Passion for Fashion (2024)

Passion for Fashion (1)

Antonia Kambouris

We had a conversation with Moses Turahirwa about his passion for fashion. Moses Turahirwa is the founder of MOSHIONS a successful brand, which combines continental heritage with contemporary fashion.

What does fashion mean to you?
“Fashion for me means a lot. Due to my work as a fashion Designer fashion means a way of expressions and it depends on different people. For me personally fashion is a way to communicate to the world. So it is my own way to express myself using fashion.”

By seeing your work and the way you talk about the meaning of fashion it gets clear that you are passionate about fashion. How would you define passion?
“I would define passion as love because when I say I have a passion for fashion it means that I love fashion. When you have a passion you always find a way to deal with difficulties no matter how challenging they are. So passion for me is the love beyond barriers. “

Is passion something that one has from birth or does passion develops in some way?
“I think passion is both. Some people are born with passion for something and at some stage it gets to develop. We are born differently and the difference comes that says there is a time a person will find their passion. Some people find it very early, others later. Even if a person is born with a passion, that passion keeps blossoming and keeps growing. Also there is a time of confusion- especially in the art when you express something and then you get to find your passion, so it is both ways, either you get to be born with passion or it can also be developed. “

For many people fashion is a way of expressing themselves authentically and by heart. Would you agree to say that the clothes a person is wearing describes their character?
“Yes I think it would be really hard to run away from that. Because whenever a person is wearing an outfit it goes with the expression of how they are feeling this day, what they think about as well as their energies led with what they are wearing. At the same time from the perspective of the creatives, the designer, it is at the same time when people relate to what we create. They relate with the emotions the outfit is expressing and then as well as with the way they want to express their emotions. People can find themselves in that. So I think it is also an expression from the creators to the wearers. So either on the side of the creator or the client it is both an expression. The clothes definitely define or express how the person is feeling, how the person is living and everything.”

What makes up a successful fashion designer?
“You simply have to have the passion to create fashion, so as we said a love of what you are doing and have a clear plan on how you want to grow. So when you nail down your passion, your love for something and you have a clear plan on how you want to grow, which means to place your signature, establishing your identity as who you are as a designer for fashion it is really key to nail down the clear vision on how you want to identify yourself as yourself and be consistent with it and then the success comes with that.”

What would you say to people who haven’t found their passion yet?
“It is never too late. To find your passion does not have a limit. There is no right age to find a passion, so there is not a perfect time. It is only the perfect time when it happens. It is important to be patient to fetch towards and have the courage to find what you really like. So investing in knowing yourself is worth a lot. If you know yourself you find what really connects with you and then you have to go for it. So it can go through different stages of confusion or trying out different things but in the end you will find your passion. So no one should feel like they are left out, because they haven’t found it yet. It is just about timing.”

After this conversation with Moses it seems that fashion is deeply connected with emotions as well as the expression of them. Same goes for passion as Moses describes the meaning as “love beyond barriers”. By reflecting on passion and what it stands for it becomes clear that passion is part of a process that needs a spark of interest in the beginning. So passion not only constitutes of dreaming but as taking action of following that dream. However passion does not describe arriving at a state that was wished for. Passion is loving and enjoying doing something in the moment. Maybe one could even say it does not even matter what the outcome is, because passion is the drive of doing what you love itself.

by Antonia Kambouris

Passion for Fashion (2024)


How do you respond to a passion for fashion? ›

1 – I'm motivated by turning my love of fashion into a career. 2 – I've always been fascinated with every aspect of the fashion industry. 3 – Working in a fashion environment is my top career objective. 4 – A job in fashion would be a dream come true for me.

What is passion for fashion? ›

“I would define passion as love because when I say I have a passion for fashion it means that I love fashion. When you have a passion you always find a way to deal with difficulties no matter how challenging they are. So passion for me is the love beyond barriers.

How do you answer a fashion interview question? ›

General questions
  1. Why are you interested in a career in fashion?
  2. Tell me about your educational background.
  3. Walk me through your resume.
  4. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  5. What interests you about this specific role?
  6. What do you know about our company?
  7. Who do you follow in the fashion industry?
Jun 24, 2022

Why am I interested in fashion industry? ›

The fashion design industry has a lot to offer aspiring professionals. It offers variety and opportunity in terms of work, skills you acquire, and growth potential. As an illustrator, photographer or fashion designer, your job will always be open for new opportunities as the industry is constantly evolving.

