No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (2024)

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  • Junior is home and doing well!February 29, 2024 - 7:47 am
  • Junior’s Emergency SurgeryFebruary 20, 2024 - 10:19 am
  • We are so proud of Meg, our Director of Herd Management!November 21, 2023 - 10:17 am
  • Blossom is doing great!October 27, 2023 - 12:19 pm
  • Corolla Wild Horse Fund Announces Appointment of New Chief Executive OfficerAugust 10, 2023 - 4:21 pm

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In a herd of only about 100 horses, every single individual matters.

The Bankers are a highly-threatened, critically endangered breed and the conservation of those rare and invaluable genetics are at the forefront of all the work that we do. Not only do we have to maintain a population of horses in the wild, we need to ensure that they are genetically healthy and will continue to thrive here for generations to come. We maintain individual files on each horse, and these records include identification photos, foaling history for mares, a log of injuries or illnesses, DNA, associations, and any other relevant management information. Each horse is assigned a registration number and kept track of from birth to death. Our staff is on the beach seven days a week observing the horses. They record latitude and longitude coordinates for tracking and habitat use purposes, behaviors like fighting, grazing, or breeding, weather conditions, and more.

The more we know about how these horses spend their days, the better equipped we will be to save them.

You can be a part of this important work by becoming a member today! There are lots of ways to get involved - learn more:

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (7)

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Greatful they are safe and have continued support 💗


Thank you for all the team does for these horses.

Thank you for all you do!❤️

Stacey Knapp

Mikayla Hague

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The Banker horses are what’s known as a landrace breed. This means that they are unique from any other breed of horse in the world due to the adaptations they’ve developed over the last several hundred years that allow them to survive on the barrier islands of North Carolina. Breed conservation is key to their long term survival. These genes do not, and cannot, exist anywhere else because the horses are intrinsically tied to our coastal landscape, culture, and history.

We are tasked with the tricky job of preserving these genetics while at the same time not interfering with the natural course of their lives. Luckily there is a lot of breed conservation work that can happen without being intrusive. In 2020 we undertook an ambitious project to collect DNA from every wild Corolla horse, along with any that have been removed from the herd and are currently living in captivity. From this we can build ancestries, learn more about herd dynamics, movement, and breeding behavior, test for genetic diseases, and build a breed database that will help other managers far into the future.

The farm also provides opportunities for breed conservation. While we have yet to breed any of the captive Bankers, we have plans to do so in the future. We’ve also begun collecting and storing sem*n from our stallions so that should something happen to them, their genes will be preserved for many years to come.

Your continued support is vital to the Bankers’ survival - join us today!

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (9)

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Thank you for your dedication. We appreciate all of you

Thank you for all your work and dedication to these beautiful horses ❤🐴

Such wonderful work. Thank you for your commitment to conservation!

Love the interesting facts you post - looking forward to visiting in April

Educational & interesting! ❤️🙏🏼

This is fascinating. I would love to visit from the UK sometime.

What wonderful dedication to care for, protect, and preserve this breed❣ It takes very special individuals dedicating their life to the preservation of these magnificent horses.

Thank yall for everything you do for these horses!!!!!

Thanks for all the hard work you do!!!

Thanks for all your work!

Thanks for the great info!

Whats the name on picture, she/he is very unique and beautiful


Donating now. I so admire (and envy) your work.

Alana Frost

I have 2 Corolla Mustangs and neither has been tested. What DNA test do you use?

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Blossom, who was rescued in October after tearing a ligament in her front leg, has been doing really well. Her latest check-up indicated that the leg has healed and fused as much as it’s going to, and all things considered she is remarkably sound. Since this coincided with Junior coming home from the hospital and needing the medical stall/paddock we started considering other living arrangements for her.

We knew that Blossom and Raymond had lived together in the wild, and since they’re about the same age, in about the same physical shape, and have the same dietary requirements we thought…it’s worth a try, right?

