Pattern Making !! - (2024)

WCU’sPattern making is a dynamic curriculum that teaches people of all age groups the technical ability to interpret and produce the various designs. Students are taught the foundations of basic pattern making and these patterns are then replicated or newly created on brown paper.

Pattern Making !! - (1)

Pattern Making

How To Get Started with Principle of Pattern Making !!


The patternmaking process and gives the context and background of how the principles are used to make patterns. it is general information about the patternmaking process, and is essential for beginners.

Theory & Practice

The Principles pages contain information about the three main principles:

  • dart manipulation
  • added fullness
  • contouring

… and step-by-step examples of how they are applied.

You need to have a firm understanding of these principles before attempting to make your own patterns. In the Manipulating Darts pages there are plenty of examples with step-by-step directions, you should follow along with a few to begin with, but start doing them yourself, without referring to the instructions supplied, referring to the example when you’ve finished to compare and check. You should do as many examples as it takes to completely understand the theory.

Practicing Making Patterns Third Scale

Once you have a good understanding of these three principles, you can then start making patterns. It would probably be a good idea to to make some patterns third scale, purely for practice.

You can use these third scale blocks for: doing exercises (e.g. pivoting darts), for following along with creating patterns on this website, and for testing yourself on how you would make your own patterns. Note that when doing

  • doing exercises (e.g. pivoting darts)
  • for following along with creating patterns on this website, and
  • for attempting your own patterns third scale before attempting them full-scale.

The Principles Alone….

You will find thatunderstanding the three principles alonemay not enough to make any and every pattern; that is what the Elements pages are there for. You will probably need to refer to the Elements on an ongoing basis.

For example; you might understand the principles of dart manipulation, added fullness and contouring but when you go to create a collar you realise you just don’t know how to begin to do that. In these cases you look Colllars under the Elements pages. Once you have created one or two collars, you may be able to work out collars by yourself from then on.

A lot of the information in the Elements pages are just Applied Principles; e.g. creating a Puffed Sleeve is based on the Principle of Added Fullness, but as a beginner you may need to refer to the Puffed Sleeve page under the Elements menu, rather than testing it out yourself. Basically with the Elements, someone else has done the work of figuring out the best method to do it, so it saves you recreating the wheel.

Whate is the Pattern Making

What are the methods of pattern making?
Types of Patternsin Clothing Manufacturing

  • FlatPatternDrawing. Thismethodtakes a basicpatternand translates it into a 3D shape with muslin fabric, which is then transferred to paper. …
  • Drafting.Draftingis often used to create initial designs. …
  • Fashion Draping.

What is basic pattern drafting?

Pattern draftingis the process of creating apatternby taking measurements from a person, form, or model, in order to then create a foundation, which is apatternused asthe basisfor the design. The steps in this process are: …Patterndrawing.

What are pattern making tools?
There are variouspattern making toolswhich are vastly used in the apparel industry have pointed out in the below with their function:

  • Straight pins,
  • Straight pin holder,
  • Scissors,
  • Pencils and pens,
  • Rulers,
  • Curve rules,
  • Hanger hooks or ringers,
  • Pushpins,

What is pattern paper called?

Dottedpaper, also commonlyknown asmarkingpaper, alphabetpaper, or alphanumericpaper, is your best choice for tracing, retracing, altering, and markingpatternsthat need complex alterations.

What is a style pattern?

In sewing and fashion design, apatternis the template from which the parts of a garment are traced onto fabric before being cut out and assembled.Patternsare usually made of paper, and are sometimes made of sturdier materials like paperboard or cardboard if they need to be more robust to withstand repeated use.

What are the three types of pattern?
There are mainly three types of design patterns:

  • Creational. These design patterns are all about class instantiation or object creation. …
  • Structural. These design patterns are about organizing different classes and objects to form larger structures and provide new functionality. …
  • Behavioral.

What is the meaning of pattern maker?

(ˈpætərnˌmeɪkər ) a person who makespatterns, as for molds or for various articles to be mass-produced. : alsopattern maker.

What does a pattern mean?

1 : a form or model proposed for imitation : exemplar.

