One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (2024)

March 9, 2011Daven Hiskey

Today I found out that one Calorie is equivalent to one gram of TNT in terms of energy. (It is important to note the capital “C” in calorie signifies a kilo-calorie, also known as a “food calorie” because the value listed on food labels are typically in kilo-calories.)

A Calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius. One Calorie is also approximately 4.184 kilojoules or about 1.16 watt/hours.

TNT is yet another method for quantifying energy released, but this time the energy released during an explosion. Unlike a Calorie though, TNT is also an actual thing, namely Trinitrotoluene, which is a yellow colored substance that has some interesting properties for an explosive (see Bonus Factoids below).

The explosive yield of TNT is considered the standard measure for strength of bombs and other explosives with 1 ton of TNT equaling 4.184 gigajoules. So 1 kg of TNT then equals 4.6 megajoules, thus a single gram of TNT is equivalent in energy to one Calorie.

For further comparison, 1 kg of gunpowder will produce 3 megajoules of energy when exploding (about 2/3 kg of TNT); 1 kg of dynamite contains 7.5 megajoules when exploding (about 1.6 kg of TNT); 1 kg of gasoline produces 47.2 megajoules (about 10.26 kg of TNT), though of course requires an oxidant.

Bonus Facts:

  • TNT and dynamite are not at all the same thing, contrary to what the Road Runner and Wiley coyote would have you believe. Dynamite doesn’t actually contain TNT, but rather is an absorbent mixture soaked in nitroglycerin, which is extremely sensitive to shock, unlike TNT; this is then wrapped in paper and voila, dynamite.
  • Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel prizes, invented dynamite, which he originally was going to call “Nobel’s Safety Powder” as it was basically just a safer form of pure nitroglycerin. This and other similar inventions made him exceedingly wealthy and also earned him the nickname, “Merchant of Death“. The Nobel prizes were actually started by him in his will to try to improve his public image after his death.
  • Unlike some types of units of measurement, “calories” tend to be used as a concrete noun (“It’s 20 Calories”). On the flip-side, you wouldn’t say “It’s 20 Fahrenheit’s” you would say “It’s 20 degrees Fahrenheit”.
  • The biggest advantage to TNT over many other types of explosives is that it doesn’t explode easily. You can drop it, scrape it, even melt it (melts at 176 degrees F), which is far below the temperature it would detonate at. This makes it handy for pouring into shells and other bomb casings. It also neither absorbs nor dissolves in water, so it works well even in wet environments. So even though it has somewhat of a low explosive energy release potential, these benefits make it the explosive of choice for a variety of military applications.
  • TNT was originally created in 1863 and used as a yellow dye. Because it was so difficult to detonate along with being a lot less powerful than many available alternatives, it wasn’t used as an explosive for many years.
  • Because of the ease of melting and pouring TNT into shells as well as how stable it is, even on impact, the German armed forces started filling their shells with TNT in 1902. These shells were designed to pierce through armor, then explode. This caused a lot more damage than British shells that just exploded on the surface. By 1907, the British caught on to this and started using TNT in the same fashion.
  • TNT is poisonous and skin exposure will generally cause irritation and cause your skin to turn bright yellow or orange.
  • During WWI, munitions workers who handled TNT were called “canary girls” or “canaries” because their skin that was exposed to the TNT turned yellow. Not only did they have a girly nickname, but prolonged exposure to TNT causes liver, blood, spleen, and immune system problems among others, sort of kicking them while they are down.
  • If you eat TNT, your pee will turn red and look like blood, though it is not.
  • The Little Boy atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, exploded with approximately 15 kilotons of TNT.
  • The 1908 Tunguska Event was estimated to have produced an explosion around 1000 times that of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
  • Most of the current nuclear bombs the U.S. has in its arsenal are only equivalent to .3-1.2 kilotons of TNT
  • The biggest bomb the U.S. ever made had a theoretical yield of 25 megatons of TNT. The Soviet Union however, developed one called the Tsar Bomba that was tested as large as 50 megatons of TNT with a maximum theoretical yield of 100 megatons.
  • Amazingly, if we were actually able to convert matter perfectly to energy with 1 kg of matter being annihilated by 1 kg of antimatter, the energy produced from just that small amount of matter is about 42.95 megatons of TNT. So an adult male weighing in at around 200 pounds has somewhere in the vicinity of 4000 megatons of TNT potential stored up in their matter if completely annihilated, which is around 80 times the energy produced by the Tsar Bomba.
  • To put how much power this is in perspective, 1 megaton of TNT, when converted to kilowatt hours, makes enough electricity to power an average American home for over 100,000 years. It is also enough to power the entire United States for a little over 3 days. So 1 kg of some matter being completely annihilated by 1 kg of antimatter would be able to power the entire United States for about four months.
  • On a completely baffling scale, a typical supernova explosion will give off about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 megatons of TNT.