Raymond, despite his reputation, is pretty defensive and uncomfortable around other animals, and very sensitive to changes in his environment and routine. In the five years he’s lived with us we’ve never been able to find another animal he was happy sharing space with; he stops eating and gets very touchy and unhappy. Raymond’s paddock can be split in half, so we closed the gate and put Blossom on the other side so they could be next to each other but still separated by a fence. That went pretty smoothly. Raymond hid from her to begin with, but then got brave and came out to stand next to her at the gate. However, by the next day we noticed that Raymond had stopped eating. At first we thought it was because of Blossom but then we realized it was because we’d moved his hay from its regular spot. So after we fixed that, he went back to eating like normal. Have we mentioned how neurotic he is? 😅💜

After about a week of everyone behaving normally and seemingly comfortable with things, we took a deep breath and opened the gate. Because they are both very old and not in the best physical shape the theatrics were kept to a minimum. They made a few faces at each other, pretended to kick out a few times, and that was it. They settled in and started eating hay next to each other and the rest is history!

They both still seem very happy after a couple weeks of cohabitating. Blossom likes having someone to boss around and Raymond enjoys feeling like he’s in charge of something again. It’s been a great confidence boost for him. They definitely still keep to their own space a lot of the time, but we’ve caught them napping together and eating out of the same pile of hay a few times too.

We’re so glad that these two could be successfully reunited. It’s great for their emotional well-being and it makes husbandry a bit easier for us. The other option we were considering for Blossom was putting her with her daughter June, but if we fed June the type and amount of hay her mother needs she would explode! So this works out best for everyone. We’ve dubbed their little pasture the old folks home, and we know everyone will be looking forward to seeing them in person at open houses this summer. They sure are cute together!

Blossom and Raymond both require special care in their old age, and you can help offset the cost of that by sponsoring them. Your support helps us buy the hay, grain, and daily meds they need, provide specialized hoof trimming, and any other veterinary needs that arise.

Sponsor Raymond or Blossom (or both!):

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I love stories with a happy ending ♥️

Great post

Great result! Well done! 👌🙌🙌

Love this!❤️

This is just GREAT!! Love the pictures with the story!

It is interesting Raymond is not a huge fan of horses, but managed to have his own harem in the wild.

i love this story. ❤️

A match made in Heaven!

This is great! You guys rock!

❤️ this story! 🙏🏼

How beautiful

Love this Sweet story! 🌻

Loving these insights into the excellent and individual care given to each animal. Donation on the way. 💜💜 🐎

How sweet!!!

This makes my heart so happy ❤️❤️

This is great news!!

Thank you for the update. So glad they are doing well.

So sweet 💕

Thank you for the update on Blossom. So glad they have each other. ❤🐴

So happy that they have each other!

I needed a feel good story today and that sure hit the spot. Can’t wait to see them this May at the open house!!

What a great story

Everyone needsSomeone!!!♥️♥️♥️

Fantastic! I am glad they can be together!

How sweet! ❤️✨

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Quick update on Junior. He continues to do really well as he recovers from colic surgery!

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He comes from strong stock! So good to see how well he’s doing. Looking forward to seeing everyone in May!

It’s great to see him out and about! Continue to get well Junior!

Great to see him out and about. Also having a good appetite!!

Gorgeous boy!🩵 continued prayers!!!

Will be down next month for open house, renew my membership and make a donation ! Thank you for all you do! ❤️🐴

So good to see Junior out and doing well!❤️

So good to see this update. We have been out running errands and not even an hour ago I told my husband I needed to message you when we get home to check on Junior. Sending our favorite boy love from Maine.

Great to see him out and about on the farm!! Looking great Junior❤🐴

Glad his recovery is going well 🐎♥️ Continued prayers for his full recovery 🙏🙏🙏

Keep healing Junior!!


Good news 🙏✝️

so so good to see him doing well!!!! <3


So happy he's coming along so we'll! So handsome!


So happy he is doing so well 💓

So Thankful!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


He must be getting some awesome care, because he looks great.


He looks so good!

He looks great! What a beauty ❤️


Love his cozy coat ❤️!

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With only a couple hundred left in the world, the Bankers are recognized as a critically threatened, endangered breed. DNA research has confirmed that the Bankers are indeed direct descendants of the horses originally brought to North America by the Spanish and other settlers and explorers in the 1500s. They have remained isolated on our barrier islands for hundreds of years, preserving their genetics and earning them a place in the very fibers of our culture and history here in North Carolina.

As the herd faces more modern threats to their survival - encroachment, environmental changes due to climate change, a decreased herd size, etc. - the role that CWHF plays in their survival has become increasingly important. We must balance habitat preservation, breed conservation, and accessibility (we want people to be able to come see them - safely and respectfully!) to ensure that a thriving wild herd remains here for many more generations. We must also provide a safe haven for those that must be removed from the wild herd due to the challenges listed above. It is important to remain positive about the future while still acknowledging the very real dangers the herd faces.

