Signs Your Lymphatic System Is Clogged (2024)


If you have been struggling to feel well and are looking to restore your health and feel better, one of the first things most of us jump to these days is a cleanse or detoxing program. When is comes to detoxification, the lymphatic system is the most important and should always be addressed first.

When the lymphatic fluid backs up because it is sticky, congested, or blocked, fluid from the tissues containing toxins and waste cannot enter the lymphatic system to be disposed of by the body. This back up prevents the cells from getting necessary nutrients. At this point you are living in dirty fish tank water with no pump or filtration system.

When this happens, the cells lose metabolic efficiency and can no longer do their job. If cells are in this state, it creates more inflammation, degenerative conditions develop, and sickness and disease occur. Effective lymphatic drainage is essential for basic tissue detoxification is a fundamental part of any healing process.

Before you begin any cleansing and detox programs, you must fix the drainage system. You must identify the signs and symptoms you are experiencing in order to determine what is clogged.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help determine if your lymphatic system is sluggish or clogged:

  • How do you feel physically? (tired, stiff, swollen, slow, inflamed, fatigue, muscle pain, allergies, etc)

  • How do you feel mentally? (brain fog, depressed, stressed, anxious, headaches, loss of memory, reduced concentration, unmotivated, etc)

  • How does your skin look and feel? (dry, acne, blemishes, rash, irritations, itchy, tingling, thick, leathery, etc)

  • How does your body look? (puffy, juicy, change of shape, etc)

  • How do you think your metabolism works? (irregular bowel movements, stomach aches, bloating, discomfort, difficulty losing weight although you have made diet and workout changes, etc)

How do you know if your lymphatic system is clogged?

Signs Your Lymphatic System Is Clogged (2)

There are numerous signs that lymphatic fluid is not moving efficiently and that toxins are building up in your body.

Some common issues that you may have experienced include swelling of the hands and having enlarged lymph nodes in your neck when you are sick. However, there are many other symptoms that can signify a clogged lymphatic system. These include:

1) Soreness/Stiffness – If you frequently feel sore or stiff, you may have sluggish or congested lymph fluid. You may also have lingering pain or tightness that cannot be explained.

2) Headaches – Inadequate lymphatic and sinus drainage creates inflammation and pressure which causes headaches. The lymphatic system also drains cerebrospinal fluid out of the brain along with the waste byproducts which allows new fluid to be formed.

3) Bloating and digestive issues – The abdominal area is rich with lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic fluid from the lower body and reproductive organs connects with the digestive lymphatic vessels in the abdomen. This region has the largest node in the body and filters proteins and fats from our digestive process. Constipation and irregular bowel movements is a common symptom of congested lymph as are food sensitivities.

4) Fatigue/Stress – There is much controversy surrounding the cause of chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue is known to last at least 6 months and interfere with your daily activities and social life. Repeated stress (physical, dietary, or emotional), traumatic events, inflammation, and hormone imbalances tend to be correlated with those experiencing fatigue. Those suffering from chronic fatigue and/or stress tend to have impaired lymph drainage which accumulates toxins affecting all of the body systems. Improving lymphatic drainage may be a key factor to feeling better since it is not treatable with rest.

5) Skin problems – Dry or itchy skin, loss of elasticity, premature aging, acne, rashes, and many other skin conditions may suggest a sluggish lymphatic system. Approximately 70% of our lymph system resides directly under the skin and is vital for skin health.

6) Swelling – Swelling can occur in all or part of a limb or another part of the body. It can be difficult to fit into clothes, shoes, and jewelry. At first the swelling may come and go. It may be difficult to discover what triggers the change of fluid retention. It may get worse during the day and go down overnight. Without treatment, it will usually become more severe and persistent. If your limbs are swollen you may experience aching, heaviness, difficulty with movement, repeated skin infections, different skin texture, folds developing in the skin, and pitting.

7) Allergies – Repeated sinus infections, worsening allergies, and an increased occurrence of head colds are signs that your lymphatic fluid is not effectively moving. When there is sinus congestion, bacteria and viruses can drain from the nasal cavities into the stagnant fluid located in the sinus cavity, causing an infection. The feeling of having a stuffy nose, congestion, and lots of mucous are symptoms of a backed up lymphatic system.

8) Brain fog – If the lymph fluid is not draining, toxins build up in old cerebrospinal fluid and causes you to feel exhausted, confused, and slow. Likewise, depression, anxiety, and mood swings have been tied to clogged lymphatics.

When the lymphatic system is clogged it creates swelling (edema) known as lymphedema, also known as lymphatic obstruction. Lymphedema may develop quickly, or it may develop slowly over several months. This condition can be overlooked or misdiagnosed as a weight problem or obesity.

What causes lymphedema?

