Paver Installation: How Important is the Paver Base? (2024)

Paver Installation: How Important is the Paver Base? (1)

When it comes to installing a paver patio, walkway, or driveway the most important thing is preparing a good and level base. The base is the foundation for what will ultimately be the final surface of your patio. It affects the stability, drainage, and longevity of your patio. If you rush or cut corners to save time or work, you're going to notice it in the end. But don't worry, we are going to walk you through what type of paver base to use, how much to use, and the proper way to compact it to ensure a project that will look and work great for many years.

Before we jump in, you have to understand that preparing your base is going to take about 70% of your total project time. As you can imagine, it can be pretty labor-intensive depending on the size and type of project you want to do. But trust us, it is 100% worth it to get your paver base prepared correctly, otherwise, you spend even more time fixing problems with the patio a few years down the road. As the saying goes; "If you're going to do something, do it right the first time."


Paver Installation: How Important is the Paver Base? (2)

Using sand alone to set pavers is not enough. The best and recommended paver base is 3/8-inch crushed gravel. The gravel provides a flexible base that absorbs ground tension to prevent frost heaves. This paver base contains crushed rock of various sizes and has gravel dust and added sand. When the irregular shapes of the gravel wedge together to create a strong foundation that resists shifting, the dust and sand fill any gaps. Once compacted, it becomes a dense base that reinforces any pavers under the stress of frequent traffic. Sand will be laid later on, on top of the paver base, for a smooth surface to set the pavers.


Paver Installation: How Important is the Paver Base? (3)

Having the right amount of base for your project will set you up for success years after your project is complete. The general measurements are 4"-6" of paver base for a patio and walkway, and 10"-12" of paver base for a driveway. But, you may need more depending on your location and soil type. Midwest soil is typically going to be clay and will go through yearly freeze and thaw cycles, so you may want to lay 6"-8" of paver base for a patio and 12"-14" for a driveway.

Any surface using pavers must have a slight slope, 1" for every 4' to 8', for proper drainage. Establishing that slight slope must be done during the excavation and paver base portion of the project. If you don't provide enough slope, rainwater will settle into any low spots, eventually softening and washing out the sand and disturbing the subbase materials beneath. A flat or poorly sloped patio could even direct water into your basem*nt or other non-desirable areas. So plan ahead and slope your project away from the house, starting with the base.


Paver Installation: How Important is the Paver Base? (4)

When you properly compact and slope the paver base, it provides stability over the entire project! It prevents pavers from sinking or heaving while also allowing moisture to seep through and escape. This compaction, along with the correct amount of base, is what is going to keep your patio looking fresh for years! You're going to want to compact your paver base 2"-4" at a time; this will allow consistent compaction through your base. After each compaction, you're going to want to run your level over the top and fill and compact any spots that may dip or be too low.

Pro Tip: We highly recommend using a flat-plate vibrator for all paver base compaction. It works better and takes a quarter of the time than hand tamping. You'll want to work in a back-and-forth or circular motion (starting at the outer edge of your project working in). Go over the area at least two times for each layer you compact, or until you achieve a hard-compacted surface.

There you have it! Properly installing a paver base for a paver patio, walkway, or driveway, may take a good amount of work, but it really is the most important part of the project. It certainly takes some time to do it right, but just think about how great your patio will look 15 years down the road! It's well worth it to take the time now. Good luck and if you have any questions check out our Patio Resources page or reach out to our experts over Chat with Us to help!

Paver Installation: How Important is the Paver Base? (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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