We cannot do this work without you! Please consider becoming a member today - memberships provide the largest and most reliable form of support for CWHF. From herd management to education and outreach, land preservation, emergency veterinary care, and everything in between, you can be sure that your commitment makes a huge impact, and directly benefits the horses.

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (18)

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They are a living National Treasure.

Now if only we could prove the mustangs out west had special DNA so they could also be protected.

They are precious please people help them keep thriving

Do the Banker ponies share any DNA with the ponies of Chincoteague and Assateague?

Our volunteers were busy in Corolla today placing signs at local businesses. As one volunteer put it, this is our "know before you go!" campaign. Anyone who drives through town before getting to the 4x4 won't be able to say they didn't know the rules, that's for sure!

If you'd like a sign for your home or business, please reach out to us at 252-453-8002 or email and we will get one to you. Also be sure to check out our Community Toolkit for more resources:

Huge thank you to the local businesses who took signs today! And don't worry, we aren't finished. More going out tomorrow!

Uncle Ike's Sandbar & Grill" rel="nofollow noopener">Corolla Classic Vacations
Corolla Frozen Yogurt and Ice Cream" rel="nofollow noopener">Outer Banks - Brindley Beach" rel="nofollow noopener">Inn at Corolla Light
ACE Hardware Corolla
Super Wings
Farmer's Daughter
Corolla Surf Shop
Mustang Sally's
Corolla Beauty Company
The Cotton Gin
Kitty Hawk Surf Co.
Okinawa Sushi & Grill
First Light Breakfast & Burgers
Kitty Hawk Kites
Food Lion Corolla
Twiddy & Co

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (20)

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We just purchased a home on the 4x4 beach that will be a seasonal rental. I would love one of these for the house (we live on a corner so great visibility too for others driving by). We are also making a nice book for the renters with beach rules and horse rules. We understand not everyone who comes to the 4x4 beach will know the rules, but at least everyone coming here will ❤️

Aaaaaaaaa-mazing! All of our volunteers are the best people out there. I thank you from my family to yours. We appreciate everything you do for our horses. 🐎 Ride on!!

Love the new sign!!! Praying that they work ❤️

Vacasa in Corolla put one up the other day! I was happy to see it in our office window. We have put magnets up in many of our properties as well.

Thanks to the volunteers and thanks to the businesses allowing the signs.

I hope it works!

Thank you for all the hard work you do keeping the horses safe.

Kitty Hawk Kites Corolla, NC wants to join this list

Could you put a flyer in every rental like most put in the free books and coupons

I saw several when I visited a couple of weeks ago 👏👏👏

We are yearly visitors on the 4x4 beach — love observing the horses from afar and are not afraid to educate anyone and everyone on proper etiquette!

Thank you to our Corolla businesses

I would love to print one of these onto a magnet and put it on my tailgate while in the OBX every year!!!

I love this! Now if only people would take the time to read.

So nice to have the support of the business community as well as the neighborhood. I hope the signs help educate the Tourists!

These horses are a living National Treasure.

Sad that you have to post these signs but wonderful idea !! Thank you for taking the time out of your already busy to do this & Ty to the stores & home owners participating !🐴🌊

May be a stupid question. How can I get stickers or fridge magnets for my rental guests? We always try to tell them but I feel like something tangible would make more of an impact and also spread awareness.

The signs are great!! Fines need to be higher too.

Should be in every welcome package!

Awe! The joys of March break.


I live in Southern Shores on Dogwood Drive and we have so many tourists that cut thru our neighborhood thinking they will get to the northern beaches faster. Not the case at all. But their GPS directs them as a shortcut. They sit for hours on all of the back streets to get out on Hwy 12 to go north to Duck and Corolla. I would be willing to put the signs up on these streets if allowed. If I can help up this part of our beach please let me know❤️

Every single rental property should be required to have these glued to the front door.

I love the volunteer force that put up the signs. I wish the government would follow through with the fines

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This mission of the Corolla Wild Horse Fund is “to protect, conserve, and responsibly manage the herd of Corolla wild horses (Bankers) roaming freely on the northernmost Currituck Outer Banks, and to promote the continued preservation of this land as a permanent sanctuary for horses designated as the State Horse and defined as a cultural treasure by the state of North Carolina.”