There are 2 main types of lymphedemas:

  1. Primary Lymphedema is rare and inherited. It can develop in infancy, during puberty or pregnancy, or in some cases after the age of 35. It is caused by alterations (mutations) in genes responsible for the development of the lymphatic system. The faulty genes cause the parts of the lymphatic system responsible for draining fluid to not develop properly or not work as they should.

  2. Secondary Lymphedema develops in people who previously had a normal lymphatic system that then becomes damaged. It can be the result of cancer treatment, an infection, injury, inflammation of the limb, or a lack of limb movement.

Known common causes of lymphedema

  • Infections – An infection, such as cellulitis, can sometimes cause lymphedema. Severe cellulitis can damage the tissue around the lymphatic system, causing it to become scarred.

  • Inflammation – Medical conditions that cause tissue to become red and swollen can also permanently damage the lymphatic system.

  • Venous diseases – Diseases that affect the flow of blood through the veins can cause lymphedema in some people. The abnormal or damaged veins can cause fluid to overflow from the veins into the tissue spaces. This overwhelms and eventually exhausts the parts of the lymphatic system responsible for draining this fluid. Some venous diseases that can lead to lymphedema include DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and swollen and enlarged veins (varicose veins).

  • Obesity – People who are obese, particularly those who are severely obese, have an increased risk of developing swollen body parts. It’s not clear exactly why this is, but it’s been suggested that the extra fatty tissue affects the lymphatic channels in some way, reducing the flow of fluid through them.

  • Trauma and injury – Accidental injury to the lymphatic system can be a cause of edema. For example, it can occur after an accident where there’s extensive bruising or soft tissue loss.

  • Immobility – Movement and exercise help lymph drainage because muscle activity surrounding the lymphatic vessels massages fluid into and along them. Reduced movement can therefore lead to lymphedema because the fluid in the lymphatic system does not get moved along. For example, people who have limited mobility for a long period of time as a result of an illness, nerve damage or arthritis may be at risk for lymphedema.

Signs Your Lymphatic System Is Clogged (4)

Diagnosing lymphedema

In many cases, lymphedema can be diagnosed from your symptoms and medical history, and by examining the affected body part and measuring the distance around it to see if it’ is enlarged.

Treating lymphedema

There’s no cure for lymphedema, but it’s usually possible to control the main symptoms using techniques to minimize fluid build-up and stimulate the flow of fluid through the lymphatic system. Stay tuned for the greatest techniques out there!

Psychological impact

Living with a long-term condition that affects your appearance can cause a great deal of distress and lead to depression.

Due to the symptoms caused by lymphedema you may no longer find pleasure in the activities you usually enjoy.

You may not feel like your "old" self. Talking to other people with lymphedema can be encouraging and decrease feelings of isolation, stress, and anxiety.

If you are consistent with your treatment plan, your symptoms should gradually become less noticeable.

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As an expert in holistic wellness and lymphatic system health, I'm well-versed in the intricate connection between our body's detoxification processes and overall well-being. The lymphatic system plays a pivotal role in our health by aiding in waste removal, immune function, and fluid balance. My expertise is based on extensive research, professional experience, and a deep understanding of the various factors influencing lymphatic health.

The article you provided delves into the significance of the lymphatic system in detoxification and overall health. Here's a breakdown of the concepts discussed:

  1. Detoxification and Cleansing: It highlights the common approach of using cleanses or detox programs to improve health. However, it emphasizes the importance of addressing the lymphatic system first before engaging in any detox program.

  2. Importance of Lymphatic System: The lymphatic system's role in detoxification is highlighted, explaining how congestion or blockage in this system can hinder toxin removal, leading to various health issues.

  3. Identifying Lymphatic Congestion: The article provides questions to help identify signs of a sluggish or clogged lymphatic system, encompassing physical, mental, skin-related, and metabolic indicators.

  4. Symptoms of Lymphatic Congestion: It lists various symptoms such as soreness/stiffness, headaches, digestive issues, fatigue/stress, skin problems, swelling, allergies, brain fog, and their associations with lymphatic issues.

  5. Causes of Lymphedema: It explains primary and secondary lymphedema, detailing genetic factors, infections, inflammation, venous diseases, obesity, trauma, and immobility as causes.

  6. Diagnosis and Treatment: It touches upon diagnosing lymphedema through symptoms and medical history and outlines that while there's no cure, symptom management and techniques to improve lymphatic flow are available.

  7. Psychological Impact: Discusses the emotional toll of long-term conditions like lymphedema, emphasizing the importance of psychological support and consistent treatment.

This comprehensive article essentially stresses the fundamental role of the lymphatic system in detoxification and overall health. It offers insights into recognizing, understanding, and managing lymphatic congestion, contributing to a holistic approach to wellness.

