Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (2024)

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These 21 rules will take cleaning out your closet from overwhelming and time consuming to quick and easy.

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This is for you if you’re looking for a clear and simple system for cleaning out your closet - just work through each of these 21 rules to get rid of clothes you don’t need any more:

  • 6 warning signs that it’s time to clean out your closet

  • Tips before you get started


  • Don’t forget this vital step

  • FAQs

We're so much more emotionally attached to clothes than we realize, so it's understandable that we feel stuck when trying to let go of them.

A vague instruction to “clean out my closet” leaves me feeling overwhelmed, so instead I procrastinate and feel more an more guilty every time I open my wardrobe.

However, when I use these rules to look at my closet from a slightly different angle each time, it feels easy to see which items should be removed.

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (1)

6 warning signs that it’s time to clean out your closet & get rid of clothes:

1) You're constantly shifting through an overflowing wardrobe looking for something to wear

2) Your closet doors and drawers don’t close easily

3) You always feel the need to buy more because you have “nothing to wear”

4) Looking through your closet makes you feel depressed, frustrated and/or uninspired

5) There is more than one piece of clothing in your closet that you haven't worn in a year

6) Getting ready is not fun

Quick tips before you get started on cleaning out your closet:

  • Be sure to take each item out of your closet so you:

    1. Don’t miss anything

    2. Get to actually touch things as you assess them

    3. Can try things on if needed

  • You don’t have to take everything out at once if that’s too overwhelming, just do a drawer or a section at a time

  • Pick your preferred method:

    • Focus on removing items - This closet clean out process focuses on deciding what items to pull out of your closet - so if that approach makes the most sense to you, you’re in the right place.

    • Focus on what should be in your wardrobe - If you would rather plan your wardrobe by deciding what items should be kept in, creating a capsule wardrobe list may be a better option for you.

    • Focus on what you actually wear - Another way to pare down your closet is to create a personal uniform.

      • A personal uniform is a carefully selected, pre-determined set of clothing items or an outfit formula that you wear consistently in a specific area of your life (e.g. work, going out, free time, school etc.), that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and authentically you.

  • Don’t worry if you feel unsure about letting go of anything, put them into a maybe pile - more info on that later.

How to clean out your closet & get rid of old clothes: THE RULES

When it's time for a serious closet clean out, here are the clear & simple rules that I recommend.

1) Get rid of clothes that aren’t your core personal style

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (2)

If you’re not sure what your core personal style is, you can easily identify it using my free find your style formula or with this style quiz.

Our styles change over the years so if you haven’t done a style exercise in a while it may be worth having a refresh to see if your current style still resonates with you.

Being intentional about what clothes you DO want, will make getting rid of clothes you DON’T want so much easier.

2) Get rid of clothes that don't fit you

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I always had a huge range of sizes in my wardrobe (thanks yo-yo dieting & toxic diet culture), which always sparked feelings of sadness & guilt.

I felt so much more content when I let go of items that were too big or too small. I felt so relived that I didn't have to think twice about fitting into those clothes again.

You deserve to wear clothes that fit you today.

3) Get rid of clothes that are damaged

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (4)

It's not worth keeping damaged items - unless they are repairable (and will actually get repaired, not just sit in a "to be repaired" pile).

4) Get rid of old clothes you haven't worn in a year

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (5)

Granted - this rule doesn't work particularly well during pandemic times, but you get the idea.

Don't keep items that you know you don't wear.

5) Get rid of clothes that don't make you feel good

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (6)

I had a lot of items in my wardrobe that looked good on the hanger but were just not quite right when I put them on.

When in doubt, leave them out

The mirror is not always the best indictor of whether a piece of clothing is right for us - it's how it makes us feel.

The right piece of clothing makes us feel confident and fearless.

In the wrong dress, my hands hover nervously around my stomach, or constantly readjust the material.

In the right dress, my hands only touch my belly when I'm laughing so hard, and I have a sparkle in my eye.

You deserve to wear clothes that make you feel good.

6) Get rid of clothes that you have just because they're "trendy"

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (7)

I used to be so "in" with the latest trends, that I would go shopping every week in order to have something new to wear every weekend.

This soon meant having a wardrobe that looked like a fast fashion explosion.