Our mission is at the center of all of the work we do, from habitat preservation to breed conservation, education and advocacy, and working with other stakeholders to make sure the horses stay healthy, safe, and wild. It takes a village, and we rely on your support in a variety of ways to make this all possible! Memberships are a vital form of funding for CWHF, but perhaps just as importantly it is a way for you to stay connected to the work that we’re doing.

Join our team today and become a part of this groundbreaking effort to protect, preserve, and responsibly manage this historic herd:

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (22)

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Thank you for your hard work, devotion and love for the wild ponies. I’ve looked forward to “visiting” them at least once a year for over 30 years and have introduced them to our children and grands. They always show up and put a smile on my face, whether it’s along the beach area or strays at a rental home where they shouldn’t be. Wonderful memories. Keep them free and safe.

preservation of this land as a permanent sanctuary for horses?? with all of that development, not likely. they need a real sanctuary, away from people and houses and cars...




Thank you so much for all you do for these magnificent horses. It is heartbreaking to see them loosing living/roaming areas to big house construction! Much too dangerous for them to be that close to uncaring humans that do not really care about them! “Hey, let’s get a picture with the nice horses, or let’s feed them “. I do not care how many signs you put up, it’s not going to make much difference to some people. Stupid people are just that “stupid” and there is no cure for stupid.

Why do people insist on building huge mansions and then expect insurance companies to replace them when the inevitable happens? There is no thought of protecting the fragile coastline. :(

Renewed my membership on the website.

Silly, they have been fine for hundreds of years without human interference.

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Every new foal is a historic win for breed conservation! Now it's up to all of us to make sure Eros stays safe, wild, and free for the rest of his life.

Learn more about our habitat preservation initiative:

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what a handsome boy..🥰


Thank you for all you do for these amazing creatures 🐎

Beautiful! Thank you for all you do to protect them. No more building!

Can’t wait to see his coloring when his foal coat sheds out🥰

Whatever became of Gus & his mare?

I’m curious, are the horses in Corolla Wild Horse Fund the same as those down in Ocraco*ke Island, North Carolina and Assateague Island and Chincoteague, or are they different? If they are different, how? Are they somewhat related? Just curious. And if the herd gets too small, any chance of cross breeding with any of the above mentioned herds? How many total do we have in the herd?

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Today kicks off our annual March Membership Drive! We invite you to join us this month as we highlight the work that we do to advance our mission of protecting and preserving the wild Banker horses of Corolla.

We are a grassroots organization and the majority of our funding comes from donors like you. Your support is critical to our mission! Memberships, horse sponsorships, one-time donations, merchandise sales from our gift shop, and attendance at our farm open houses make up the majority of our funding. Every single dollar makes an incredible difference! There are lots of ways to get involved at any level, and you can be sure that your donation goes directly towards the care and management of the horses.

Learn more:

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (25)

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I think mine renews. How can I tell?

Just joined ...

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One last reminder to get your calendar contest entries in! More info 👇🏻Time is running out to submit photos for the 2025 CWHF calendar contest! The contest is open to all amateur photographers and closes March 15.

For more information and the entry form, visit our website:

Please read the rules and submission guidelines carefully! Be sure your photos are high enough resolution, are horizontal in orientation, and not overly edited or cropped. 📸🐎

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (27)

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Beautiful! ❤


Love ❤️ this picture !

Kellie Flutterby

Sophia Sanders Rodney Sanders

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Besides being the itchiest horse in North Carolina, Junior is continuing to do really well as he recovers from colic surgery. 🥰

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Looking good Junior! So VERY happy you are healing. Enjoy your special meals and lots of scratches.

So sweet 💕Jr. is loving it, thank you for brushing him 🙂

This is the cutest thing I've seen all day

Such a gorgeous horse. Glad ur on the road to recovery Junior

Feel better Junior!

He is so enjoying it!!!!

Looks like he’s got a special scratcher. ♥️

Feel better, Junior!

Oh you can tell he's just *hating* that!!! 😃

So sweet! He loves that 💙

I would gladly volunteer to come and scratch brush Junior. So glad he’s getting all this love and attention!😘💞🥰

Handsome boy ❤️

So glad to hear he’s recovering so well! I get very itchy after surgery too 😊

💙 Feel better gorgeous boy!!

