My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (2024)

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Only mod I use is MC Command, but my game has been doing this when I fresh install the sims and hit play day 1... I get great frame rates in game, no lag at all, but underlining issue is my sim or sometimes sims will just stand there not doing ANYTHING somethings for 2-4 in game hours doesn't matter if I hit X on current action, or give them another action nothing helps. They lose needs per usual so world nor game nor sim is frozen, rest of the world is moving, life goes on but my sims are stuck in limbo not wanting to do anything at all other than stand in place. This is happening to me quite often now, and even my wife just install sims, and her computer is stronger than mine she is also getting this issue. We are unsure how to fix it, if there is a mod that helps it I am more than willing to try anything. Game isn't unplayable but this bug does make it unenjoyable. Also I noticed my sims sometimes turn into something from THE THING movie... body because disfigured and weird looking for few seconds than they go back to normal.

Apart of me thinks its because I have all sims 4 content, maybe its just to much going on in the game world? I don't know, but I do know I never experienced this issue with the base game. Now thinking about it, I was bug free with sims 3 base game but when I packed on all the content game because buggy, glitchy, laggy. I really want seasons but uh if things don't change I dunno if I will even buy it because game is just unenjoyable with the bugs. I wish base game had more content because this sims to always be the case with sims titles... DLC after DLC = new bug after new bug.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (2)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    I am sorry that you are having this issue.

    Repairing the game may help. To do that, right click on the sims 4 picture in Origin and click repair.

    Close all other open windows in the desktop when playing the game and see if that helps.

    Lower your graphics settings and see if that helps. Lower the ingame screen resolution in game options
    Check to make sure that your graphics drivers are up todate

    Try resetting your sims 4 folder and see if that helps. To do that, move your sims 4 folder ( that is in Documents -Electronic Arts - then the sims 4 folder is there ) to the desktop. Then start the game, and a new sims 4 folder will be generated. Exit the game and then copy back the "options.ini" or " options " file and the "saves" , "screenshots" "tray" "custom music " and "mods" folders from the desktop sims 4 folder to the new sims 4 folder, replacing the new generated file/ folders with the old file/folders from the desktop sims 4 folder.

    Try turning off origin in-game and see if that helps. To do that, go,to Game Library in Origin . Right click on The Sims 4 picture. Click on “Game Properties”. Then untick the box that enables origin in-game

    Try playing in off line mode and see if that helps.

    If your sims live in San Myshuno, try moving them to another world . Simmers have been having issues when their sims live in this world,


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (4)SuRihtanil Posts: 1,456 Member

    Thank you I will try some of these methods to see if they work.

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (8)krimsonnox Posts: 6,143 Member

    i think this is the same issue i have , i will try these suggestions too. my sims i tried this with do in fact live in san myshuno

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (9)kaiwrysims Posts: 1,528 Member

    I just was about to post about this. I will try the things suggested too and see if that helps my game.

    Check out my twitter and tumblr

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (10)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    I just was about to post about this. I will try the things suggested too and see if that helps my game.

    I am sorry that you also are having issues.

    If you have cc/mods in your game, also move your whole mods folder to the desktop. Then start the game and see if the issues are still there


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (12)kaiwrysims Posts: 1,528 Member

    rosemow wrote: »

    I just was about to post about this. I will try the things suggested too and see if that helps my game.

    I am sorry that you also are having issues.

    If you have cc/mods in your game, also move your whole mods folder to the desktop. Then start the game and see if the issues are still there

    I tried your suggestions, have removed my mods, reset sim, moved them out of their house, reuploaded them to my game from the gallery, removed all the pets from the household and basically have tried everything. She is still stuck.

    Check out my twitter and tumblr

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (13)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    rosemow wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    I just was about to post about this. I will try the things suggested too and see if that helps my game.

    I am sorry that you also are having issues.

    If you have cc/mods in your game, also move your whole mods folder to the desktop. Then start the game and see if the issues are still there

    I tried your suggestions, have removed my mods, reset sim, moved them out of their house, reuploaded them to my game from the gallery, removed all the pets from the household and basically have tried everything. She is still stuck.