What is fashion best answer? ›

Fashion is best defined simply as the style or styles of clothing and accessories worn at any given time by groups of people.

How does fashion let you express yourself? ›

Through our clothing, we are able to non-verbally communicate a part of our personality. Whether that be expressing your sensitive side by wearing floral print or indicating you're an extravert by wearing an eye-catching statement piece.

What fashion defines to you? ›

fashion, style, mode, vogue, fad, rage, craze mean the usage accepted by those who want to be up-to-date. fashion is the most general term and applies to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at any one time or place. style often implies a distinctive fashion adopted by people of taste.

What does it mean to be interested in fashion? ›

Fashion enthusiasts are people with a keen interest fashion. They are aware of the latest trends in clothing and are often the first among their friends to try a new style. They take pride in dressing well - shopping at different suppliers and brands to create their own style.

Why do you love beauty and fashion? ›

Beauty and fashion can be about confidence, self-worth, and self-expression. They are important elements in expressing the person you are, however that may be.

What does fashion mean to you interview? ›

It is the first thing people look at to interpret who you are. It shows what choices you make, what type of person you are, and shows the world what you stand for. It gives a glimpse into someone's personality. It's how you differentiate yourself from other people.

How can I impress in a fashion interview? ›

How to prepare for a fashion job interview
  1. Know everything about the brand. ...
  2. Find out who will be interviewing you. ...
  3. Understand the job role you're applying for. ...
  4. Research and develop ideas. ...
  5. List what you want them to know about you. ...
  6. Prepare for interview questions they may ask.
Dec 7, 2020

What inspires you to be a fashion designer? ›

Paintings, sculptures and artistic movements have sparked the imagination of many fashion designers. This connection is not surprising either, considering that fashion and art have gone hand in hand for centuries. Many of the most famous designers are heavily inspired by art.

Are you very interested in fashion and clothes? ›

Are you very interested in fashion and clothes? Answer 1:- Yes, I am interested in fashion and clothes. I want to look dandy, so I always flow with time. Whenever new outfits come on the market, I tend to purchase them.

What interests you as a fashion designer? ›

Fashion designers typically have the following interests: Have artistic interests. They like work activities that deal with artistic forms, designs, and patterns.

How can I be more interested in fashion? ›

  1. Become an expert observer. The number one thing you can do to improve your sense of style and train your eye is this: look at how other people are doing it! ...
  2. Imitate, imitate, imitate. How do students in art school learn their craft? ...
  3. Get out of your comfort zone. ...
  4. Use your most-worn pieces as the starting point.
May 18, 2015

How do you introduce yourself in a fashion designer interview? ›

Alternatively, I sometimes use:
  1. “I'm part of the design team at [company name]”
  2. “I'm one of the designers working on [project name]”
  3. “I'm a designer working on the [feature name] for [product name]”
  4. “I'm responsible for the design side of things in this project we're discussing today”
Jul 31, 2021

Does fashion define your personality? ›

Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and what actually you are as an individual. People wearing gaudy clothes with loud make up are generally extroverts and love partying. You really can make out what sort of person an individual is by his/her dressing.

How fashion makes me feel? ›

Fashion not only enhances your appearance, but also helps you feel good. Clothes improve your appearance which in turn makes you feel better and keeps you in a good mood. Another reason is that people are emotionally attached to their clothes. Scientists term this effect of fashion on our mood as “enclothed cognition”.

Why fashion is important? ›

Fashion is crucial to history because it sets the tone for how people present themselves in every era. Everyone lives through fashion, sometimes by choice and sometimes because of societal rules. Clothes are a basic human need.

How does fashion show your identity? ›

Fashion is a non-verbal communication that can represent one's political and religious beliefs, gender identity, occupation, and essence. Whether intentional or not, the way that you dress can send a message to others about how you view yourself and how you want to be seen.

Is fashion designing a passion? ›

Fashion designing is one of the most exciting and demanding professions of today. The world of design has always fascinated me. Since my childhood, I have enjoyed designing my dresses and helping my friends and family members to manage their outfits.

Is doing fashion a hobby? ›

Fashion design is a hobby that many people have, but for those who are just starting out, figuring out how exactly to start this new hobby can be a difficult task. Make sure that you get the best start as a beginner fashion designer by paying close attention to and trying out some of these handy tips.

Why does fashion help self-esteem? ›

Clothes Can Make You Feel Powerful. High-quality, well-tailored clothing can help you feel more confident and powerful, allowing you to take on challenges at work and in your personal life. Research has shown that wearing formal clothing can change the way you view and approach situations.