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tagged with calorie, energy, explosion, science, tnt

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  • Napoleon Thunderpants

    March 9, 20113:10 am

    One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (6)

    “Few units of mesurement referred to as a concrete noun?”

    It’s 30 meters. It’s 40 Watts. It’s 93 kg. It’s 11 lumens. It’s 20 Newtons. It’s 16 yards. It’s 120 Volts. It’s 0.5 Amperes. It’s 11 Joules. It’s 30 Acres. It’s 3 cubic kilometers. It’s 10 kiloparsecs. It’s 10^7.5 seconds. It’s 35 Kelvins.

    Most units of measurement are expressed that way. “20 degrees Fahrenheit” is more of an anomaly than “20 Calories.”

  • Uly

    March 9, 20117:18 am

    One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (7)

    The word is “voila”. It is French, and means “there”. Voila!

    • Daven

      March 10, 201111:53 am

      One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (8)

      @Uly: Good catch. That will teach me to check for typos at 3am. 🙂

  • Scott K

    March 9, 201112:45 pm

    One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (9)

    It’s “voila”–or voilà, technically–not “vuala”! :]

  • Harrison Talbot

    September 9, 20144:05 pm

    One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (10)

    I think you mean Watt-hours not Watt/hour

  • Hugh

    August 24, 20154:08 am

    One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (11)

    I have to take issue with the first comment by Thunderpants, as it promotes inaccurate presentation.

    While the descriptions given may be perceived as correct because that is way untrained people speak the units in conversations, or in informal writing, they are all wrong. Professionals subject ot peer review follow ISO, NIST, or other relevant national standards when preparing technical reports. Units are normally presented in singular format, with no ‘s’ added. When written out in full, they are not capitalised. Capitals are generally used for qualifiers multiplying by 10s, and lower case where qualifiers are dividing by 10s. But, as always, the rules are not fully consistent, so you need to consult the relevant standards, which also vary by country, making it fun when we have to prepare reports to be reviewed overseas.

  • You're Wrong

    January 6, 20161:08 am

    One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (12)

    1 Gram of TNT = 1000 calories.

    1 gram = 1,000 calories
    1 kg = 1,000,000 calories
    1 ton = 1 billion calories.

    • You're Wrong

      January 6, 20161:11 am

      One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (13)

      1 mg of TNT = 1 calorie

    • Daven Hiskey

      January 6, 20161:42 am

      One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (14)

      @You’re Wrong: As was mentioned in the very first paragraph of the article, that’s Calorie with a capital C, which equals 1000 calories or 1 “food-calorie”. So unless you’re saying I’m wrong about something else, than, no. Not wrong. 😉

      • You're Wrong

        January 6, 20168:46 am

        One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (15)

        I’m referring to the title of the article. “ONE CALORIE IS EQUIVALENT TO ONE GRAM OF TNT IN TERMS OF ENERGY”

        • Daven Hiskey

          January 6, 20169:05 am

          One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (16)

          @You’re Wrong: Which also has a capital C! 😉

          • You're Wrong

            January 6, 20161:42 pm

            One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (17)

            Dude.. it’s in all caps. There’s no punctuation. It’s a misleading title.. aka incorrect/wrong.

          • Daven Hiskey

            January 6, 20162:26 pm

            One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (18)

            @You’re Wrong: Capital C is always 1000 calories, independent of other letters, unless perhaps it’s leading a sentence or something in which case that’s a common problem with capitonyms. Beyond that, it’s not technically in all caps if you copy and paste the text. It’s just the way the website theme formats. 😉 Beyond all that, there’s, you know, the first paragraph and rest of the article that clears up any confusion you may have otherwise had. 😉

  • You're Wrong

    January 6, 20169:29 pm

    One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (19)

    You should have said “food Calorie” in the title, instead of being misleading by a factor of 1000.. seeing as how your readers didn’t chose the ALL CAPS HEADLINE STYLE. Power = Energy/Time. Comparing TNT to a food Calorie as opposed to a physics calorie would require you to factor in time. No organism can process Calories as quickly as the explosive chemical reaction of TNT. This makes the headline a sensationalist juxtaposition of the two units of energy, especially for someone who doesn’t have time to read the full article. Also, your standard type 1a supernova explosion gives off 1–2×1044 joules of energy, which is about 2.4 to 4.8 hundred billion yottatons (24 to 48 octillion (2.4–4.8×10^28) megatons), which equals 24,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 48,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Not 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. I’m done. 😛 You were a great sport! Thanks for the entertainment.