2 : something designed or used as a model for making things a dressmaker’spattern.

How many types of garment patterns are there?
two types

There are mainlytwo typesof patterns used in the readymade apparel sector which mentioned below: Basic block or block pattern used in the apparel industry, Working pattern or apparel pattern.
What is a working pattern?

Aworking patternshows how your contractual hours are split across the days of yourworkingweek. The standardworkingweek for a full-time member of staff is 36.5 hours: Monday to Thursday, 9.00 am to 5.20 pm and Friday, 9.00 am to 5.10 pm. iTrent has been configured to divide the 36.5 hours equally across the 5 days.

What is 2D pattern making?

Patterns that are drawn on paper(flat surface) are 2D patterns.

How can I trace a pattern without cutting it?

The best way to use a sewingpattern without cutting itis totracethepattern. You can do this by laying out thepatternonto a table and placing a sheet of paper over the top. Bytracingthepatternyou can create the size you would like to make.

How do you trace a pattern on fabric?

If thefabricyou have is slightly thin, you can simplytracethe markings under a lightbox or a window using a water-soluble pen. You can also usetracingpaper andtracingwheel to transfer thepatterns. You simply have to put thetracingpaper inside thefabricand draw the roller over the paper

What is TUKAcad?

TUKAcadis an intuitive CAD software for digital pattern making, grading, and marker making. It’s flexible and powerful enough for fashion businesses of all sizes, freelance designers, and students.

Where can I design my own clothes?

With Spreadshirt, you cancreatecustomclothesusingyour ownpersonal photos anddesigns. Embraceyourcreative side and personalize customclothingsuch as T-shirts, jackets and caps. You can also include names, messages, and slogans by using the text function.

What makes a good pattern?

Although it is hard to define “a good pattern”, the goal of pattern making is to achieve great fit that includes design elements and details.

What are the steps in pattern making?

Conclusion. To create a simplepattern, apattern makerwould have to follow five essentialsteps: gathering their material, taking proper measurements, adding styles and designs, grading their design, then draping it to result in the final garment.

Is pattern making hard?

It is a challenging and very technical aspect of the process. Pattern draftingrequires a high degree of skill, and certain aptitudes and ambitions within the maker, for a successfulpatternto be drafted.

What is block pattern?

Theblock patternis the sewingpatternpreviously created for the clothing style that has been perfected for a good fit. Theblock patternis commonly used to efficiently build a new clothing style with minimal need forpatternrevisions and corrections.

How do you make software patterns for clothes?

The CAD system forfashionindustry includes, Gerber, Optitex and Lectra. There are others scaled down CADsoftwaredesigned for you. They form thepatternblocks for you with your measurements. This type ofsoftwareenables you to draw thepatternsyou want.

What does a pattern maker do?

A patternmaking career generally involves working deep in the fashion industry. They may work to design and createpatternsfor unique pieces of clothing for mass production, for instance, or they may work closely withdesignersin order to create custompatterns.

What are pattern blocks used for?

The patternmaker pulls an existing block pattern and makes a modified copy of it to match the new style, either on paper or on computer.

What are the uses of pattern in garment construction?

A: In the industry,patternsareusedto cut the fabric pieces and thegarmentis made.Patternsare made so that the same style can be duplicated when needed and multiple pieces can be made. You don’t have to start from scratch each.

What are the 6 Classification of sewing tools and equipment?

  • measuring.
  • cutting.
  • pinning.
  • marking.
  • stitching.
  • pressing.

What is grading in garment making?

Grading, or patterngrading, is the process ofcreatinga range of sizes for a singleapparelstyle. The purpose ofgradingis to properly fit a pattern to a range of sizes.Gradingwill not create shape, but will only increase or decrease size of original shape.

What is a basic pattern?

Thebasic patternis the very foundation upon whichpatternmaking, fit and design are based. Thebasic patternis the starting point for flatpatterndesigning.

How do I cut out a pattern?

