Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (2024)

Taking a look at the psychological changes that occur when we wear certain clothes

How much thought do you really put into your clothing choices?

Most of us think about clothing into silos – casual attire, formal clothes, Friday night outfits – but did you know that the innocent act of donning a pair of white sneakers can initiate a series of psychological processes, literally changing your moods, feelings, behaviors and even your cognitive abilities?

That’s right. The psychology of clothing is complex and taps into culture, symbolism, neuroscience, sexuality and many more aspects of the human experience.Fashion and clothing influences behavior in multiple ways; our perception of ourselves, how others react to us, our confidence and self-esteem.

The psychology of clothing also touches upon notions of self and identity including;

  • conformity: do you dress to fit in with social norms or to resist and challenge the status quo?
  • self-expression: are your clothes a signal to others about your values and beliefs?
  • cultural identity: do you choose what to wear as an expression of your cultural identity?
  • gender roles: do your clothes reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations, or do they challenge and subvert them?

Science even has a name for these phenomena. It’s called “enclothed cognition” and it describes how the clothes we wear affect our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others.

What is enclothed cognition?


The term enclothed cognition was coined around 10 years ago to describe the effect our clothes have on various psychological processes like emotions, self evaluations, attitudes, and interpersonal interactions.

In the original study scientists asked participants to wear a lab coat, and then performed a series of experiments. When told it was a doctor’s coat the participants did better on cognitive tests. But when they were told it was a painter’s coat, they did worse. The scientists concluded that clothes systematically influence wearers’ psychological processes.

But also these psychological changes depend on the symbolic meaning that we ascribe to different types of attire. So, if we wear clothes that symbolize intelligence, we feel smarter. If we choose to power dress, we feel powerful.

We even evaluate people whom we have just met based on their clothes and the occasion. It would seem that we also evaluate ourselves and our roles based on what we arewearing at aparticular time; because of the way they make you feel. This means that the experience of wearing something subtly affects our attitudes and our choice of behavior.

So here are some scientific findings about the psychology of clothing and how different clothes affect our thinking and behaviour.

The psychology of wearing a suit

Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (1)

There’s a reason tailored jackets are associated with being ‘dressed for success’. It seems that wearing formal office wear and structured clothes puts us in the right frame of mind to conduct business.

A recent study split men into two groups, suits and sweatpants, resulted in the suited participants winning over $2million in a simulated business deal experiment, compared to the sweatpants groups who ended up losing $1.2million/

The scientists found that the psychological benefits of wearing clothes that convey a high social status increased dominance and job performance in competitive tasks, and amazingly also

Wearing a suit or power clothing makes us more feel more confidentand even increases hormones needed for displaying dominance. This in turn helps us become better negotiators and abstract thinkers.


Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (2)

While a good suit works wonders for our performance in the boardroom; wearing formal wear isn’t a great idea when we want to socialize. Studies have found that people tend to beless open and find it more difficult to relax when they wear formal clothes.

On the other hand, a casual and relaxed dress code at workhelps us become more friendly and creative. These findings bolster the idea of wearing business casuals on a Friday; since colleagues are most likely to take out time to socialize and let their hair down on the last work day of the week. I mean, who wants to hang out withthe squares in their suits?

The psychology of gym clothes

Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (3)

Not motivated enough to exercise daily? Wear some of your gym clothes, or at least carry them with you. Wearing gym clothes / active wear makes it more likely that we will actually exercise. This may happen because wearing our workout gearacts as a reminder to make healthy choices. And for many, having the clothes on eliminates the step of‘dressing for exercise’; and reduces one of our excuses.

Uniform thinking

Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (4)

Any kind of clothing that is associated with a specificrole activates all our knowledge and expectations about how people from that profession should behave. For example, wearing uniforms and coats can make people more conscious of theirduties and encourage them to pay more attention to their jobs. Just wearing a lab-coat during an experiment encourages people to pay more attention (since lab-coats represent serious, attentive professions like scientists and doctors) and make fewer mistakes.

And this is not just for the adults. School children in Kenya attended school more and performed better when they were given uniforms to wear – perhaps because the uniforms made school work that much more real and valuable to these children and their parents.