One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy (2024)


One Calorie is Equivalent to One Gram of TNT in Terms of Energy? ›

The energy released by one gram of TNT was arbitrarily defined as a matter of convention to be 4,184 J, which is exactly one kilocalorie.

How much energy is in one gram of TNT? ›

The energy released in an explosion of 1 gram of TNT is approximately 4000 Joules. It is common to measure the power of an explosion by asking how much TNT would be needed to produce an explosion as powerful.

What is the energy equivalent of 1 calorie? ›

1 calorie = 4.186 joules. is the required answer.

How many calories is in TNT? ›

There are 123 calories in 1 lata (269 ml) of TNT Energy Drink. * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.

How much energy is 1 calorie? ›

Energy as kilojoules

Food energy used to be measured in Calories (Cal) and some countries still use those units. The conversions are as follows: 1 joule = 0.24 calories. 1 calorie = 4.184 joule.

How many calories in a gram of TNT? ›

The energy released by one gram of TNT was arbitrarily defined as a matter of convention to be 4,184 J, which is exactly one kilocalorie. A kiloton of TNT can be visualized as a cube of TNT 8.46 metres (27.8 ft) on a side.

How do you convert 1 gram into energy? ›

3 x 105 joule. 9 x 1013 erg.

How many grams is 1 calorie? ›

How Many Grams Are in a Calorie? There are 0.129598 grams in a calorie, which is why we use this value in the formula above. Calories are a unit of energy, and grams are a unit of weight. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

Are calories equivalent to energy? ›

The bottom line. Calories are a measure of energy in nutrition and exercise. Calories and kcal are used interchangeably and refer to the same amount of energy. Calories or kcal may also be measured in kJ, with one calorie (kcal) equaling 4.18 kJ.

How can we define 1 calorie of energy? ›

The "small calorie" or "g-calorie" is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C with a temperature change from 14.5 to 15.5°C. The current US Dietary Reference Intakes define 1 cal as 4.186 J [2]. Some texts use the thermochemical calorie, 4.184 J.

What is the TNT equivalency method? ›

Generally speaking, TNT- equivalency methods state a proportional relationship between the quantity of fuel available and the weight of a TNT charge expressing the cloud's explosive potential.

What does TNT stand for? ›

trinitrotoluene (TNT), a pale yellow, solid organic nitrogen compound used chiefly as an explosive, prepared by stepwise nitration of toluene. Because TNT melts at 82° C (178° F) and does not explode below 240° C (464° F), it can be melted in steam-heated vessels and poured into casings.

What is the TNT equivalent of the nuclear bomb? ›

This is called a TNT equivalent of an explosion. For example, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a TNT equivalent of 15 kilotons, i.e. it produced an explosion as powerful as an explosion of 15000 tons=15000000 kg of TNT. 1.

What is one calorie of energy equivalent to? ›

1 Calorie is equal to 4.182 joule. Q. Q.

What does 1 calorie equate to? ›

The calorie was originally defined as the amount of heat required at a pressure of 1 standard atmosphere to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1° Celsius. Since 1925 this calorie has been defined in terms of the joule, the definition since 1948 being that one calorie is equal to approximately 4.2 joules.

Is 1 calorie equal to 4.2 joules? ›

Therefore, any change in Calorie will change its equivalent value in Joules or vice versa. Since calorie and joule are in proportion, their ratio is a constant and it is a fixed number. The relation between calorie and joule is given as 1 calorie = 4.2 joules.

How much energy does 1 gram of mass produce? ›

Converting a gram of matter to pure energy would create an explosion equal to 21.5 kilotons of energy. This is close to the atomic bomb blast that leveled the city of Nagasaki, Japan ending World War Two. To put this into perspective, of the 6.3 kilograms of Plutonium-239 used as fuel, 0.016% converted to energy.

How much energy is produced by 1 gram of protein? ›

Detailed Solution. Carbohydrates and Protein both contain 4 kilocalories per gram, while Fat provides 9 kilocalories per gram.

How much is 1 gram of energy? ›

In this formula, c is approximately 3.00 × 10⁸ m/s, and when squared, we get 9 × 10⁹ m²/s². For a mass of 1 gram, which is 0.001 kilogram, the energy equivalent can be found by multiplying this mass by c². Therefore, 1 gram of matter is equivalent to 9 × 10ⁱ⁳ joules of energy, which is also 10²ⁱ ergs.

How powerful is C4 compared to TNT? ›

Detonation velocities for some other explosive are trinitrotolyene (TNT) (22,600 feet per second); nitro- glycerin (26,200 feet per second); and pure RDX (27,400 feet per second). According to an Army field manual, C-4 is 1.34 times as effective as the same weight of TNT.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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