colors – House Mix (2)


For trim, ceiling and my board and batten walls I use plain, bright white, right out of the can. This makes it super easy for touchups — and I have to do a lot of those with three kids.

At our last house, the homeowner chose different tones for the ceiling and trim. It was a problem to match every time I wanted to do a touch up, so I went simple in this house.


The house already had mostly white walls when we moved in. The only problem is that there are several shades of white going on! The kids’ rooms are pale beige. Our room and guest room are a pale gray. And the living areas are an even lighter gray. It bugs me a little, but not enough to repaint everything!

Over time, I would like to slowly paint the rooms the same color. I would probably go with something like Benjamin Moore Paper White. The color in our living room isn’t too far off from this selection.

Light French Gray

My house paint colors – House Mix (3)

I love the way Sherwin Williams Light French Gray pops next to bright white trim. I used it above both board and batten walls, the entry and the dining room.

My house paint colors – House Mix (4)

I also used it above the top half of the hallway (currently STILL missing chair rail and moulding panels.) It adds quite a bit dimension, while still reading on the white scale.

I plan on using the slightly darker French Gray to stencil the floor beside the pool this summer!

Newburg Green

My house paint colors – House Mix (5)

I’ve been obsessed with this rich color ever since I saw it. Benjamin Moore Newburg Green a transformative peaco*ck color that looks blue or green, depending on the light. I still find myself eyeing it in the boy’s shared room, trying to determine which it is!

I thought the dark color would make the room look smaller, but just doing one accent wall actually gave the room more depth.

Harbor Haze

My house paint colors – House Mix (6)
My house paint colors – House Mix (7)

I wanted to keep our guest bedroom gender neutral, but it was feeling pretty bland, so I painted the ceiling Benjamin Moore Harbor Haze.

I had southern porch ceilings in mind when I chose this. It shifts with the time of day between a cool blue and a pale robin’s egg blue.

My house paint colors – House Mix (8)

I liked it so much I decided to paint this alcove in the master bathroom the same color. I also like to add continuity to the house whenever possible.

(I’m sorry I keep showing you a picture of my half-painted, pre-makeover bathroom! It’s not for lack of motivation. Ok, yes it is. I’m completely not motivated to start painting tile and re-caulking everything, haha!)

Courtyard Green

My house paint colors – House Mix (9)
My house paint colors – House Mix (10)

I looked at SO many greens for this door. I’m fairly confident I picked the perfect one ;) It’s bold, but not too blue or too yellow. The pop of color adds some personality to the all-white garage and goes so well with all the surrounding greenery.

And the best part is that it cost $7 and I did it in 20 minutes!


My house paint colors – House Mix (11)

I’m in the process of painting all of our French doors black. And again, I just used the satin black, straight out of the can! It’s simple to buy paint to patch it and looks great. You can see how I painted the doors, walls and floor of our entryway in this post!

And that’s it! I probably won’t add any other colors to this list to keep things simple, but I imagine I’ll continue to add a few accent walls and touches with these existing colors.

Tell me, what is your FAVORITE paint color in your home?


Be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram! I share a lot of ideas and frugal tips on Instagram (especially in stories) that don’t develop into full posts here.

By the way, I’m doing projects nearly every day onInstagram stories. Come follow along with me. Some don’t make it onto the blog!

My house paint colors – House Mix (12)
My house paint colors – House Mix (13)
My house paint colors – House Mix (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.