Luxury good and politics

Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (5)

Most of us think of our political affiliations as rock solid. But not only can clothes affect our perceived social status, they can even change our political views and attitudes.In one study women who were asked to carry a Pradahandbagidentified more with conservative, capitalist valuesthan a control group who were given a non-luxury handbag.

These ladies werealso less likely to help others in general; but were more likely to help if it improved their status. The researchers believe that this could be because peopleunconsciously attempt to behave in ways that are congruent their look. So essentially, if we dress for the role, we will start to live it.

Uppers and downers

Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (6)

Feeling low/ cranky/ upset/ sad? While our mental statemost definitely affects the way we dress; the reverse may also hold true. What we wear could affect how we cope days when we aredepressed, anxious and stressed. Research says the quickestlittle fix for a bad day is to wear brightly colored clothes. Cheerful colors work as a mini pick-me-up; and thus boosting our mood and energy. Also, we associate bright colors with happiness, sunny days, and carefree times (like the summer vacations when we were kids).

On the other hand, we associate deep and dull colors with low energy, being tired and a more somber mood. So the next time you feel like donning a dark hoodie to hide a bad day; reach out for the bright pullover instead!It may just make you feel a little happier.

Hidden secrets

Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (7)

Amazingly even our underwear affects the way we feel about ourselves. Hidden clothes like our socks and underwear can exert a powerful influence on our self-perception andconfidence levels. Wearing something we perceive as sexy can make us feel more self assured, more powerful and more confident.

To improve self image, even copying someone’s style may be a good idea. Research shows that when we emulate the dress code ofpeople we consider smart and powerful, we feel infused with these qualities as well. That’s certainly an argument for owning clothes that bring out the best in us.

Psychology of clothes: what you wear changes the way you think - Brain Fodder (2024)


Does the clothing you wear affect your psychological processes? ›

The scientists concluded that clothes systematically influence wearers' psychological processes. But also these psychological changes depend on the symbolic meaning that we ascribe to different types of attire. So, if we wear clothes that symbolize intelligence, we feel smarter.

What does psychology say about dressing? ›

The psychology of dressing well evaluates how we feel on the inside about the clothes we are wearing. Clothing is about who we are and how we want to portray ourselves to the world. We know that clothing and perception are linked. We evaluate people each day on their appearance and they in turn evaluate us.

Do clothes affect the way you react to other people? ›

What you wear not only affects how you feel about yourself, how you perform and behave, but also how other people perceive you. Clothes affect what others think of you. It may not be fair, but it is happening, like it or not.

What are the psychological reasons for wearing clothes? ›

Clothes have developed from a practical asset to a social marker: they affect the way we see ourselves. They help us to be seen in the light that we wish to be, and also exude our personalities and social status. In many societies, dress sense embodies personal wealth and taste.

How do clothes affect your mind? ›

Clothing directly affects our mood, attitude, and confidence. It can enhance our psychological state and improve our performance of tasks. We can achieve more when we feel we are dressed for the occasion. The style, material, color, and shape of our clothing choices can express different emotions.

Does the way you dress affect the way you are treated? ›

It's no secret that dressing in a certain way has an effect on the first impressions that you make, and how people treat you. Indeed, the study cites that women who dress in a masculine fashion at interview are more likely to be hired.

What clothes tell about personality? ›

Clothes reflect who you are, how you feel at the moment and sometimes even what you want to achieve in life? Always remember whatever you wear should reflect the real you. Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and what actually you are as an individual.

What is the power of clothes? ›

Studies show that clothing can influence your posture, body language, motivation and even mood. The right outfit can enhance creativity, focus and negotiation skills. Clothes certainly impact how other people see us.

How does clothing affect the perception of identity? ›

People use clothing and dress subconsciously to portray their social identity to others, but they also manage to identify with their clothing and in some cases it can be considered an extension of a person's inner self.

Do people judge you based on your clothes? ›

Even incredibly subtle differences in your clothing can affect how people judge your competence, the series of studies found, and these impressions form in under a second.

Are we judged by our clothes? ›

People are being constantly judged by their appearance and the clothes they wear. First impressions are really important, but they don't define our personality. People should get to know each other in order to discover who they really are.

What are the 3 main reasons humans wear clothes? ›

Protection: Clothing that provides physical safeguards to the body, preventing harm from climate and environment. Identification: Establishing who someone is or what they do. Modesty: Covering the body according to the code of decency established by society.

