Personal Space: How It Protects Us, Reduces Stress, and Improves Our Focus (2024)

Personal Space: How It Protects Us, Reduces Stress, and Improves Our Focus (1)

“I’m an elephant today. I will need to have lots of room and also a bowl of water on the floor.” ? Jesse Ball

Why do we need our personal space?

Are we just territorial?

It’s actually about protection, reducing stress, and focus.

In Social Psychology: Theories, Research, and Applications, Robert S. Feldman identifies three models that explain why we need our personal space.

3 Models of Why We Need Our Space

The three models are:

  • The overload model
  • Stress theory
  • Communication channel

Personal Space and Information Overload

Our personal space protects us and keeps us from feeling overwhelmed.

Via Social Psychology: Theories, Research, and Applications:

“When others stand very close to us, their voices seem louder, we may feel (and smell) their hot breath, we may notice wrinkles in their skin. In other words, we are bombarded with sensory stimulation, all of which must be processed cognitively.

The overload model of personal space builds upon this possibility by suggesting that we maintain personal space in order to reduce the potential ‘overload’ on our information processing systems (G. E. Evans, 1974). By keeping others at a distance, we are able to maintain control over the stimulation that we would otherwise be forced to process. “

… What is clear that the study confirms that personal space invasion is related to increases in physiological stress; thus, an important function of maintenance of personal space zones may be to protect people from excessive stress.”

Personal Space as Protection

Our personal space protects us from potential aggression, and, ultimately, it helps protect us from stress.

Via Social Psychology: Theories, Research, and Applications:

“An alternative – though not mutually exclusive – approach to explaining the functions of personal space suggest that personal space zones serve to protect us from stress.

This model known as stress theory, says that personal space can shield us from stressful stimuli that may be present when others come too close to us.

What are these potential stressors?

G.W. Evans (1979) suggest an important one is potential aggression that may come from others. If we allow other people to get too close to us, an act of aggression can have serious consequences.

On the other hand, if we maintain our distance, an aggressive act will have less significance. Similarly, maintenance of personal space zones allows us to fend off high levels of noise that may emanate from other people. In sum, personal space may afford us protection from unwanted stressful stimuli.”

Personal Space as a Communication Channel

Our personal space zones also communicate the nature of our relationships.

Via Social Psychology: Theories, Research, and Applications:

“…. Interpersonal spacing can reflect the nature of the relationship between individuals, and is also related to other nonverbal behaviors such as eye contact and body orientation.

Thus, maintenance of personal space zones can be conceptualized largely a matter of controlling the type of message individuals want to communicate to others with whom they are interacting.”

Key Takeaways

I think this actually explains the effectiveness of Feng Shui and why it helps you feel good.

  • Your personal bubble can help reduce your stress. When people are in our immediate space, the threat of potential aggression has more impact. Our bodies go into red alert. If you’ve ever had your brother or sister intently hold their finger a couple inches from your body while they say, “I’m not touching you … I’m not touching you …. I’m not touching you” you know the feeling.
  • Your personal bubble can help you stay focused. You reduce information overload. Your personal space helps shield you from the dynamics of people around you. If your focus is on everything that’s going on around you, it’s tough to stay focused. Effectively the more you can reduce distractions, the more you can stay focused on your task. I know some people use music as their shield. A common practice for contractors that share a space is to wear headphones to create white noise, to stay more focused.

Got space?

Additional Information

The following pages present various perspectives on whether shared workspaces, cubes or private offices are more effective:

Personal Space: How It Protects Us, Reduces Stress, and Improves Our Focus (2024)


Personal Space: How It Protects Us, Reduces Stress, and Improves Our Focus? ›

You reduce information overload. Your personal space helps shield you from the dynamics of people around you. If your focus is on everything that's going on around you, it's tough to stay focused. Effectively the more you can reduce distractions, the more you can stay focused on your task.

What is personal space how it protects us? ›

Personal space is important because it helps people feel safe and comfortable. If someone invades your personal space, it can feel quite uncomfortable and unwanted. Some children don't understand what personal space is, so they may need gentle reminders.

Why personal space is important for mental health? ›

When we are Anxious our mind consciously or unconsciously is constantly looking for threat and hence one can end up feeling worked up when intruded into his or her personal space. Having enough space even psychologically is extremely important for your mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Why personal space is important in a conflict situation? ›

The Science of Personal Space

The closer towards a person moves towards another, the more intimate space it becomes. Meaning that a good understanding of personal space, firstly allows you to judge distance from an attack and secondly can defuse or escalate a situation, depending on where you are.

Why is personal space important in the workplace? ›

Even if you enjoy your coworkers and look forward to coming to work each day, it's important to protect your personal space from annoying interruptions. Personal space gives you a chance to catch your breath and collect your thoughts during the course of a busy day.

What are the benefits of personal space? ›

You reduce information overload. Your personal space helps shield you from the dynamics of people around you. If your focus is on everything that's going on around you, it's tough to stay focused. Effectively the more you can reduce distractions, the more you can stay focused on your task.