    Is it only occurring with one household, or with all sims households in the game?
    Try starting a fresh new save game, place your sims household into the new save game and test to see if the issues occur there in that new save game also.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (15)Reitanna Posts: 294 Member

    I have the same problem with three of my households

    I'm so old, I remember when "hashtags" were called POUND SIGNS.

    My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (16)

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (17)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    Reitanna wrote: »

    I have the same problem with three of my households

    Try moving your whole mods folder to the desktop. Then start the game and test to see if that helps the issues.
    If the issues remain, try doing what I suggested in the above posts


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (19)sqlllnht Posts: 12 New Member

    Just throwing this out there, when your sims are "stuck", and just stand around without performing actions you've queued, try pausing the game briefly, then un-pausing and see if that helps.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (20)kaiwrysims Posts: 1,528 Member

    rosemow wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    rosemow wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    I just was about to post about this. I will try the things suggested too and see if that helps my game.

    I am sorry that you also are having issues.

    If you have cc/mods in your game, also move your whole mods folder to the desktop. Then start the game and see if the issues are still there

    I tried your suggestions, have removed my mods, reset sim, moved them out of their house, reuploaded them to my game from the gallery, removed all the pets from the household and basically have tried everything. She is still stuck.

    Is it only occurring with one household, or with all sims households in the game?
    Try starting a fresh new save game, place your sims household into the new save game and test to see if the issues occur there in that new save game also.

    It's not occuring with all households but I did see it start to happen with another household in a different save. And I'll try starting a new save and see if that helps.

    Check out my twitter and tumblr

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (21)kaiwrysims Posts: 1,528 Member

    edited January 2018

    @rosemow I started a new save and placed the household and they seemed to be working fine but I don't want to continue playing that household in the new save because then I would have to start over. The problem has also started to occur in my other save too and I can't fix that one. It's my 100 baby challenge save and I can't start over in a new save because then I lose all my progress.

    Check out my twitter and tumblr

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (22)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    edited January 2018

    @rosemow I started a new save and placed the household and they seemed to be working fine but I don't want to continue playing that household in the new save because then I would have to start over. The problem has also started to occur in my other save too and I can't fix that one. It's my 100 baby challenge save and I can't start over in a new save because then I lose all my progress.

    Hello @kaiwrysims
    Sometimes having a large amount of items in the sims inventories and household inventory can cause issues. Try removing some of the items from the inventories and see if that helps.

    Try evicting the sims household from their home then place them back into the original home and see if that helps.

    When it occurs, try pressing pause, then wait a few seconds, then go back to nornal time and see if that helps.
    Going to game optiions and back, or to build/buy mode and back, or pressing the M key to have them travel but cancel the travel interaction, can help.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (24)kaiwrysims Posts: 1,528 Member

    rosemow wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    @rosemow I started a new save and placed the household and they seemed to be working fine but I don't want to continue playing that household in the new save because then I would have to start over. The problem has also started to occur in my other save too and I can't fix that one. It's my 100 baby challenge save and I can't start over in a new save because then I lose all my progress.

    Hello @kaiwrysims
    Sometimes having a large amount of items in the sims inventories and household inventory can cause issues. Try removing some of the items from the inventories and see if that helps.

    Try evicting the sims household from their home then place them back into the original home and see if that helps.

    When it occurs, try pressing pause, then wait a few seconds, then go back to nornal time and see if that helps.
    Going to game optiions and back, or to build/buy mode and back, or pressing the M key to have them travel but cancel the travel interaction, can help.

    Tried all of that except removing stuff from their inventory. I'll try that, in the morning, even though they don't really have much in there to begin with.

    Now I'm starting to think my problem is unfixable My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (25) especially since a lot of people don't seem to have this happening to them.

    Check out my twitter and tumblr

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (26)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    rosemow wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    @rosemow I started a new save and placed the household and they seemed to be working fine but I don't want to continue playing that household in the new save because then I would have to start over. The problem has also started to occur in my other save too and I can't fix that one. It's my 100 baby challenge save and I can't start over in a new save because then I lose all my progress.

    Hello @kaiwrysims
    Sometimes having a large amount of items in the sims inventories and household inventory can cause issues. Try removing some of the items from the inventories and see if that helps.

    Try evicting the sims household from their home then place them back into the original home and see if that helps.