Before you cancutyour fabric piecesout– pin yourpatternpieces to the fabric – I like to insert the pins perpendicular to the seams to stop thepatternfrom skewing. Tocutthepatternpiecesout, use sewing scissors and hold them flat along the table to get nice long, smoothcuts

What are the tools and materials used in cutting final pattern?
Pattern cutting equipment

  • Patterndarts. Darts can beusedto give shape to a design, for example on a woman’s dress. …
  • Pattern cuttingdrill. This is a handytool usedto create tidy and accurate holes in your designs for darts and patterned paper. …
  • Parallel tracing wheel. …
  • Patternmaster rulers. …
  • Patternnotcher. …
  • Handy awl.

What are three types of patterns?
There are mainlythree typesof designpatterns:

  • Creational. These designpatternsare all about class instantiation or object creation. …
  • Structural. These designpatternsare about organizingdifferentclasses and objects to form larger structures and provide new functionality. …
  • Behavioral.

How do you identify patterns?
How to RecognizePatterns

  1. Actively Look forPatterns. …
  2. Organize the Pieces. …
  3. Question the Data. …
  4. Visualize the Data. …
  5. Imagine New Possibilities.

What are the qualities to becme a sucessful pattern?

Some qualities to become a successful pattern maker are knowledge on fabric, design elements, and sewing. Also, strong communication skills with designer and seamstress are plus.

What is the pattern grading?

Some qualities to become a successful pattern maker are knowledge on fabric, design elements, and sewing. Also, strong communication skills with designer and seamstress are plus.

How do you become a pattern maket?
How tobecome a Patternmaker

  1. Undertake a Certificate III in Applied Fashion Design and Technology (MST30819) at TAFE or a registered training organisation. …
  2. Consider completing a Bachelor of Branded Fashion Design, Bachelor of Fashion or a Bachelor of Applied Fashion at university or at a private college.

Pattern Making

Pattern Making:

Patternsare paper templates for all thecomponents of a garment, such as cloths, lining, interlining which have to be cut for a garments. These patterns are used to draw sketch on cloth or marker paper.

Block pattern making method:

i. Flat method:In this method, different parts of garments, specially major parts are made by technical drawing. In the technical drawing, proportion of different parts of a garment is considered. This pattern can be made by both manual and computerized method.

ii. Modeling:It is primary and first method and widely used in garment industry. Block is made with standard body measurement of mannequin. This block is called toile. Toile is worn on the mannequin and adjusted the pattern necessarily. Then Toile is worn out from the body and individual parts of Toile are drawn on hard paper.

1. Block pattern:

Block pattern or basic block indicates the original pattern. Block Pattern is made based on the specific and standard body measurement without any design or style. It is produced according to exact dimension of body for different age group and gender.

2. Working pattern:

Working pattern is derived from the flat method or modeling. Each and every pattern is laid on the board paper to copy the block pattern. Then sewing allowance, Trimming allowance, Button hole, button attaching, dart, pleat, Notch, shrinkage of the fabric, etc are added with the copied pattern. Working pattern are needed for each an every part of the garments. Working patterns are then cut with a sharp scissor or knife. Garment size and name of the parts are written on the pattern pieces. Sample garments are made from the working pattern.

Some important definition related to pattern making:

Darts:The purpose of dart is to eliminate excessive fabric in a pattern so that it can conform into the shape of a human body.

Grain Line: Pattern pieces normally carry a line is called Grain line. Grain Line of pattern pieces usually is parallel to the warp (woven) or wale (knit). The actual direction depends on whether the pattern is to align with the warp, weft, wale or course when laid on thefabric for cutting. The direction of the grain line is therefore determined by the designer.

Drill Holes:Drill holes are small holes drilled into pattern to indicate where other components (such as pockets) should be superimposed.

Notches:Notches are cut into the pattern to indicate points where garment components that are to be joined together.

Steps of pattern making:

Patterns are made in two steps:

  1. Block pattern.
  2. Working pattern.


Grading means the step wise increase or decrease of a master pattern piece to create larger or smaller sizes. The starting point can be the smallest size or the middle size. Grading alters the overall size of a design but not its general shape and appearance. Computer aided grading systems utilize internal calculation algorithms (grading rules) for pattern construction.