An outfit is awesome when it's in style and makes you feel good - but just because it's "in" is not a good enough reason for you to wear it.

You deserve to wear clothes that make you feel amazing and confident, not conform to what's trendy.

7) Get rid of old clothes that are outdated

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (8)

On the other end of the spectrum is keeping things that are really outdated.

I don't believe in complying with every fashion whim, but it's always good to remember that just because something used to be in style, doesn't mean it still is today.

I try to avoid this nowadays by choosing more timeless pieces.

One caveat - if you LOVE it, wear it anyway!

8) Get rid of clothes that you'll never wear again

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (9)

I was surprised by the amount of one-time clothes that I owned that I was never ever going to wear again!

Think costumes, special event t-shirts, bridesmaid dresses, maternity wear, etc.

9) Get rid of clothes that belong in your memory box

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (10)

Sometimes we keep things in our wardrobe when they really belong in our memory box.

When you don't want to wear an item anymore, but you can't face letting go of it because it means so much to you, make more space in your closet by storing it with your other sentimental items.

10) Get rid of clothes that don't fit your lifestyle

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (11)

Giving up drinking and becoming a mama were two huge life changes for me.

My Saturday nights went from the club, to dinners with friends, to snoozing on the sofa by 8:30pm - all very different dress codes!

Why hold on to an outfit that makes you feel as if you've stepped out of the past?

11) Get rid of clothes you've never worn

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (12)

C'mon, fess up! Do you have any clothes that still have tags on?

If you haven't worn them by now, you never will.

12) Get rid of clothes that do not go with anything else in your wardrobe

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (14)

If you own something that is a mismatch for every other item in your wardrobe, you'll never reach for it, and it will better serve someone else.

A great way to have a harmonious wardrobe is to find your perfect color and pattern palette.

13) Get rid of clothes that you're keeping just because they were expensive

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (15)

Keeping the expensive item at the back of your closet will not earn back any of the money you spent on it.

In fact, the only chance you have of making a cent is by selling it on.

14) Get rid of clothes that you're going to sell "one day"

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (16)

Talking of selling, I used to keep a big pile of items that I wanted to sell.

I can't stand listing items, taking photos and coordinating pick ups, so the items would just take up more and more space the longer I procrastinated - and make me feel guilty every time I looked at them.

Now I skip trying to sell, and donate anything I'm ready to let go of.

15) Get rid of clothes that are for a hobby you no longer do

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (17)

  • Do you still need for football kit if you haven't played in 8 years?

  • Should you hold on to all of that cycling lycra if you don't even have your bike anymore?

  • Will your beekeeping suit be of any use to you if there are no more bees being kept?

16) Get rid of clothes you're keeping just in case

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (19)

Are you keeping your business Barbie wardrobe just in case you return to the corporate world?

Are you holding on to your skater gear just in case you ever head to the skate park again?

17) Get rid of clothes that you're only holding on to out of guilt

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (20)

You are under no obligations to hold onto a gift that you know you won't wear.

You can be grateful for the thought, and lovingly pass the item on for someone else to enjoy.

18) Get rid of clothes that are unnecessary duplicates

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (21)

One of my favourite hobbies used to be to shop compulsively in order to feel better about myself.

It worked every time - for 7 minutes or so.

I always wanted more & more and was never satisfied, so I ended up with so many duplicate items.

Multiples of knickers and basic tees always come in handy, but did I really need two black and white polka dot jumpsuits?

If you can relate, learn more about how to avoid impulse buys and shop more intentionally.

19) Get rid of ugly lounge clothes

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (22)

What we wear affects how we feel, even if we're just chilling on the sofa by ourselves.

We deserve to feel cute even when we're relaxing!

20) Get rid of clothes that are still waiting to be altered

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (23)

As a thrifter, I was very guilty of buying things that "will be perfect when..."

I had a bag full of clothes waiting for alterations on the back of my bedroom door.

I felt so relieved when I eventually gave up and re-donated them.

21) Get rid of clothes that are uncomfortable

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (24)

We may not be walking around in corsets anymore, but there are plenty of torturous devices masquerading as fashion in these modern times.

If somethings pinches, rubs, digs in, or itches - it's time to let it go.

Lessons Learned

Make a NO list

If we want to avoid finding ourselves in the same situation again in a year or so, we need to use today’s closet clear out as a learning opportunity.