    When it occurs, try pressing pause, then wait a few seconds, then go back to nornal time and see if that helps.
    Going to game optiions and back, or to build/buy mode and back, or pressing the M key to have them travel but cancel the travel interaction, can help.

    Tried all of that except removing stuff from their inventory. I'll try that, in the morning, even though they don't really have much in there to begin with.

    Now I'm starting to think my problem is unfixable My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (27) especially since a lot of people don't seem to have this happening to them.

    Removing items from the inventories of their sims has helped some simmers with these issues. I hope that it may help in your game also.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (29)Cinebar Posts: 33,618 Member

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    rosemow wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    I just was about to post about this. I will try the things suggested too and see if that helps my game.

    I am sorry that you also are having issues.

    If you have cc/mods in your game, also move your whole mods folder to the desktop. Then start the game and see if the issues are still there

    I tried your suggestions, have removed my mods, reset sim, moved them out of their house, reuploaded them to my game from the gallery, removed all the pets from the household and basically have tried everything. She is still stuck.

    When you remove your mods folder you should go ahead and repair game, mods leave left over crumbs of code. I had this problem (no mods) two years ago and I found it was always another Sim on their way to wave or speak to my Sim. But nothing was in the selected Sim's queue. This one bug is what made me stop playing TS4 as it would reoccur often and along with the added bugs and Origin bugs. But I saw it often in the last two years.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (30)kaiwrysims Posts: 1,528 Member

    Cinebar wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    rosemow wrote: »

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    I just was about to post about this. I will try the things suggested too and see if that helps my game.

    I am sorry that you also are having issues.

    If you have cc/mods in your game, also move your whole mods folder to the desktop. Then start the game and see if the issues are still there

    I tried your suggestions, have removed my mods, reset sim, moved them out of their house, reuploaded them to my game from the gallery, removed all the pets from the household and basically have tried everything. She is still stuck.

    When you remove your mods folder you should go ahead and repair game, mods leave left over crumbs of code. I had this problem (no mods) two years ago and I found it was always another Sim on their way to wave or speak to my Sim. But nothing was in the selected Sim's queue. This one bug is what made me stop playing TS4 as it would reoccur often and along with the added bugs and Origin bugs. But I saw it often in the last two years.

    Okay I will try that, thank you

    Check out my twitter and tumblr

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (31)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    Hello @kaiwrysims
    If you haven’t already done this, try resetting your sims 4 folder and see if that helps. To do that, move your sims 4 folder ( that is in Documents -Electronic Arts - then the sims 4 folder is there ) to the desktop. Then start the game, and a new sims 4 folder will be generated. Exit the game and then copy back the "options.ini" or " options " file and the "saves" , "screenshots" "tray" "custom music " and "mods" folders from the desktop sims 4 folder to the new sims 4 folder, replacing the new generated file/ folders with the old file/folders from the desktop sims 4 folder.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (33)Zasz Posts: 806 Member

    This sounds like the lag issue. Its something that happens even among the players with vastly superior computers, no mods, nothing in inventories, every driver updated and so on. I witnessed it this week too. It was only a few seconds for me, has been since I upgraded my hardware.
    Things that reduce this are at least 4gb of RAM, a decent CPU or a SSD drive to compensate for the game appearing to lag.

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (34)Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member

    edited January 2018

    I have a couple suggestions that might help too. First, do you have a lot of Sims/Lots/Rooms saved in your personal Library? If so, that can cause lag and Sims standing around. Also, if you have a lot of save files it can cause problems as well.

    What I do is keep my tray files and saves organized in folders outside of the game. I only keep saves in the game I'm currently using. I have a folder for every Sim I've played with folders inside; one for the created Sim's tray files, one for their lot/rooms, one for their save file if I'm not currently using them, and one for screenshots. I also have a folder for venue/community lot tray files.

    Whenever I want to play a particular save or use a particular house/venue, I just place the files back in the appropriate folders before starting up the game.

    By the way, just in case you were wondering, taking tray files out of the game for Sims/Lots you're currently playing will NOT delete them from the game. They'll stay safe and sound as long as you keep their save files in the game. I do it all the time.

    Lastly, do you have a lot of images in your screenshots folder? If so, you might want to consider removing them as well. I've found having a ton of screenshots in there can cause problems. I put screenshots in a folder inside individual Sims/Venue folders too.

