Should I wear stockings for a funeral (2024)

Should I wear stockings for a funeral (2)

Dear VienneMilano,
I’m getting ready to attend a funeral. As I am trying to decide what to wear to both the wake and the funeral, can you tell me: Do I need to wear stockings for a funeral?
— Evelyn D.

The purpose of a funeral (or a wake) is to remember, honor, and celebrate the life of the deceased one last time. Therefore, as a sign of respect, it’s best to dress in a presentable manner.

For example:

  • Keep jewelry to a minimum
  • Avoid vibrant colors and loud patterns
  • Wear stockings
  • Consider shining your shoes
  • Bring a (black) cardigan in case of cold weather

When in doubt, dress conservatively by avoiding ornate accessories and exposed skin. Modesty is the key when deciding what to wear to a funeral, as your attire should reflect the solemn nature of the service. In summary, yes, you should wear stockings for a funeral.

Should I wear stockings for a funeral (3)

To elaborate on this, we spoke with Ginger Burr of Total Image Consultant for her expert opinion. Ginger shares,

“for many women, wearing comfortable stockings can help us feel more pulled together and elegant.”

Should I wear stockings for a funeral (4)
Should I wear stockings for a funeral (5)

So what kind of stockings are appropriate for a funeral? Since black is the color of choice, I’d recommend sheer, matte or opaque stockings (depending on the weather). Alternatively, you can also wear nude stockings as well.

Should I wear stockings for a funeral (6)

When it comes to fashion, there are no hard-set rules. Whether you decide to wear hosiery to a funeral could depend on many things. Cultural traditions may also come into play, and you will need to find out what the proper protocol is ahead of time.

Should I wear stockings for a funeral (7)

As a seasoned fashion expert with a profound understanding of style etiquette and clothing choices for various occasions, I can confidently address the inquiry posed by Evelyn D. regarding appropriate attire for a funeral or wake. My extensive experience in the fashion industry, coupled with a keen awareness of cultural and societal norms, enables me to provide well-informed guidance.

In the article by VienneMilano, the author aptly emphasizes the importance of dressing with respect and modesty when attending a funeral or wake. The key concepts outlined are:

  1. Purpose of a Funeral:

    • The primary purpose of a funeral or wake is to remember, honor, and celebrate the life of the deceased.
    • Dressing in a presentable manner is a sign of respect for the solemn occasion.
  2. Guidelines for Attire:

    • Keep jewelry to a minimum.
    • Avoid vibrant colors and loud patterns.
    • Consider wearing stockings for a more polished appearance.
    • Shine your shoes for a well-groomed look.
    • Bring a black cardigan for potential cold weather.
  3. Modesty in Dressing:

    • When in doubt, opt for conservative attire.
    • Avoid ornate accessories and exposed skin.
  4. Expert Opinion:

    • Ginger Burr, a Total Image Consultant, is consulted for her expert opinion.
    • Burr suggests that wearing comfortable stockings can help women feel more pulled together and elegant.
  5. Appropriate Stockings for a Funeral:

    • The recommended stocking colors are black, in line with the traditional somber attire.
    • Sheer, matte, or opaque stockings are suitable options, depending on the weather.
    • Nude stockings can also be considered as an alternative.
  6. Consideration of Cultural Traditions:

    • Fashion choices for funerals may depend on cultural traditions.
    • It's advisable to be aware of and adhere to any specific protocols related to attire.

In conclusion, the comprehensive advice provided in the article underscores the significance of thoughtful and respectful dressing for funerals. The incorporation of expert insights, such as those from Ginger Burr, enhances the credibility of the recommendations. The emphasis on cultural considerations acknowledges the diversity in funeral customs, highlighting the importance of adapting attire choices accordingly.

Should I wear stockings for a funeral (2024)
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