So happy Juniors recovery is going well and that he’s back home!

Such a sweet picture. Lucky little girl and horse for sure!

He looks good!!! 💕

He’s so handsome

Sweet boy❤️

Glad he's doing well

Omg the 👑 and his loyal friends 🫶

What a sweet girl brushing Junior. I'm sure if he could talk he would say thank you🩵Feel better Junior.

Gooood scratchy spot 😂

He looks so good ❤️❤️❤️

Every pony needs a little girl to scratch his itches ❤️

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Happy Leap Day! ... See MoreSee Less

No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (31)No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (32)No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (33)

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Love this!!!

So adorable!!

ooo how cute!!

How beautiful

Love it!

I love the horses of Corolla..

So cute. Wish I were there to see him in person.

Gorgeous baby💙

Sweet pics!!!

Eros was Born to be Wild!! <3

Love it!!!🩷🐎

Excellent leaps!!

🥰 How cute!!

So cute! 😊

Love this unique little guy😍

Beautiful ❤️

Jumping Jack Flaah♥️🎉

He is so cute

So precious!!! I hope to see him when I visit in June!!!

Love the leaps!!! Sweet boy Eros looks great


Love it so happy

Spunky lil thing! ❤️❤️

How adorable is that

Aaron Hailey the baby!!! 😍😍

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We are so pleased to let everyone know that Junior came home from the hospital on Monday! He is doing remarkably well, and settling into his new routine at the farm. Our vet was over to check on him this morning and was happy with the way everything looks - his incision/sutures are in great shape and healing nicely, he’s eating and drinking like he should, he’s bright and alert, and all the internal stuff seems to be working properly.

Junior is being extremely reasonable and level-headed about being on stall rest and he’s also adjusting just fine to the fact that he can no longer eat regular hay. This is a relief, since prior to surgery Junior’s favorite thing in the world was his hay. Instead he is getting five small meals of senior feed throughout the day/night along with soaked hay pellets. We’d like to say a special thank-you to Christina with Triple Crown Feed for helping us figure out the best way to feed Junior (based on our veterinarian’s recommendations, of course!) to assure he’s getting the right nutrition and that mealtimes are enriching too.

He is allowed to go on several short walks throughout the day to eat some grass, which he really enjoys. After a month of stall rest he’ll be able to go out in a small paddock on his own, and then after a month of that he can have access to a larger pasture. The contraption you see wrapped around his middle is to help support his abdomen and prevent hernias; he has to wear it for another six weeks and we think if you asked him he would say it’s the worst part about all of this! It’s very itchy. But he’s taking it in stride, just like everything else.

We are so grateful for your support over the last two weeks, from everyone who reached out to check in on our staff and offer prayers and positive energy for Junior’s recovery, our colleagues and partners across the country who have been so kind to share their experience and advice (and sometimes just an understanding ear to vent to), our veterinarians and all of the caregivers at the hospital, and everyone who made a donation towards Junior’s veterinary bills.

Junior still has a long way to go before he is fully recovered from surgery and he will require very specialized care for the rest of his life but so far he’s telling us it’s nothing he can’t handle. We are committed to being there for him every step of the way and will continue to keep everyone posted on his progress.

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Thank you for all you do for the wild horses of the Outer Banks! Gail💕

So happy for him ❤️

Great news!

So happy he is home and doing well

Yayyyyyy, Junior. Thank you for all the things you do, to keep Junior healthy.

Great news, Junior..continue on the path to recovery!!!!

Continued prayers for healing 🙏❤

He's so beautiful. Glad he is on the road to recovery. Thanks for all you do.

Great news! Welcome home Junior! Continued prayers 🙏

So very thankful he is home and doing well!!!!

You guys are all rock stars. Continued healing buddy!

This is wonderful news! Glad he is home & continuing to improve! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for complete recovery!

I don't blame him with the hernia belt, I don't know many horses who do appreciate them 😅

Thank you for taking such wonderful care of these beautiful animals.

That is wonderful news. He is my favorite ❤️

Wonderful news,You All are amazing. Thank You,Thank You,for ALL that You do!