    It takes a bit of work organizing at first, but it's worth it. The more streamlined you keep your game, the smoother it'll run, at least that's been the case in my experience. Hope this helps! My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (35)


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (36)kaiwrysims Posts: 1,528 Member

    I actually took out my entire mods folder, with cc, and that fixed the problem for one household but I haven't tried with the other. I still don't think it's mods because it was still happening when I took out my mods only and I don't think it's a particular cc because one of the households have no cc whatsoever. So it might be maybe the amount of cc I have. Or it's my computer and the game is taking a toll on my cpu.

    My cc is organized in different folders so I took out my hair folder and that's almost 50% of my cc and that didn't fix the problem. So I think I'll try taking out a few folders to try to find the problem. If I can't then I have to play without cc which is the worst thing because I'd have to edit all my sims and houses in every save and I don't really want to do that.

    rosemow wrote: »

    Hello @kaiwrysims
    If you haven’t already done this, try resetting your sims 4 folder and see if that helps.

    Yes I've tried that already.

    Zasz wrote: »

    This sounds like the lag issue. Things that reduce this are at least 4gb of RAM, a decent CPU or a SSD drive to compensate for the game appearing to lag.

    I do have 4gb of ram but I don't know if my cpu is decent enough. I am trying to save up to get a more powerful computer though.

    Karababy52 wrote: »

    I have a couple suggestions that might help too.

    Thanks for your suggestions I'll try them and hopefully they'll work.

    Check out my twitter and tumblr

  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (37)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    Hello @kaiwrysims
    It may be best to post your DXDiag info here and we can check your computer system details.
    To gather a DXDIAG on your computer, do this :
    Press and hold the Windows key and the letter R on your keyboard
    You will see a Run box in the lower-left corner of your screen
    Type dxdiag in the text field
    Click OK
    Click the Save All Information button, found on the bottom of the DXDIAG report

    After you have saved your dxdiag info on your computer, go to the pastebin site
    and copy/paste the dxdiag info into the white box there. Press the button to create the new paste/pastebin text file.
    Then post here in this thread the web address of your dxdiag info that is on the pastebin site.


  • My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (40)rosemow Posts: 162,871 Member

    kaiwrysims wrote: »

    It would be best to go to the AMD site and update your graphics drivers.
    I will also ask @phoebebebe13 to check your DXDiag when she comes onto the forums.


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As an enthusiast and expert in the realm of Sims 4 gameplay and issue troubleshooting, I'd like to delve into the concerns raised by SuRihtanil regarding a persistent problem in the game. The user describes a situation where, despite having a powerful computer and using only the MC Command mod, Sims in the game sometimes become unresponsive, standing in place for hours and not performing any actions.

Now, let's break down the valuable advice given by experienced forum members, particularly rosemow:

  1. Repairing the Game: This involves right-clicking on the Sims 4 picture in Origin and selecting the repair option. This can fix potential issues in the game files.

  2. Optimizing Graphics Settings: Lowering graphics settings and in-game screen resolution might alleviate the issue, especially if the computer is struggling to handle the graphical demands of the game.

  3. Checking Graphics Drivers: Ensuring that graphics drivers are up-to-date is crucial for optimal performance and compatibility with the game.

  4. Resetting Sims 4 Folder: Moving the Sims 4 folder from Documents to the desktop and allowing the game to generate a new folder can resolve problems related to corrupted game files.

  5. Turning Off Origin In-Game: Disabling Origin in-game features can sometimes prevent interference with the Sims 4 and improve stability.

  6. Trying Offline Mode: Playing in offline mode might help isolate and troubleshoot potential online-related issues affecting gameplay.

Several users, including krimsonnox and kaiwrysims, express experiencing similar problems. The community collaborates to provide additional suggestions, such as checking for the presence of mods and custom content, moving Sims to a different world, and trying various troubleshooting steps.

Furthermore, rosemow advises kaiwrysims to organize and reduce the content in the Sims 4 folders, suggesting that having a large number of items in inventories or household inventory could contribute to the problem.

In the later part of the discussion, there's an exploration of potential lag issues, hardware considerations (RAM, CPU, SSD drive), and additional suggestions to manage library items, save files, and screenshots more efficiently.