What are the 3 basic reasons that people wear clothes? ›

Listed below are the three reasons why we wear clothes:
  • Clothing provides physical safeguards to the body.
  • Clothes Can Be Worn for status, modesty, adornment and identification.
  • Clothes protect us from occupational hazards, weather, heat, dust, rain and cold.

How clothing affects self-esteem? ›

The clothes that people wear affect how they feel, their confidence level, and the way that they view themselves. If a person feels good in the size that they wear or feels insecure about the size that they wear, it can lead to either high or low levels of self-esteem.

What is clothing anxiety? ›

Fashion anxiety is common. We want to look and feel our best at all times, and that means we can put too much pressure on ourselves. Some of us may also feel nervous about stepping out in bold items, but that should never be a concern. As long as you feel good in what you're wearing, we know you'll look good.

How clothes can change your life? ›

Clothing can change people's perception of you and it can also change how you view yourself. When you look good, you feel good, you're glowing, you're more interested in your work and you're generally a better co-worker, friend, brother, sister, parent, lover.

How does mental health affect getting dressed? ›

According to a recent news release, one study has shown that women who are depressed or sad are more likely to wear baggy tops, jeans, and a sweatshirt or jumper. Women who are happy or positive are more likely to wear a favorite dress, jewelry, and jeans.

Can dress codes cause mental health issues? ›

In sum, dress codes have discriminatory workings, can contribute to mental health issues and, limit self-expression and freedom – especially important to students wanting to express or explore their gender identity.

Does dressing better improve mental health? ›

Dressing well can be great for your mental health. Get up each day and maintain a routine of getting dressed and ready so you feel more like yourself. It can give you the boost you need to stay out of a mental funk and find something productive to do.

Is it true that what you wear defines who you are? ›

The clothing we wear doesn't define who we are or what we're capable of – but it can influence how we feel. When it comes to inner confidence, sometimes the right outfit can work like a suit of armor to give you that extra boost you need to not just look the part, but to feel it too.

What are the six fashion personalities? ›

Meet the BU Style Six™

Style personalities act in very much the same way. Instead of five taste buds, we have six style personalities: relaxed, classic, polished, soft, magnetic, and creative.

Can what people wear affect their personality? ›

The Journal of Experimental Psychology says that the colour, comfort, fit and style of our clothes can directly affect our confidence levels. More than 96 per cent of people report a change in their emotional state with a change in their style of dressing.

What clothing makes you look powerful? ›

1. Chose Darker Clothes: It automatically projects authority as you wear dark-colored clothes, whereas lighter shades showcase you as someone more open and friendly. Hence, choose colors like black, charcoal, or navy blue to create an authoritative impact.

What did Einstein say about clothes? ›

If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies.... It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it.”

Do clothes have memories? ›

Clothes are thus layered with meaning since they have the power to act as memory prompts. Woven into their fabric are traces of past experiences; stitched into their seams are links to people we have loved and lost. Viewed as visual objects, clothing is not frivolous, flippant or foolish.

How does fashion reveal your true identity? ›

It describes your inner character, your social status and your sexuality. The ways you dress share your philosophy and art vision to public in a convincing way.

Can clothing tell you much about a person? ›

Clothes being part of today's fashion and trend can tell us a great deal about a person's background, social status, esthetic tastes, mood, and even about climatic conditions. They also show whether one is bereaved or not. Most likely, one can be able to know about a woman's marital status by way of dressing.

Why do people judge you by your appearance? ›

Social traits tend to be related to emotions, they are connected to how people display their emotions and respond to others' emotions. Importantly, people believe that traits related to the expression of emotions (for example, warmth and friendliness) are revealed in appearances.

Can people judge their own attractiveness? ›

Now, new research reveals another disparity: Unattractive people seem less able to accurately judge their own attractiveness, and they tend to overestimate their looks. In contrast, beautiful people tend to rate themselves more accurately. If anything, they underestimate their attractiveness.