Awsome news. Thank you for updating us all on his progress 🙏 Get well soon

Brilliant news

So relieved! Welcome home sweet Junior! You’re a champ. ❤️

Wonderful news!!

He looks so good! What a relief!!!

Junior and all the horses at the farm and still in the wild are so lucky to have Corolla Wild Horse Fund. Thank you❤️

Such great news!!!!!!

So happy he's home

This makes me sooo very happy!!! Thank you!!!

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Update - the care package is from our mustang friends Stargazer and Nora courtesy of Horsem*n's Pride! They just had to wait for their person to get home to text me about it. 😉 Thanks guys, we love you! Everyone be sure to give them a follow!

We’re happy to let everyone know that Junior has been doing great the hospital and is scheduled to come home at the beginning of next week! He’s been spending his days being as charming as possible in the hopes of convincing everyone to feed him, which is not much different from how he spends his days at home. 💜

We’d like to thank everyone who has reached out in support and made donations towards his vet bills. This afternoon when we got back to the farm after running some errands there was a box at the gate filled with “boredom busters” for stalled horses. Thank you so much to whoever sent them! We are getting his stall set up now and we’re sure he’ll really love everything.

If you’d like to make a donation to help us cover the cost of Junior’s care you can do so on our website:

Our next update will hopefully be photos of Junior coming home! Thanks again for all of the support. We appreciate it and we know Junior does too.

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Way to go Junior. You are made of tough stuff and you are a strong survivor. I work at the vet school and visited him on Monday. Said a prayer with him. He’s a good boy 🩶

So, so, soooooooooooo happy to hear this update. Goofy Junior, you got this boy and I love you!

Great news! So happy to hear!

Continued prayers for Junior. Thank u for all u do for all the horses.

Way to go Junior! 🤗

Great news! Thanks for all you do.

Continued prayers for a quick recovery, and you are back on the farm with June, and the gang!! Much love, gorgeous boy!!💙

Junior has been in my thoughts daily and I am so happy with his progress.I know that he will flourish even more when he returns home to be with his equine and human friends!🥰

So happy to hear that he is doing well. I have been worried about him.



He is so handsome!!! Prayers for a complete and full recovery!!!

All us folks over age 65 can related to his issues. Parts of us just start to wear out.

So thankful he is doing better! Prayers for a complete recovery!

We Looooooove Junior and the whole team. Sending lots of hugs your way. Special thanks to our friends at Horsem*n's Pride too. We are big fans of not being bored 😉

Don’t let Brio see the Jolly Ball 🤣💜

Glad to hear my boy is getting better!

Have been concerned about him. Hopefully, he'll come home soon.

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On Saturday morning we noticed that Junior, a resident of the rescue farm, was acting colicky. Because of his history we immediately put an emergency call into our vet, who advised us to give him some painkillers while she started heading our way.

After horses have colic surgery, they are predisposed to developing adhesions on their intestines that can cause irritation. This is actually what sent Junior into surgery for the first time last year, so he was already at high risk. When our vet arrived at the farm, she gave Junior more painkillers, a sedative, and did an internal exam. She could feel an area on his small intestine that seemed to be inflamed and possibly causing strangulation again. An ultrasound confirmed this, so she got us on the road to the emergency hospital in Raleigh.

Upon arrival, the veterinary team began to prep Junior for surgery. At that point there was a concern that Junior might not have enough healthy tissue left to take out what was damaged and repair what remained. We had some very frank discussions about the likelihood of having to euthanize him on the surgery table if they were unable to successfully operate. We said our goodbyes and they took him into surgery around 4pm. After about an hour, the vet came out and told us they were optimistic they could repair the damage. But, after this operation, Junior would not have enough small intestine left to do any further surgeries. They assured us it was still worth operating, so we gave them the go ahead to do everything they could to save Junior.

He made it through surgery and recovery just fine, and has been stable and comfortable since Saturday evening. He is still not out of the woods, but his intestines are working like they’re supposed to, he’s bright and alert, his vitals are normal, and he’s happily eating as much feed as he's allowed to have. As of today, Junior has been moved out of intensive care and taken off fluids, and is gradually being taken off all medication. We’re not sure how long Junior will be hospitalized, but we are tentatively planning on going to visit him towards the end of this week.

Junior is going to have a long recovery ahead of him, but based on how well he handled it last time we are sure he’ll settle right back into the routine with no problem. But for right now we are taking things day by day, and celebrating every positive update we get from the vets.

