Numerology Number 1 People Career, Personality, Lucky Number | - Times of India (2024)

Numerology Number 1 people {SUN}
People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month are termed as Number 1 people, ruled by the planet Sun. Leo’s are also ruled by the Sun, though indirectly.
The Sun is the creative force, which is so powerful that it gives us Light and Life to the universe, so radiant that we can hardly see any other planet or star, when the Sun is in its element.

COMMENTS: Number 1 people {SUN}:

Like the Sun, Number 1 persons usually like to lead from the front, and do better in positions of authority over others. They would usually prefer to be their own masters, or at least would feel more comfortable when in commanding positions, where they do not have to be answerable to many.

That is why they should avoid partnerships.

The Number 1 represents the Sun. The persons represented in this category are people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month. Such persons are creative, strongly individual, inventive and positive.

And because of this, they are stubborn and determined with their approach toward others. It comes naturally to them to dominate those around them, and therefore their best sphere in life is in positions of authority, responsibility and trust over others.
Their problem being that they can never play ‘second fiddle’ to anyone, and so is best working without partners. Examples of some famous Number 1 person:
The richest Indian Mukesh Ambani is a no 1 {19/04} while the richest in the World, Carlos Slim Helu {28/1}, is also a no 1 who overtook another no 1, Bill Gates {28/10}, Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan Tata {both 28/12} Indira Gandhi, Miss Universe, Sushmita Sen, No 1 Sex Icon of her time, Zeenat Aman, No 1 wrestler, Dara Singh, {all four, 19/11} Rekha, {10/10} Lata Mangeshkar, {28/09} Aishwarya Rai, {01/11} Sunil Gavaskar, {10/07} Hrithik Roshan, {10/01}, No 1 Dance Guru, Shiamak Davar {19/10}, Number 1 Chef, Sanjeev Kapoor {10/04}, most successful maverick Lawyer, Ram Jhetmalani {10/09} are amongst some Number 1 people who shine in their fields. In fact, Osama Bin Laden is born on 10/03 too!
The most powerful brand in the world, Google in Numerology adds to Number 1 too.

# Number 1 people cannot play second fiddle to others.

Number 1 person is decidedly ambitious and hates any form of restraint. They always rise in whatever profession or occupation and become heads of their department.
And it comes natural for them to dominate, {Nana Patekar, Jan 1} and not dictated {Aishwarya Rai, {01/11}, {Rekha, 10/01}.

Numerology Number 1 LINE OF WORK:

Number 1 person can do well as a successful company promoter, preacher, orator, organizer, or in any career that gives a position of authority.
They may also do well in advanced inventions, researches, medicine, occultism, astrology, telepathy, photography, interior or dress designing, music, art or any concentrated study or line of work, where the ‘mental’ aspect comes into play, and provided they are in a position of authority over others.
They are so versatile that they can fit in almost any line they set their eyes on. This is their biggest strength, but ironically their major weakness to, as over-versatility can confuse them as to what they should actually follow.

Numerology Number 1 LUCKY NUMBERS:

Their most important numbers and dates are “one’, “twos”, “fours” and “sevens” and all their series, such as the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 28th, 29th and 31st.
They should endeavor to attempt their plans on any of these dates and will find a strong magnetic attraction to persons born on above dates.
They should make an effort to use the above Dates these numbers give as much as possible in fixing up important appointments, and should try to live in houses whose total, or last digit, makes one of these number.

Numerology Number 1 LUCKY COLORS:

Their lucky colors are that of the Sun, which are gold, brown, orange and yellow.

Numerology Number 1 Lucky Jewels:

Their “Lucky” Jewels are Rubies, right hand ring finger; 4 carats approximately, set in Gold, to be worn on a Sunday, 9. 15 A M. Chant the following mantras 7 times before wearing on that morning: AUM GRINIH SURYAYA NAMAH.

Numerology Number 1 People Career, Personality, Lucky Number  | - Times of India (2024)
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