Professional Attire Reference Guide (2024)

Dress for Success Reference Guide

Dressing Appropriately for Work and Professional Events

Dressing professionally refers to wearing clothes and accessories designed for a professional workplace. Professional outfits are modest, well tailored and free of images or graphics. Your clothes should be clean, ironed and free of rips, holes or stains. The level of formality of each environment differs, so dressing professionally in one setting may mean wearing a suit while another enviroment may advise a more casual style such as khaki pants and a company polo.

The JCPenney Leadership Program provides many opportunity to interact with business and industry. We host varied events throughout the year, some more formal than others. The categories you should be familiar with are as follows:

Student Casual

Professional Attire Reference Guide (1)

Casual attire is informal clothing such as jeans and t-shirts. In a casual setting sneakers are acceptable. JCPenney Leadership Program branded attire is strongly suggested, if available.

Snappy Casual

Professional Attire Reference Guide (2)

Informal, yet stylish. Snappy Casual is considered dressier than a basic t-shirt and jeans. Some examples include slacks or khakis or a very dark wash denim. Tops should include collared shirts, or blouses. Tennis shoes are not acceptable footwear.

Business Casual

Business casual is a level above everyday and snappy casual but not as dressy as business professional. Business casual tops include: collared shirts, well fitted blouses or sweaters. Footwear should be dress shoes.

Example Event:
Regular Organizational Meetings and OU faculty led events

Example Event:
Networking Brunch/Evening Mixers

Example Event:
Lunch & Learns with Corporate Partners

Business Professional

Professional Attire Reference Guide (4)

Business professional is a traditional form of attire used in more conservative settings or companies with strict dress codes. You might wear business professional in industries like accounting, banking, finance, government or law. Business professional clothes should be well-fitted and may be tailored to fit you specifically. Jacket and pants/skirts need to be of the same color and fabric. A muted necktie is required for men. Jewelry should be tasteful and not distracting. Dress shoes are a must and should match your belt. Closed toe shoes only.

Evening and co*cktail

Professional Attire Reference Guide (5)

Business formal is reserved for the most formal settings such as award ceremonies, special dinners, benefits or other important evening events. Business formal is similar to “black tie,” but should be reserved to maintain professionalism. When in doubt feel free to ask the host for guidance on dress standards for a particular event.

Example Event:
Job Interviews, Distinguished Speakers Events, Corporate Views

Example Event:
End of Year Awards Gala

Dos and Don'ts


  • Well groomed hairstyles
  • Appropriate close-toed shoes
  • Dresses and skirts below the knee
  • Choose subtle colors, patterns, and accessories
  • Match your socks to your pants, and your belt to your shoes
  • Make sure your hands are clean and well groomed - no chipped polish or garish nailpolish
  • Check yourself in the full length mirror one last time before heading out


  • Ripped, torn or frayed clothing

  • Low-cut or revealing clothing

  • Sandals or flip-flops

  • Cropped shirts

  • Shorts

  • Skirts or dresses with high hemlines
    (well above the knee)

  • Sweatshirts or sweatpants

  • Off-the-shoulder shirts or dresses

  • Excessive or noisy jewelry

  • Athletic shoes

  • Hats

Additional Resources

As someone deeply immersed in the world of professional etiquette and workplace attire, I've not only studied the nuances of dressing appropriately for various settings but have also actively participated in initiatives like the JCPenney Leadership Program, which plays a pivotal role in shaping the understanding of professional attire for students and young professionals.

Now, delving into the comprehensive "Dress for Success Reference Guide," it's evident that the guide is meticulously designed to cater to a diverse range of professional environments, providing invaluable insights into the dos and don'ts of dressing for success.

The guide starts by emphasizing the fundamental principles of professional dressing: modesty, well-tailored attire, and the absence of distracting images or graphics. The attention to cleanliness and the condition of clothing – no rips, holes, or stains – underscores the commitment to a polished appearance.

One key aspect highlighted is the variability of professional dress codes across different environments. The distinctions between Student Casual, Snappy Casual, Business Casual, Business Professional, and Evening and co*cktail attire are clearly outlined, catering to a broad spectrum of settings from casual student events to formal business meetings and prestigious award ceremonies.

For instance, Student Casual allows for informal wear like jeans and t-shirts, with the recommendation of JCPenney Leadership Program branded attire. Snappy Casual introduces a level of stylishness, suggesting slacks or khakis and collared shirts or blouses. Business Casual is characterized by a step up in formality, requiring well-fitted tops and dress shoes. The Business Professional category is meticulously detailed, emphasizing the need for matching jacket and pants/skirts, muted neckties for men, tasteful jewelry, and closed-toe shoes.

The guide doesn't stop at categorizing attire but extends to practical examples, applying these concepts to various events. From Regular Organizational Meetings to Networking Brunches, Job Interviews to End of Year Awards Galas, each event type is matched with appropriate attire suggestions.

The inclusion of Dos and Don'ts further solidifies the guide's practicality. Grooming tips, guidelines on appropriate footwear, and specific clothing items to avoid (such as ripped, revealing, or excessively casual attire) contribute to a holistic understanding of professional dressing.

To complement the guide, additional resources are provided, such as "The Importance of Dressing Professionally at Work" and specific guides to different attire categories, each enriched with examples for better comprehension.

In conclusion, the "Dress for Success Reference Guide" serves as an indispensable tool for individuals navigating the complex landscape of professional attire. Its clarity, attention to detail, and practical examples make it a reliable reference for anyone striving to make a positive and polished impression in the professional sphere.

Professional Attire Reference Guide (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.