Recyclepedia | Can I recycle food storage containers and lids? (2024)

Recyclepedia | Can I recycle food storage containers and lids? (1)

Plastic food storage containers and lids-such as Tupperware containers-that have the 1 or 2 recycling symbol on the bottom are accepted in almost all local recycling programs, provided they are empty, clean and dry. Recycle with the lid attached. Most recycling programs also accept #5 plastics. As for other types of plastic, check with your municipality. If you’re not sure, it’s better to be safe and dispose of your Tupperware and other plastic containers in the garbage.

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Recycling rules differ from each municipality. Check the rules in your area by downloading the Recycle Coach app. Search your municipality here to see how active Recycle Coach already is in your area:

Recyclepedia | Can I recycle food storage containers and lids? (2024)


Recyclepedia | Can I recycle food storage containers and lids? ›

Plastic food storage containers and lids-such as Tupperware

Tupperware is an American company that manufactures, and internationally distributes preparation, storage, and serving containers for the kitchen and home. It was founded in 1942 by Earl Tupper, who developed his first bell-shaped container and introduced the products to the public in 1946. › wiki › Tupperware
containers-that have the 1 or 2 recycling symbol on the bottom are accepted in almost all local recycling programs, provided they are empty, clean and dry. Recycle with the lid attached. Most recycling programs also accept #5 plastics.

Are plastic food storage containers recyclable? ›

Plastic clamshell containers: Clear plastic takeout containers with a recycling symbol can be recycled. If it's a plastic container labeled No. 1 or No. 2, you can recycle it and should whenever possible.

Can jar lids go in recycling? ›

These common questions now have a simple answer – YES! They are all recyclable! Simply give the bottle or jar a rinse, squash plastic bottles, put the top back on and recycle as you normally would – even if it's a metal lid on a glass jar.

Can you put plastic food containers in recycling? ›

You can recycle plastic pots, tubs, trays and bottles from home and take soft plastics to your local supermarket to be recycled.

Can Rubbermaid food containers be recycled? ›

That's why we've partnered with TerraCycle® to create a free program so you can recycle any plastic or glass food storage container—even if it isn't curbside recyclable.

How do I get rid of storage containers? ›

Items in good working condition can be donated for reuse. If your item is not in good working condition, it may be taken to a special facility for recycling or, if your city/town allows, put in the trash.

What plastic containers Cannot be recycled? ›

What Plastics Cannot Be Recycled?
  • Squeeze bottles.
  • Coffee cup lids.
  • Styrofoam cups.
  • To-go containers.
  • Yogurt containers.
  • Kitty litter buckets.
Mar 15, 2024

Should I leave lids on when recycling? ›

Generally speaking, it is best to remove all plastic lids before recycling them. This is because some plastics have different melting points than other plastics and could cause problems during the recycling process.

Why are lids not recyclable? ›

The bottle caps and the bottle are made of different materials which presents a problem when it comes to recycling. The cap is a hard plastic, either high density polyethylene (HDPE), or polypropylene, while the bottle is made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

What lids can be recycled? ›

To recycle plastic lids, leave them on their plastic bottle/container and put in your yellow recycling bin. Separate lids from the bottle/container/jar if not made of the same material: steel lid from a glass jar (e.g. pasta sauce jars) aluminium lid from a glass bottle (e.g. glass soft drink bottles)

Can you put plastic meat trays in the recycling bin? ›

Meat trays are often plastic-based, yet can be recycled if they carry a resin identification code of 1, 2, 3 and 5. These codes identify that plastic is a PET, HDPE, UPVC or a PP. Such plastics are usually rigid.

How do you dispose of old lunch boxes? ›

Another option would be to go to your local household recycling centre, your old lunchbox can usually be put into the 'hard plastics' skip.

Can plastic toothpaste tubes be recycled? ›

Pump action toothpaste tubes are easier to recycle and can be placed in the recycling if your local authority also collects plastic pots, tubs and trays.

Are Rubbermaid tote lids recyclable? ›

Plastic food storage containers and lids-such as Tupperware containers-that have the 1 or 2 recycling symbol on the bottom are accepted in almost all local recycling programs, provided they are empty, clean and dry. Recycle with the lid attached. Most recycling programs also accept #5 plastics.

When should you throw away Rubbermaid containers? ›

“Plastic food storage containers should be replaced every six months to one year, depending on usage and wear and tear. Over time, plastic containers can become scratched, stained, or damaged, and that starts to pose a food safety risk, explains Dragomir Markovic, food scientist and founder of Wise Intake.

Are Cool Whip containers recyclable? ›

Please rinse and place plastic wide-mouth (stackable) dairy TUBS in your blue bin. This includes items that are “non-dairy” such as butter substitutes, etc. (e.g., butter, cottage cheese, Cool Whip, Smart Balance tubs, etc.).

Do plastic food containers need to be washed before recycling? ›

Yes, you should always rinse out your recyclables before tossing them into your recycling bin or cart. A not-quite-empty milk jug or greasy pizza box will create a stinky, curdled science project inside the bin.

Can plastic cottage cheese containers be recycled? ›

Generally speaking, most cottage cheese containers are recyclable. However, you must check with your local recycling facility if you're unsure or if the recycling code is not visible on the bottom.

Are plastic strawberry containers recyclable? ›

Containers—Most single-use plastic containers, such as yogurt or fruit cups, are just fine to go in household recycling, as long as they're clean and empty.

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