He is a remarkably strong, smart, tough horse - a fighter, just like all of his ancestors that came before him. We will continue to do everything we can to provide Junior the support and care that he needs to survive and have a high quality of life moving forward, but this does come at a cost. If you'd like to help with Junior's substantial veterinary bills you can make a donation via Facebook or on our website:

We'd like to thank our veterinary team both here at home and at NC State College of Veterinary Medicine & Veterinary Hospital. It's hard to put into words how grateful we are for the care and respect you consistently show all of our horses, and the support you provide to our staff as we navigate these difficult situations.

We will continue to update everyone on Junior's progress. Thank you for your donations, your prayers and positive energy, and the trust you have in us to do what's best for him.

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So thankful that the horses have you in their lives❤️

I work at the vet school and will definitely give this sweet boy some love if I get a chance ❤️

We lost one of carriage horses because he didn’t have enough healthy tissue for colic surgery. That optimistic goodbye was so hard. I’m so glad Junior made it through ❤️

Praying for a full recovery and a long, full and happy life!

Sent what I could! Praying for Junior!!

I was at NC State Veterinary Hospital with my Stella from 2/9-13. They do awesome work! Praying for Junior!

You do a remarkable job caring for these wild horses, I admire your dedication...

Hope he continues to make progress and God Bless you all for your care with these precious animals

Thank you for your hard work on their behalf! Sending prayers

Sending energy toward North Carolina for everyone!

Thank you for everything you and the team at Corolla Wild Horse Fund do! You are all amazing and the horses are so lucky to have you supporting them. We are sending Junior all our love and good healing vibes ❤️

Praying for a full recovery for Junior 🙏🏻🐴

Sweet Junior. I’ll donate tomorrow. Praying for his recovery. 🙏🏻💙

Prayers for Junior! 🙏💜🙏 Thank you and bless you for all you do for the horses!!!

He is a fighter, hope he continues to improve & has no further issues! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

Prayers for Junior!

Prayers for Junior and all of you that taking care of these beautiful horses and thank you to all of you God Bless you all and Junior 🙏✝️🥰💕

Thank you for fighting for this fighter, Junior. Blessing to all❤️🐴

This might sound like a silly question but what causes colic in a horse and what are the symptoms ( I know colicky babies but not sure if it means/ presents the same way in horses)

Oh my heart ❤️ such a handsome boy and a fighter! Sending love and prayers!

Healing Prayers!

I love Animals and Adored Horses All My Life. I personally think now-A-days a Vetranian will do whatever possible to drain one’s pockets So when does it become humain to put down the animal who really can’t speak for themselves! I say Think about the pittyful animals before letting (loving SO hard You can’t let go or otherwise … a type of selfishness) set in!

Get well soon, Junior! ❤

I love these horses. Prayers for Junior.

Thanking God for all you and the management and vet team do for these horses. I'm so glad Junior survived. I've been thinking about him since his last surgery.

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Good morning! ☀️ ... See MoreSee Less

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Beautiful photo!

Do you know the names of these beauties? It is one of the best pictures I’ve seen!


I love where I live 🩷🌊🐎

That’s a great morning

Love this!!

One of my favorite photos of the horses. Beautiful!


Great way to start the day; thank you,

Good morning 🌞 absolutely beautiful!

Beautiful. That needs to go on the calendar!

I love seeing this as they kick up their heels welcoming a new day!


So beautiful!

How beautiful!

So beautiful. Have a wonderful day.

Emily Madero I wish I could witness this

Gorgeous..thank you for sharing this gorgeous picture of these beautiful horses 🐎 ❤️



Wow. On my bucket list to visit!

Hope to visit this year

That is beautiful

Gorgeous horses and scene!!


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Eros had the zoomies this morning! 😍 ... See MoreSee Less

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The cutest thing ever!

He’s adorable!!

He needs a playmate! ❤️

Amazing!! We were in the black pickup behind you when this happened-so awesome to see him enjoying the morning walk!!!!

Such a beautiful and precious foal!🥰

Happy fella ❤️

How cute!

Adorable! How lucky you were to see that!

Adorable! Wild and free!

Just wonderful to see! He's got some good looks going for him.

So cute this made my day! 😍❤️

Beautiful markings!

So cute!

He is so cute. This is precious. 💗

So cute!

