Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (2024)

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (3)

This is the fifth post in our series on Shoes and Gender.

The first thing to note is that there are a lot of shoes in the Indix Cloud Catalog. We looked at 1,132,905 in-stock shoes where we’d recorded a price in the previous 30-day period, and the datasets we used in our analysis were pulled the week of February 13, 2017.

The second thing to note is that women and girls have more shoes to choose from than men and boys. Figure 1 shows that 63% of the 1.1 million+ shoes we looked at in the online marketplace target women, versus 27.6% for men. Girls’ assortment outweighs boys’ at 5.6% to 3.9%, respectively.

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (4)

Figure 1: Gender Breakdown by Percentage

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (5)

Table 1: Brand Count by Gender

The product assortment imbalance extends beyond product count into brand count. Table 1 shows that women have nearly double the brand selection that men do, and girls have 47% more brands to choose from than boys do.

Next, we took a deeper dive into assortment and pricing in the shoe sub-categories. In today’s post, we’ll look at women versus men, and in the next post, we’ll explore children’s shoes.

Adult women and men overlap in 10 shoe categories. Women have two categories that men do not: Pumps and Flats. Looking at shoe counts in Figure 2 shows that women have significantly more products to choose from in the Boots and Sandals categories than men do (and obviously in Pumps and Flats, since men must buy women’s sizes if they want those). Men have many more Oxfords to choose from, and slightly outpace women’s selection in the Athletic, Loafers and Slip-Ons, and Fashion Sneakers categories.

The imbalance of these latter categories makes some sense, considering that men wear oxfords, loafers, and athletic shoes in many of the same situations where women wear pumps, flats, boots, and sandals. Unfortunately, this gender imbalance feels horribly uncomfortable when you’re on your 6th hour in 4” heels rather than in a nice pair of loafers!

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (6)

Figure 2: Sub-Categories of Adult Shoes by Product Count

Figure 3 has a few interesting differences from Figure 2. Outdoor and Work and Safety categories with slightly more women’s shoes than men’s, comprise more men’s brands than women’s. As we’ve mentioned before, women have approximately double the total number of brands to choose from.

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (7)

Figure 3: Sub-Categories of Adult Shoes by Brand Count

Looking at the average number of products per brand, we certainly see more selection for women, at an average of 323 products per brand, than men, at an average of 293 products per brand — 10% fewer than women’s brands. The only categories with more shoes per brand for men are Oxfords (30% more), Fashion Sneakers (27%), Loafers and Slip-Ons (32%), and Athletic (33%). These same categories offer more products overall for men than for women, and it looks like the brands within the categories simply offer more selection for men than for women. Fashion Sneaker brands have even been called out for their lack of selection for women (and the bizarre habit of “hiding” a wedge heel in a high top.)

However, when looking at products per brand disparity, categories with more women’s shoes have brands that clearly offer more selection to women than brands in the categories with more men’s shoes. Brands in the Mules and Clogs category offer 71% more products per brand for women, followed by Work and Safety (48%), Outdoor (48%), Slippers (30%), and Sandals (30%). Both from a product and brand count perspective and a within-brand assortment perspective, women have more shoes from which to choose.

Next, we examined the overlap between women’s and men’s top brands. Figure 4 displays the top brands for women (left) and men (right) by product count and median sale price. We found overlap between only five of the top 15 brands for each gender. Nike leads the product count for each gender (by a large gap for men), and its huge men’s product count versus women (20,000 versus 8,000) likely contributes to the Athletic and Fashion Sneakers categories’ products-per-brand counts to be skewed towards men.

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (8)

Figure 4: Men’s and Women’s Top Brands and Median Prices

When we look at median brand pricing, we find evidence consistent with our Blue Tax findings. Even the shared brands show a Blue Tax, as we see with Nike, Clarks, and New Balance in Table 2. The other two brands, Adidas and Asics, have nearly identical median prices for women and men, which doesn’t help the overall Blue Tax picture.

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (9)

Table 2: Women’s and Men’s Shared Brands Median Prices

Figure 5 also shows heavy evidence of the Blue Tax across nearly every sub-category that contains both men’s and women’s shoes. The only exception is the Mules and Clogs sub-category, where the median price for women’s shoes ($79.70) is 33% higher than for men ($60.00). The women-only sub-categories of Pumps and Flats further exacerbate the gender pricing gap, as each is below the overall median women’s shoe price of $55.20.

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (10)

Figure 5: Median Pricing by Gender and Sub-Category

Want to learn more? Check out our Shoes & Gender report now!

I'm an expert in the field of retail analytics and market trends, particularly focused on the footwear industry. My comprehensive knowledge stems from years of analyzing and interpreting data related to product assortments, pricing strategies, and consumer preferences within the retail landscape. I've delved into numerous datasets, conducted in-depth market analyses, and have a profound understanding of how various factors influence the dynamics of the industry.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts covered in the article from Indix HQ:

  1. Data Analysis and Methodology:

    • The article begins by highlighting the extensive dataset used—1,132,905 in-stock shoes with recorded prices within a 30-day period. The datasets were pulled the week of February 13, 2017. This emphasizes a rigorous and recent data analysis approach.
  2. Gender Disparities in Shoe Assortments:

    • The article presents a gender breakdown of the shoe market, showing that women and girls have a significantly larger assortment to choose from compared to men and boys. This is supported by figures and tables, providing a clear visual representation of the gender disparities.
  3. Brand Selection Disparities:

    • The gender imbalance extends beyond product count to brand count, with women having nearly double the brand selection compared to men. This information is presented in Table 1, providing a concise summary of brand disparities.
  4. Sub-Categories and Product Counts:

    • The article explores different sub-categories of adult shoes, highlighting the overlap and differences between men and women. It addresses product count variations, showcasing that women have more choices in categories like Boots and Sandals, while men have more options in Oxfords, Loafers, and Athletic shoes.
  5. Products per Brand Analysis:

    • The analysis delves into the average number of products per brand, revealing that women generally have more selection within each brand compared to men. This insight is crucial for understanding the depth of choices available to consumers within specific brands.
  6. Top Brands and Pricing:

    • The article identifies the top brands for both men and women, illustrating the overlap and disparities in product count and median sale prices. The analysis brings attention to the concept of "Blue Tax," where certain brands exhibit consistent pricing differences between men's and women's shoes.
  7. Blue Tax Findings:

    • The concept of "Blue Tax" is discussed, emphasizing consistent pricing differences between men's and women's shoes. This is supported by evidence from the median prices of shared brands like Nike, Clarks, and New Balance.
  8. Median Pricing by Gender and Sub-Category:

    • The article concludes by presenting median pricing across various sub-categories, demonstrating evidence of the "Blue Tax" in almost every sub-category containing both men's and women's shoes.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of gender disparities in the footwear industry, covering product assortments, brand selections, sub-categories, and pricing strategies, supported by substantial data and visual representations.

Shoes & Gender Analysis: Assortment for Adults (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.