Whilst everything is still fresh in your mind, now is the best time to make a NO list.

My NO list is a list of clothing items, colours, cuts, materials, details, styles, etc. that I realistically, do not wear (no matter how much I love them).

A NO list can also include items that you just don’t need any more of, but are always drawn to when your shop.

Example NO list:

  • Tight waistbands

  • Materials without stretch

  • High necks

  • Black t-shirts (have enough, don’t need any more)

  • Hats

  • Short dresses

  • Sleeveless tops

  • Bottoms with no pockets

  • Wool

  • Colours outside of my colour palette

  • Items that don’t fit my body today

  • Laced boots

  • Heels

Keeping your NO list on your phone is super handy, as you can easily refer to it when you’re out shopping.

I buy most of my clothes secondhand from thrift stores, and before I head to the till, I always split the items in my cart in to things I love, and things I only like.

I always scan my NO list at that point and - even though I spend my life writing about how to define your style and shop intentionally - something from my NO list has almost always snuck itself in there.

I’m a creature of habit so good intentions will only get me so far.

If I don’t change how I do things, nothing will change.

How to make your NO list:

  1. Take a look at the clothes that you’re letting of today

    1. Can you see any recurring themes?

    2. What exactly is it about them that made you let go of them today?

  2. List out as many observations about these items as possible in the notes app on your phone

If you want to take a deep dive into your style & clothing preferences, there’s an 8 page fill-in-the-blanks style blueprint in the Happy Wardrobe Workbook that’s amazing for designing your unique style


  • You have lots of options when it comes to letting go of clothes - e.g. you can sell, donate, gift, recycle, repurpose, etc.

    Read all of the tips here

  • My general rule of thumb for the maybe pile is to box it up and write a date three months from now on the side (you can pull an item out if you really miss it before then).

    On or after that date, review the contents again so see if you're ready to let go.

    If not, box it up again and repeat the process.

  • There’s no set lifespan for clothes, that’s why I recommend using these rules when you’re cleaning out your closet.

    I’ve had cheap clothes that have lasted for years, and I’ve had expensive clothes that have fallen apart after just a year or two - so cost is not always an indicator on how long clothes will last either.

    As an avid thrifter (here are my top thrifting secrets), I’m a big believer that most clothes can cycle through several owners in their lifetime.

  • By following these rules to clean out your closet, you’ve already been intentional and thoughtful, and you’re letting go of excess clothes for good reasons.

    Hopefully if they’re in good enough condition, they will go on to find new homes.

    If any negative feelings are coming up, remember that letting go of excess clothes is not anything to feel guilty about.

    We can’t go back in time and un-buy them, but we can be more intentional about what we bring in to our homes in the future.

  • If you find yourself reading these rules and wondering if you'll be left with any clothes at all, a capsule wardrobe may be a more realistic option for you.

    You create a capsule wardrobe checklist (you can grab a fillable template here) to work out how many clothes you need based on your lifestyle (there's even a calculator to help you), and then choose your favourites from your closet.

    You can gradually replace items until every piece will pass the ‘when to get rid of clothes’ rules above!


Above all else, the clothes in our wardrobe should make you feel good.

Use these rules as a guide when you clean out your closet, but always trust your instincts too.

Rely on the maybe box method if you're unsure, and follow the capsule wardrobe method if you want to make sure you'll have enough clothes.

Don't let the wrong clothes get in the way of feeling good about yourself and your home!

Try one of these next:

Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (26)



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Quick Closet Cleanout: Get Rid of Clothes with these 21 rules (2024) — Minimize My Mess (2024)


What is the fastest way to clean out a closet? ›

How to clean your closet in 15 minutes
  1. Give it a quick sweep. Working on only one shelf at a time, tidy the closet. Refold items that need it, keep like items together. ...
  2. Match shoes into pairs. If those shoes are scattered throughout the space, take a few minutes to match them back up.
Apr 9, 2015

What is the 33 closet rule? ›

The idea behind Project 333 is simple: Wear only 33 articles of clothing for the next 3 months. All clothing, accessories, jewelry, outerwear, and shoes count towards your number.