Why is fashion important for girls? ›

Every woman wants and deserves to look nice and dress well. Not only because it would present her in a good light in a social setting, but also because it is fulfilling, mood-boosting and imperative for self-esteem. There are also many benefits that come along with finding your personal style: Confidence boost.

Why do you want to work in fashion answers? ›

Answer: 'I want to work for your company because of your client-centred approach to fashion design. I believe we design and make clothes, shoes and accessories for customers. So, the best satisfaction is if the clients love our creations. I've been following your organisation for a long time.

How to stand out in an interview with clothes? ›

Wear bold colors

You can wear a bold-color tie or dress shirt to exhibit your personality, but you need to make sure it matches the rest of your outfit and is still professional. The point is to have an accent in your outfit that is bold so it will be memorable, not over the top.

What do you say in a fashion design interview? ›

Top six interview questions and answers for fashion jobs
  • Which celebrity has your favorite fashion style — and why? ...
  • Where do you see yourself in five years' time? ...
  • How do you keep up-to-date with the latest fashion news and trends? ...
  • What publications do you read? ...
  • Why do you want to work in fashion?
Sep 16, 2022

What's your greatest strength as a fashion designer? ›

Top qualities of fashion designers
  1. Good Business Sense. A successful fashion designer needs excellent business skills in order to stay within their budget and market their clothing.
  2. Good Communication Skills. ...
  3. Competitive Spirit. ...
  4. Creativity. ...
  5. Artistic Ability. ...
  6. Sense of Style. ...
  7. Strong Sewing Skills. ...
  8. Team Player.
Dec 20, 2019

How do I prepare for a fashion interview? ›

Interview tips for fashion designers
  1. Know the brand, retailer or supplier... Make sure you get to a store! ...
  2. Know your portfolio back to front. ...
  3. Take pride in your work. ...
  4. To lead or to follow? ...
  5. Speak out! ...
  6. Don't be afraid to ask questions. ...
  7. Added extras.

What is my goal as a fashion designer? ›

Every designer's primary objective is to design clothing that will sell, and designs may undergo multiple revisions before a designer settles on a final design. Some designers are involved in the construction of their designs and may work directly with production teams.

How do you say someone has good fashion sense? ›

Let's take a look at these compliments..
  1. 1 “That's a Beautiful Color on You” ...
  2. 2 “The Fit is perfect on you” ...
  3. 3 “That Pattern Looks Great” ...
  4. 4 “You Look Comfortable in your Dress” ...
  5. 5 "You Look like You're Having Fun in Your Outfit!" ...
  6. 6 I Adore How You Always Have Something New and Unique on Whenever I See You.

What is your motivation as a fashion designer? ›

The fashion industry requires one to be self-motivated in a bid to overcome the numerous challenges on the road to success. In a bid to be successful in the fashion design industry, one needs to be aware of the current fashions and trends in order to be innovative.

What do you call people with good fashion? ›

A stylish person is someone who has a bold sense of fashion, like a queen with flowing robes and gowns, or your friend who always wears the best-looking jeans. Stylish can describe polite and elegant manners, or it can describe dressing with the current fashion trends, like you walked off the pages of a magazine.

What is a very fashionable person called? ›

1 chic, smart, modish, voguish, elegant. See synonyms for fashionable on

How do you describe a well dressed person? ›

Here are some synonyms for “well-dressed”: dapper (this applies to men, not women) chic (mostly for women) stylish. sharp.

Is passion and fashion same? ›

Answer. Fashion means style in clothing, cosmetics, behavior, especially the latest or most admired. Meanwhile, Passion means ardent love or affection.

What motivates you to design? ›

Designers are motivated to create by certain specific intrinsic motivators (discussed later) which are: a desire for mastery, immortality, self-esteem, desire to create beauty, desire to discover underlying order and desire to prove oneself.

What are four motivations for wearing clothes? ›

Adornment: Added decoration or ornamentation. Protection: Clothing that provides physical safeguards to the body, preventing harm from climate and environment. Identification: Establishing who someone is or what they do. Modesty: Covering the body according to the code of decency established by society.

What inspires you to design? ›

Inspiration can come from anywhere, a verse of poetry, the sight of a bird in flight or the colors in a sidewalk might all draw your attention. When you draw on these images, incorporating them into your own work, you will give of your best. A design is always a collaboration. We build on new ideas every day.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.