Science of Cooking: Ask the Inquisitive Cooks! (2024)

Science of Cooking: Ask the Inquisitive Cooks! (1)

"Why do recipes recommend a pinch of cream of tartar and a dash of vinegar in toffee?"

Dear Anne and Sue,

Why do recipes recommend a pinch of cream of tartar and a dash of vinegar in toffee? What does this do?
— S. O'Brien

Still have more questions? You'll find more answers in our archived monthly feature articles by the Inquisitive Cooks.

(Meet the Inquisitive Cooks)

Cream of tartar, vinegar, and brown sugar are all commonly used in toffees. Each of these ingredients is acidic, and with reference to candy-making, each is referred to as an interfering substance, a term that aptly describes its function in a boiling syrup.
Science of Cooking: Ask the Inquisitive Cooks! (2)

In a candy syrup, the sucrose molecules of sugar react with water in the presence of an acid to form an invert sugar. This means that as boiling continues, a portion of the sugar separates into its constituent parts—glucose and fructose. Adding cream of tartar and a dash of vinegar to a toffee recipe helps bring about this change. The presence of invert sugar is important because it influences the amount of crystal formation as well as the size of the crystals that form as candy hardens.

The bottom line on this one is that the proportion of interfering substances in the syrup has a strong influence on the texture of the finished toffee. Candy-making is tricky, however, because lots of other factors come into play. Do check out the candy section for more information.

We suspect that at this time of year your question will be of interest to other people too. Thanks for asking it!

Anne and Sue
Science of Cooking: Ask the Inquisitive Cooks! (3) Science of Cooking: Ask the Inquisitive Cooks! (4) Science of Cooking: Ask the Inquisitive Cooks! (5)
Science of Cooking: Ask the Inquisitive Cooks! (2024)


What is the scientific explanation of cooking? ›

In scientific terms, cooking is transferring energy from a heat source to the food. It is as much about the ways ​heat changes the food as it is about the heat itself. That's because heating food does more than just make it hotter.

What are the two ways flavor is lost during cooking? ›

Flavor changes are brought about mainly through exposure to heat and water. In the case of beans, the longer they cook, the more flavor they lose—some by evaporation, and some by dissolving in the cooking water.

How is cooking food related to science? ›

Cooking itself is really just chemistry. Heating, freezing, mixing and blending are all processes used in the laboratory and the kitchen. When we cook food, a myriad of different physical and chemical processes simultaneously take place to transform the ingredients (i.e. chemicals) involved.

Is sauteing vegetables a chemical change? ›

Cooking of food is a chemical change because after cooking, the raw ingredients or the vegetables cannot be regained again.

What is the quote about cooking and science? ›

Cooking is not a science but an art, mistakes are okay, messes are fine—the pleasure is in the creating and the sharing of the result.

What kind of physics is cooking? ›

Heat and thermodynamics. One of the most basic kitchen operations is to heat food to change its texture or chemical make-up (or both). To ensure some degree of consistency between cooks there is a need to have some assurance that the temperatures used in different kitchens are closely similar (if not the same).

Which vitamins are destroyed by cooking? ›

Vitamin C is a water-soluble and temperature-sensitive vitamin, so is easily degraded during cooking, and elevated temperatures and long cooking times have been found to cause particularly severe losses of vitamin C [12].

What is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world? ›

Iron deficiency is the most common form of micronutrient malnutrition globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In the United States, one in six women is iron deficient during pregnancy; deficiency is higher among non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics. Iron deficiency is a leading cause of anemia.

What is it called when food has no flavor? ›

The most common word to describe food that does not have a strong taste or flavor is bland.

What is science behind food called? ›

Food Science & Agricultural Chemistry at a glance

Food Science is a multi-disciplinary field involving chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology and engineering to give one the scientific knowledge to solve real problems associated with the many facets of the food system.

Who said cooking is a science? ›

“Cooking is a science as much as an art, but the science has never been as easy to understand or as much fun to learn as it is in What Einstein Told His Cook.

What is the most important aspect of cooking? ›

Sensory aspects of foods and meals, highly influenced by cooking, are of great importance. These include perception of appearance, odour, flavour, taste, texture and sound of the food.