What does the Bible say about worrying about clothes? ›

6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

What does God say about judging appearance? ›

The Bible advises against it: ``Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. '' 1 We need to learn to regard others from a spiritual standpoint, as ``the Lord seeth. '' We're told: ``The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

What does God say about being judged? ›

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

What are the 5 importance of clothes? ›

Clothing can insulate against cold or hot conditions, and it can provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body. It can protect feet from injury and discomfort or facilitate navigation in varied environments. Clothing also provides protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Why clothing and appearance is important? ›

A person's first impression of you is influenced by your appearance. This is why clothing and grooming can be so important in interviewing for jobs, making new friends, and many other life situations. The way you look may make another person or group want to know more about you or lose interest in you.

What factors affect what we wear? ›

The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as age, climate, occasion, income and occupation.
  • Climatic Factors. People living in cold climate need to wear woollen clothes to keep warm. ...
  • Occasion. ...
  • Age. ...
  • Income. ...
  • Occupation.
Dec 29, 2018

Which factors affect the choice of clothes we wear? ›

The selection of clothing should be done on the basis of age, season, income, occasion and fashion.

Why do different types of people wear different types of clothes? ›

Different people have different choices of wearing clothes according to their religion and tradition. Preference of wearing clothes also changes according to the season. People of different regions wear different clothes. Wearing clothes helps in protecting our bodies from extreme weather conditions.

Is clothing a human need? ›

Clothing is a necessary part of everyday life for humans. It helps protect us from the elements and keeps us warm in cold weather. Clothing also serves as a form of self-expression and can be used to communicate social status, religious beliefs, and personal style.

Do the clothes you wear change how you feel? ›

This isn't imaginary either, numerous studies have shown that what we wear affects our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others. This is called 'Enclothed Cognition'.

Does the color of your clothes affect your mood? ›

Can the color you wear really affect your mood? Research says yes; color can absolutely affect your mood, behavior and stress levels. Color specialist Leatrice Eiseman says how colors affect us correlates to that colors behavior in nature.

What are the different psychological effects of lines on clothes? ›

vertical lines suggest firmness, stability and strength in garment. horizontal lines convey quiet, repose, rest, passivity, calmness and serenity in garment. diagonal lines seem unstable, busy, active, dynamic, restless and dramatic.

Does dress code affect mental health? ›

In sum, dress codes have discriminatory workings, can contribute to mental health issues and, limit self-expression and freedom – especially important to students wanting to express or explore their gender identity.

How clothing is a form of self expression? ›

Clothing is not only a great way to express yourself, but researchers suggests the types of clothing we wear can affect our behaviours as well as our confidence. By wearing clothes we love, we feel confident in ourselves and this is particularly important to wellbeing of the elderly.

What color increases anxiety? ›

Colors like red and orange increase anxiety and stress, sometimes even fear. Red and orange are associated with an emergency that can elicit images of emergency vehicles with their lights and sirens on.

What color increases sadness? ›

Grey is the quintessential sad color, but dark and muted cool colors like blue, green or neutrals like brown or beige can have a similar effect on feelings and emotions depending on how they're used. In Western cultures black is often considered the color of mourning, whereas in some East Asian countries it's white.

What is the most intimidating color to wear? ›

There's lots of research on color theory, but here's the bottom line: dark colors are more intimidating than light colors, and black's the most intimidating of all.

Can clothing reveal people personality? ›

The type of clothes you wear and the colors you choose all send out subliminal messages on the type of person you are. Additionally, research has shown that the way you dress not only conveys the type of person you are but can also influence the way you think.

What clothes do mental patients wear? ›

No clothing will be permitted with inappropriate sayings, logos or slogans on them. Socks and shoes/slippers must be worn at all times (no bare feet). No slippers, shower shoes, flip flops, pajamas or scrubs will be permitted to be worn off the unit at any time. Wave caps are allowed during sleeping hours only.

Does dress code lower self-esteem? ›

Telling someone that they shouldn't show a certain amount of skin or wear something can lead them to feel insecure or uncomfortable with their own bodies, and they shouldn't have to feel bad because of someone else's opinion.

What should be avoided in mental health? ›

These ten bad habits may be sabotaging your mental health:
  • Perfectionism. ...
  • Poor Posture. ...
  • Guilt. ...
  • Lack of Exercise. ...
  • Failure Mindset. ...
  • Overuse of Social Media. ...
  • Overuse of a Smartphone, Even Not on Social Media. ...
  • Regret.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.