How do you protect your personal space? ›

5 Ways to Protect Your Personal Space
  1. Identify and accept your personal boundary needs: If you don't protect your personal space, you are more likely to feel drained. ...
  2. Be polite but firm. ...
  3. Start with something small. ...
  4. Know what you mean when you say “yes” ...
  5. Stop feeling guilty.
Sep 6, 2015

What spaces improve mental health? ›

Studies have shown that green spaces can lower levels of stress (Wells et al, 2003) and reduce rates of depression and anxiety, reduce cortisol levels (Park et al, 2010) and improve general well-being.

How does space affect the human mental health? ›

Most common are adjustment reactions to the novelty of being in space, with symptoms generally including transient anxiety or depression. Psychosomatic reactions also have occurred, where anxiety and other emotional states are experienced physically as somatic symptoms.

What spaces help with mental health? ›

If you're struggling with your mental health at home, consider creating a clean, clutter-free space where you can spend quiet time and decompress. Keep your bedroom and restful spaces as clutter-free as possible, and periodically sort through items that you no longer want or need.

How does personal space positively influence communication? ›

For example, when trying to demonstrate immediacy, or the ways that we communicate a desire or willingness to communicate with others, space can be used to show openness and friendliness. In the same way, the use of space can also indicate territoriality, the nonverbal communication of ownership.

How does personal space help communication? ›

This involves putting a specific distance between yourself and another person in order to communicate a message and to feel comfortable; there are certain distances from one person to another which are considered to be acceptable, dependent upon the situation – this is known as proxemics.

What are the 4 types of personal space? ›

The size of this area varies with situations and contexts. Hall (1969) delineated four zones of interpersonal distance that characterize Western culture: intimate (up to 18 inches), personal (18–48 inches), social (48 inches to 12 feet), and public (greater than 12 feet).

What is acceptable personal space? ›

PERSONAL = Eighteen inches to four feet.

There is a well-defined “inner” zone of 18-24 inches where mostly close friends, spouses, and well-known other US-Americans comfortably interact, and an “outer” zone between two to four feet where most friendly conversation and easy social interaction takes place.

How can you show respect for personal space while at work? ›

Show respect for your workspace

This includes not walking in on them while they're working, not talking loudly or constantly being on your phone, and not leaving your belongings all over the place. If you're respectful of your coworkers' personal space, they will be more likely to respect yours.

What affects personal space? ›

Three factors which influence personal space are population density, territorial attitudes, as well as cultural norms and rules.

What does create your own space mean? ›

Creating space is a method of opening up your time, energy and physical space to allow more room to live, create and enjoy life. To create physical space, you may need to declutter, change the layout of spaces within your home or office, or even find new places to do the activities that matter to you.

How do you overcome personal space barriers? ›

To sum up, the British study suggests five tips for coping when personal space issues occur in your life:
  1. Be kind to your friends. ...
  2. Look around you. ...
  3. Confront if you can, but not if you can't. ...
  4. Sniff, but don't snoop. ...
  5. Learn to read body language.
Apr 6, 2019

How can a lack of space affect a person's mental health? ›

Environment and Mental Health

It's also meant to be a safe haven, where you can relax, unwind and be yourself. Licensed Doctor of Psychology, Aniko Dunn, explains: “Crowded spaces make our minds crowded. Studies show that stress affects your mood and may cause you to feel anxious and depressed.

How can we create a positive environment for mental health? ›

8 Ways to Create a Healthy Mental Workplace Environment
  1. 1 Reduce the Stigma. ...
  2. 2 Discuss Mental Health in the Workplace. ...
  3. 3 Run a Mental Health First Aid Course. ...
  4. 5 Make Wellness a Priority. ...
  5. 6 Support Employees' Efforts to Get Help. ...
  6. 7 Encourage Mentoring and Peer Support. ...
  7. 8 Raise Awareness of Mental Health Issues.

What are 5 ways to stay mentally healthy? ›

5 steps to mental wellbeing
  1. Connect with other people. Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. ...
  2. Be physically active. Being active is not only great for your physical health and fitness. ...
  3. Learn new skills. ...
  4. Give to others. ...
  5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

How does space affect emotions? ›

Mediated by the body and its senses, different spaces become linked to different emotions. This relation is neither random, nor is it given once and for all: the connection between an emotion and a particular space can change over time, and the same spaces can trigger off vastly divergent emotions in various people.

How does space influence behavior? ›

From inducing warmth and safety, defining well-being, or creating a positive and efficient working environment, space can have a whole lot of impact on how we act or on what we feel; therefore, design and creative measures should be considered according to the social and psychological needs of the occupants.

How do you ask for space for mental health? ›

14 Healthy Ways To Fulfill The Need For Space
  1. Ask How Much Time They Need. ...
  2. Find Out What They Mean By Having Space. ...
  3. Avoid Asking Them To Defend Their Need For Space. ...
  4. Thank Them For Telling You What They Need. ...
  5. Give Them Opportunities To Spend Time With Other People. ...
  6. Suggest New Events And Activities They Might Enjoy.
Apr 17, 2023

Does decorating your room help with mental health? ›

There are several home decorating tricks that can make you feel happier, and they are scientifically proven. Things such as soft shapes, elegant blue accents and natural materials can boost your mental health. However, sometimes interior designs may have the opposite effect.