Is adding vinegar to baking soda a chemical change? ›

Mixing baking soda and vinegar will create a chemical reaction because one is an acid and the other a base. Baking soda is a basic compound called sodium bicarbonate while vinegar is a diluted solution that contains acetic acid (95% water, 5% acetic acid).

When water is boiled what change occurs in it? ›

During boiling, water changes from liquid to gaseous state. Hence it is a kind of physical change.

What are the four changes in vegetables that affects by cooking? ›

Vegetables are cooked to improve the colour, flavor and texture by which overall palatability is improved. Digestibility is also improved. The fibre becomes softened, starch gets gelatinized and protein gets coagulated. Cooking destroys microorganisms.

What was Julia Child's famous phrase? ›

  • "If you're afraid of butter, use cream."
  • "I think every woman should have a blowtorch."
  • "You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces—just good food from fresh ingredients."
  • "Always remember: If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up.
Jan 28, 2019

What is a spiritual quote about cooking? ›

You will never get out of pot or pan anything fundamentally better than what went into it. Cooking is not alchemy; there is no magic in the pot.” “Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.”

What is the proverb of cook? ›

There is an old adage that too many cooks spoil the broth. It is not only in the well-known proverb, but also in this present instance, that too many cooks spoil the broth.

Is cooking a form of energy? ›

At its most basic, cooking is the transfer of energy from a heat source to your food. That energy causes physical changes in the shape of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as well as hastens the rate at which chemical reactions take place.

Can cooking be considered science? ›

The process of cooking, baking, and preparing food is essentially an applied science. Bread baking provides a great example of the importance of having a scientific understanding of cooking and baking.

What type of energy is cooking? ›

Thermal energy (also called heat energy) is produced when a rise in temperature causes atoms and molecules to move faster and collide with each other. The energy that comes from the temperature of the heated substance is called thermal energy.

What is the healthiest way to cook food? ›

In many cases, favourite recipes can be modified so they have a lower fat content. Choose to steam, bake, grill, braise, boil or microwave your foods, rather than deep fry them. Use non-stick cookware. Microwave or steam your vegetables instead of boiling them to retain the nutrients.

Which vitamin lost most readily during cooking? ›

The following nutrients are often reduced during cooking:
  • water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C and the B vitamins — thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), and cobalamin (B12)
  • fat-soluble vitamins: vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Is vitamin B12 destroyed by cooking? ›

Vitamin B-12 is stable at room temperature. It doesn't need to be refrigerated. Cooking doesn't destroy it. Vitamin B-12 doesn't break down—even at the boiling point of water—for several hours.

What depletes minerals in the body? ›

5 healthy habits that are actually depleting your body of...
  • Taking heartburn medication long-term.
  • Eating too much protein.
  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Consuming too much fibre.
  • Taking menopause supplements such as black cohosh and soy isoflavones.
Jul 6, 2017

What vitamin deficiency causes leg cramps at night? ›

Vitamin D and Calcium Deficiency are the prime reasons to cause muscle cramps and joint pains. It is important for each of us to know our vitamin levels in the body so that accordingly we can take supplements, and special nutrients to our diet and most importantly if required, seek medical help.

What to eat when everything tastes bad? ›

o Try soft, smooth, creamy or blended foods that require less chewing as they may be better tolerated. o Try different tasting foods such as sour, salty, sweet or bitter choices. Eating a tart food such as a lemon/lime or orange (or their juices) before a meal may help improve the flavour of meals.

What causes loss of taste in elderly? ›

Some loss of taste and smell is natural with aging, especially after age 60. But other factors can contribute to loss of taste and smell, including: Nasal and sinus problems, such as allergies, sinusitis or nasal polyps. Viral infections, including the common cold and the flu.

What not to eat when you have COVID? ›

Avoid foods (e.g. snacks) that are high in salt and sugar. Limit your intake of soft drinks or sodas and other drinks that are high in sugar (e.g. fruit juices, fruit juice concentrates and syrups, flavoured milks and yogurt drinks). Choose fresh fruits instead of sweet snacks such as cookies, cakes and chocolate.

What are the two key areas of food science? ›

ENGINEERING. Packaging: Package foods in such a way that their shelf life is extended, flavor and nutrition is preserved, and that is convenient and appealing to the consumer. Processing: Develop processes to ensure product quality and to maximize processing efficiency.