How to purge clothes quickly? ›

Take It Out of Your Main Closet

You don't need to part with them right away. Instead, move them to a separate closet or store them in a box under your bed. Then, after a few weeks, or even at the end of the season, if you haven't reached for them, you know you can finally let them go.

How many times should you wear clothes before throwing it away? ›

Wearing clothes 30 times may be easier to do over years, but then the quality of the item becomes more important. Sadly, many fast fashion pieces are just not built to last, so you should also factor in the quality of the item when asking whether you will wear clothes 30 times.

How do you clean a messy room in 10 minutes? ›

  1. Make your bed. Your bed is usually the focal point of your room, so just making it will help your room look cleaner. ...
  2. Throw old food and trash in the garbage. ...
  3. Take dirty dishes back to the kitchen. ...
  4. Hide all of your clothes in a laundry basket. ...
  5. Put any other loose items in drawers and closets.

What is the 80 20 rule closet? ›

They say that the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, holds true with wardrobes: Most of us wear 20 percent of our clothing, 80 percent of the time. Why waste valuable space on the other 80 percent of your wardrobe that you rarely wear?

What is the 3 3 3 method clothing? ›

You choose three tops, three bottoms, and three shoes, and challenge yourself to create as many outfit combinations as possible with your selections. The concept began with TikTok creator Rachel Spencer, whose nine-item fall wardrobe went viral last year.

What is the 3 3 3 rule for wardrobe? ›

I started the Project 333 challenge way back in 2010 and I've been following these fashion rules since the beginning. All you have to do is to choose 33 items (clothing, jewelry, accessories, shoes) to wear for 3 months and hide everything else. Spoiler alert: doing it is much easier than thinking about doing it.

How to get rid of too many clothes? ›

Tips on How to Get Rid of Clothes
  1. Sell Gently Used Clothes to a Consignment Shop.
  2. Hold a Yard Sale or Garage Sale.
  3. Donate to an Animal Shelter.
  4. Sell Online.
  5. Donate to Vietnam Veterans of America.
  6. Donate to Dress for Success.
  7. Give to a Rummage Sale.
  8. Donate to the Salvation Army.
Mar 3, 2023

What shrinks clothes the fastest? ›

Clothes are much more likely to shrink when exposed to hot water or high dryer settings. Washing clothes in cold water goes a long way toward preserving the “off-the-rack” size. Avoiding heavy duty cycles, fast spins and high-heat drying can also prevent shrinkage.

What is the 30 wears test? ›


Originally started by Olivia Firth of Eco-Age, the #30wearschallenge is a way for regular people like you and me try to do something positive and embrace a more sustainable fashion industry. The #30wearschallenge is all about wearing every piece of clothing you buy at least 30 times.

Why we shouldn't wear the same clothes for 2 days in a row? ›

We all have bacteria on our skin, and most germs that end up on our clothes come from our own bodies. But it's also possible to pick up germs on your clothes from other people, and although they are often harmless, some of them can cause infection, especially if you have skin problems.

Is it OK to wear the same clothes for 3 days? ›

There's no hard and fast rule for how many times you can wear clothing again, but experts say there are a few types that should be washed after every use: underwear, socks, tights, leggings and activewear. This advice also applies to any other clothes with stains, sweat, odor or visible dirt, Mohammed said.

What is the rule of 3 cleaning? ›

Created by professional organizer Kayleen Kelly, the three-second rule for decluttering requires you to decide in three seconds if you'll keep or get rid of an item. If you hesitate for more than three seconds, then the item stays. Lately, I've noticed that even non-dining room items have ended up stuffed inside it.

What is the rule of 3 I swear by for cleaning out my closet? ›

I call it the “Rule of 3," and the guideline goes as follows: If I cannot visually imagine how I would realistically wear the clothing piece in three ways, it's out. Since the ways in which we wear clothing items vary, the rule can mean how you would wear it in different outfits or for separate occasions.

How long should it take to clean out a closet? ›

Depending on the size of your wardrobe, a thorough clean-out can take up to four hours, said Chellie Carlson, a stylist based in Los Angeles. She recommends taking out one category of clothing at a time — tank tops, then T-shirts and so on — and starting with the category you wear most often.

How long should it take me to clean out my closet? ›

Depending on the state of your closet, you may need 2-5 hours or more. Clear the day, hire a sitter, unplug and make it important.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.