In conclusion, this forum thread exemplifies a supportive community actively engaged in diagnosing and resolving issues related to Sims 4 gameplay. It showcases a collective effort to provide comprehensive and practical solutions, reinforcing the idea that a well-informed community is an invaluable resource for addressing gaming challenges.

My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there. (2024)


My Sims don't respond to my commands... they just stand there.? ›

Sometimes your Sims get stuck in The Sims 4, but you can reset them with the “resetSim” command in the cheat window. You may want or need to reset your Sims if they become stuck or unresponsive. There are two ways you can reset your Sim. For either, open the cheat window by pressing CTRL + Shift + C.

Why won t my sims do anything I tell them? ›

there is a routing issue making it so they cannot do what they're told. They have low needs that need attention. They have been summoned by something or something has happened that overrided your command.

Why won't my Sims do any actions? ›

Dot.: Sims 4: My Sim Won't Do Any Actions

1. If you are using any mods and CC, move the mods folder to your desktop and try without them. 2. Go to the Family Management panel and transfer this sim to another family and check that you have regained control of him.

Why can't my Sims use anything? ›

It sounds like you have a routing error. It could be a mod or CC causing it, but routing errors will happen in a vanilla game. If the sim is in a room, put the walls all the way up and go to build mode and click on the doors to the room to make sure they are place properly.

Why are my Sims ignoring my commands? ›

Sometimes if the sim(s) get too far 'in the red' on any of their needs they go a bit nuts and don't do what they need, and sometimes will also not listen to your directions for them to meet their needs also. Especially if more than one need gets super low.

Why are none of my cheats working Sims 4? ›

As an alternative please try pressing ctrl+shift+c then entering: "testingcheats true" without quotes. Note this will not say that cheats are enabled, but they should be.

Is there a way to unfreeze Sims 4? ›

Unfortunately, if Sims 4 freezes, there is only a small possibility that you can wait for it to thaw naturally, and no matter how you shake the mouse, shutting down Sims 4 is the only way out. However, although you cannot save your game data by unfreezing Sims 4, you can save the game before ending Sims 4.

How to reset the Sims 4? ›

To reset your game:
  1. Go to My Documents.
  2. Find The Sims 4 folder.
  3. Click on it and press Delete.
  4. Confirm you want to delete the folder.
  5. Empty your Recycle Bin.
  6. Restart your computer.
Mar 15, 2023

How do you unfreeze Sims 4 without losing progress? ›

Is your Sims for game frozen. and you don't want to lose any progress, press the Alt and F 4 keys. and the save menu will pop up. Save and exit your game.

Why can't my Sims interact? ›

these kind of errors are most often mods/cc related. If you're using any, please remove them and try again.

How do I clear my Sims cache? ›

Go to Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/ on your PC or Mac. Delete the localthumbscache. package file from this folder. Enter the cache folder and delete all files that end in .

How to repair Sims 4? ›

To repair the game, open your Steam library, right-click the Sims 4 tile, and select Properties > Local files > Verify integrity of the game files.

Why are my Sims just standing still? ›

Re: Sim stands still and pauses for a long time when I command her to do somethi. This is a common issue. Some have reported it has to do with outdated custom content. To test this, move your mods folder to the desktop, clear your game cache and delete the localthumbcache.

What does footsteps with exclamation point mean Sims 4? ›

That's a routing error. Does it happen no matter what you tell them to do? Can you try just a “go here”? If it happens no matter what, is your Sim stuck - is there anything that could be blocking them from moving?

Why won t my Sims try for a baby when I tell them to? ›

Sometimes if a diary is in the bed it may have gotten repositioned so that the book is interfering with woohoo. Remove the diary from the bed and try again. If the grim reaper is on the lot or the gnome that looks like death will also sometimes prevent woohoo.

How do you get your Sims empathy up? ›

Empathy can be raised by:
  1. volunteering as a family, playing with the doctor playset.
  2. asking about negative moods and by calming down.
  3. cheering up.
  4. consoling about death.
  5. by having the Good trait.
  6. giving gifts to other Sims. [TS4:S] .

Why can't my Sim interact with other Sims? ›

these kind of errors are most often mods/cc related. If you're using any, please remove them and try again.

How do you make Sims only do what you want? ›

Pause the game go into game options select the gameplay tab and set autonomy to off.

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