I love him

So adorable <3

So adorable.

That little extra kick 😍🤩🥰

Love this!! So adorable 🥰

Love it!

Too cute!!!

He is the cutest!

What fun to be wild and free and so cute!!

That is so adorable 🥰

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Had a great flight with Coastal Helicopters, LLC yesterday! Counted 72 horses (out of 111), five bald eagles, lots of swans, and a bunch of dolphins too. It’s a great opportunity to see parts of the habitat we can’t access easily (or at all, in some cases). The horses have about 7500 acres of land to roam, varying from wetlands and maritime forests to the more heavily developed neighborhoods and oceanfront properties. They utilize all 7500 acres at different times of the year so it is important that all of it remains safe and healthy for them.

Learn more about our habitat preservation initiative:

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Beautiful photos!

Thank you, Larry and Steph Ihle Coastal Helicopters. This is critical information for the Corolla Wild Horse Fund to keep these beautiful animals safe and thriving. Well done!

Awesome pictures! Did you get to see the newest horses that were discovered last summer/ fall??

So amazingly beautiful. Thank you for your good work

So cool to see the aerial shots. Thanks for sharing!

Amazing shots. Thanks for sharing!

Awesome pictures

This makes me so happy to see them from above ♥️ thriving herds living wild

So beautiful!


Thank you !

Beautiful day for a flight. Love the pictures, especially the ones with the horses in them.

Amazing images

Awesome thanks for sharing

Great photos! 👌

I miss that!


Beautiful! Glad the horses have it so it's not destroyed !


Beautiful pics!!!


How beautiful! Birds eye view of our beautiful Mustangs and their natural habitat! Thank you for sharing and for all you do Corolla Wild Horse Fund!


Awesome photos!

Incredible thanks for sharing

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Congrats to Nicole from Virginia for winning the Raymond Valentine raffle! Thanks so much to everyone who bought tickets, and a very special thanks to @MiddletonClayProject for all the support. ... See MoreSee Less

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Hello handsome!🥰

Raymond looks great 😊

Oh Raymond. You are looking good!

He looks good!

Hey handsome!!! ❤️ Raymond!



Gotta love this guy! ❤️

He’s really enjoying that hay!!💜💜💜

Love Raymond ❤️

There is my handsome-pants.


Looking 👍 good Raymond


You've come a long way Raymond! No doubt you are everyone's Valentine!

Congrats Nicole.Raymond is such a handsome guy!

We miss Raymond on the 4x4.

Looking good Raymond

There's just something about Raymond 🥰❤️

Oh gosh…I hope that I’m the only Nicole from Virginia!!! 😃

Hi Meg. Good to hear your voice! Raymond: lookin' good old fella....

Raymond's fans came through.


What ever happened to Raymond??? Is he still alive?

Hi baby 💗💗💗💗

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Time is running out to purchase tickets for Raymond's Valentine raffle! 💘 Get them before 5pm tomorrow for a chance to win a one-of-a-kind mule hair pot and original drawing by Middleton Clay Project.

Michael Middleton’s pottery combines local clay fused with Corolla wild horsehair — in this case, a legendary mule’s hair. Mike has generously donated two pieces of his original art: a one-of-a-kind pot/vase and a sketched portrait of Raymond for a very special Valentine’s Day raffle. Raymond’s mother is a Banker mare and his sire was a domestic donkey owned by a local farmer in the 1990s before restrictions were placed on having livestock on the 4×4 beaches. Raymond lived his entire life in the wild among the other Bankers until 2018, when it was determined he would require routine hoof maintenance in his older age. He now lives happily at our farm on the mainland.

This is the only raffle we will hold between now and early November, when we offer a holiday raffle. Don’t miss your chance to admire Raymond all the time!

Each raffle ticket is $5. Add this item to the cart to purchase your ticket(s) and continue to the checkout. Your order number will be entered into the raffle multiple times, equaling the quantity of your purchased ticket(s). Tickets can be purchased until 5:00pm on February 14th, 2024. The winner will be drawn on February 15th, 2024 and announced on our social media channels after communicating with the winner.

Good luck, and thank you for your support!

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Oh I hope i win🥰


Love this guy ❤️

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No Feed, No Approach Initiative Kicked Off | Corolla Wild Horses | Corolla Wild Horse Fund (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.