Two methods of Grading:

  1. Manual Grading
  2. Computer aided Grading

Manual Grading:

The desired range of sizes is created one by one using a pattern template. Marks are made around the master pattern at the appropriate distance and the marks are later joined up to form the enlarged pattern. In this way a full set of templates, the pattern set is generated.

A Grading machine eases the task of creating the pattern set. The device grips the master pattern and displaces it by a precise vertical and horizontal distance, after which the appropriate edge can be traced.

Computer aided Grading:

Computer based Grading systems are operating in one of two ways:


  1. The patterns can be cut out and can be used to make marker manually, if necessary.
  2. The graded sizes can be stored in the model files of the computer and recalled when cutting markers for that style are to be planned on the system.


  1. The grading increments are fed in to the computer and the different sizes are generated automatically using the same method as applied for manual Grading.
  2. The pattern for each individual size is calculated separately starting from the data in the size charts. The resulting layer of the patterns can be displayed to scale on the computer monitor for visual assessment and if necessary adjustment.

Once the pattern set has been generated on the computer, it may be used in various ways, depending on the level of automation in the factory.

In a fully automated system, the garment parts will be sorted automatically and arranged in to a lay plan which can then be transmitted in the form of a control program to the automatic laying and cutting system. Alternatively, the patterns can be sent to a large plotting device where they will be drawn at full scale to serve as paper patterns for manual cutting.

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E- Commerce Instruction


Online Stores

Sell more and promote your brand with state-of-the-art storefronts, optimized shopping experiences and an industry-leading suite of professional eCommerce apps.


eCommerce Platform

Sell on multiple sales channels, like Facebook or eBay, and manage your store from one integrated dashboard—from store orders to payment, shipping, fulfillment, marketing and more.

Fashion Programs

Whether you’re interested in fashion design, styling, textiles, or marketing, our School of Fashion has the specialized program to fit your passion. You’ll work with experts and have access to fashion technology, equipment and facilities to prepare you for a career.

  • Costume Design : Customization is a process of tailoring to individual customer’s specifica- tions. Especially infashion, it allowed consumers to create and customize their own outfit. Online shops as well as physical studios in different countries are providing the service of customization.
  • Fashion Design :
    Steps toBecoming a Fashion Designer
    1. Step 1 Complete a degree program. …
    2. Step 2 Sharpen skills with hands-on experience. …
    3. Step 3 Learn the business offashion. …
    4. Step 4 Put together a portfolio. …
    5. Step 5 Keep up with the trends.
  • Fashion Journalism : Fashion journalism is a field that deals with the reporting and publishing of fashion-related information across a number of media outlets, such as fashion magazines, websites, and television. However, a fashion journalism career is more than just writing about clothes, and often requires an associate or bachelor’s degree in fashion media, fashion design, communications, or a related journalistic field.
  • Knitwear Design : Knitwear Designingis a specialized course in knitting fabrics as manufacturing technique. … TheKnitwear designingcourse has emphasis on knitting machinery, yarn making, measurements, creative techniques in knitting, pattern making, stitching, trends analysis and forecasting etc.
  • Merchandising : Fashion Merchandisersoversee the style design of garments and accessories in retailclothingstores, costume suppliers, orfashionhouses. Itis the Fashion Merchandiser’sresponsibility to predictfashiontrends, plan and implement store layouts, purchase apparel, and collaborate with designers.
  • Fashion Styling :
    What do you need tobecomeafashion stylist?
    1. Land an internship. …
    2. Create a lookbook. …
    3. Build your network. …
    4. Do your research. …
    5. Hone your distinctive point of view. …
    6. Complete a relevant degree or qualification.
  • Textile Design : Students enrolled in a master’s degree program intextile designlearn about product development, body scanning andtextilesand computer aideddesign(CAD) techniques. Many courses included in a master’s degree program intextiles designare hands-on and take place in a studio or laboratory environment.

Student Work

Our Fashion courses combine excellence in design, artistic vision, and innovative technology.


Director of Pattern Design WCU

Pattern Making !! - (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.