Pearl maintenance: How to take care of your pearls (2024)

Pearls, both natural and cultured, are an organic product. And that means that, like most other products of nature, they need the proper care in order to maintain their beauty. So how exactly do you keep your pearls and pearl jewellery in good condition?

Avoid high temperatures
The mother of pearl which surrounds a pearl actually consists of thin layers. These layers are held together by an organic material called “conchine”. If a pearl is exposed to higher temperatures for a prolonged period of time, the conchine can dry out which will affect the colour and lustre of the pearl in a negative way. So store your pearls in an environment with modest temperatures (out of direct sunlight) and do not wear your pearls while sunbathing.

Avoid chemicals
A pearl’s surface can easily be affected by chemicals. Think of household detergents, cleaning products, the chlorine in swimming water. But also cosmetic products, perfume and even your own perspiration can damage the mother of pearl layer.

Before and after wearing your pearls
If you are going to wear your pearls, make sure you put them on after bathing, after using hairspray or perfume and after you have put on your make-up. After wearing pearl jewellery (especially pearl necklaces) it is important to clean the pearls with a soft, damp cloth. If necessary, you can wipe off your pearls with a little bit of alcohol to remove any dirt or skin oil. Always put your pearl jewellery back into their own jewellery box: never store pearl jewellery together with other jewellery pieces to avoid scratching.

Periodic maintenance of your pearl necklace
When you are wearing a pearl necklace, the moist from your skin will also moisten the conchine in the outer layers of the pearls. So wear your pearl necklace at least two or three times a year. This will avoid the drying out of your pearls.

Pearl necklaces which are worn on a regular basis should be cleaned once or twice a year in lukewarm water and with a mild detergent. Afterwards, let the necklace dry for at least 24 hours. Furthermore it is advisable to have your pearl necklace properly cleaned and the knots checked by a jeweller or goldsmith annually.

In general, consider the following “rules of thumb” to keep your pearls pretty

  • Wear your pearl jewellery regularly to avoid the mother of pearl layer drying out.
  • Avoid your pearls to come in to contact with cosmetic products, perfume, hairspray, cleaning products or other chemicals.
  • Do not wear your pearl jewellery while taking a bath or shower or while swimming.
  • Do not wear your pearl jewellery during activities which will cause perspiring.
  • Always clean your pearls after wearing them
  • Store your pearls in a separate jewellery box to avoid scratching by other pieces of jewellery
Pearl maintenance: How to take care of your pearls (2024)


Pearl maintenance: How to take care of your pearls? ›

Pearls are best kept in a soft-cloth pouch or a soft-lined jewelry box. Never store your pearls in an airtight environment such a a zip lock bag. Pearls are organic and do contain trace amounts of water. Storing them in an airtight environment will cause them to become brittle and damage the luster.

Do pearls need to be maintained? ›

Show them some love by wearing them regularly.

Pearls need moisture in order to maintain their luster and structural integrity. They'll get all the moisture they need by absorbing some of the oils from your skin. Store your pearls in a soft cloth or velvet pouch, away from other sharp metals in your jewelry box.

Do pearls need to be oiled? ›

A pearl's luster is the result of a thin layer of nacre coating the nucleus of the pearl. You can wipe your pearls with oil to make them shinier, but once a pearl has lost its original luster, you can't bring it back. A pearl can grow dull from perspiration or from drying out.

Are pearls high maintenance? ›

High-quality pearl jewelry is fairly resistant to wear. However, without proper care, pearls can wear down and lose their luster. To keep your pearls in great shape, you should put them on occasionally and wipe them clean after every wear.

What can damage pearls? ›

For this reason, do not expose your pearls to cosmetics and other chemicals. For example, hairspray, perfume, acid from beverages, and even human sweat can damage pearls. Genuine pearls are of organic origin and pearl is relatively soft. Pearls can be abraded or scratched by careless handling or storage.

What not to do with pearls? ›

NEVER apply perfume or hairspray when you are wearing pearl jewelry, especially a strand of pearls. Pearl strands should be stored separately from other jewelry because the surface of a pearl is soft and easily scratched by other gems.

What happens to pearls if not worn? ›

Leaving pearl jewelry in a security box for long periods may cause pearls to dehydrate, so enjoy them frequently. There is a saying that “pearls want to be worn,” and it is true. In the case of pearl rings, please be aware that these are only to be worn for dress and are not intended for everyday wear.

How long do real pearls last? ›

With a little care, pearls can last a lifetime – or two or three. In many families, it's traditional to pass cultured pearls from one generation to the next. Cultured pearls are not the most durable of gems, but if they are properly cared for, they can retain their original beauty for generations.

What is the lifespan of a pearl? ›

After all, pearls have a predicted lifespan of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred years if cared-for properly. All pearls, whether natural or cultured, anorganic, which means that they were composed by a living organism. "That is the very essence of the warmth and softness of their glow".

Do real pearls turn yellow with age? ›

Yes, old pearls can turn yellow over time due to a variety of factors. One of the primary reasons for this discoloration is the breakdown of the organic material that makes up the pearl's surface (nacre).

Do real pearls peel with age? ›

Real pearls wear out and age, what is visible in getting mat, cracking, peeling, chipping off, and finally scattering into a fine powder. The life of a natural pearl is estimated at about 100-150 years, but there are few specimens up to several hundred years.

How to care for pearls at home? ›

Pearls are best kept in a soft-cloth pouch or a soft-lined jewelry box. Never store your pearls in an airtight environment such a a zip lock bag. Pearls are organic and do contain trace amounts of water. Storing them in an airtight environment will cause them to become brittle and damage the luster.

What cleans pearls the best? ›

If your pearls are visibly stained, you can mix a solution of lukewarm water and mild dish soap, dip a soft cleaning cloth in it and wipe the pearls. Do NOT submerge a pearl necklace in water, as it will weaken the silk thread.

Why can't pearls get wet? ›

When pearls get wet, the moisture can damage both the thread and the pearl itself. As the thread begins to stretch and lengthen, the pearls lose their shape. Furthermore, as the thread runs through the pearl, water can also cause internal damage, leading to the breakdown of the pearl's internal composition.

Is it OK to wear pearls everyday? ›

Those who are a bit more reckless, however, might want to stick to wearing them only on special occasions. You certainly won't face any health concerns by wearing pearls every day. In fact, some even believe that pearls have healing properties. Research shows that wearing pearls can help improve your mental well-being.

How do you keep pearls alive? ›

Best not to mist established pearls. They like things warm but dry. If you're sure it's not from over or under watering, look to the light. Too much, too intense sunlight (like afternoon sun in summer), can scorch your pearls.

Can I shower with my pearls on? ›

Freshwater pearls, like other types of pearls, can be significantly damaged by water. Moreover, the soap, shampoo, conditioner, or oils you use in the shower contain chemicals that can further damage your pearl jewellery. Hence, wearing your pearl jewellery in the shower is not advisable.

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