What are the 4 areas of food science? ›

Food science is a multidisciplinary program field that applies chemistry, microbiology, engineering and nutrition to develop new food products and processes to improve the safety and quality of food.

What are the 6 areas of food science? ›

Related fields include analytical chemistry, biotechnology, engineering, nutrition, quality control, and food safety management.

What are the basic principles of food science? ›

"Principles of Food Science" covers the basic principles of chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and physics through the study of food production, processing, preservation, and packaging. Science principles relate to real-life applications with food.

What style of cooking has science? ›

The term Molecular Gastronomy is commonly used to describe a style of cuisine in which chefs explore culinary possibilities by borrowing tools from the science lab and ingredients from the food industry.

Who is the father of cooking? ›

Auguste Escoffier: Founder of Modern Cuisine.

What are the four pillars of cooking? ›

Salt, fat, acid and heat are the four fundamental elements of good cooking, says New York Times food columnist and former chef Samin Nosrat.

What are three good cooking habits? ›

- Fruits are best eaten raw. - Beans must be sprouted or cooked. - Veggies should be steamed and occasionally stir-fried. - Meats, fish and poultry should be baked, grilled and occasionally sauted.

What is the most challenging part of cooking? ›

The hardest part of cooking is the planning and the preparation. By the end of this week, I will have cooked 963 recipes in 365 days.

What happens when you mix vinegar and bleach? ›

Mixing bleach and vinegar creates potentially lethal chlorine gas. If you notice a pungent smell after mixing household cleaners, you should immediately leave the area and try to breathe in fresh air.

What happens when you mix vinegar and co*ke? ›

Acid + Acid = Bad News. Phosphoric Acid, which is what's in co*ke, is stronger than Vinegar and used to remove rust. Adding more acid on top of what's already inside of the co*ke is going to essentially create a stronger acid that has the potential to damage metals (given that PA alone can remove rust).

Can you drink apple cider vinegar and baking soda together? ›

The combination may do more harm than good to your body. Mixing baking soda with apple cider vinegar may lead to a chemical reaction that produces gas, which might cause bloating in people who ingest the mixture.

What happens if you keep the water boiling for more than 10 minutes? ›

If you keep water boiling for more than 10 minutes, the water will continue to evaporate. 2. As the water evaporates, the concentration of minerals and other substances in the water will increase.

Is whipping eggs a chemical or physical change? ›

whipping egg whites (air is forced into the fluid, but no new substance is -produced) is an example of physical change.

Is roasting a marshmallow a chemical change? ›

When marshmallows are roasted, a chemical change happens. When you toast marshmallows, the heat causes a chemical reaction producing water molecules, which then evaporate, leaving carbon behind (the blackened part of the roasted marshmallow).

What temperature destroys vitamin C? ›

Vitamin C begins to denature at temperatures as low as 86 °F, according to a study in the International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. The negative effects of heat increase significantly at 140 and even more at 170 °F.

What is not to be used with green vegetables when cooking? ›

Some people (especially food service establishments relying upon your satisfaction) add an alkaline ingredient, such as baking soda, to the cooking water to help retain the color of green vegetables. This is a bad practice, however, and you should avoid adding baking soda when boiling any type of vegetable.

What is the healthiest way to cook vegetables? ›

Not surprisingly, steaming is the healthiest way to cook vegetables. Steaming vegetables is also the most efficient. A gentle steam is best; it allows vegetables to maintain their nutrients because the vitamins and minerals don't leak out into the water you end up discarding.

Is cooking an example of scientific method? ›

The scientific method is used unconsciously by many people on a daily basis, for tasks such as cooking and budgeting. The same elements present in traditional scientific inquiry are present in these everyday examples.

Is cooking a science experiment? ›

Is cooking a STEM activity? Absolutely! Cooking is science as well! Some of these fun food experiments below you will be able to eat and some are experiments with common kitchen ingredients.

What are the 5 common method of cooking? ›

There are five main dry heat cooking methods that are important to know: baking, roasting, broiling, sautéing, and grilling. But frying such as deep-frying and pan-frying are also dry cooking techniques, relying on fat and high temps to cook the food.

Is cooking a science or an art? ›

While culinary arts would seem to rely more heavily on the side of arts and self-expression, it is truly also a form of science.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.