What are the three types of personal space? ›

Personal space or proxemics, a form of non-verbal communication, is the space surrounding each person. Zones: Broadly, the four distinct zones are: Intimate (0-2 ft.), Personal (2-4 ft), Social (4-12 ft.) and Public (more than 12 ft.).

What is an example of personal space in psychology? ›

Finally, some aspects of the environment have been shown to influence personal distance. For example, people prefer greater distances when they are in stressful situations, in rooms with low ceilings, or in crowded places.

What are the aspects of personal space? ›

Four categories of personal space have been identified: public, social, personal, and intimate. Hall (1966) argues that cultural norms are the most important factor influencing a person's preferred social distance in each of these social situations.

What is personal space and how does it change communication? ›

Personal space or proxemics, a form of non-verbal communication, is the space surrounding each person. Zones: Broadly, the four distinct zones are: Intimate (0-2 ft.), Personal (2-4 ft), Social (4-12 ft.) and Public (more than 12 ft.). When strangers enter the wrong zone, we feel uncomfortable.

What is another name for personal space? ›

Often referred to as personal space, proxemics is the amount of distance that people are comfortable putting between themselves and others.

What is the shape of personal space? ›

found the shape of personal space to be noncircular and somewhat more extensive in the front than in the rear. These findings are consistent with Argyle and Dean's (1965) equilibrium theory, which identifies intimacy, the amount of eye-contact, and smiling as contributing factors.

What does invading personal space mean? ›

: to place oneself too close to someone. I felt uncomfortable with her so close, invading my space. also : to be in the space where another person is or wants to be.

How do you set personal space boundaries at work? ›

16 ways to set boundaries at work
  1. Set priorities. In order to set boundaries, it's helpful to first consider what your priorities are. ...
  2. Delegate tasks. Remember to delegate tasks when appropriate. ...
  3. Understand your workload. ...
  4. Take time off. ...
  5. Communicate often. ...
  6. Ask for advice. ...
  7. Set limits. ...
  8. Establish a clear schedule.
Mar 10, 2023

How do you set boundaries with people at work? ›

General principles for setting boundaries
  1. Do the self-work. You can't communicate your boundaries if you don't know what they are. ...
  2. Communicate, communicate, communicate. First, think about who needs to know about the boundary you've just set. ...
  3. Keep things professional. ...
  4. Ask for help or delegate.
Aug 25, 2022

What is this personal space? ›

: the distance from another person at which one feels comfortable when talking to or being next to that other person. You are invading my personal space.

What is a person's personal space? ›

Personal space is the region surrounding a person which they regard as psychologically theirs. Most people value their personal space and feel discomfort, anger, or anxiety when their. personal space is encroached.[1] Permitting a person to enter personal space and entering.

What are the five factors of personal space? ›

These include gender (including gender role), culture, age, personal preference, interpersonal relationships (feelings and social status), room density, personality (introvert or extravert), the topics being discussed in a given conversation, environment (indoors vs.

What is the personal space used in public in the US? ›

PERSONAL = Eighteen inches to four feet.

Personal space begins around eighteen inches from another person and may extend out to about four feet.

What are the 3 types of personal space? ›

Intimate space has been classified as that ranging from close physical contact to 18 inches, personal space from 18 inches to 4 feet, social space from 4 feet to 12 feet, and public space from 12 feet and beyond. Placing a desk between two people shifts personal space to social space.

What is an example of good personal space? ›

Personal space - definition

For example, if you are in a queue at the shop and someone comes and stands right behind you, nearly touching you, this will feel very uncomfortable - they are invading your personal space. Some people like to measure their personal space by the lengths of their arms.

How do you give someone personal space? ›

Here's how to give someone space without losing them:
  1. Ask how much time they need. ...
  2. Find out what “space” looks like. ...
  3. Don't ask for an explanation. ...
  4. Thank them for communicating their needs. ...
  5. Honor their request. ...
  6. Encourage them to do their favorite things. ...
  7. Avoid constant texting. ...
  8. Do your own thing.
Jun 23, 2022

How can personal space affect communication? ›

For example, when trying to demonstrate immediacy, or the ways that we communicate a desire or willingness to communicate with others, space can be used to show openness and friendliness. In the same way, the use of space can also indicate territoriality, the nonverbal communication of ownership.

What are the factors of personal space? ›

Four categories of personal space have been identified: public, social, personal, and intimate. Hall (1966) argues that cultural norms are the most important factor influencing a person's preferred social distance in each of these social situations.

Is there a right for personal space? ›

You have the right to your own personal space and you have the right to defend it. That said, if you ever feel like perhaps your personal space bubble is a little too small, you're allowed to change it! Boundaries change all the time.

What are personal space boundaries? ›

Personal boundaries are simply the lines we draw for ourselves in terms of our level of comfort around others. These boundaries may have to do with: physical contact (not feeling comfortable hugging a person you've just met) verbal interactions (not wanting a friend or family member to speak down to you)

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.