Signs Your Lymphatic System Is Clogged (2024)


Signs Your Lymphatic System Is Clogged? ›

a lymphoscintigram – where you're injected with a radioactive dye that can be tracked by a scanner; this shows how the dye moves through your lymphatic system and can check for any blockages. a MRI scan – a strong magnetic field and radio waves are used to produce detailed images of the inside of your body.

How do you detect lymphatic blockage? ›

a lymphoscintigram – where you're injected with a radioactive dye that can be tracked by a scanner; this shows how the dye moves through your lymphatic system and can check for any blockages. a MRI scan – a strong magnetic field and radio waves are used to produce detailed images of the inside of your body.

What are the symptoms of a poor lymphatic system? ›

Symptoms of lymphoedema
  • an aching, heavy feeling.
  • difficulty with movement.
  • repeated skin infections.
  • the skin becoming hard and tight.
  • folds developing in the skin.
  • wart-like growths developing on the skin.
  • a leakage of fluid through the skin.
Feb 20, 2023

What are the results of a lymphatic blockage? ›

In addition to swelling, the most common complications include: Chronic wounds and ulcers. Skin breakdown. Cancer of the lymph tissue (rare)

How do you flush lymphatic fluid? ›

6 Ways to Support a Lymph Detox
  1. Movement. Regularly moving your body throughout the day supports the flow of lymphatic fluid. ...
  2. Sweat. Our body's natural way to clear out waste is through sweat. ...
  3. Dry Brushing. Dry brushing is an excellent way to stimulate the draining of our lymph systems.
Feb 2, 2023

How to speed up lymphatic drainage? ›

Exercise, massage, compression garments, hydration, and breathing techniques can help keep your lymphatic system healthier and functioning better. Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can help to reduce swelling, improve circulation, and boost your overall health.

What does poor lymphatic drainage feel like? ›

What Are the Symptoms of Poor Lymphatic Drainage? Fluid retention can cause swelling and pain in the arms, legs, fingers, toes, head, or neck. The affected area may have aches and pains or a feeling of heaviness. Swollen lymph nodes that do not go down.

What does lymphatic drainage feel like? ›

Many have reported that they feel a feeling of tingling or flow of fluid under the skin, much like a small stream. Others report the feeling of being able to breathe deeply for the first time in a while because of the lymphatic flow in the sinuses. Other people feel rejuvenated, and others feel a deep relaxation.

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Although cancer treatments, including oncologic surgical procedures such as axillary lymph node dissection and excision in breast cancer and radiation treatment, are the most common cause of lymphedema in the United States, filariasis is the most common cause of secondary lymphedema globally.

How do I know if I need lymphatic drainage? ›

How do I know if I need lymphatic drainage? Many indicators can suggest that your lymphatic fluid isn't circulating effectively, leading to a buildup of toxins. You might be familiar with some of the more obvious signs, such as puffy hands or swollen lymph nodes in your neck during an illness.

What are 5 disorders of the lymphatic system? ›

  • Diseases and disorder.
  • Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Lymphoma is usually malignant cancer. ...
  • Lymphadenitis. Lymphadenitis is an infection of the lymph nodes usually caused by a virus, bacteria or fungi. ...
  • Lymphangitis. Lymphangitis is an inflammation of the lymph vessels. ...
  • Lymphedema. ...
  • Lymphocytosis.

How to fix poor lymphatic drainage? ›

Treatment options may include:
  1. Exercise. Exercise helps to restore flexibility and strength, and it improves drainage. ...
  2. Bandage. Wearing a customized compression sleeve or elastic bandage may help to prevent an accumulation of fluid.
  3. Arm pump. ...
  4. Diet. ...
  5. Keep the arm raised. ...
  6. Infection Prevention.

What to eat for lymph drainage? ›

Increase Intake:
  • Fruits and vegetables. Eat a variety of colors, in particular dark greens like blueberries, spinach, and broccoli.
  • Lean protein (as long as you don't have significant kidney problems) like chicken, salmon, and tuna.
  • Beans, seeds, oats, low sodium nuts and nut butter.
Jul 28, 2023

What are three problems that can affect the lymphatic system? ›

Infection, inflammation and cancer cause swollen (enlarged) lymph nodes. Common infections that can cause enlarged lymph nodes include strep throat, mononucleosis, HIV and infected skin wounds. Lymphadenitis refers to lymphadenopathy that's caused by an infection or inflammatory condition.

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Those related to infection include:
  • glandular fever – symptoms include tender lymph nodes.
  • tonsillitis – infection of the tonsils in the throat.
  • Crohn's disease – inflammatory bowel disorder.
Jul 19, 2017

What does lymphatic fluid drainage feel like? ›

Many have reported that they feel a feeling of tingling or flow of fluid under the skin, much like a small stream. Others report the feeling of being able to breathe deeply for the first time in a while because of the lymphatic flow in the sinuses. Other people feel rejuvenated, and others feel a deep relaxation.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.