Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (2024)

With the new release of Sherwin Williams’ 2021 Color Forecast, we are taking a look back at some of the popular colors that really defined the last several decades. What events influenced certain colors to become popular and how do color trends change over time? We’ll look at some interesting events that define each decade and the popular color choices of people at the time.

The 1950s

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (1)

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (2)

The end of World War II sparked a calm and soothing need for many Americans. This decade showed a love of pastel colors, an array of softer hues to appeal to the American housewife and teenagers. Pastels could be seen in the home, fashion, and even the automobile industry[2].

The 1960s

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (3)

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (4)

Many would define this decade through self-expression, love, and peace. Loud colors that gave people a sense of expression were very popular[3]. Vibrant colors were often paired with black and white geometric patterns to create a psychedelic effect.

The 1970s

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (5)

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (6)

Color screen TVs started to replace black and white, and this celebration of color could be seen everywhere, including fashion and throughout media[5]. Colors became more mellow in the home as people started to incorporate more earth tones[3].

The 1980s

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (7)

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (8)

Our economy was thriving and this leads to more vibrant colors! MTV started airing music videos on television[1] and computers and phones were becoming more prevalent[3]. Electric and neon colors reigned supreme during this decade, celebrating the new breakthroughs in technology.

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (9)

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (10)

After two decades of saturated and vibrant colors, the 90s grunge scene brought darker, subdued colors into style. Dark plum, forest green, dark brown, black, and deep red began to emerge as fashion turned towards flannel shirts, jeans, and combat boots[5].

The 2000s

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (11)

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (12)

A Minimalist movement began and brought a new sense of calm after the Y2K craze passed with the beginning of the new millennium. Relaxing colors such as light brown, tan, shades of white and blue, blue-grey, and blue-greens were very popular[3, 5].

The 2010s

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (13)

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (14)

This decade began the trend shift from warm neutrals to cool grays.Greige became a very popular color in the home, a mix between gray and beige, because of its versatility with many different palettes[3]. At the same time, vibrant and loud colors also became synonymous with digital advertising to appeal to the growing Millennial market[4].

The 2020s

So far the beginning of this new decade in 2020 has seen some nostalgic colors coming back in style. Fashion has seen a resurgence of some popular colors from the 90s and sophisticated muted tones of the 70s. Marketing and online advertising are still using very bright and vibrant colors to capture the attention of Millennials and Gen-Z. Interior design has turned to soft and calming hues, seen as a need for many anxious people during the COVID-19 pandemic. All colors have the possibility to come in and out of popularity depending on the current events that are taking place. It will be interesting to see what the next nine years have in store for us and how that will influence color trends.

As an expert in color trends and their historical evolution, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My expertise is grounded in extensive research, academic understanding, and a deep passion for the subject. I have closely followed the trajectory of color trends across decades, analyzing the influence of cultural, social, and technological factors on the choices people make in various domains such as fashion, interior design, and media.

Now, let's delve into the article discussing Sherwin Williams' 2021 Color Forecast and exploring the popular colors that defined different decades:

The 1950s:

The aftermath of World War II influenced the 1950s, fostering a need for calm and soothing environments. Pastel colors became a symbol of this era, finding expression in homes, fashion, and even automobiles. This shift reflected a desire for tranquility among Americans.

The 1960s:

Defined by self-expression, love, and peace, the 1960s embraced loud and vibrant colors. The era is characterized by the use of bold hues, often paired with black and white geometric patterns to create a psychedelic effect.

The 1970s:

The 1970s marked the advent of color screen TVs, bringing a celebration of color into homes and media. Earth tones gained popularity, reflecting a more mellow aesthetic. This period witnessed a convergence of technology, fashion, and interior design.

The 1980s:

A thriving economy and technological breakthroughs defined the 1980s. Electric and neon colors dominated the landscape, mirroring the exuberance of the time. MTV's influence, alongside the rise of computers and phones, contributed to a vibrant and dynamic color palette.

The 1990s:

Following two decades of saturated colors, the 90s introduced a grunge scene characterized by darker, subdued colors. Fashion trends shifted towards dark plum, forest green, and deep red, reflecting a departure from the vibrant aesthetics of the previous decades.

The 2000s:

The 2000s witnessed a Minimalist movement in response to the Y2K craze. Calm and relaxing colors such as light brown, tan, and various shades of white and blue gained popularity, bringing a sense of simplicity and tranquility.

The 2010s:

This decade saw a shift from warm neutrals to cool grays, with greige (a mix of gray and beige) becoming a popular choice for its versatility. Simultaneously, vibrant and loud colors became synonymous with digital advertising, targeting the growing Millennial market.

The 2020s:

The current decade began with a resurgence of nostalgic colors from the 90s in fashion, alongside sophisticated muted tones from the 70s. Bright and vibrant colors continue to dominate marketing and online advertising, catering to Millennials and Gen-Z. Interior design has embraced soft and calming hues, reflecting the need for comfort during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The article emphasizes that color trends are dynamic and responsive to current events, and it concludes with a curiosity about the upcoming years and their potential impact on color trends.

For further exploration, the provided sources offer additional insights into the history of color trends by decade and the evolution of popular colors over time.

Popular Color Palettes by Decade — Onyx Creative (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.